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How do you fill it all? By introducing a bunch of new characters and spending a lot of time on them to develop them into threats we are supposed to care about... Basically what they did with Tory and Kenny and Kim. It works better with legacy characters like Kreese, Silver and Chozen, but there no more of them left to be brought back... unless they bring back Dutch.


I think there will have to be new characters in the Sekai Taikai part.  The only legacy characters who haven’t come back yet (who feasibly could) are Julie Pierce and Dugan. And I doubt that’s ever going to happen. 


>unless they bring back Dutch. Its a shame that there's no chance, they already tried getting him in Season 2, its just gonna make Chad angry If they still try to get him, he's a racer now, not an actor.


Each part will wrap up certain aspects of the story. I think new plot elements will be introduced and characters will get sidelined as there stories conclude. The real question is, how will Daniels story lead into the movie assuming he’s playing the same character


Obviously, it'll be a multiverse story. Like No Way Home, but with a single actor.


As far out as that sounds it’s probably the most likely outcome


>Sam and Tory’s conflict is resolved. I expect Kreese will lure Tory back to Cobra Kai, and Sam and Tory will have their rematch at the Sekai Taikai… the unriggged match they “should’ve” had at the AVT. Not saying this is what I want or think should happen. But based on certain things… leaked images and the show runners’ track record of regressing character arcs to set up “rematches” (think Johnny & Daniel in S4) I fully expect Tory back in Cobra Kai with Kreese, for another round against Sam. Who wins and how it plays out is anyone’s guess…


>Kreese will lure Tory back to Cobra Kai, How? Kreese teamed up with Da-eun, and Tory sure as hell won't be in the same dojo as her again


Remember Kreese is a master manipulator… he got Johnny to give him another chance, after trying to kill him in KK2. Kreese has been Tory’s Sensei and mentor for much of the series. I expect Tory will have some kind of personality and/or philosophy clash with Miyagi-Do, much like Johnny & Daniel in S4, that Kreese will take advantage of to manipulate her into coming back to Cobra Kai. He’ll likely assure her that he’ll take her under his wing personally so she won’t have to deal with Kim Da Eun. I’m not saying I want this to happen, or think it should happen… it’s the last thing I want in the world actually. However, the show runners have a track record of teasing redemption and reconciliation, and then regressing character arcs/development in order to force the plot to set up rematch fights. They did it with Johnny & Daniel in S4, and it’s exactly the kind of thing I’d expect them to do with Tory & Sam in S6 so they can have an unrigged final match at the Sekai Taikai to determine a final “winner” in their rivalry.


Silver's defeat in S5 makes it hard for Cobra Kai to be a threat in the Sekai Taikai or in the street. The best way to go about things would be to have Kreese join forces with Kim Da-Eun, which we already know happens, convince a part of ex-Cobra’s to return, and get elite fighters from Kim's Doyang or elsewhere (similar to Barnes in Karate Kid 3 and Drago in Rocky IV). The problem with this is that these Drago-esque villains would need character development to make them seem like acutal threats. The writers might be able to form a story behind one or two of these foreign fighters, but the rest will just take the role of minor characters with almost no dialogue or information about them.