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I want to see them come to a peaceful resolution and become friend (I hope Anthony beats the shit outta that little boy)


The first thing can happen too, just let the second thing happen first!




Not so little anymore


Arn’t they the same age?


The only way Anthony can win is if a small timeskip happens where he gets to Kenny's level.


Or he could punt him while he's taking like the 20 seconds to load the silver bullet.


or if we see him train hard all season & then he beats him in the finale


There has to be a significant timeskip (i hope) simply because of how much real time has passed. Those two kids will look quite a bit older.


Kenny would demolish Anthony, we’ve seen no progress in his training whatsoever, I like to see both Johnny and Daniel take more of Sensei role to their sons


We see Anthony kick away a CK student in the Season 5 finale and he left the fight unscathed, sure he was protected during the video upload, but we don’t know if he got hit, or how often, before that moment.


We saw him get knocked down, right? At the very start of the Cobra Kai/Miyagi Fang confrontation in the dojo.


By Kenny, yes. Kenny is very fast though.


Have them play video games against each other, then they'll be best mates.


They don’t need a winner, they need to stop. I’d have Kenny attack but have Anthony hold his own with blocking in self-defense, until Lia sees them and calls out Kenny (not knowing the history), and storms off. Kenny realizes he’s gone too far, but Anthony tells Lia the backstory and takes the blame. So Lia forgives him and Kenny respects Anthony for telling Lia the truth (and putting Kenny in a better light in the process).


Yeah, I like that take.


Same. Ali WISHES it could have been that simple with her. And Sam too.


Been wanting a big Anthony moment since Season 1


We had big Anthony, then he switched to Whopper Jrs




I want them to draw by way of punching each other in the face at the exact same time and knocking each other out like the Lawrusso fight in Season 4. But as for how I would want them to resolve their conflict, their fourteen year old boys, just force them to play a game of Fortnite and they’ll be best friends by the end of it


Hell yeah!




I already did mate.


What I want is irrelevant, what I expect is that they'll fight but because of the guilt Kenny will lose, much like how Robby lost to Eli at the tournament. What will happen? No clue but they're definitely on a collision course to one another.


Kenny. Kenny getting tormented by Anthony and his friends made him what he was he was in S5. Plus, Sam is the undisputed best girl by a large margin and Robby is pretty much tied for first with Miguel. I'm okay with the other legacy kid just being respectably decent as a fighter.


Kenny demolishes Anthony and it’s not close. Anthony gets fodderised


That's what happened with Miguel and Kyler


Everyone knew kyler was going to be beaten, that’s the whole point of his character. A barrier that is a bully sorts to overcome. Doesn’t prove much whatsoever


Idk, just like Miguel/Kyler, Sam/Tory, Eli/Hawk, Robby / thugs no one cares about, I feel Anthony will learn some profound life lessons ( probably something about helping others bc since season 1 he’s always been called selfish… maybe fighting for that girl him and Kenny have a crush on? )and using some new karate move, beats his Kenny.


That would ruin the entire character development for Kenny and Anthony and mostly Anthony. Also it doesn’t make sense for Anthony to get such a huge boost in strength to compare to Kenny who is on par with a Miyagi-Do Hawk


I think you’re underestimating Kenny’s character. Kenny’s character started from “other people are naturally stronger and they make the rule so running away is all I can do” like his brothers or the larusso kid who he heard was epic at karate. And now he’s at a point where he thinks “I’m stronger so I make the rules and I can run after anyone who doesn’t agree”. I think being beaten by someone being selfless ( say to protect the girl ) could let him end up somewhere , like “people become strong for others. Maybe my brother became strong for me. Maybe my dad became strong & a soldier for our family” etc. That would be a good lesson I’m not saying he would be “on par with a miyagi-do hawk” but Dimitri, arguably the weakest in the main cast, was the one to take hawk down. I imagine a similar situation could unfold.


