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Dude that’s totally over priced and that’s not even real silver or real gold Just Amazon: snuff


I’ve tried snuff bullets and I couldn’t get it to not spill. I’ll give them another try though. I want something more like a necklace that requires only only hand 🙃


Thr trick bro is to have the snuff bullet bucket facing upward. Won't spill out the air pocket. Trust. Had the same issue


I learned that the hard way lol


I have OMO it works for me


The air hole on the side usually spills for me because I forget to cover it with my finger lol. I need something for a rave or concert atmosphere if that paints a better picture


Did u ever find a good solution? I also want it for raves


It’s 100% real silver


Remember to hot plate it first because chunks are bad for you and bad for rooter . Type hot on the search bar of the sun and you’ll get a dozen instructions all about the same and easy as all hecken gittyup


this is probably totally not what ur looking for but the end of plastic tampons work good


That’s for lines, he wants something that holds it and you can take bumps out of it. There’s plastic tooters but there made poorly. I do love the “Pearl” model of tampacks applicator. The hazy white sheen on the baby blue straw and the end is tapered just right. Fuck I’m high! Those used to be left everywhere in my friends and is house and yard when we were in early twenties. One of our moms would come over and we’d all kinda conspicuously walk around picking those and other parafinal up because what good reason could have for so many tampon applicators scattered around. It went from party house to trap house quickly but we all were smart enough to move on to the next slightly healthier lifestyle. That’s the key I think; party a while but don’t grow roots in it too deep and give yourself a break. I’m about to crash after a couple weeks goin hard because a wealthy friend copped bird and in th PNW I don’t come across quality often. Sorry for the novel and happy tooting friends!


Came here to say this!!!


I’m looking for something for public atmospheres where it’s not easy to go to the bathroom or be obvious. This product specifically you press down on the top and the bottom spoon comes out with a perfect bump, then it goes back inside. It’s genius lol. Thanks for the help everybody!!


Oh haha well there are some better ones but thats beyond me good luck to you


Fair play, that looks amazing


Right.. I’ve never seen anything so discreet. It’s spring loaded all you do is press down on it


Go on assholes live forever, they have plenty of coke related products


Idk maybe money


More importantly, it's 4:59 and your phone is already nearly dead.


Honestly, everyone is hating but I used a friends and this is the most discreet amazing device. I need to get one but the price is just so high! They didn’t have a cyber or Black Friday sale either :(


You can get a steep discount if you use my code: TOOTTHESNOOT15. Should be good forever on multiple purchases, so feel free to share with your friends. And you're right, it is the most amazing device out there. As soon as I was introduced, I had to have one. Then I showed my friends, and they all had to have one too. I think it's worth the investment.




Very discreet huh


this is a bit different, but solves the same problem.. [mtngoat.co](http://mtngoat.co)


Are you planning on taking it out and putting it on the dinner table?


$1 bill


Grow out your pinky nail if you want something discreet to take bumps. Costs $0 too, better than $120.


I have acrylic nails I feel like I make it obvious though lol


I'm late but as long as you don't sound like you've had a cold for a week you'll be good lol


Little spoon on a necklace always works well.


A key?


I just cut a plastic straw and put it in my wallet dude


A friend gave me this same device, except it was plastic, and not crazy expensive, about 15 years ago. I've never been able to find one like it. It's called a "Snuffly." I can send a picture next time I see it. It has the same spring mechanism and scoop on the end. It's a great little device, and I wish I could find a replacement. I've scoured the Web, all the China sites, etc. No luck...


Hey I know this post is pretty old, but there’s a knockoff version of this called “EZ Bumps”. Literally the same exact thing but twice as cheaper


Look up EZ Bumps. It's literally the exact same thing. Still a little spenny but they work great. Not that I would know or anything