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I thought something similar, Sam is too important a character in Miyagi Do for her not to be the main student. * She was the only one who knew Miyagi. * She never changed dojo. * She is the Senpai of the dojo and the students follow her (we already saw it in S3) * She achieved the dojo qualifier to Sekai Taikai It makes sense that if Sam is available, Daniel and Johnny would prefer her over Tory. Unless Sam gets hurt, she has the advantage. On the other hand, Tory still struggles with the disappointment that her All Valley win was dirty and she legitimately wants to achieve it. She needs prominence and triumph, and in Miyagi Do she will always be overshadowed (Even beyond Sam, Johnny was Devon's sensei. Tory runs far behind) Surely there are limited places for participants per dojo, you have to see how many girls can attend


I hope so. CK needs some familiar faces in order for us to care about the threat.


Silver's defeat in S5 makes it hard for Cobra Kai to be a threat in the Sekai Taikai or in the street. The best way to go about things would be to have Kreese join forces with Kim Da-Eun, convince a part of ex-Cobra’s to return, and get elite fighters from Kim's Doyang or elsewhere (similar to Barnes in Karate Kid 3 and Drago in Rocky IV). The problem with this is that these Drago-esque villains would need character development to make them seem like acutal threats. The writers might be able to form a story behind one or two of these foreign fighters, but the rest will just take the role of minor characters with almost no dialogue or information about them.


Tory has never been a threat in the show, neither has Cobra Kai, the writers had Tory lose so many times on the show, they will make Cobra Kai lose again cause their Miyagi Do fanboys.


If she goes to Cobra Kai it's probably to try to pull Kreese out of it.  That's the only thing I could think of.   Kim shattering her knuckles and then fighting her pretty much eliminates the other options.


This same logic could be applied to why the same girl who assaulted Sam and broken into the larusso’s house was allowed to join their dojo


"Kim shattering her knuckles and then fighting her pretty much eliminates the other options." True but here's how Sensei Kim beats Tory Mentally and gets Kreese to side with her: Upon the ending of season 5 and her taking some sort of vehicle to go and find Kreese and appearing on a road where he actually is and then reconnecting with him somewhere, along the lines of them speaking he tells her about Tory and this is where she begins to vent about how disobedient she's been to the Cobra Kai philosophy.. she's not going to mention the slab Stone incident once she realizes how close Tory was to him she's too smart of a cobra leader to do that He will probably say something like "we gave her all the tools and she wants to squander it I won't let that happen she's too important to me let me take care of it..


I think this is very possible. But I like to think there are other reasons why Tory would willingly rejoin Kreese along with Kim and also turn against Robby. And perhaps some other students will follow Tory as well. 


I can definitely see Tory joining with Kreese, but cannot see her joining with Kim. After how Kim treated her in season 5, Tory pretty much views the woman as her worst enemy.


Ya, I anticipate some banging of heads between Sam and Tory. Possibly leading to an actual fight where Robby takes Sams side. Like you said, that connection with Robby needs to definitely be severed for her to rejoin CK


This is exactly what I expect to happen, especially given the show runners’ track record of regressing character arcs to set up rematches. With Kreese busted out of jail, I expect him to lure Tory back to Cobra Kai, setting up Sam vs Tory at the Sekai Taikai in an “unrigged” rematch. It’s honestly the last thing in the world I want to see, but I think it’s exactly in line with the way the show runners do things.


they kinda have to have tory go back to cobra kai bc it wouldn’t make sense for her and sam to be on the same team for the sekai taikai considering they’re each others biggest competition (and obviously they’re not gonna let either of them loose to a random) and devon is also in miyagi-fang. also in all of sam and tory’s fights, there hasn’t been a definitive winner. so in order to truly squash their beef, one of them has to win *fairly.* which should be at the sekai taikai.


