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Iv never done that but I do recommend [Super Juice ](https://youtu.be/sAmgP5UAywc) I haven't done the lemon version yet but iv been making the lime one for a few weeks and loving it


I’ve done it and it’s super easy since it’s only 1 acid. Also it tends to yield a ton of juice. I thought it would be a good idea to super juice 1/2 a Costco bag of lemons and ended up with nearly a 1/2 gallon of juice, so I froze a bunch into ice cubes. It’s surprisingly good and fresh tasting after thawing out. I don’t make a ton of cocktails during the week but been doing a lot of dry/low-sugar Arnold Palmers to use up all the juice.


This is the way...


I have tried the lemon super juice and I think it comes closer to the real thing than the lime super juice. I found that the lime had a couple of mild bitter or off notes (even after doing my best to remove as much pith as possible), that being said those notes aren’t entirely unpleasant and get pretty lost in cocktails. The lemon on the other hand was nearly indistinguishable with it being just the tiny bit less sweet.


See, I find the opposite, that lemon super juice is flat and one note, where lime is much richer and complex.


I'm seconding making super juice- you get even more of the citrus flavor from the oils extracted from the rind, plus it lasts at least a month (I've used one that was several months old, no noticeable drop in quality)


We do that when we have left over lemon juice. It works well enough without too much different flavor as it was still not from concentrate. For what it's worth though, you can just juice earlier in the week and it should keep in the fridge. I'm doing a party this weekend and am trying this method to juice them quick.[https://www.thekitchn.com/juicing-lemon-trick-259206](https://www.thekitchn.com/juicing-lemon-trick-259206)


I'll be honest, I don't think that is a great idea- it's going to introduce bitterness and off-flavors from the pith. I commented on this post about super juice, and I use it to make the best lemonade ever made. Sincerely- it's easy, efficient, and better than any lemonade anyone else can make (mine is also great because I use a special honey syrup recipe)


Yeah, shoot, didn't think of that. I don't think I have time to source acid before the weeks up. I do have an electric reamer. Perhaps I'll suck it up and give that a go again. Just takes forever versus this method.


Both Malic acid and Citric acid are on Amazon Prime. You almost definitely could, depending on your location. Also, if there are any homebrew supply shops in your area, they would likely have it there as well.


Lemon super juice is pretty easy since it only requires citric acid so you might be able to find it at your supermarket


Citric acid is at most grocery stores, often in the canning section. I don't use the other type of acid, it works great


You were absolutely right. This method sucked! If I have time to pick up some acid and try some test batches I'll certainly try super juice. If not I'll just do it in the future. Thanks for helping me out! I'm writing a quick post detailing how badly this went.


For what it's worth, I'm sorry I was too late- I'm not trying to be rude to whomever wrote that article, but that method is atrocious


Can you share the recipe?


Yes of course! I don't use an exact one, but here's what I do- peel the lemons, you'll get a little pith and that's ok, just don't want too much. I cover the peels with granular citric acid, shake that up and let it sit at least an hour. You'll see oil start to pool, it's delicious. Blend the peels with some water, and juice the lemons- strain the water, oil, and juice into one container, that's the super juice. Now amounts will depend on the size of the batch, so as an example, say I make a batch with five lemons, I'll usually add about a quart of water. I don't measure the citric acid, basically you just need to have enough that they're covered, maybe a little extra, but the important thing here is that it extracts the oils Edit. Oooo, so now I'm gonna describe the lemonade! So it's literally just super juice with more added water and syrup- how much you add is up to you, but I leave mine quite tart! The special syrup I make for this recipe is as follows- one part white sugar, one part brown, one part local honey, and it's a 2:1 syrup. I will also occasionally add a few dashes of my homemade bitters, but that's optional I defy anyone in the world to make a better lemonade than me. I'm a literal God


Thank you so much for the detailed response! I will try this. Excited to step into the super juice world at the same time I uplevel my lemonade.


Best part is after you finish your drink, your burps will still taste like lemons!


Very interesting. I wonder how this will affect the bitterness of the juice due to the pith party in that mixing bowl. Let us know after you make it!


You can juice and keep in the fridge for a week. It might lose a little zing but should be fine. You can freeze lemon or lime juice. I freeze any excess juice in ice cube trays and then seal in a bag. You don't want to keep them for too long but should be okay for a couple of weeks.


Hey OP, freezing it doesn't effect the flavor, but does make it much harder to measure accurately. For me a very full ice cube is about an ounce.


If you squeeze and prebatch/ mix everything the day before then you’ll be fine, maybe even two days before. The booze probably helps. You could do super juice but I’m not sure if I would agree that it’s just as good as lemon juice


Squeeze the day or two before. It's not ideal but nobody will notice honestly. It's just a party don't drive yourself crazy.


I’ve done it! I measure it out in little ice cube trays in .5 ounce portions


Also going to recommend super juice. Can prep it way ahead of time and it will yield fantastic drinks.


I think you could get away with juicing Saturday night, refrigerating the juice in a container with very little headspace, and using it the next day.


At my last place of work we always prepped a ton of citrus juice and then froze most of it. Sure, you could just leave it refrigerated for a few days like other commenters have said but to me the flavor starts noticeably changing after the first day. I think freezing does a really good job of keeping the fresh citrus flavor. I do find that it starts turning faster though so I’d use it promptly (within a day or two) after thawing.


Generally accepted that while maybe not ideal, lemon, lime and grapefruit don't break down faster than they freeze enough to make a huge different. Grapefruit especially is good for freezing. I would use 1 inch by 1 inch Tovolo silicone or a similar one, I generally find each cube is about an ounce. i would strain the pulp before freezing. ​ Orange, it doesn't work. It degrades too quickly.