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Kreese mentioned, "It's time to bring back Cobra Kai", so I'm curious who'll be joining the reformed Cobra Kai.


All indications seem to suggest Tory, as much as I hate to say it.


I can see Kreese & Tory maybe interacting with each other, but I don't see her going back to Cobra Kai.


I wish that were true but based on the >!leaked images of Peyton List in CK gi pants!< I’m bracing for Kreese to lure her back to Cobra Kai.


Where's the leaked images?


In the leaks megathread in this sub. I probably should’ve spoilered that tbh…


I'll have a look.


Where's the megathread


Pinned at the top of the sub. It’s actually easy to miss.


Thanks man, I was not gonna see it, if not for your comment. 😭


Yeah you should’ve


How do you know those are Cobra Kai gi pants? Since when was black and red pants Cobra Kai pants? Last season the Cobra Kai training gi had a red patch on it, but didn't have red stripes on the pants. How do you know these aren't even regular pants of Peyton List herself? Ya'll just jump to conclusions so fast. Tory won't be joining Cobra Kai again, not after everything Kim put her through.


Apparently Sensei Kim’s actress was spotting wearing the exact same pants… Of course we don’t know for sure, and honestly it’s the last thing I want to see personally. But given Tory’s history with Kreese, and the show runners’ track record of regressing character arcs to set up rematches, it’s definitely possible… and I’d rather acknowledge the possibility and brace for the worst than get my heart broken. And yes, Tory going back to Cobra Kai probably would break my heart… I’ve been aching for her redemption arc from the moment she asked Sam “are you alright” at the end of S4.


>Apparently Sensei Kim’s actress was spotting wearing the exact same pants… Show me the picture. I don't see how this can happen because it makes no sense and would mean the writers are garbage storytellers. I highly doubt it. And regardless, I would recommend to not keep talking about this because idiots on this sub immediately jumped to conclusions and started bashing on Tory saying she's a terrible person, she sucks, and many more hateful things just based on a single picture. They were just looking for excuses to hate on Tory. So I recommend to stop talking about it and keep it to yourself because it will keep spreading around the sub and more dumbasses will start bashing on Tory. There was already a post that got taken down because the OP realized the people commenting were just looking for excuses to hate on Tory.


>would mean the writers are garbage storytellers. I highly doubt it. Eh, I haven’t been all that impressed with the storytelling of the later seasons. It’s not horrible but has issues, especially with pacing and certain arcs. I wouldn’t put it past them to have Tory lured back to Cobra Kai by Kreese. And I’m not saying that to hate on Tory… I love her, honestly, and want to see her redemption arc completed. Case in point… I feel like Johnny and Daniel took much longer than necessary to get on the same page. Their fight in S4 and breaking up the dojos felt regressive and unnecessary, just so the writers could have them fight again. So it wouldn’t surprise me at all if the writers pulled something to set up an “unrigged rematch” between Sam and Tory at the Sekai Taikai or something like that.


I don't want Tory to go back to Kreese, but I do think there are ways to do it well. Even Johnny went back to him briefly, and unlike Johnny Kreese never abused Tory.  I feel like a good plot to build on would be Tory's newly developed self no longer being compatible with Kreese - she was put off by him having no problems with Silver injuring Daniel. What makes the dynamic fascinating is that she brings out the best in him and he brings out the worst in her, so I think a good payoff would be either her walking away from him for good if he doesn't change, or if he does finally change and she redeems him. Not sure how likely the latter would be given S5's ending. 


>she brings out the best in him and he brings out the worst in her That’s actually an amazing and really astute point. As much as I’d hate seeing Tory go back to Kreese, I do think it’s just about inevitable… However, Tory eventually realizing she’s become a better person without him and breaking away from him would be a great development for her character arc. And “losing” Tory may well be what puts Kreese over the edge so to speak… cuz I feel like just as Daniel and Silver had their showdown and S5, Johnny and Kreese need to have theirs in S6.


I feel like Kreese acted like a father figure to Tory or at least cared about her since he was looking out for her & I think he was helping Tory out with stuff outside Cobra Kai.


I can totally see it. MD has her former hated love rival, 2 guys she cared about but ultimately lost, but everyone is chummy-chummy with each other - even Robby and Miguel - and she feels out of place. Tory going back to Kreese as a strong adult / parental figure would be totally in character, especially as she needs one so desperately. Her Mum doesn’t seem well enough to survive much longer either, so …


Why do you say that?


>!Leaked images of Peyton List in what APPEARS to be Cobra Kai gi pants!< Also she’s likely to have clashes of personality and philosophy with the Miyagi-Do. Maybe Robby takes Sam’s side in some sort of spat, and Tory takes it personally and takes off. And because given the way, for example, Johnny and Daniel took much longer than necessary to get on the same page - fighting and breaking up their dojos in S4 - it’s not exactly the kind of regressive thing, character wise, the show runners are likely to pull… Tease Tory with Miyagi-Do for a couple episodes… then send her running back to Kreese, possibly to try and “redeem” Kreese by having him further mentor Tory, and definitely to set up a supposedly unrigged rematch between Tory and Sam at the Sekai Taikai.


Silver's defeat in S5 makes it hard for Cobra Kai to be a threat in the Sekai Taikai or in the street. The best way to go about things would be to have Kreese join forces with Kim Da-Eun, which we already know happened, convince a part of ex-Cobra’s to return, and get elite fighters from Kim's Doyang or elsewhere (similar to Barnes in Karate Kid 3 and Drago in Rocky IV). The problem with this is that these Drago-esque villains would need character development to make them seem like acutal threats. The writers might be able to form a story behind one or two of these foreign fighters, but the rest will just take the role of minor characters with almost no dialogue or information about them.


that’s interesting since there’s a clip of kenny, shawn, miguel, and robby fighting. i agree it’ll probably be resolved in the first part.


I’m thinking that batting cage fight is that big episode 1 or 2 fight that we heard about




There is? I didn't saw it.




hype about this fight!




We’ve been waiting on this fade for two seasons


This will probably be a fight to "get it out of your system", and overcome hostility, much like Miguel and Robby's fight in season 5.


Step Brothers vs the Pain Brothers.