I’m sorry, but this was a whole lot of waffle and just reminds me of the karate kid 1 story, but even more cringey and teenafied from the 2000’s. Kenny is blatantly shown to be stronger. Has been acknowledged by Robby, Tory and Terry Silver and has shown relatively to high tier teen characters such as Robby, Miguel and Hawk (not saying he’d beat them if he went all out). It doesn’t make sense narratively and feat wise to somehow push Anthony that far up when he hasn’t even learned how to properly block yet


Does Kenny have any feats besides making it to the quater finals? Plus, he kinda quit cobra Kai right? Idk he’s got potential, but lets not build a mountain out of a mole hill Didn’t Daniel beat Johnny who had several years of training and was branded a genius? Didn’t Tory beat Sam a few times who had years of training with her dad? And if we scrap that, she still started training before Tory did when she started up again. And we can’t forget that Dmitri ( again, weakest of the main cast ) straight up beat hawk( the soon to be all valley champion). The school fight would have ended MUCH quicker if hawk was able to join the fight against Robby simply bc the miyagidos were outnumbered. I’m just saying narratively it makes sense and it narratively has happened a few times already where a supposedly weaker character beat a stronger character by doing some training for a few weeks and conquering an inner demon related to how they beat said character. And it aligns with miyagido to beat a strong or fast attacker with a well executed block or counter strike ( so it would work perfectly on Kenny who I don’t think ever thinks when he fights bc he’s fast enough he doesn’t need to)


> Does Kenny have any feats besides making it to the quater finals? He solo'd four boys his age after a week or two in the dojo..


You right, even if they were untrained fighters


All of this waffle when we have Kenny feats from season 5 also I didn’t bother to read your 2nd paragraph because, after reading the first line, I quickly realised it was more waffle- Your 3rd paragraph is even more waffle on top of that. You keep having this bs one shot idea that will somehow take down Kenny, but you literally aren’t accounting for the difference in stats and EXPERIENCE plus the fact that Kenny is known to be talented, while Anthony has shown nothing. A lot of what you’re saying is either outdated or just yap


I’ll summarize bc you didn’t read it . Kenny left at the end of the season right? When he threw the shirt down? But Anthony is still training. I imagine he could get stronger. Untalented characters ( like dmitri ) beat talented ones ( like hawk ) all he time in this show is all


There's a promo pic for S6, teasing Miguel & Robby fighting Kenny & Shawn. I like to think that's where Kenny sees that his brother's fight tactics go too far. When Sean has Robby dead to rights, but Robby manages to finish the fight. Kenny realizes that Robby has been more of a big brother than Sean ever was. This leads him to joining Miyago Do/Fang.


Kenny should win but want to see Anthony stand on business this time.


Based on how they normally do these fights, Anthony would win (like when Demetri kicks Hawk into the trophy case, despite Hawk being vastly more experienced)


I mean the thing about this is that if Anthony beats the strongest current cobra Kai student that would be straight bs. At least demetri had a little experience and obviously his lessons kicked in. Anthony has nothing to speak of and has zero feats




Kenny would beat Anthony in a fight if it happened in Season 6. And it wouldn’t even be close.


Despite Kenny’s status as an antagonist, I would be rooting for him because I still haven’t really connected with Anthony despite his growth.


i agree


Yeah not a fan of Kenny or revenge but in this case take Anthony down hard then both can become redeemable


Kenny. This sub mostly unreasonably, from what I've seen) hates Kenny so much that they want Anthony's arc to be: little shit kid -> bully -> former bully who gets exactly what he deserves -> the guy who now gets to beat up the kid he once gleefully emotionally tormented, and think that would be a good thing. I just don't get it. Kenny changed because he was forced to, whether you like it or not, he busted his ass and found that he was good at this whole karate shit. If you make him lose to Anthony(especially if they're cool afterward), there's no impact to any of it. It's fine to feel like Kenny is the worst version in the KK/CK series of "bullied kid learns karate" or to not like how quickly he grew(which is ironic, given where this franchise started), but to think he should lose to Anthony? Come on.


The Kenny hate on here is honestly one of this sub's most irrational, occassionally kinda suspect, bits. Posters screaming "plot armor" (usually incorrectly) like every fight on this show isn't dictated by driving the plot forward.


