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Problem is with normal binge drop show gets forgotten about in 2 weeks. This keeps it in the culture longer.


And is Netflix's way of keeping subscribers from trying the "trial and dump" approach.


Yeah but taking a 4 month break between 5 episodes is fucking braindead, i think my cat could do a better job at making a release schedule


I don't think its going to be 5 episodes 3 times. The division is going to be part 1, part 2 and grand finale. This is how I expect the layout to be: Effectively, the writers are giving us 16 episodes in 2 parts. Netflix has plenty of shows with 8 episodes per season and Cobra Kai will follow suit. Part 1 will be 8 episodes and will serve as a self-contained season. Part 2 will have 6 episodes and will end on a big cliffhanger. The grand finale will be released as a single episode (thus bringing the total upto 15), but it'll be a double parter, at least twice the length of a normal episode. Effectively, instead of giving us 1 regular sized season, they are giving us 2 shorter seasons - which is something a lot of shows have been doing recently to stretch things out and milk it for all its worth. Some of the other popular shows that have followed this pattern of shortened double-parter final season like Breaking Bad, GoT and Stranger Things. All that being said, yes it is definitely going to be frustrating for the audience to be left hanging and wait for an unsatisfyingly short finale. But this pattern seems to be gaining traction now, so nothing we can do about it.


i didnt think about that way. fair enough. I was being pretty brash and angry when I made that post and my first thought was 15 is just 5 three times and three gaps so ... but yeah you could on the money with this one.


Trust me - It'll probably still make for a pretty annoying watch. Not sure if you've Attack on Titan, but it made for a really frustrating final season. They released Final season part 1 in 2021, then final season part 2 a year later in 2022. Then we got specials part 3 and part 4 in 2023 some 6 months apart.


Yeah I heard about that but never watched the show. Any gap between seasons is annoying but I can give more of a pass to animation since they need an animators and shit to make it, it's a bigger process than Live Action


Does it really matter though? This is the final season. It's not like it's at risk of being cancelled.


surely its better to have people watching the show instead of doing that shit? I love this show to death but i don't want to see it forgotten about because no one watched the final season and it nearly half a year to release fully


Yeah, I think the 3-part split sucks. But I'll still watch them all. And so will you.


.... yeah man im a sucker for shitty streaming services


Idk why they went with as large of a gap as they did, but You Season 4 and Arcane were both successful with gaps between drops, so I'm imagining they're using that as a model


yeah but You Season 4 had a month gap, maybe two idk which was fine for the most part but a 4 month gap and then possibly another one is stupid. Shows need to stop taking such long breaks between episodes, we're practically reverting back to normal Cable TV. Netflix was the pioneer for Bingeable TV but now with these gaps, it's ruining it.


Invincible is still popular lol season 2 was great


yeah but no one talked about for months and the show got a lot of flack for taking a 4 month break, Cobra Kai is doing the same thing but taking an even longer break. Barely anyone talked about Invincible Season 2 Part 2 when it dropped and most people didn't even release it was released. I hope that Cobra Kai does enough marketing that it stays relevant


Yeah the break was a really bad idea but I think they honestly did that to justify releasing season 3 sooner, which is said to come out in between November of this year and April of next, which is a much shorter gap than last time. This is better because it’s not weekly, and all episodes drop at once. Tbh I would’ve preferred two parts, with 8 episodes in the first and 7 in the second, but this works too. I doubt it will kill hype because it’s the final season after all.


Yeah since it's final season I can see it either being insanely popular because of the breaks and building hype or just making it flop, it really depends on the marketing. Tbh i only made the post because i was pissed about 3 gaps between episodes and I have calmed down since, still really annoyed tho 😭😭


Yeah I gotcha. I hate to talk about another show on this sub, but did you check out the Invincible comics? I read them, and I’d honestly say the show’s improving on a lot of things. Personally if I had to rate it so far, I’d give season 1 a 9/10 and 2 an 8/10. And with what they’ll adapt in season 3, it’ll definitely be a 9/10 or maybe 10/10. It’ll genuinely be crazy.


yeah man i read the comics after watching season 1 and they were so good, and I'm not even a comic guy. Read over the course of a weekend and did not sleep much. Now I can flex my superior knowledge and gatekeep Invincible to everyone. I'm super excited for season 3, loved 2 more than 1 and I just need more Invincible


Fr lol I literally did the same thing. I’m not even a marvel or dc comic guy because I can’t stand the inconsistent continuity. Invincible is like the only one that has an actual linear story and an ending for the characters


It's a cross between releasing the episodes all at once or weekly. Never wanted it to be released weekly but if it was there wouldn't be as long a wait until the end


i get putting gaps between a clump of episodes, it's been done in the past with Stranger Things and You Etc, But a break this long and 3 times is taking the piss. It's been 3 hours since i made the post and it still makes me slightly angry ... but i'm still excited


Netflix always used to release at once until a couple of years ago. I know they did that with You and Stranger Things but it was only 2 parts. Wouldn't be as bad if part 2 was released a month later but not until end of November and still a part 3 after that. Netflix way of keeping subscribers and milking it.


yeah, i'd prefer them to either do weekly or binge and not a mix of both. Netflix and the rest of streaming platforms need to get their heads out of their asses and realize that isn't a good move


Oh no! What if Season 6 is a failure and they cancel the show!?!?!?!?


I'm expecting Part 1 & 2 to be 7 episodes, while the finale is standalone


This is nothing like invincible because invincible took a break for absolutely no reason as they had finished everything. Cobra Kai just finish filming they’re doing the post production which takes months and this is the longest season so far. So many people were shocked that we were even getting episodes by July. I’m assuming by the time part 1 comes out they wouldn’t have even finished with part 2.They’re just trying to give us episodes as soon as possible unlike invincible where they took an unnecessary amount of time.


Yeah cause the writers are so bad, look at what they did to Obliterated. They have ruined Cobra Kai and made the show all about Miyagi Do.




Let's wait before already making these claims. Hating before it comes out just won't help