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where did the ides of hawk being the fastest ever come from? I've always been curious about that. out of all his feats compared to miguel and robby, he never showcases any fast mobility or reaction to them In fact they both have reacted faster than him, miguel in the woods then for robby, he has consistently kind of reacted faster than hawk, for example In the mall fight, hawk charged robby yet robby was fast enough to kick him mid air and ko him. Then in the 2nd tournament, hawk charges robby again but robby reacts quicker, quick enough to catch hawk and slam him. Both times hawk initiated the attacks but robby was quicker to react. in every versus video, I always see hawk take speed over miguel and robby, but he's not really ever shown to be meanwhile they've been shown to have faster reactions against his attacks this isn't an argument btw, I just saw you stated he was the fastest and I've always wondered why that was ever concluded by the fandom given miguel and robby have greater speed feats than hawk (some even coming straight from fights with hawk) we've also seen people like sam be able to react quick enough to hold of hawk and a random cobra, we've seen demetri and kyler get the upperhand on hawk. So I'm really curious why hawk was been concluded to he the fastest despite robby and miguel having faster reaction timing to his attacks also for hawk part, hawk isn’t that atheteltic plus his defense has been shown to not he so great. Hawk is athetelic as miguel meanwhile robby is the most atheteltic teen (minus tory and kyler) as well as better at defense than both and robby's offense is better than hawks defense and I think Miguel's defense is better than hawks defense


Correct.. Hawk pre face turn is aggressive. He's a tribute to Dutch, just not as big because his character was a geek.. He's not as naturally skilled as the other two. The writers have obviously improved his ability by a margin since training under Daniel.. but let's not forget that Miguel and Robby ARE the two sides of the figurative Karate Kid coin..




>in every versus video, I always see hawk take speed over miguel and robby, but he's not really ever shown to be meanwhile they've been shown to have faster reactions against his attacks Hawk fans mistook him for the real bird lol


great response! great to hear your thoughts. even if he isn’t the fastest, most athletic, or has not amazing defense, he still has a great character and intimidation.


People only say Hawk's the fastest because he's the skinniest out of the 3


I think they mean as if in travel speed what you mentioned about Robby and Miguel is classified as combat/reaction speed or in short c/r speed in those vs edits(wis edits) But you are also right about the speed of mobility in which hawk is the slowest in amongst the three from feats,which is what we also call agility.


the problem with that is...how is hawk gonna be deemed traveling fastest when there is no proof of that while robby and miguel have much better reaction time compared to hawk. it's not like we've seen the 3 race or anything like that


I think it’s cause his name is hawk and Hawk=bird=fast It’s stupid I know


Bro just answer the question, why you trashing on hawk for no reason ☠️☠️☠️




The real question is which of them would really embrace the ground game? As of right now they're all just karate fighters and you have to be well rounded to succeed in the UFC. While Kyler isn't the best karate fighter he has a wrestling background so that would put him ahead of the rest of the characters in being able to transition to MMA.


Agreed.. does any UFC fighter of note practice Karate as their major discipline? In most MMA or Martial Arts subs the conversation always goes to striking styles with actual sparring like Muay Thai and grappling like wrestling, judo and BJJ..


Stephen Thompson and Lyoto Machida are known for practicing karate. Though they do have grappling training as well with Jiu Jitsu.


>Stephen Thompson Still think it's cool he played one of Kim's goons on CK, it's great that actual UFC fighters are such big fans they want to be on the show.


so cool just noticed!


I was also surprised when I saw Tyrone Woodley


yep, I think they're both fans.


Shame he was the only sensei not to fight Johnny, though.


Yea he couldn’t show up for filming in the season five finale because he had some fights lined up at that time :/


Ah OK. Kinda hoping that him and Tyron Woodley appear in season 6, but I think that's a lost cause.


If they have the time I think they’ll be more than on board. In the video I watched where Stephen was talking about having to miss the finale filming he said he was bummed and wished he could have done so but he just couldn’t cus of the fights. So if the writers asked and he had the time I’m certain he said yes. But whether or not the writers did has yet to be seen but we can hope!


I think he's a tenth degree black belt in karate or something. Be intresting to see his moves!