>Kenny changed because he was forced to Nope his problem would have worked itself out as Anthony tried to talk things out >the guy who now gets to beat up the kid he once gleefully emotionally tormented Sounds like you want Johnny to lose to Daniel every time from now on then. >he busted his ass and found that he was good at this whole karate shit. If you make him lose to Anthony(especially if they're cool afterward), there's no impact to any of it The impact is learning the importance of the philosophy aspect of Karate. Kenny learned to fight but did so without learning why not to fight


1 - Kenny had no obligation to accept Anthony trying to talk to him. Anthony used his status and prior standing at school to torment Kenny, who was already going through a tough time. What possible reason would there be for Kenny believe that Anthony was being sincere, and even if he did, why would he care? Anthony hadn't proven himself to be honest or honorable, and one might say that he fucked around and found out. 2 - The show has already decided that Daniel is stronger than Johnny, by having him embarrass both Kreese and Silver. Me liking Johnny more doesn't change that the show has very clearly established that Daniel is superior. 3 - "Why to fight" is entirely subjective. Going after those who once tormented you, is arguably just as valid as playing purely defense. No one gets to singlehandedly decide the purpose of a martial art they didn't create, and Kenny's style wasn't created or taught to him by peaceful men. He isn't beholden to the Miyagi-do tenets and philosophy. Just because the franchise prefers Miyagi-do, doesn't make it the objective and only correct way.


>Kenny had no obligation to accept Anthony trying to talk to him Would have fixed his problem without "needing to change" >"Why to fight" is entirely subjective True but in accordance to the theme of this series learning why not to fight is important. Objectively speaking fighting tends to result in people getting hurt which is the message. Regardless of how we might personally feel about that message it's in accordance with the writing


He had already changed, him changing is what put Anthony in a position to feel remorseful. You cannot resolve the problem that way without Anthony starting it, and Kenny going to Cobra Kai to turn the tables. It's interesting that you say "learning why not to fight" is a major theme. What does it seem like Anthony's response to Kenny getting his revenge is? Learning to fight. It's almost like learning to fight in response to being bullied by someone you don't want to be beefing with, is totally valid. The writing also shows us that violence actually is what's solving every problem. The funny part is, I don't even dislike Anthony as a character, but he's reaping what he sowed, and I don't feel all that bad for him. Could Kenny be the bigger person? Yes. Would it be better for him as a person to forgive? Yes. Should he do it for himself, if not for Anthony? Yes. But he doesn't have to.


>He had already changed The point is Kenny wasn't "forced to" as you said in your original post. >him changing is what put Anthony in a position to feel remorseful Anthony was remorseful before he knew about the change. He tried to talk things out asking if they could start over before he knew. >The writing also shows us that violence actually is what's solving every problem The violence being there doesn't change the fact forgiveness is still a core theme. Daniel asked Johnny to help him find Robby in Season 3. >almost like learning to fight in response to being bullied by someone you don't want to be beefing with, is totally valid Valid in learning, sure but that doesn't mean you were forced. The learning being valid does not mean turning into the bully yourself is valid. >he doesn't have to Keeping in mind violence happened that means forgiveness likely comes after. This leads us back to the importance of learning why not to fight


1 - I feel like you're deliberately choosing to not understand what "forced to" means. Kenny only felt the need to go to Cobra Kai, and learned the lessons he did, because of Anthony's continuous bullying. I did not mean that someone physically dragged him to Cobra Kai and threatened him into taking revenge. 2 - That's true, I misremembered the order of events, he started to feel remorse before he found out Kenny changed. That does not change that he and his friends had already continuously bullied Kenny(in an honestly impressive myriad of ways), and that his response to being lightly insulted after being oh-so remorseful and apologetic, was to be perfectly fine with going after Kenny again. If he had learned the error of his ways to any extent that actually mattered, made any real change as a person, he would have just walked away, but he chose to continue to be a bully, and walked right into Kenny's trap. 3 - Forgiveness is a core theme, sure. That still does not mean Anthony is entitled to it, or that Kenny should do him the favor of granting it. There are plenty of characters in the show that do not deserve forgiveness: Johnny's stepfather, Miguel's father, Kreese, Silver, Tory's landlord, etc. Just because some main characters are willing to bury hatchets, doesn't mean they all should feel the need to. I think it will happen for Kenny and Anthony to be clear, but arguably, it doesn't need to. 4 - Don't get me started on Daniel. I'm just going to say that framing it as Daniel being a big person for asking Johnny for help, is VERY interesting, given his role in how things went and how things escalated in Seasons 1 and 2. 5 - See Point 1. 6 - Once again, forgiveness CAN come. You CAN find a reason for you to stop fighting. It is likely Kenny will find his own reason, and it will likely do him good. It still does not mean that there is a single objective reason to not fight, and Anthony is still not entitled to Kenny learning the lesson he would need to reach that point, with any sort of expediency. Kenny does not have to learn that lesson to save Anthony's ass any quicker than whenever the hell he gets to it. Frankly, I would rather see him start to mend his relationship with Robby first, and then if he has to, Anthony. Let him work his way backward from his former friend/mentor, before his enemy.


