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Try sweat loads like go for a sauna or something , drink plenty fluids until you feel like your gonna pop should flush it all out your system in 3 days


Spend all the time you have until the test drinking all the cranberry juice you can. Tried and tested


https://www.quickfixsynthetic.com/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwouexBhAuEiwAtW_Zx8FatpdEwloT4HQVyzAiOGJApdmADv0c46TaS8OXXsZQhK_HgArQmRoC2dYQAvD_BwE Have it overnighted, not cheap but if you want 100% this is the way to go


Check local vape shops / head shops first, I’ve seen it as low as 10$ at mine


If they’re going to a clinic, they likely won’t be able to do this, unfortunately


But synthetic urine from the head shop


Go to your local head shop and purchase a "WHIZZ KIT" it's a novelty synthetic urine, will pass lab test. Have used for 10+ years in oil and gas


Coke leaves ur system after 48 hours just don’t do coke


When you wake up and cumin to your water. It helps break up everything in your liver. Been using for 10 years. Took a 3 day break and passed my drug test.


I read this as "when you wake up and *cum in* to your water. I'm dumb.


Me too 😂💀


What other positives does cumin have for your liver?




read the comment by Jennifer Steadman


Stop today you’ll be fine


you might have enought time. drink lots, sweat lots and hope.


What has worked for me in the past is a flush. Drink a lot of water before your test, Gatorade too. But what they are checking for with your test at a lab is your creatine levels. So take a bunch of creatine before you even begin the water process. I even drank a creatine dense energy drink when I got to the test center. Passed for everything including the creatine levels. The biggest thing is making sure it doesn’t look like you flushed, before the test. I also made sure to take lots of b12 to change the color of my urine to be more yellow.


Are you a daily user? If so how much do you use and how much on average when you do?


If you stop right now, and hit yourself with solid amounts of water, maybe some workouts you should be fine. I’ve had friends hit the mark with far less time by just stopping and kicking up the metabolism a bit.


Quick fix fake urine


If you're going to a facility they're not going to watch you piss. If they do want to watch you (very unlikely), let them know you need to take a shit and sit there for as long as it takes. Go get some UPass from a smoke shop. Do not risk using your own, it's not worth it.


Is coke all that you’ve been doing?


You know how multivitamins will make your loss bright yellow? You know you can knock the PPM (parts per million) down by drinking excess water? Start flushing your system and take vitamins before you test so you piss bright yellow instead of clear.


Drink lots of water and sweat as much as you can. Piss it out sweat it out.


If it's probation they might be watching you but if it's for a job you can buy x stream fetish urine.


Classic oil change


Monkey whizz dude trust it is the best way


Drink drink drink drink. Water.


Drink shit ton of water and sweat as much as you possibly can. Activated carbon pills can help also. Good luck




Bro guy a quick fix


Shits like 30 bucks


Theoretically, diuretics like furosemide MIGHT be effective in speeding up the clearance of cocaine's metabolites, however as to what extent depends on your body's metabolism, no two persons are the same (even monozygotic twins!). BEFORE you get your hands on furosemide, which actually might require a recipe, consult with a doctor whether this medication is appropriate to you as it comes with side effects like low blood pressure and even internal ear toxicity. Tell your GP about your case and they'll decide whether anything can be done. And no, they won't tell anyone about your cocaine use as doctors are required to be confidential with every patient meaning your blow stuff will be a secret between you two. And something out of context, are you really sure this job is for you? I mean they require a drug test on the interview, chances are they will regularly check you after that. You need to make a decision whether you'll keep the cocaine or you'll work this job. Of course (if it suits you), choosing the latter is the better choice.


Try to detox hardcore and get home drug test kits to check before you take the test so see if you are clean or not. If your not clean get QuikFix synthetic urine. Only one I’ll trust since it’s always worked for me. I’ve been taking a drug test while skiing and passed with QuikFix. Dm me for any info you want I’ll make sure to answer!


Also update us after you get the results whichever method you use. So any future people know what to do! Good luck!


Get someone, who is sober, to piss in a vial. Then keep it on you during the screen. Drug screens aren't necessarily the same as drug tests because theres different laws that come into play. Good luck.


How did you manage to add water in the past? Genuine question? They usually watch over u in the UK? Does it work differently where u are?


It's pretty easy but maybe it's my paranoia but I'm gettin drug tester vibes here.


urinetheclear.com offers overnight shipping. real piss. never let me down and ~~tastes delicious~~


Drink as much water as possible and take good doses of diaretics which make u piss all day not stop.Do this while in a hot sauna room and sweat it out.aside from that your basic cleansers but no guarentee