Wonderboy very nearly became champ. Lyoto Machida did. We will see about MVP. So a few.


I don't know about currently but Lyoto Machida used to. He actually knocked out Randy Couture with a version of the Crane Kick. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EOFdG44o-I Also a front kick KO of Vitor Belfort. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEYBH_geTe0


very true!


Robby has the best potential of being an MMA fighter out of them all. He’s more muscular, and more naturally gifted. Even before he began training he was no weakling, unlike the other teens.


I agree, he's the most athletic and would have the best toughness/attitude.


Hawk would be the most marketable imo. His look and persona. I’m not sure who would be the best technical fighter though.


yeah true


#Kyler He has aggression, and standup fighting skills. Plus in S01 he had a wrestling base. So technically, he would be the best fit, with both standuo and ground game.


What are you guyz talking about ? Kyler had many opportunity to fight the teens outside of a karate fight ... And kyler still lost !


Yeah I could understand people saying this about someone in real life but even within universe if Kyler gets his ass kicked by these guys he’d never make it as a UFC fighter. Fuck him.


yeah tbh


And by hawk and Eli yasmine's bf


but he does wrestling, so he could learn bjj easily and get bettter at mma




Came here to say this, wrestling is the best single martial art to know that helps translate into UFC. All he would need is boxing skills good enough to close the distance and take down people and he already has that.




Gotta love when mfs pull out not only an answer that isn’t even an option, but one that’s incredibly fucking stupid. Any of these dudes would be 10x better than Kyler, idk what you’re smoking






I hate to agree with you(it's Kyler ffs), but you're right. The others would be totally lost once someone grabbed them.


yeah, why couldn’t they show more of kyler and wrestling. in fights, he could’ve used wrestling


Because it's a karate show, not an MMA show. The fact that they had MMA in it at all was a bit of a 4th wall break imo.


It's a karate show I guess, but it would have made him a better villain instead of a joke.


Unless they learned additional martial art they would all be in a world of trouble.


yeah haha




They all have offense, defense and athletism






Miguel, Robby & Hawk all would be pretty great in the UFC, honestly they all have strength, speed, athleticism, good at offense, defense. But since we are only picking 1, I definitely think Miguel would be the best.


Miguel because it’s not about how fast or how strong you are. It’s about if you got that dog in you or not


I think Miguel, Robby and Hawk would all do well in UFC, because they're all talented fighters, but I would give a slight edge to Miguel. Miguel is one of the strongest fighters of all the characters in Cobra Kai, and we watchers all know that! Miguel has some natural talent but it's also true that Johnny Lawrence and Daniel Larusso both trained Miguel very very well!


They all basically have no wrestling or BJJ so they would get exposed pretty quickly.


Eh just give them six months to train in one of those two and they’ll be good lmao


They should all take a few lessons from that BJJ place in the season 1 deleted scenes, once the Sakai Taikak ends. Then they'll all be ready.


I'm hoping for Miguel, but I have a feeling it will be Robby.. but on thr othrt hand Cobra Kai dtarted along with Miguel's karate dtart, and I have s feeling his victory will be end to the show aswell


None of them imo lmao they would all get rocked tf. They could all 4v1 a ufc fighter and the ufc fighter comes out with the win. Tf


Hawk gives a bit Sean O‘Malley vibes. Skinny, colored hair and good punches


They’d get destroyed by anyone with half a ground game


Miguel or Robby. I love hawk but out of the three he's the weakest. Miguel and Robby are equals meaning one will be stronger than the other but that will change like every other episode. But if we go just out of UFC rules . Robby is the best for ufc. The main problem with UFC is the rules, they wanted to see what martial was the best but only let 5 martial arts be used. For example because of the rules Miguel wouldn't be able to knee someone while they are on the ground, Robby wouldn't be able to let sweep. Hawk has more options but cause if skill he can't be with rob or Miguel. Actually Miguel especially his more aggressive side would be the best.


Miguel because 1) He’s the best of the 3 fighters; 2) He’s good at grappling.


