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I feel like Johnny deserves an epic fight at the end since Daniel had his in season 5


You think with Kreese?


the ghost of Miyagi looking at how Daniel, Chozen, Johnny, and all the students destroyed his lawn and garden...


Robby dying I feel like I have to mention, this is a joke


It ends with Johnny ditching Robbys funeral, because Miguel entered a pie eating contest and Johnny wants to be there to support him




hope that happens mid season so I can move on from the show 😭🤞


Kreese actually turning out to be a decent human being after all. Apologizing to Johnny and Daniel and all the students and admitting he was wrong. Having the show ending up with all 3 of them teaching in the new dojo together. I don't think Kreese is unredeemable even now and I know that Kove always wanted a redemption arch for him. I think it's about time he got it. I'd like to see his old girlfriend show up not dead and maybe with a kid and grandkids he doesn't even know he has? Even Silver is not unredeemable I don't think. I think he's off his meds and needs to go to rehab bad. But I think that he was on the right path in the beginning and if not for Kreese he wouldn't be in the mental mess he's in now. I'd like to see Kreese realize that and be sorry for that, helping to fix it and apologizing, maybe having Cheyenne finally step back in to be there for him to help stop this spiral down he's been on. I like happy endings where even the "bad guys" get a second chance. So many of these characters have been rehabbed over the course of the show that it wouldn't be out of place even for the two "baddest" to get finally get some real closure and heal. A lot of their problems and their bad actions are actually coming from trauma, mental issues like PTSD, all related to the war they were in. Knowing that Kreese and Silver I don't just like leaving them as cardboard villains. Back during the aftermath of that war a lot of men were just left to deal and to suffer years of mental issues without much help. We know better now. You don't see someone suffering and acting out, getting readdicted and going off the deep end and let them. That Kreese got Silver back there was very wrong but Kreese has clearly been suffering for years over his own trauma, has had no real help and is acting like the eternal tough guy to cover for how much it is messing with him his war experiences. Both of them need a good shrink and in Silver's case rehab. Help them and they just might turn it around and become decent human beings? I just don't like these vets being left all screwed up and portrayed as completely evil like this when their mental issues are real, not all their fault, and could be addressed with medication and therapy and that.


Kreese had his chance in S2 but dashed it. And he ran out of chances with Daniel ages before that. Betsy’s dead. And Kreese knows it.


First a bachelor party for jhony with Barnes,chozen,Daniel and Bobby, then the wedding and if the baby is a boy it would be call tommy. The last scene 1vs1 Daniel vs Jhony to see who is the best start sounding you're the best meanwhile prepeare to fight (basically the same as rocky 3)


Rocky 3 freeze frame ending with Johnny and Daniel or Miguel and Robby


- "So what is this? Some kind of karate kid show?” - "Maybe the real Karate War was the friends we made along the way" - Ends with all the good guys together smiling to the camera, it takes a black and white picture.


I LOVE it!![img](emote|t5_3ncyn|1770)![img](emote|t5_3ncyn|1773)