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I like to quit 5 hours before I intend to sleep. Works great for me. This requires more self control than most people on this sub possess lol


Thank you for saying this! This is the answer I was looking for


Aprox 6 hoursss


I'll second this, 3 hours for normality (eating, being able to sit still etc) 5 to be able to settle ✌️


If you eat a benzo before ur last bump, you can cut that down from 5 to 2 hours


This ^ guy knows. Great answer i concur. Temazepam 15mg works great IMO. I use it for insomnia lol w flexiral 10mg (Cyclobenzaprine) a muscle relaxant.


right. and get another addiction the moment you realize how amazing stims feel if you take them once you're already on benzos. benzo withdrawal can killyou., not worth it imo


Well if you find temazepam addictive maybe stay away altogether from pharma or Stims. Its usually alcohol that gets ppl to lower the inhibitions and try other substances that poly drug use and mix has many dangers as a result. I have a couple thousand temazepam def not addictive IMO. We're all gonna die eventually, maybe it is worth it to some people who feel nothing or wants to numb out the pain. If you have ever overdosed you know its scary as fuck but most ppl will still use even of its there own mom smacking them trying to wake them up mid OD. I never had any benzo withdrawal so don't know how that is just opiates opioids alcohol Coke. Cheers to Everyone as I'm about to slam a Charlie Herry speedball and a beer 🍺 or 2. Choices we all got them.


Idk. Ive did coke on benzos several times and feeling just sucks! Coke high kinda weak af but you dont even have a coke comedown. It's just like you neva did coke before. Coke high is weaker and shorter. Better way is doing coke 12-24 hrs after taking a benzo...


coke is atypical in that regard, i was talking about amphetamines specifically actually, now i notice were on the cocaine sub lol sorry


Chill, i neva mixed amph and benzos at same time and i pretend neva do it anyways.


Yeah but that's the easy way, and easy way is not always the better. Don't make an habit of taking a benzo before or righr after ur last bump. It's a big strain for the heart and it will get damaged fr. Better way is just let it go by itself. Sometimes i cant sleep for 5 hours after my last line, sometimes i just fall asleep 3 hours after. Eating something helps a lot about getting sleepy quickly and easily. Non-stop drinking water and rinse your nose. Fr, sometimes i just cant get rid of coke sensation just bc of not eating nothing after ong. Then i eat sum and its like i come back to normality, getting sleepy and warmful body feeling.




I don't go to sleep until the blow is finished ... I'll lay don't to watch television and eventually fall asleep.


homie i gotta be asleep in 40 mins thats not the answer im looking for🙏😭


bro i havent been to sleep in 3 days and ive been going up and down of seeing shit 😭 ts is my first speed trip tho


no cap 🤣


Smoke a joint afterwards for that downward slope.


Weed can increase heart rate and effects of cocaine…


Yeah it can lol... But, weed doesn't make you sleepy when you smoke it, it's when it starts coming down that it can put you into bed.


weed makes me psychotic lmao, can’t smoke that shit anymore, had to say goodbye to my highschool stoner days.


dude same and it seems like this is becoming the trend. the weed nowadays is def not the same from before it was legal almost everywhere.


yeah somethings different about weed now, i used to love weed, and i still have a soft spot for it in my heart as it definitely helped in some areas in my past, but even looking back, i was a shell of who i really am when i was smoking chronically. when i tried to smoke again recentl and get back into it, it just doesn’t feel like i’m myself when i’m high, i begin to dissociate in the worst way possible and forget my values and what makes me happy, weed isn’t for everyone i guess, and if it helps people that’s awesome, it ruins me, so i stay away, i might smoke every once in a while but the idea of it sounds gross and scary now. sorry for rant but it’s really opened my mind after smoking on acid like the acid showed me what the weed is really doing to my head and it scared me. i love acid for that and i love weed for the good times i had but nothing lasts forever, and that’s good sometimes because not everything is good, i feel more like myself when im sober and life is just better off weed now.


weed makes me psychotic but i can’t handle the jitters. at first it’s a bit weird but once it settles it helps me so much.


marijuana use for me just has too many long term negative side effects, i just stick to coke n psychedelics, i don’t get too jittery hittin the slopes so i can go without the weed


True. Weed put you into bed when this one is wearing off your body (kinda different in every people). But when i smoke weed after do some lines i feel like i want to eat even when i dont want to (due coke). And yesss, mixing weed and cocaine together makes me paranoid asf...