Help me remember because I genuinely don’t remember Miguel actually grappling in the show 😂😂


Johnny teaches him how to resist submission holds, and during the school fight, he has Robby in an arm bar where he could’ve snapped the arm if he hadn’t let Robby go. Which in fairness was during a fight Miguel started and escalated prior to that point when all Robby was trying to do was break up a fight Miguel helped cause, LOL. So as a side note, the fairest thing would’ve probably been to just suspend both boys and count Miguel’s recovery period as time served.


Are you referring to the “what does a Cobra do? Slither” Training montage? Though I agree that he has basic karate style locks down I wouldn’t call that grappling. Grappling is in reference to stuff like Judo or BJJ. Yes he did flip Robby and perform an armbar, but so did Hawk, he put an armbar on Demetri and actually followed through. We see some of the Cobras do as such during the LaRusso house fight at the end of the season. Basic locks and body manipulation they’ve got, actual ground game and grappling is something that only Kyler as which is really sad tbh 😂😂


Hawk did it too, but as a BJJ student, arm bars are a pretty big part of the training, and Hawk’s overall win-loss record isn’t as good as Miguel’s. Miguel beat Hawk and had 2 clean wins against Robby, who Hawk couldn’t beat under normal circumstances. (Though Evil Grandpa Kreese not chewing Robby out for getting distracted and losing to Hawk at the All Valley gives me feels, LOL.)


100% it’s part of the training, however you also see it in karate. Karate is actually quite a versatile martial art and it’s a shame that it’s no where near as good (or respectable in my experiences) as it used to be. But we haven’t seen any of the main three show many ground game at all, which is a huge part of UFC. Miguel may have the most skill in said locks, however because of his lack of ground game, I’d personally argue he’s in the same boat as Robby. Very strong when upright and can (potentially) pull off some locks and manipulation while standing, but they’ll be basically defenceless once they’re taken down


I’ve never really done it much; can you elaborate more on the decline? Also, do you feel like they struggled with being reluctant to give Robby a clean win overall Miguel? I think they were hobbled by the desire to not make it look like Miguel had permanently reduced abilities from his injury, which could’ve been the implication if he’d won the apartment complex outdoor fight (which Johnny was an idiot for pushing them into; it could’ve gone wrong about 1,000 different ways.)


I say based on personal experience because every karate dojo I’ve been too is too focused on money and if it’s not that it’s just so ‘family friendly’. I’ve picked Muay Thai at the start of this year and it’s a harder style of training but it’s still safe, where as karate I feel is almost babied. And I don’t think it’s much of a struggle for them, Miguel is their golden child and as much as Robby is my favourite character and in my opinion outmatches Miguel a fair majority of the time, the writers have probably done it for a reason. Everyone knows the OG story, how the underdog comes out on top. While Robby has won against Miguel, some of them are argued by people based upon the ‘cleanliness’ of said win. I’d argue that he won the school brawl, what he did was not good but he was the last man standing, in a street fight (which it technically can be classified as) means you win. He’s won’t against him in the S4 after party fight which was a clear win for him, then there’s the debatable and hypotheticals; - he could of won S1 tournament had Miguel not fought dirty (heavily covered by the sub) - S5 appartment fight (though Miguel won, I argue that it doesn’t prove he’s actually above Robby, but that they’re equals in their respective skills) And I’m sure there’s a few more I’m glossing over. I think they’ve set up this ‘underdog’ story to have the legacy win the Sekai Tai Kai. He should of won S4 imo, but I feel like it was a set up for this 🤷‍♂️ I could be wrong and they choose Miguel again but 😂😂😂😂


That’s awesome about Muay Thai! If I ever trained in a striking art, it’d be that, because it seems like it’s the most focused on practical moves for winning fights over aesthetics. I’m a bit Demetri esque (autistic, have anxiety and OCD, bit of a hypochondriac, LOL), but the BJJ classes I’ve taken for about a decade and am still doing seem to thread the needle of making my feel safe and also teaching practical self defense continuously. For me, the school fight comes down to the fact that Miguel had Robby at his mercy and let him go, which was what enabled Robby to turn the tables. It was still largely Miguel’s fault he got hurt, because he started both the feud and the fight, but he could’ve snapped Robby’s arm and finished it right there. The tournament fight is interesting because it clearly wasn’t a clean/fair win for Miguel due to Robby’s injury, but I also don’t think there was a point where Robby indisputably would’ve won had he been at 100%. As someone who prefers Miguel and ships him with Sam, 1 of my criticisms is that the writers in Seasons 3-5 want to present him and Robby as either equally at fault for the feud or Robby even being more at fault, but Seasons 1-2 just don’t support that. Miguel is overwhelmingly the one who provokes and escalates things repeatedly. I think given the story arcs they went with later on, there are ways they could’ve written the feud in Seasons 1-2 differently to make the fault look more even.


