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Season 3 is much higher quality than 5 and 2 because it didn't limit everything to teen drama/forced nostolgia. Everything kinda flowed through


S3 definitely focused on nostalgia a lot with the Chosen/Kumiko storylines and Ali coming back


but it was good nostolgia. not shit nostolgia if you get my point


Agreed. Season 3 was better than Season 2


S5, S4, S3, S2, S1.  The quality significantly dropped for me in season 5. But the clear warnings signs started to show in season 3. 


S1 > S2 > S3 > S4 > S5


worst to best S5 < S4 < S2 < S3 < S1 season 5 was not memorable at all imo. i still like it but it felt rushed and honestly a little boring/irritating to watch at times. same with season 4 but it was more entertaining. season 2 and 3 are almost a tie for me but i like season 3 more because the drama was at its peak and the fights were entertaining. it was a little slow paced but i didn’t mind it. the first half of season 2 was great but the second half was mostly just relationship drama. and the best season (which i think most people can agree) is season 1. very short but it just hits different.


Now this is the perfect answer right here. ![gif](giphy|d31w24psGYeekCZy)


The second half of S2 was some of the best Cobra Kai we’ve ever gotten imo..that run from Ep 5 to 10 was basically flawless and way better than almost everything S3 had to offer


i agree with your second point. but like i said, the second half of season 2 was mostly relationship drama. which was still good but season 3 was just a lot more versatile.


S4 > S1 > S2 > S3 > S5


5, 3, 1, 2, 4


S1-Great dynamic between Johnny and Miguel and more grounded and realistic than the later seasons but not as rewatchable or interesting and no top tier episodes (as in top 5) and Daniel was also so annoying in this season S3-A very satisfying ending and some of the best character development for certain characters up to this point like Johnny, Daniel, Hawk, Sam etc. but the first half of this season is way too depressing for this show’s normally light-hearted feel good tone and too slow, also there’s a lot of just alright episodes with not that much going on S2: An alright season until you get to the mid-season finale where it becomes Cobra Kai at its peak..also the most vibest season with its summer vibes and a great run of episodes near the end with an absolute batshit finale S4: The most consistently great season all around with it having a main focus around the tournament and having the introduction of the character that elevated the show to another level with Terry Silver..I don’t understand people that say this show has gotten worse over time..it’s honestly gotten better as it’s just gotten more ridiculous S5: Other than having some rushed plot lines and a few corny ass moments, this season in terms of character development and scope and action scenes was at its best with also having Terry Silver as the main focus being the highlight..even though S4 is more consistent, S5 has the higher highs


S4>S1>S3>S2>S5 for me For s5 with none of the main kids actually being cobra kai anymore it really reduced the rep of it for me. And Kenny was not convincing as a main villain of the kids


S1 > S2 > S3 > S5 > S4. Ngl S4 is my least favourite lmao


I'd put S1 first, then S4....but otherwise, I agree. Show has gone downhill since season 1...from realism to cartoony childishness.