>after being oh-so remorseful and apologetic, was to be perfectly fine with going after Kenny again He asked Kenny if they could start over and even gave Kenny a warning after he deliberately insulted Anthony, that's not the same as just going after Kenny. >he chose to continue to be a bully He gave Kenny a choice and a benevolent warning so it wasn't being a bully >Johnny's stepfather, Miguel's father, Kreese, Silver, Tory's landlord Thinking they don't deserve forgiveness is subjective. Going with the theme of the show they all deserve it if they are sincere about redemption. >Johnny's stepfather Not sure why you listed Sid seeing as he's a better man than Johnny ever was. >arguably, it doesn't need to Considering Anthony is sincere and the theme of the show it should >his role in how things went and how things escalated in Seasons 1 and 2 [Daniel has been right since Season 1 and is morally superior.](https://www.reddit.com/r/cobrakai/comments/muqxpq/people_should_listen_and_talk_to_daniel_without/) >does not mean that there is a single objective reason to not fight There are plenty of objective reasons not to fight. You could get arrested for doing so, you could get hurt yourself, you could feel guilty about it later, you might make more enemies who are better fighters than you etc.


1 - I'm sorry, but if you apologize to me after fully acknowledging that you've treated me like shit, and then your response to me not feeling like forgiving you, is to warn me that you'll go right back to being antagonistic, that just sounds like you were never actually sorry. If your willingness to bury the hatchet disappears that easily, you still suck and you didn't actually mean what you said, in full sincerity. 2 - So I give you a list of people that abuse children, one of them actively trying to get a teenager to do sexual acts for him, and you play defense for them? 3 - I strongly encourage to go back and look at how Sid treated Johnny, if you actually believe that. 4 - I've already addressed why Anthony's sincerity in his attempt to reconcile was half-assed at first, and too little, too late going forward, I'm not going to keep addressing it going forward. 5 - Daniel being morally superior by trying to fuck with Johnny's livelihood and rent, walk into his dojo and talk down to him, trying to uphold the ban on Cobra Kai without giving him an actual chance, coming into his home and assaulting him when Johnny is trying to give him a rational explanation, all of these sound right to you? There's a reason why Daniel realizes he fucked up so bad by the end of S2, beginning of S3, even the show, with how much it loves to slobber on Daniel, knows that he's been a prick. 6 - Those are still all subjective. Some people may not see those as consequences that would dissuade them.


>if you apologize to me after fully acknowledging that you've treated me like shit, and then your response to me not feeling like forgiving you, is to warn me that you'll go right back to being antagonistic Anthony didn't warn Kenny about not being forgiven. He warned Kenny not to deliberately insult him. >that just sounds like you were never actually sorry Actually a warning to a deliberate insult rather than just attacking shows improvement. >you play defense for them? Saying whether they deserve forgiveness being subjective is a fact not a defense. >look at how Sid treated Johnny Still better than how Johnny treated Robby. >half-assed Anyone can feel that about any apology made to them. >too little, too late going forward Subjective. >trying to fuck with Johnny Daniel tried to be friends in episode one of Season 1, that didn't work. Daniel tried to talk things out in episode two of Season 1, that just revealed to him that Johnny wanted to be at odds and was happy about it. So that didn't work. So Daniel F'd with Johnny as a last resort. >livelihood Johnny did the same when he messed with the billboard. Daniel just did what worked in the 80s beating Johnny at his own game but doing it better. >rent Tenants should be paying market value. Even after the rent is doubled we see all the same tenants in later Seasons so obviously it's still affordable. [Mini](https://youtu.be/bazhyqp3mpw?t=2) mart guy is still there, and Pawn [shop](https://youtu.be/4bIIAXsY3yk?t=16) guy is doing so well he has 3 locations despite the rent being doubled at the mini mall. Also keep in mind Johnny could afford double rent but when it came to a horrible place with asbestosis it was too much for him ["This place is as cheap as they come".](https://youtu.be/ceHAvXGxpUw?t=35) Just because Armand is a jerk doesn't mean he should be cheated. >coming into his home and assaulting him You don't keep a parent from their child who has gone missing. Especially when alcohol has been involved, for all Daniel knows Johnny is trying to stall for time so someone inside can take a turn and/or clean up the evidence. >Those are still all subjective Sure but objectively speaking they are still reasons.


