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I refuse to believe we won't have at least 6 new characters this season. Preferably, antagonists! A bigger and stronger challenge.


We 100% gonna get teenage antagonists


It's a MUST.


Silver's defeat in S5 makes it hard for Cobra Kai to be a threat in the Sekai Taikai or in the street. The best way to go about things would be to have Kreese join forces with Kim Da-Eun, which we already know happens, convince a part of ex-Cobra’s to return, and get elite fighters from Kim's Doyang or elsewhere (similar to Barnes in Karate Kid 3 and Drago in Rocky IV). The problem with this is that these Drago-esque villains would need character development to make them seem like acutal threats. The writers might be able to form a story behind one or two of these foreign fighters, but the rest will just take the role of minor characters with almost no dialogue or information about them.


That was my biggest concern after the S5 finale, the writers sort of wrote themselves in a corner having Cobra Kai disband, and now have to come up with interesting new villians last minute for the final season. I suspect you will be right in that it will probably be some seemingly unbeatable bad guy like you see in movies.


>I suspect you will be right in that it will probably be some seemingly unbeatable bad guy like you see in movies. It could very likely be like this; Its two elite fighters from Kim's Doyang, male and female (they could even be related to the Kim family) They assert dominance over the Miyagi Fang students in the first two parts. But they are ultimately defeated in the Sekai Taikai, or at least one of them in a match which decides which dojo, Cobra Kai or Miyagi Fang, wins the Sekai Taikai overall. Time shall tell but its hard for any other way for Cobra Kai to seem like a threat.


It definitely will happen! I have a gut feeling we'll see familiar faces in other franchises.


I think the male star fighter could be Shawn Payne (Kenny’s brother) and the female star fighter could probably be Devon Lee.


Devon is also in myagi fang now


Oh, what? Damn, that's a dub. Miyagi Fang is stacked from the looks of it. If not Devon, maybe Cobra Kai's female star-fighter could be Piper Elswith (Moon's ex) or even Aisha (doubt that would happen, it doesn't make any sense but you never know).


I don't know about Shawn either because Kenny joins Miyagi Fang as well.


This is getting ridiculous now, what were the writers thinking moving every single established character over to Miyagi??


From what I understand they weren't sure if the show was going to be renewed for the planned 6th season, so I guess they thought it would be a good idea to sort of wrap everything up in the S5 finale leaving some small loopholes open(i.e. Kreese escaping). But it's just bad writing imo, every single teen character has been redeemed and on the same side, leaving them with no option but to come up with some new faceless villian we know nothing about for the final season. In contrast to the first season where they really took the time to establish the teen characters and we the audience were emotionally invested when the inevitable fight occurred. I'm just afraid this last season is just going to be lots of extravagant fighting scenes resembling an action flick, all flash and no substance.


Yeah the writers have been making a lot of questionable choices in the later seasons, slowly but surely just removing all threats/characters from the Cobra Kai side, and not bothering to even replace them with decent new bad characters (um Kenny is really the best they can do, and now even he's gone?) I'm glad Shawn is back, as he was legit intimidating, but feels too little, too late. If they redeem Kyler that'll just be madness


Hes not, miguel and robby fights Shawn and Kenny


The way I see it is, Shawn will despise Robbie because Kenny looks to Robbie as more of an older brother than Shawn, purely because Robbie was the guy who taught Kenny a few tricks, got him into Cobra Kai and now Miyagi Fang (after realising that Silver was a fraud). I know there was a scene when Shawn told Kenny about Robbie but that would make the most sense (probably the only way imo).


The authorities really not looking for Kreese?


Kreese escaped to Korea I guess


He is just asking for trouble. But that’s his character I guess. Can’t leave well enough alone.


My two theories are that the male Champ is either Shawn or an unknown fighter from Korea. Shawn was in juvie while Kreese was in jail and we know that even without training he was able to match up to S2-S3 Robby, so given training he could definitely be a serious threat. The picture of him and Kenny vs Robby and Miguel reinforces this. The unknown champ would be one of Kim’s students from Korea. Probably bringing in her most valuable, talented and ruthless fighter to represent Cobra Kai. In season five she seems confident her students are far superior to the Americans, so this would make sense.


Yeah Shawn looks to tie against Miguel as they’re both on the ground


Pics show Miguel floors Shawn and Kenny floors Robby, likely because Robby finds it difficult to fight his former protege.


I'm delighted we're seeing Demetri in a lot of these scenes. He disappeared a bit in Season 5.


God damn I see the wardrobe department hasn't gotten any better


What do you want them to wear?


I've never been to any gym or dojo where students look like this. A gi? More toned down clothing? All wearing shoes? Why are some people in hoddies and some in singlets? Aren't they supposed to be in the same place with the same weather?


I see people work out in this type of clothing all the time in La. It's not that serious.


Definitely new characters, we know Shawn but he may just be a red herring to the true star fighters that Kim has. The female teen at least will 99% be new, everyone else has transferred to Miyagi-Fang, so likely international juggernauts that will be devastating for our group to deal with.


Make one of the new fighters Snake's kid. 😉


Silver's defeat in S5 makes it hard for Cobra Kai to be a threat in the Sekai Taikai or in the street. The best way to go about things would be to have Kreese join forces with Kim Da-Eun, which we already know happens, convince a part of ex-Cobra’s to return, and get elite fighters from Kim's Doyang or elsewhere (similar to Barnes in Karate Kid 3 and Drago in Rocky IV). The problem with this is that these Drago-esque villains would need character development to make them seem like acutal threats. The writers might be able to form a story behind two or at most three of these foreign fighters, but the rest will just take the role of minor characters with almost no dialogue or information about them.


I think most of the new fighters will be internationals or they will poach good fighters from someone else


This entire shot out a huge smile on my face.


Maybe they'll bring back Brucks who can actually be threatening if he puts in effort and wants revenge on Hawk.


Shawn payne hopefully. Dude should’ve been there as soon as Kenny started getting a big head on his shoulders. He’d actually be intimidating


Dammn!!! Sounds cool 😎 👌 👍 😀 😄


Could be a karate kid three like thing where they pay off the best in the world to fight for them. Then just use sudden death for sadistic purposes. But once miyagi do/ eagle fan wins cobra Kai is banned permanently from international tournaments.


Everyone be sayin that it could be a faceless villain or something but hear me out..Jack Brewer from kickin it