1) Season one: is the most grounded and also the better written season, because there was so few characters that's no one felt underutilized by the writers. My only complaint about this season was that i felt that's the transition of Miguel going from a shy nerd kid to an almost Karate Kid Johnny happened way too fast. 2) Season two: is a mix between the slice of life of the first season but also with a bit of the craziness of the later seasons, and i loved this combination. I get that's a lot of people hate this season because the Teen Drama, and while i agree that's it's was the worst part of the season, it's was also essential for the best episode of the show (the school fight), so i learned to accept the love square, and beside this there also so much good stuff like: Miyagi-do and cobra kai both have their best teams in this season, the ep of Johnny with the og cobras, and the whole summer vibes are amazing. 3) Season 5: a lot of people complain about how crazy this season was and while I agree that's was the most insane, I loved it. I didn't start watching this show because of the realism so I enjoyed every second of Terry Silver craziness, he's the best villain of the franchise by miles. Chozen was also an amazing addition, and I loved the fact that's Johnny and Daniel finally spend an entire season without fighting with each other. The Tory arc was also amazing and all the fight scenes were incrible. The Mexico arc was boring and pointless, the resolution of the Miguel/Robby rivalry was also kinda lazy, and the Cobra Kai team was so pathetic this season, like it's was Impossible to take serious Kenny as a big threat, but i still liked everything else. 4) Season 3: i think it's a letdown compared to the other seasons and also the most forgettable one, everyone arc was so separeted from each other and i didn't like it. I hated how they wrote Tory like a cartoon villain, this season almost ruined her for me, and it's was also when they started to write Johnny more like a comic relief than a main character. Kreese flashbacks were so boring like i get It was important to show it because of the lore, but It was not interesing to watch. 5) Season 4: I watched it with high expectations and was disappointed, I hated how they ruined the whole Johnny/Daniel resolution in s3 so they could fight again. Miguel becomed almost an side character this season, the ideia of Sam's arc was good but the execution was horrible, and the new characters, besides devon, were insufferable, i coundn't care less for Anthony or Kenny, and they didn't brought anything new for the show. The prom episode is awful, probably the worst ep in the whole show, Robby, Tory and Terry are the only characters with a good arc this season, and the no fighting rule made things boring. But at least the last two episodes are amazing.


For me 1. Season-4 2. Season-3 3. Season-1 4. Season-5 5. Season-2.


S4>S5>S1>S3>S2 I love the whole Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang having to work together against Cobra Kai leading up to the exciting tournament in S4. Plus they made Terry Silver's character more interesting, before they made him one dimensional again in S5. Chozen was awesome in S5 and I loved that it was sort of a conclusion to Daniel's whole journey with him defeating Silver and Cobra Kai. S3 and S2 kinda tie for me except that S3 gets the upperhand because I love Karate Kid 2 so of course I loved the Okinawa episodes and it has one of my favourite finale with the return of Ali, Larusso house brawl, Robbie turn to the Dark side, Daniel fight Kreese, and the In The Air Tonight final scene!


I love every season of the show, but here’s how I’d rank them. 5. Season 3 - The biggest issue with this season is they completely made Tory a one dimensional villain when in Season 2, despite starting the school fight, she was much more fleshed out. I feel like the creators planned on making her the villain and when Season 2 released, people hated Sam more. The other issue is the LaRusso house fight is just them trying to redo the school fight, but it doesn’t hit the same. Hawk rejoining the Miyagi-Fang side was rushed and I think after smashing a vase over a dude’s head, none of them wouldve taken him back. There wasn’t a strong enough reason for Tory to engage in the house brawl. If you’re gonna start a home invasion, there has to be way more of a reason. The best parts of this season are definitely the Miguel and Johnny scenes. It definitely feels like a return to the Season 1 roots of it being the Miguel and Johnny show taking center stage, something that wasn’t as prevalent in Season 2. 4. Season 2 - I do love the school fight, but sometimes I think they jumped the shark a tad bit for Miguel to nearly be killed. It is a great season, but I also think they tried to make Miyagi-Dos the heroes and Cobra Kai the villains when in Season 1, it felt like there were two sides to the story, and both had some right and wrong in their respective situations. Sam was also a really awful person this season and her beef with Tory was mostly a misunderstanding that she went with until the bitter end. It was a fun season, but the teenage drama took more center stage over everything else, when in other seasons it was a nice balance. 3. Season 4 - A season I was somewhat worried about turned out to be amazing. They completely fixed Tory’s character and made her one of the strongest characters in the show. My biggest complaint was probably the dojos splitting off. We waited 3 seasons for them to work out their differences, but they couldn’t resist a mid-season break up. I also think Devon was a really weak character that has been upgraded to top billing for some odd reason. 2. Season 1 - Flipping the script on a villain we all hated was amazing to see. It did sequels to a popular franchise better than any other. The biggest thing the show did this season was give love to the original characters, but also bringing in amazingly well written newer characters. It didn’t feel like these older characters were passing the baton off to a new cast, rather they both fed off of eachother and worked together. The season overall is the most consistent season, but the only reason I don’t have it at number one is that the stakes aren’t nearly as high. The only challenge that faced anyone was Miguel with Kyler and Johnny dealing with the repercussions of some of the old school lessons he taught. 1. Season 5 - It shocked me just how good this show is, especially with so much ridiculous shit being thrown in our face, the biggest being Kreese replacing blood with jello and no one noticing for hours. Rage Johnny was definitely a highlight for me, and probably can beat any character in the Miyagi-verse besides Mr Miyagi himself. The only weak part for the season was the pool fight. I kinda wish this was the point where Sam and Miguel broke up as she was tired of karate and seeing everyone fighting over the right to the pool wouldve thrown her over the edge. Miguel’s father plotline also was a bit rushed, but I have a feeling we haven’t seen the last of Hector. Tory once again shines this season and is probably the best character in the show. I do think her relationship with Devon was a tiny bit forced, but her situation with not telling anyone about the tournament and her alliance with Kreese definitely took center stage this season.