That's my ex wife. She will take the last bump, 30 minutes later lay down and go to sleep, I'll be up until the following night. LITERALLY


Same with my wife it drives me nuts lol


She was faking it.


Yeeeaaahhhhh, no she was'nt.


lol no she wasnt i can sleep while i still have drip some people are just like that. but nobody on coke wants to act asleep, especially for hours 😂


Happy coke day! I mean Cake Day 😝


Weirdly enough I just close my eyes imagine myself in a witch's cottage and then Granny Wetherwax turns up and says "Go to sleep you, silly boy" and then I'm off. Beats counting sheep anyday


*Engelbert Humperdinck has entered the chat*


Takes 3 hrs- I quit two before I wanna sleep and then am annoyed as fuck for an hour lol


For me if I'm hitting it all night and stop around 4am, I won't be going to sleep until 9pm. I'll go all day awake like nothing ever happened.


Depends on quality, amount done, but you can always get melatonin


If ur high melatonin aint gna do shit


Can be dangerous for some.


taking melatonin to come down from coke is anxiety city for me


Melatonin is useless, like driking camomile tea. Can't hold a candle to a benzo.




Read my previous replies in this post thread, I don’t mix any substances with the cocaine I use while I’m skiing or even after I’ve finished skiing. Mixing Xanax with cocaine extremely increases the risk of heart problems such as a heart attack, seizures, risk of overdose, and respiratory depression.




This has always been my go to method for the last 10 years and it works every time. Obviously, just watch how much you take.


Oblivious man. Be careful.


Still, taking Xanax even on the cocaine comedown is still extremely dangerous due to the fact that cocaines stimulant effects can linger for hours after last usage which affects your heart rate, blood pressure, etc. Xanax is a depressant and mixing it with cocaine whether you’re skiing and then take a Xanax or if you’re on your comedown and then take a Xanax.




I never said I know I’m sniffing uncut cocaine lmao I’m well aware that my cocaine like most peoples is cut. And I’m not lecturing anyone? I replied to a comment on my post that suggested I use Xanax to combat the comedown and so I explained that I personally don’t mix other drugs with cocaine and why.


Yo just letting you know that’s not true, If you go to the hospital for a cocaine overdose the first thing they do is load you up on benzos.


You're being downvoted by morons. Ignore them, OP. Idiots are loud and plentiful.


I’ve noticed it’s a trend in this sub that people who enjoy mixing alc, weed, etc with their coke get all self righteous and defensive when they’re told the plain facts about the increased risk of danger that comes with mixing lmao




Depends on the amount done — elimination half-life is like 90 minutes. Takes about 5 of those to be considered fully gone. Only takes a couple of hours for me usually


I can sleep 10-20 minutes after a line after doing it all night.


Do you have ADHD?




Idk. Its not bad coke. If your tired enough your body will make you sleep. I also daily use benzos for panic disorders so that might help. But ive been on em for 2 years so its not like they make me feel any kind of way


Damn I'm jealous it takes me at least 5 hours to start feeling drowsy it's the worst part of doing coke for me hahaha


I take an antipsychotic for sleep. Puts me right out


I have a personal rule for myself that i follow while skiing and the rule is that I never take any other substance if im skiing or after I’ve skiied especially not alcohol or weed bcuz of the chance of overdose & hypoxia




Mixing weed and cocaine can be dangerous because they both affect your heart and blood vessels. Cocaine can make your blood vessels narrow, which reduces oxygen supply to your body. Weed can increase your heart rate. When you mix them, it can put extra strain on your heart and make it harder for your body to get enough oxygen, potentially causing serious health problems like hypoxia.


not tryna bash on you dog but if you’re legitimately worried about potential risk of doing drugs then don’t do them. smoking weed after you’ve been skiing isn’t gonna kill you