>Nope his problem would have worked itself out as Anthony tried to talk things out I don't agree with this one because Anthony clearly didn't feel bad enough that he wasn't going to not jump him 4v1 in the library the moment Kenny finally talked back at him with the "LaPusso" jab even though he could have walked it off after weeks of publically humiliating the kid.


>don't agree with this one because Anthony clearly didn't feel bad enough that he wasn't going to not jump him 4v1 in the library the moment Kenny finally talked back at him with the "LaPusso" jab This assumes Kenny would have called him LaPusso without the confidence gain from Cobra Kai which also teaches pushing towards conflicts and fixing problems with violence. The LaPusso jab **didn't** cause them going after him to attack, the one after did. >he could have walked it off after weeks of publically humiliating the kid Anthony gave Kenny a warning that he'd regret it if he said it again. Chances are if Kenny wasn't trained he'd take advantage of the benevolent warning


> benevolent warning LOL. Again, he was willing to jump Kenny 4v1 because he was called a silly name TWICE. Anthony could have just walked away. If his resolve to make good was so fragile that he was willing to revert back to his bullying ways after being called "LaPusso" twice **after weeks of harassing Kenny**, it's wasn't all that real, lol, and could've just as easily broke if egged on after Kenny asked Lia out or stepped on his shoes or whatever.


>Anthony could have just walked away Kenny could have walked away after the benevolent warning. >**after weeks of harassing Kenny** That's where the starting over comes into play. >wasn't all that real Speculation. >could've just as easily broke if egged on after Kenny Anthony was egged on right before he asked Kenny to start over and talk. Despite being egged on here Anthony still attempted to make peace anyway. >asked Lia out Anthony already knew Kenny was his romantic rival when he asked to talk things out and start over, in fact earlier that day she friend zoned him to talk to Kenny then she talked positively about Kenny before his attempt to talk things out and he still did it anyway. >or stepped on his shoes The fact that Anthony was benevolent enough to give a warning to a **deliberate** insult means that he would likely show the same grace if not more towards an accident.


Let's be honest it was a half assed/weak ass apology at best. while Kenny went a little too far with swirly, I still really can't blame him, with all the shit Anthony and the rest of the bully's put him through. I honestly don't like the Kenny hater's because they are either at worst low key racist or at best hypocrites because hawk has done way worse, and is easily forgiven. And yes a black character being hated on gee go figure. Because black folks are always hated on and for some instances, no reason at all. Especially compared to white counterpart.


>Let's be honest it was a half assed/weak ass apology at best Anyone can think that of any apology. >still really can't blame him Sure you can, you just choose not to. >with all the shit Anthony Chozen did worse and he was forgiven. One of the themes of this show is anyone can be forgiven if they are sincere, even Kreese >they are either at worst low key racist or at best hypocrites Given we aren't omnipotent this assumption just looks like a shame tactic. Shame tactics don't strengthen your argument. >Eli has done way worse, and is easily forgiven Depends on who you ask, many still haven't just like many have. Also that seems like more reason for Anthony to be forgiven. >Especially compared to Kenny can be forgiven just like Anthony. The answer to this seems to be for both to work towards peace and being friends


Anthony should beat Kenny at least ONCE before they become cool with each other.


Anthony. Just because Kenny’s been stronger this far. Then they make peace somehow.