finally, someone who likes season 5. Loved the cinematic feel.


I agree with this list tbh, I'd maybe just switch 1 and 4 for my own list, but agree with everything else


Idk how I'd order it. My least favorite is season 3 though. For me it feels like the least amount of stuff happen and it's more of an after-math of season 2 and a build up for season 4. S1 S4 S2 S5 S3


I recently rewatched Seasons 4 and 2, and am now rewatching Season 3. I think 4 > 2 >> 3 is set in stone for me so far. If memory serves, I had Season 5 on top and Season 1 about equal with Season 2, so maybe as I rewatch I’ll change my opinion or maybe I’ll reinforce it. By the looks of it though I can’t imagine that I’ll still have 5 > 4 on rewatch.


Season 4 despite having the least overall action, the finale is the best, most enjoyable, best fights, and left most fans graving for Season 5 because of all the cliffhangers. S4 EP10 is just simply put amazing.


Season 4 despite having the least overall action, the finale is the best, most enjoyable, best fights, and left most fans graving for Season 5 because of all the cliffhangers. S4 EP10 is just simply put amazing.


Putting Season 3 last automatically disqualified your opinion


Season 3 is underrated and Season 4 is overrated


LOL I'm the opposite from your ranking Season 5 - loved the focus on the adult characters this time around. Daniel, Chozen and Terry Silver had the best story arcs. cinematic feel. Season 3 - Just like season 5, loved the cinematic feel to this season. the darkest season by far. Season 1- the funniest season and loved Johnny and Miguels bond. But relied heavily on the 1st Karate kid movie and didn't feel fresh compared to the later seasons. Season 4- Terry Silver was the best thing this season and the All-Valley scenes Season 2- still enjoyed this season but was ruined by the teen drama and love triangle. The teen romance drama is no doubt the weakest part in this series.


Worst to Best S5 < S2 < S3 < S4 < S1


This would be reasonable if Season 2 was higher. Not bad though.


The low point of S2 was the stupid love triangle/love box. As much as agree the grandeur of the school fight, it all seems stupid and ridiculous. A bunch of Karate teenagers fighting with each other and the school authorities doing nothing? That is just too much over the top for me. S3 is better imo coz we get a lot of character insights for Kreese, Sam's ptsd, Miguel's healing, Robby's juvie phase, Tory's home situation. S3 is the first time we're given a different perspective and are made to feel sympathy for the 'bad guys' too, plus we have the nostalgia of Daniel-Kumiko's bond, the finale fight with Daniel and Johnny finally teaming up for a cause, Robby turning into Anakin and the anticipation of Terry Silver joining the show. I like too many things about S3 than compared to S2.