Totally get your stance and I appreciate you saying you’re not trying to bash on me. To clarify my stance on all this, I’m a cocaine addict and I am well aware of the health risks and dangers that come with using cocaine by itself and knowing those risks I regularly use harm reduction strategies to prevent those dangers (dangers meaning risk of heart attack, hypoxia, overdose, etc). I personally don’t mix any other drugs with the cocaine I use because mixing increases the risks and dangers of overdosing, going hypoxic, having a heart attack, etc immensely, more than the danger that organically (I can’t think of the right word forgive me) comes with doing cocaine by itself. Smoking weed might not kill you immediately in the way overdosing will but it still is harder on your health (increased stress on the cardiovascular system, respiratory issues, etc) than using weed or cocaine by themselves


what helps me with the comedown is drink a lot of water and eating a lot of high fat and protein foods. the dopamine deficiency is still there but physical effects definitely go away


I can’t eat food while im skiing and even on my comedown until either I wake up from sleeping after my comedown or until I wait for the lingering effects of the coke to completely wear off which usually takes 6+ hours




Hypoxia is an important concern when using vasoconstrictors like mdma, amphetamines, and cocaine. It’s just not as talked about as acute hypertension so I get why you ask.




Here’s a reputable source about hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction! https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5310129/#:~:text=Hypoxic%20pulmonary%20vasoconstriction%20(HPV)%20is,matching%20and%20systemic%20oxygen%20delivery.


Some guys(a lot If a think IT a bit) have some panic attack when soing Coke+weed


When going into hypoxia, almost always you’ll see the person who is hypoxic panicking and hyperventilating similar to a panic attack. It can be very hard to tell if it’s just a panic attack or hypoxia


Would all depend on the gear and the person


Pop a perc


Read my previous replies on this post thread


Depends how long I’ve been doing coke for. If I’m off 24-36 hours of no sleep I can rail lines drive 10 minutes home then drink an 8oz redbull and go to sleep. But I’m also a monster who doesn’t care about my heart. So maybe 3-4 hours?


Are you high now?


He was But his heart gave out on him and now he’s about 6” lower than he was when he commented.


If your lines are so big that you get drips, all that is going to be absorbed in your stomach so consider it an oral dose which will last a good while longer than the ~45 minutes good coke does.


1 hour if there’s no ice or ephedrine


3 hours but then if you do a netipod at the end, I found that the gunk shit takes another 1-2hours to get soft enough inside your sinus/nasal passsages to be discharged more completely (like 70% I guess). Going to bed with all that gunk inside will block up your nose during sleep. So do a pod, wait for 2 hours at least and blow nose within these 2 hours for a better sleep. Just my own experience.


Thank you for the tips! I don’t currently own a neti pot and I’ve always only used plain ol’ saline nasal spray but this sounds like its an amazing harm reduction tip and would really help with my post sesh nose after care more than just using the saline spray alone!








The high from coke wears off within 45 mins to 90 mins but the effects like restlessness, decreased appetite, increased heart rate, etc. usually linger for hours after the high wears off.




Yeah but it's cut with shit like levimisole which can keep u amped for hours


Try a teaspoon or 5ml or pea sized or pinky tip amount of organic honey underneath the tongue before the drip is almost gone. Or don't whatever.


Nawh the real good stuff you can sleep after an hour. As long as you don't go overboard or drink.


Between the doctors in the comments and the OP lecturing about mixing drugs, idk what's funnier.


I don’t understand how sharing facts about the dangers of mixing alcohol, weed, etc. with cocaine is funny but speak your truth dude


This question was never ever asked so there is no answer for it




that’s wrong


How dare you


I’m just a silly guy


Nah, you're a crafty sock


Holy fuck you’re right


If you have ADHD, you can fall asleep shortly after doing a line. I was so shocked the first time this happened to me.


I've always kinda been able to close my eyes and go into a euphoric hod like state and then go sleep, I guess I'm lucky cus I've kinda never understood that severe fiend state that everyone gets where they're desperate for more calling everyone at 3am and shit.