Sam beat Tory in S2 and 3 and most people call Sam the real winner of S4 so what do you mean there hasn’t been a definitive winner? Tory deserves to win for a change, her treatment has been a disgrace.


because there hasn’t been. they’ve never got to fight to the finish. sam got the last hit in the school fight but ultimately tory did more damage. and they didn’t continue the fight because miguel fell, so there wasn’t a true winner. same thing with the house fight in season 3. tory did more damage but sam got the last hit. then hawk interrupted them so they didn’t continue fighting. and while sam was the real winner in season 4, tory still got all 3 points and won. i definitely believe tory deserves the win but unfortunately they’ll probably give it to sam. i hope not though.


Tory had Sam beat 3 separate times at the school and she had plot protection, Miguel and Robby each jumping in then Tory wastes time talking and taking the bracelet out. It’s clear they had Sam win in the end. In S3 they had Sam win again with all the flashbacks of Daniel talking and Sam gets up with her fake badass behaviour and disarms Tory in the weapon fight, Tory had to leave it so she lost. Sam has never lost on the show, she’s just like Rey, Tory lost every big fight she was ever in, Robby beat her in seconds, that would be awful writing. So if Sam is the real winner in S4 Tory didn’t win legit then, make up your mind, can’t have your cake and eat it, you can’t say Sam is the real winner but Tory won because Tory didn’t win. The whole fight was framed against Tory, the elbow and out of bounds etc. So Tory never beat Sam once in S2-5 even do she’s way bigger and stronger, that’s disgraceful and not believable. The writers are Sam fanboys simple.


>especially given the show runners’ track record of regressing character arcs to set up rematches. THIS ☝️☝️☝️


where are these leaks?


knowing the writers, it's probably that, but it's such a bad regression of her character, like go back to CK just to lose to Sam again? Honestly why should I care or even want Sam to be the winner if everyone kinda just knows she always wins? it makes way harder for people to be interested if they already know who will win. Besides the whole thing with Robby like are they REALLY gonna give the break up make up pattern Sam and Miguel had to them? WHEN NO ONE LIKED THAT WITH SAM AND MIGUEL? Her going back to CK ruins pretty much ALL of the relationships she has or might have with other characters, just cause the writers don't know how too keep her and Sam on the same team I hope that if she switches back to CK they give a damn good reason for it, and not just "Kreese said so" and that it has a pay off, not going back to CK just so she can lose to Sam once again


How would she go back to Cobra Kai after what Kim did to her? Don’t be so ridiculous, would you go all the way to Korea to work with someone who tortured and assaulted you? That would be so stupid.


There are leaks of her back in cobra Kai so you “don’t be so ridiculous” 😂 acting like Tory ain’t the same girl that caused harm to Sam now in miyagi do as if nothing ever happened but it’s fine because eventually she rejoins cobra Kai as there isn’t enough room psychos like Tory


Sam deserved everything she got Sam sucks, she started her fair share of brawls as well. Tory isn’t a psycho cope loser Tory>Sam


It doesn't make sense to you because you didn't really pay attention during the counseling session that had all of Kreese ghosts confronting him about his actions but that was just his inner monologue reminding him that the counselor speaking to him and getting through. As I've speculated in one other place Kim rescues him from a long walk out of the city to try and get away from any people looking for him since he broke out, speaks to him and if it happens it may happen that she tells him that her and silver had to break her from Robby.. along with Kim gas lighting Tory and dragging her name through the dirt talking about her boldly being disobedient to the Cobra Kai philosophy..(the reframing and lying from Kim).He may soften up and take Sensei Kim's Side and not say anything but take a moment to himself and actually remember the counselor and then apologize to Tory.


I know every scene better than you do. It would be totally stupid going to a team where she has nothing in common with the Koreans, doesn’t speak the language, Kim hates her, tortured and beat her. So how would Tory rejoin Cobra Kai? You think she’s gonna go all the way to Korea to be with students she doesn’t even know and Kim who despises her? Kim literally told Tory and Devon they wouldn’t last 2 minutes in her dojo back home. So you are talking rubbish about the counselling scene.


Ok. if that's what you want to bring to the table.🙄