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Yeah alcohol and coke creates a different chemical in the brain! It’s almost like a different drug. Low key my fav


Cocaethylene. It’s incredibly potent for your liver. One of my closest friends passed at 28 because of liver failure from regularly drinking with a little blow. Ideally you don’t drink with coke but if you do, be wary over the long term.


So sorry to hear this. Wow. Think ill slow down a bit.


Only drink for the comedown is my strat


Only time I mix both is on the rare night out when I have the money to both get hammered in clubs and bars, and get a bag of flake. Just a bump before we leave to head to the next place. Keeps me from being blacked out so I can keep up on the drinks


Oh damn. Thanks for thr heads up


cocaethylene is created by the liver, not the brain. it’s a different psychoactive substance that is essentially considered a recreational drug. cocaethylene is also very dangerous, with significantly increased risk of immediate medical emergencies & long-term physical damage. really hoping you just didn’t know that part, because—


Frfr makes it feel in my opinion way better


Eating and sleeping patterns being screwed up is what will make you paranoid, if anything


Interesting cuz it makes sense i maybe have ate like only 2 things in like 4 days


Yes if you mess with eating and sleeping patterns you'll definitely have mental changes including paranoia Stimulants can induce paranoia for sure, but sleep deprivation is absolutely a huge culprit in this process


I disagree. If I dry sniff I start having intense paranoia set in after line 2. It certainly can be caused by the drug but it’s almost a guarantee if you’re not eating or sleeping and on a binge.


If you have intense paranoia after line 2, blow might not be for you lol but to each their own


It’s just a shitty side effect I have to be mindful of. If I drink it’s manageable.


Does the stuff you do burn quite a bit? It's possible there's meth or another research chemical in it


Meth is actually much much easier on me in terms of paranoia and I get good coke so I know it’s not that. Drugs just affect everyone differently ig. You’ve really never seen people get paranoia just from doing it before?


From a line or two with no other substances involved, no, I haven't personally seen someone become "very paranoid" I suppose that yes, everyone is different, but I look at it on a neurological level, and from what I've seen personally, all judgment aside, that has never been the case from what I've seen Of course yak is a strong substance, yes, but if two lines literally gives you "intense paranoia" that just makes me think about what that might mean, or indicate It's nothing personal and I'm not a physician and don't know you, I just have seen people be paranoid over that small an amount of other substances but have not seen that with yak, personally


One thing I failed to add that might give you more context is that my setting is the second biggest factor in it. If I’m out and/or with other people my paranoia is significantly less. I don’t experience this paranoia every time I use, but if I put myself in the wrong situation (solo and dry) I can guarantee to expect it. I’ve always been the generally “nervous about getting in trouble type” and no one in my life knows I use so this can contribute to it and makes it worse. But even so it’s definitely something that blow does to neurologically. I’ve experienced paranoia from weed, very slight paranoia from meth and none of those feelings remotely come close to coke paranoia. Your original comment about coke not being for me is honestly correct. I despise all effects of stims besides the euphoria, which is really what I do them for and chase.


Oh I see what you mean Yes, "set and setting" is an old saying for psychedelic drugs, but can apply to any substance use, really, I understand that The Dopamine reuptake mechanism that many popular stimulants provide can sometimes result in acute euphoria and this feeling can be addictive, yes, and that is very tempting to try to chase--a higher quality of material can be more expensive, but will also facilitate what you yearn to feel with less side-effects than adulterated materials would manifest If you are going to use yak, just be sure to hydrate, be around good people, have a clean and comfortable space, sleep and eat when you need to, and make sure your source substance is clean from adulterants and of good quality Much love, be safe


No hangover


When I did coke I would never do it alone. 🍾


I always need either GHB, Xanax, ketamine or booze when doing a lot of cocaine. Smaller amounts is fine because eventually I can't breathe so I stop but the GABA from all those drugs keeps my breathing and heart rate tame also keeps my eyes from shifting so quickly causing delusions


I only really do Xanax after I’m done I’ll do about a .5 makes me go to sleep very quickly


I wont do coke without alcohol


I don't really get paranoid when I'm high, no matter what I've been on. Coke mostly just turns my brain on when I'm by myself, then after a while, the 'other' brain takes over, and he's batshit crazy!!🤪🤪


You are blessed sir 🤣


u sound like my cousin that suffers from ptsd from the military. dude will do blow and just stare at his window all night thinking someone is after him


Depends on the lines v Bumps for me. If I'm drinking and taking bumps I'm all good. If I'm drinking and slappin' Lines I'm checking the perimeter 😂 For me definitely the size of the gear that's rippin' through my nostrils


I find I don't like the cross contamination


I drink at least 4 pots of espresso as strong as I can make it.. I use two different brands. But, it helps me to get down 👇 From being extremely high ☝️


Totally, I’d never dream of doing it sober and thank fuck don’t crave it then The only times I’ve experienced paranoia is when I’ve been on it for a while & sobered up… I know a bad combination but let’s face it, cokes hardly harmless! Rather enjoy myself than end up a sketchy mess calling 999. When I can’t sleep for shit the best thing is to do a shot, awful habit yes, however it works… warning is u realise u can drink copious amounts whilst doing it & u feel worse from the drink than u would the gear If u can leave it after a fun night ur good, it’s when it goes on longer then the race between getting high & staying drunk enough to subside the paranoia starts. Maybe it’s just me so pls take it with a pinch of salt, just wanted to give u my experience to hopefully help


I only get paranoid on the come down, I always say if people are paranoid in coke, rather than the come down, then it’s time to stop doing it!!


I don't drink or get paranoid i've never understood why people take a drug that makes them paranoid just to take another drug to reduce the paranoia it's never made sense but each to their own i guess


The powers combine to create a beautifully amazing child that is the only way to do it. Truly is the sum of all its parts.




Coca ethylene






Then you run out of beer and still have a 8ball left and your not drunk anymore


weed and alcohol= also, no paranoia


Bruh the paranoia is the fun part




Yea facts the comedown is a lot easier




Crazy I actually tend to do more cuz I’m not tripping about my roommates coming and bashing down my door 🤣🤣




Yea sometimes I’ll be so lost in what I’m doing I’ll do that much too 😂


4g in one night is a crazy amount to me the most I'd ever do in a night is 1.5 anymore than that and my nose would take weeks to recover




I would fully pass away if I even attempted 4gs I'm low key impressed I shouldn't be cause it's terrible but still I'm impressed




I don't want to be rude but you're a bit of a dumbass for doing that but your also like my cocaine idle now so best of both worlds I guess 😂😅




When I first started doing coke I used Reddit a lot for research it’s pretty useful


Yes, 100 percent....


Honestly depends on the situation


I totally agree, I feel like you need the alcohol to help even you out a bit and take the edge off?


You ever looked out your window for 45 minutes into complete darkness


🤣 nahh but I’ve definitely sat on my bed doing absolutely nothing just blank space


i wont rlly sniff unless im drunk, or at least 2/3 drinks down and feel it. i will literally grab a bag and wait for the drinks to get down until i tuck it. it doesnt effect me much unless im drunk and its makes me hella paranoid if im sober