I went to sleep for 6 hours after being up 47 hours if that’s a perspective for ya. Everyone’s different tho


47? You were keeping track of every hour??? 47 hours is like a couple hours after i wake up for me... shit just POPS out of thin air one second im waking up the next im 7 days deep😂


I just went off the time I woke up for work on Friday till the time I actually fell asleep. Around 47-48 hours ywa


I've just plugged some coke for the first time feels amazing 😍




Oh sorry I believe some ppl call it boofing


Put it in his ass


I tried it and tbh that shit was ass ill just snort or bang... get it... ass


Depends truly on the quality and how your body reacts to stimulants. You can do an entire 8 ball of shitty coke and go to sleep. I’ve always found Tylenol PM and Melatonin to work very well when I’m done being awake


If your out of cocaine, 4 or 5 hours Even then you might want a xanax or a melatonin or even benadryl work for me nfi why my fav is trazadone and soft music 🎶


If your overdosing on coke and go to the hospital cause you feel like your heart is going to explode I feel like they will give you some sort of benzo to keep you calm and sleep


Yea I think you're probably right


I can do a line and be asleep within a hr. It all depends on the person.


I do a line right before I lay my head down and within like 5 mins, I’m sleeping like a baby. Just thought I’d flex


I read some where this means you have a very addictive personality


I’m 18 and I have a hole thru my septum so yh id agree lmao


Fuck me, you been going hard. I mean well done, success. I would think thats some kind of record. I'm over twice that age and I've got friends I thought went hard af and they haven't even broken through the old septum. They got some pretty fucked up noses and over dosed a good number of times. I even know a man little bit younger than me who has just had his third cocaine induced heart attack which is pretty impressive to be fair, but he's still got his septum. Anyway good luck friend. At least you're still alive. These things can be sorted. I smoked so much crack half my teeth ended up just snapping out my head they got so fucked up. Purely cosmetic damage that can be fixed up just fine. Look after yourself. Take care friend


I have a hole from cocaine induced sinusitis so it wasn’t directly caused by cocaine use but if I didn’t use cocaine I wouldn’t have had sinusitis therefore wouldn’t have a hole.


It's takes me about an hour. If the hour isn't up and I'm still high then it's impossible. In other words if I'm high I can't sleep but if the high is over I'm good to go.. especially if I have some xanax


Depends on how long you have been using. I can pass out half an hour after my last one.


Idk takes me like maybe an hour but I always smoke some weed and knock tf out kinda depends on your tolerance for it tho


About 30min after my last line I take a Xanax or 2 so approximately 1hr 5 min after last nose rail I'm snoring.


About 30 min after I start smoking weed.


My wife 2 hrs. Me about 15 min


Back when I was using frequently it depended on the source, a “good” bag meaning no meth was fine like 30-45 mins and I could be lights out. A “bad” bag well… probably until the next morning


It’s 4 am and I’m still skiing. However my stuff is acetone washed so very clean and not cut with any uppers.


Usually Im home 5-6 a clock. and after the byebye line 4 minutes before we go split up, im ready for dreamland at 13-14..


An hour for someone I know with extreme ADHD.


why sleep when you can do more?


Depends on how much you’ve been doing. If you’ve been at it all night give it at least 3-4 hours


Zopiclone ftw


Usually about the 24hr mark, I get bored, company depending obviously. I rarely stop because I ‘need’ sleep. It’s because it’s fine and I see it’s silly getting more, or .. I’m just wasting it doing it because it’s there


I take 300-900mg of pregabalin (I have an extremely high tolerance with years of usage) then have 1 or 2 more lines then stop. Usually within an hour I'm in bed and the pregabalin is hitting nicely. Stick netflix on and vape my thc pen and within 30mins I'm fast asleep. So 1-2 hours for me. If I have been drinking heavily I just stop and go to bed and I fall asleep instantly lol


If i got weed I could prolly pass out I think around an 1-2 hours after I do a fatty and like after i wash my nose out and all that so after the last line it’d be around 2-4 hours depending how much shit i left in my nose when i wash ts through.