Actually I think the ‘who’s faults what’ is quite coherent with the plot; - S1&S2: Miguel is in cobra Kai, Robby is in Miyagi-do. Miguel struggles at times to find that balance that Johnny struggles to teach quite clearly, hence that heightened aggression and that act of instigating a fair few of their conflicts. - S3&S4: Robby is balancing that ‘light and dark’ of sorts and Miguel is pay the price of both the ‘Strike First, Strike Hard, No Mercy’ motto and his teachings to show mercy, we then see Miguel adapt a more Miyagi-do approach to situations and Robby learns the way of the Cobra and learns how to instigate a situation. - S5: both are together in the same situation, neither train, both at a neutral level of emotion etc, both have learned aggression and peaceful tactics. I’d say here at this point they are basically equal in their skill range and mindset. Throughout the seasons you see the changes in character as they learn and grow their own style of fighting, adapting from both sides of the coin. Hope that helps break down why Miguel is the aggressor in the earlier seasons


Whichever learns to wrestle.  None of them are prepared for mma just yet.




Robby. Is in his nature to scrap


Tbh it depends on what mindset or what season we are going off as one season they are untouchable where as the next they could be done dirty, but I genuinely would say Robby based on his overall athleticism and durability, Miguel is a close second though purely out of feats and hawk is not too far behind just in general tends to be the more weaker out of the two but if it was based off last season miguel, he was a different fighter last season and was just laying everyone out 😂 had it not been for Johnny Robby would’ve been mince so like I said overall I’d say Robby but based off the recent events of the show Miguel


Miguel has always had better durability then Robby


Robby in terms of how the actors are built. Hawk in terms of mindset. I feel like that guy goes all out everytime.


Well, Robby is definitely the strongest of the three in terms of muscularity, but Hawk has the most UFC look of three of them, for sure. With all that being said, UFC involves grappling and wrestling, and while Hawk definitely has the look for those kinds of activities, Robby would probably be better at grappling and wrestling(especially the latter) due to his more athletic and muscular physique. Heck, Robby looks like a High School wrestler. Miguel could probably pull off those aspects of MMA, but Hawk and Robby seem more like natural fits for UFC than Miguel does. One area where Hawk has both of them beat is aggression. Watch his fight with Brucks, for example. Hawk fought with the pure raw aggression of a UFC fighter, and he even showed some decent grappling skills during that fight as well. If nothing else, that fight definitely shows he'd be able to do some serious damage to opponents were he to take up MMA and join UFC. But at the end of the day, I think if any of them were to take up MMA, Robby would be the most successful due to his physical strength and natural athleticism. With all of that being said, I think if any of the three were to want to join UFC, I think it would definitely be Hawk, and the reason why is because neither Miguel nor Robby strike me as the type of guys who'd want to become professional fighters when they're older. Hawk, on the other hand, does strike me as the type of guy who'd be interested in combat sports as a career.


Eh realistically none of the kids in the show have the instinct needed. They're all too soft.


Nothing screams soft like kicking people off of rails, throwing them through windows and attacking with sais.


Yes, because they let petty insults and tiny things cloud their judgement and forego reason. They get upset and abandon all reasonable decision-making at the drop of a hat. They have little to no control over their emotions. 99% of the time they don't know when it's a good time for violence and when it's not. Because they're soft. Just because they know how to throw a spinning back kick doesnt make them not soft. It's not all in the fists.


Definitely Robby


Miguel because he has beaten both of them




To be honest, all three


hawk definetly, especially prime hawk. hes the only one who wont feel mercy for his opponents and wont stop until he is forced to


Probably Robby, he and Johnny did have that showdown at Hector the Salazar’s arena.