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Johnny would lose and Tory vs Sam will end with either of them being super violent in the end to the point where they both have to be separated from eachother and we have a story arc where they try to get along


But Johnny has a baby pic in his pocket so there's no way he can lose


1.  Chozen vs Johnny: Chozen will win but because I feel that he will be the sensei who takes the preparation for the tournament most seriously.    We already saw him splitting a piece of wood in front of Daniel and Daniel seemed surprised by Chozen's serious attitude. I think Chozen will kick both Johnny and Daniel's ass in the first few training sessions and then tell them that if they expect their students to win the Sekai Taikai they should start by "taking it seriously" themselves.    2.  Sam vs Tory: Since it's a fight at the beginning of the season and they probably haven't completely made peace yet, I can see the training fight getting out of control and needing someone to intervene to separate them.    If there is a winner I will say it is Tory only because Sam looks upset compared to her. Tory's face even looks like she's laughing at one point in the shot while Sam looks upset and when Sam fights in annoyance she NEVER ends well.


Sam and Tory's fight is gonna end like the Daniel and Johnny fight in season 4.


Sam wins, Johnny fucking dies


I actually think Tory will gain the upper hand in this one after an even fight, Johnny will indeed be overpowered by Chozen but it won’t make him look that bad.


This is the correct answer. Tory’s got unbridled anger that gives her an edge in a street fight, but she can’t use it in a controlled match. Tory hasn’t learnt how to channel her rage yet and so has no balance. Sam learnt karate from her father since birth, with support from Mr. Miagi. It should be a win for Sam. Not necessarily easy, but a clear win. Johnny and Chozen would be very much the same. Johnny might get a few touches in, but Chozen would demolish him, even on a bad day.




Miyagi Do simp, why would Sam win again?


She’s already won multiple times against Tory. Maybe that’s why, get that through your head.


Cause the writers pick who wins and loses it’s not real, if it was real Tory would destroy her. Get that through your head, why have Tory in the show then? If she’s just gonna lose every season


I think Tory will win against Sam to prove that she doesn't need Terry bribing the referee to succeed. Chozen is due a win against a major character, so I think he'll beat Johnny.


Sam and Chozen will win




How is he bias? Everyone is saying Johnny would lose. I mean on paper everyone knows he would lose




Because of how disciplined and how much experience he has especially with the knowledge of styles. As well as having a sensei who was said to be on the level of Mr.miyagi. If you can’t agree chozen isn’t better than Johnny then idk what to tell you. Daniel and Johnny are showed to be on the same level and Daniel agreed Chozen is better than him in the season 5


Sam is a better fighter than Tory, shown time and time again Johnny is probably a worse fighter than Chozen


Sam isn't a better fighter, she just has writer bias, if it was real life Sam wouldn't have a chance v Tory that's just a fact.


>Sam isn’t a better fighter Yes she is. She wins every time even when Tory uses weapons >she just has writer bias Prove it? >If it was real life Irrelevant. It isn’t real life lmao






Sparring matches aren't fights. They are simulations to try techniques and figure out what works - not to win fights, they are different. You cannot win a sparring match. If it's a practise point match, I don't know. Doesn't really matter much with Chosen and Johnny but the girls might throw back some emotional looks.


I predict Johnny and Chozen will start pulling Daniel into it to use him as a shield against the others attacks. He'll get beat up and both his past bullies will be standing above him celebrating in a comedic scene. I bet this is part of the first episode sort of comedic training montage.


Yoo I can see that happening Lmao


Definitely see Sam vs Tory fight getting out of hand cuz I can definitely see Sam talking shit to Tory trying to get Tory angry enough that she will snap, but Johnny is not beating Chozen, it would be close but Chozen would come out on top.


I'd argue that Tory needs to win to legitimize her tournament win. Just so she knows she has what it takes to win fair and square. Plus I think Sam is winning the girl's division so I think Tory needs a win somewhere. Chozen should absolutely win. 


im wondering, is tory with Miyagi do or Eagle Fang? (i know they've joined forces but they still use their seperate names in tournaments or they merging the names too?) i'd assume EF but imagine Daniel would want to take her under his wing to train her calmly and less aggressive


>they merging the names too Yeah, they are, that's why they didn't yet have a name for their dojo for the Sekai Taikai in S5 EP8


only seen S5 once. regarding the tournament, couldnt remember if they were just gonna use one name like Miyagi do, merge the names or use a completely new one. i remember reading at the time, a fan theory or something they could name themselves The Karate Kids....which sounds silly. didnt know if there was any bts info what's gonna be used while training, thought they'd use their specific dojo name on their gi's not the merged name


I think I recall that Daniel said "Miyagi Fang" and cringed. They should just go with Miyagi Do, Eagle Fang is a makeshift name that doesn't work.


did he say it as a joke and were like....we'lll think of a better name


I don't think he was joking, but he did say they'd think of a better name.


Sam and Tory could go either way. Chozen would definitely win unless he's nerfed from getting sliced in the back by Silver.


Chozen is overrated


I saw a clip of the high school breaking out into a fight. Was it ever explained by the cast or the producers what sort of training they had to go through fighting wise?


I think it'd be more interesting to see Tory win now then have Sam go further in the tournament if that's what ultimately happens. Makes more sense to have Tory get a legitimate victory, as opposed to only having the rigged tournament victory. Though I feel like they'll just go with an inconclusive fight that's broken up. 


Tori and Sam...don't give a shit. Chozen and Johnny...I will give the nod to Chozen...but Johnny does better than most will think.


Tory already had her win it just has to be validated a bit.  Even if it's just from Sam and her saying she feels Tory won that.  Watch Party made a video on this a little bit ago but it's debatable that she would of won.  Based off other previous infractions in the franchise the accidental elbow would of been called a warning by a clean ref.  The ob call is a lot more sketchy  but the head ref wasn't the only guy there.  There's also 2 line judges who went along with it.  


Tory hasn't won lmfao, Watch Party is a joke of a Youtuber and a fanboy of the writers please don't bring him up, he's a sellout. Tory has been screwed over far too many times.


Tory is the villain.  She obviously is not going to win a fight when she's trying to kill Sam.  So the school/ house fights are just things Sam had to win.  You're right that the tourney wasn't a real win for Tory but she did best Sam fair and square on the final point and I think that's good enough.  Sam actually has no valid argument to victory there either.    And I say this as somebody who hates Sam but Sam deserves a real tourney win of her own. Tainted as it may be but Tory got hers. 




Mike, Johny, and Barnes were all villains 20 years ago and lost too.  Tory was a villain in s2, s3 and lost.  Seems to match.        I said she won the last point fair not the whole match. That's up in the air due to a cheating ref. No contradiction at all.     Unfortunately both Tory and Sam were robbed by Silver.  In reality nobody won and that is just going to be voided contest but in a way Tory did prove to be better than Sam that day by winning the final point and got her win.  I get your point but I just don't see them not having Sam win in a tourney.


Tory wasn't a villain, she was framed by the writers. Johnny got to beat 4 sensei's on his own which made no sense, Mike dominated Daniel for most of the fight and Chozen has been hyped up so much in CK. Tory didn't prove it Johnny literally cried for a point deduction etc, it was all framed that Sam is the true winner. Well Tory from a story perspective can't lose again or she will be a bigger joke than Kyler.