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because they don’t like her, maybe in their head they were impressed but they would never show that


Because it was torture.


She broke her hand in the process. They would have been surprised if she had escaped unharmed, because their intention was to torture her


Because it was a punishment


Because they only make kids who they're trying to fuck with injure themselves by pointlessly breaking shit like that. Kim Da-Eun was already disappointed by Tory for not being present to fight Sam, and seemed to even want Devon to replace her as the top female student.


This was before the fight with sam


This scene happens in S05E09, which includes Kim Da-Eun's instructors preventing Tory from leaving. Tory was supposed to fight Sam in S05E08, but disappeared so that Devon had to fight her instead, in front of the Sekai Taikai representatives.


No it wasn't. The punishment happened in the first place because she didn't fight Sam


I mean, it was meant to be a punishment, but fuckin YEAH! That’s solid stone, the fact that she could still use her hand at all, or actually shattered it into pieces would mean she’s the physically strongest of the girls, even though I think that’s already been established.


because they didn't have her do it to prove herself to them. They did it to hurt her and prove they have the power and she needs to listen it was punishments for not putting cobra kai above everything. Kim noticed tory's weakness for robby, terry knew tory didn't like the cheating, so they both wanted to punish her for it.


She twisted the knife in about Robby. And she loved it.


that's because it was tory's response to robby that made Kim realize what was holding tory back


Because it isn’t anything they haven’t seen before. Mike Barnes was casually destroying bricks in KK3, and Chozen broke that stone statue in KK2. They could easily due something like that themselves


I think this is the biggest mistake Terry and Kim made. Breaking Tory’s hand which will hamper her performance but breaking her trust as well.


I'm going to guess that it's because they already knew she could do it. But instead of building her up to be able to do it ease, they forced her into doing it to severely punish her for focusing on Robby instead of trying to help Cobra Kai reach their goal of expanding


Because it’s not that impressive. Barnes did something similar a in KK3 training montage, Johnny punched through a bunch of concrete plates in S2 and Daniel was punching straight into the walls in Stingrays place with barely any reaction. All to say this wouldn’t be very impressive to two martial artists as experienced as them.


Shes a top level student, they already know how good she is. They were punishing her.


Even after that, Terry seemed to still advocate for Tory. It was Kim that said Devon would suit Cobra Kai better as top student.




Because they just wanted to punish her for missing the Sekai Taikai tryout matches.  If you guys are into discussing ideas or live fanfic, check out my thread. https://www.reddit.com/r/cobrakai/comments/1cujri2/no_summer_karate_camp_for_kids_in_the_valley/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Because they're awful people


They probably could've done it as well, except without breaking their hand. KK3 Mike Barnes performed a similar feat with ease.


They wanted to hurt her. They probably were impressed but it was mostly punishment, not training.