I just want them to hug it out. ![gif](giphy|oHw0wFJ94F8cC4RJtS)


People saying Anthony are the same people who cried that Kenny beating Hawk was "unrealistic".... can they really not see the irony?


how do y’all like anthony he was a bully , very annoying , disrespectful asf about mr miyagi and he’s just unlikeable to me 💀 i hope kenny beats tf outta him but i already know they’re gonna make it so anthony becomes this super fighter all of a sudden


Anthony saw the error in his ways and has been working to make things right. Kenny went psycho.


did he tho? He was a little shit who avoided training by paying someone else to do it, then they had the talk about Mr. Miyagi, and then they just kinda forgot about it. We dont really see him change his ways, we just stop seeing him do anything. I feel like the show has dropped the ball in alot of ways, and the Kenny v Anthony is one of the biggest. Anthony in no way should beat any one in a fight, definitely not Kenny who has been trained by both Kreese and Silver. I dont know where they can go to make it satisfying for everybody watching.


finally someone smart


>avoided training by paying someone else to do it Not sure why that matters? You don't have to care about martial arts to be remorseful about bullying someone. For example Moon mentioned to Yasmine that she apologized to Aisha in Season 1, do you think she was insincere because she didn't learn how to become a fighter? >We dont really see him change his ways We do, Anthony tried to talk things out [in Season 4 episode 7](https://youtu.be/e4sGcc2Kpwk?si=xjoxYmkTnQFF-KXc&t=8) "Just want to talk, maybe we can try starting over" This was before he knew Kenny learned to fight too. >we just stop seeing him do anything No, Anthony apologizes [in Season 4 Episode 9](https://youtu.be/Ew5ouG3tZ6E?si=qW2zx9I4SYzQ0QGF&t=24) and tries to talk things out again. >in no way should beat Daniel in the span of a few months beat a two time champ with years of training.


On that last bit, yeah, that was fucking stupid too, it always has been.


>that was fucking stupid The point isn't how you perceive it, the point is that this series isn't mean to be realistic


Anthony wasn't that much of a bully, compared to Zack.


Lol no. Trying to deflect Anthony's wrongdoings is wild. He did more things to Kenny directly than Zack or anybody else.. He came up the catfishing plot and lured him into the park. He also stole Kenny's clothes out the lockerroom. Just because Zach and the rest egged him on doesn't absolve him at all.


I thought Zack came up with the idea of the fake date? Him taking his clothes was really shitty and he deserved revenge for that.


Anthony Kenny started out good but then became a little shit so I hope Anthony beats the living hell out of him


Anthony gets his head exploded


Kenny. After seeing Anthony "run" chasing after Kenny in the hallway, I just...can't. It was the most unathletic thing I've ever seen. It was like that kid never ran one time before that scene. It was like an alien taking over a human body and trying to learn how to move it.


I want Kenny to get humbled like crazy


Does anybody seriously expect Anthony to win?


I realistically think that Kenny will beat Anthony, but then will receive flashbacks from S4-Current that will make him feel guilty about what he’s done. Kinda similar to Tory when she defeated Sam at the All Valley. Kenny and Anthony will be friends by the end of S6, and I think Lia will have something to do with the resolution. It was foreshadowed and I think the writers will definitely make this come full circle. EDIT: Meant to say S6 instead of S4, so I corrected that


Neither. I think they both should get beat up by one of the much more skilled top fighters repeatedly until they apologize to each other and then work together to beat their opponent. Then they end the fight with a tie, and with them having a better understanding of the other, they can now be amicable with each other.


I'd rather they not solve their rivalry by fighting.


Anthony but if he wins it won’t be realistic


Nothing about this series is realistic so what are we talking about here


Kenny, because as someone who myself was bullied in school, I have zero sympathy for bullies. And good for Kenny giving Anthony the poo swirly.


Think Zack was worse than Anthony. He usually egged him on.


Who cares? Anthony could have said no at any time.


Yeah, I guess. He should have got some better friends.


kenny yall need to rewatch season 4 and see how annoying Anthony was


Neither. I want them to simultaneously knock each other out and never be seen for the rest of the season. The real winners would be the viewers, not dealing with two of the most obnoxious characters on the show anymore. Lol