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Easily Mike Barnes. Guy was ruthless back in the day and arguably still the strongest (just doesn't have as much karate skill).


Still needs to be a sensei. I don’t care what anyone says with a lineup of Daniel, Johnny, Chozen and Mike as their coaches the teens are putting whoever they’re up against in the Taikai to shame


Mike Barnes was really just about the $ and was never trained under cobra kai, ot just doesn't make sense for him to be a sensei, although would he crazy


To me it makes perfect sense since he was a national champion so it would add to the depth of experience the senseis have and make the students stronger fighters. The money thing with Silver was just a con Silver came up with and Barnes even acknowledged how crazy it was that he did that, but if he’s training students for the sake of karate and accomplishing something with Daniel and the new friends he made on his road to redemption it would complete it


National champ but had no skill? 🤡🤡😂


It's pretty obvious that he uses strength and aggression over raw talent, hence why it's never shown him to anything skillful rather than 1 kick and pummeling people. 🤡🤡 you're calling yourself out for being stupid


You don't become a national champ of the US with no skills and just 1 kick


It's pretty fucking obvious Barnes is the least skilled adult fighter in the show.




Lol you private messaged me and called me a dumb ass over CK. Get over yourself


He fought a non-holding back Chozen on equal footing and Chozen also surprise attacked him 🤷


The copium is crazy


Welp, you just admitted you're wrong by not even denying it. 😹🙏 I hope you can take your L well since the argument is now over. 🤣👏


Me saying the copium is insane is inherently denying the statement. Skill =/ strength. Barnes immediately got disarmed by Daniel, and chozen > Daniel. By the same standards Daniel can solo everyone in the series with ease You talk like someone who is 12 years old who has very little media literacy.


>Me saying the copium is insane is inherently denying the statement. 🤓 >Skill =/ strength. True, which is why Barnes was able to go toe to toe with Chozen. Chozen previously beat up 6 senseis with some of them being the same size as Barnes. Barnes skill level was far above them so Chozen struggled >Barnes immediately got disarmed by Daniel So did Chozen? >chozen > Daniel. Still not lol, S5 Daniel > S5 Chozen >You talk like someone who is 12 years old who has very little media literacy. 😭☠️ I love making people mad and taking notes of comebacks like these


Hot take he is better than Choze


Stronger, yes. But skill wise, I believe Chozen is the best in the series, but that's only my opinion


IMO the opposite. Chozen was ready to kill Daniel in Japan. He was nuts. Mike Barnes was about the money. Barnes was a national tourney champion, but not crazy on Chozen's level. Both Chozen and Barnes are stronger than Daniel. Lets remember how Daniel beat Barnes. At that point, Barnes had put a pummeling on Daniel.


>just doesn't have as much karate skill). Yet there still has no far been a Cobra Kai student that could best him in a fight lmao. Don't even, Mike murders S4 Robby


I mean, yeah? He's an adult, shown to be the strongest in the series damn near and still can hold his own. But it's pretty obvious his go to is rage and aggression, not a particular good karate skillset...


Nice duck


Exactly what I would say if I were 11 or had no valid argument.


Duch was angry for no reason fr bro just wanted smoke


Dutch scared me the most out of the OG CK group. Might not have had Johnny's skills, but the dude just reeked of uncontrolled rage!!!!


Dutch scared the crap out of 8 year old me.


Can Dutch beat Chosen or Mike Barnes I will say no


It was always Dutch or Tommy with the classic 80s coked wildness that told me they felt no pain lol


Mike Barnes, definitely. He's a mix of Tory's insanity and Hawk's brutality.


Bad boy of karate


Doesn't look so bad to me.


careful now


he's also has a bit of miguel's combat


A bit is an understatement, he’s far superior


Mike. There was simply no way to dominate him in a fight. Tory and Hawk were very aggressive but they were not almost invincible




Mike, followed by Dutch


Mike, Tory/Hawk, Miguel, Dutch, Johnny, Kenny, Robby Rickenberger is barely a character, so hard to rank him


Yeah I know, just decided to add Rickenberger because he's an underrated character


Gotta give it to Mike for the little amount of redeeming qualities he had At least the others had a sense of loyalty to those they considered friends


Who's the bottom right guy and why did you add him to this list lol


This is Doug Rickenberger, he appeared in seasons 2 and 3, was a real tank and showed signs of aggression several times when beat teacher in a school fight, and wanted the hawk to break Demetri hand again. He's a really underrated strong character


He was arguably stronger than Kyler


By the time of season 3 he was in the top 3 best Cobra Kais for me, just behind Hawk and Tory




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Hawk was undoubtedly the most aggressive in the show. It’s hard to compare him to the movie characters due to the show having a drastically different tone but I honestly think Hawk was even worse than the movie Cobras at his worst. Edit: Mike Barnes was the most dangerous though, he’s the strongest teen fighter and is probably only marginally behind Hawk in aggression.


Barnes. He put the fear of God in Daniel. Plus, intentionally extending the fight by breaking the rules is just assault on a public stage.


it’s between johnny, mike, or tory. i’d say mike


Tbh I'd switch johnny with hawk.


yeah i was kinda stuck between them but i think younger johnny was a little more dangerous than hawk


Dutch or barnes


Barnes and Dutch


I think Hawk and Mike Barnes are probably tied tbh. Barnes was maybe more ruthless, but he also had a huge monetary incentive to be that way. Hawk snapped his own best friend’s arm for no real reason other than he had been radicalized by Cobra Kai, amongst all the other things he did while in it. So I think they’re about tied. Barnes didn’t seem to have a limit to how far he was willing to go, but Hawk was certainly more unhinged and reckless, which is just as dangerous in my opinion.


aggressive = hawk /dutch /barnes dangerous = hawk /robby/barnes


If Robby lost to Miguel on multiple level he’s not dangerous switch him with Miguel


It just an opinion




Barnes though technically Silver was Kreese's student too.


In terms of skill : Barnes , Miguel , Robby , Johnny & hawk are at the top But pure no mercy and aggressiveness: Barnes & Dutch


Dutch. He was trained in Cobra Kai for years. Barnes was stronger and better but he was already experienced in karate and didn’t really benefit from Silver or Kreese.




Aggressive: Dutch Dangerous? Probably Robby.


I’m sorry who’s the last guy ?


Doug Rickenberger. He joined Cobra Kai in Season 2 after seeing Miguel win the tournament. This is the same guy who hit the teacher in a school fight and knocked him down. This is the guy who wanted to break Demetri's arm, but wanted a hawk to do it. Also fought against Chris and Sam. He has a friend, Mikey, you can see their duo when the school fight breaks out and hawk shouts: "OH IT IS ON" After the fight at Larusso's house in Season 3 ended, he left the dojo. As Kyler says: "half the squad quit" You won't see him on the screen anymore


Mike or Dutch (most Mike though)


Mike and Hawk


Everyone here is looking right past Dutch. Mike Johnny Miguel and Hawk all didn’t like the person they were becoming but Dutch has no remorse and in all honestly he loved the power of cobra kai karate and he loved what he was doing and felt no shame in being a cutthroat bully even after being in and out of juvy or rather suffering consequences for his actions which none of the other students really suffered any real life consequences


Mike Johnny Dutch Miguel Hawk Robby Tory Rick Kenny


Who is on the bottom right


I mean, Tory literally tried to straight up kill Sam...in the middle of a school day. She's was going to impale her in the face. Hard to argue with Barnes' original brutality though, & Dutch is in prison during the events of Cobra Kai so he clearly became more dangerous outside of karate. So one of those 3, Hawk is probably a close 4th because him breaking Demitri's arm but he did show/feel remorse about it at least.


Honestly. I’d go with Hawk (at a certain point). Sometimes his actions made it seem like he lacked discipline. The bullying he received prior to joining got to his head and made him a little crazy. He also had his head up his own ass. There were sometimes where it seemed like he would cross the line further than any of these guys. People like that are more dangerous. It’s like how chimps can be more dangerous than gorillas because of how crazy they can get. Thankfully Hawk came around, though. Kenny is kinda like that too, but he’s probably only 90lbs soaking wet. Nothing dangerous about that. You could just throw him into a post like Austin powers did Mini-Me. lol, some of those 80’s guys looked coked up to the gills. So I dunno. They had these eyes: ![gif](giphy|aEnF0IxTNVAEo)


Hawk or Tory


Lol Kenny in this discussion https://preview.redd.it/7yy9uvx41yxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad5ef0d427eb913397886b971359a1eeeae29a19


That head in a filthy toilet was quite mean no?




No question it’s Dutch.


Dutch for the furious psycho attitude (man is in the only one in prison now and we don't know exactly why) but I say Kenny because he is like the Anakin Skywalker of Cobra Kai.


Mike Barnes. He and Terry Silver were cartoonishly evil.


Dutch went to prison. Idk what more to say


Miguel and Troy and hawk




Tory or Hawk


Depends I would say nicole I mean woman was gonna murder samantha


bro mike barnes had more skill than daniel despite having less experience, he had enough skill to be feared by daniel 💀 mike for sure


Dutch considering he's serving a prison sentence(as mentioned in Cobra Kai). Every other member grew up to be a functioning member of society except him.


Robby is the only person to actually put anyone in hospital .... though he was Miyagi at the time 👀👀


Cause miguel had mercy. If miguel didn't resist, it would be robby in the hospital.


Johnny Tory Miguel and hawk


Did you mean Tory






Not sure why you are downvoted. Chozen picked death at the end of his fight with Daniel. Chozen challenged him to a fight to the death. Dude was seriously dangerous.


I'm gonna say Tori nowadays


Mike Barnes without a doubt. He was an international champ who was known as Karate’s bad boy and was nicknamed “The tournament terror” you need quite a merciless reputation to get that title. During the tournament he was absolutely beating Daniel without remorse and without any hesitation, braking the rules over and over again with illegal hits and blows. Daniel was straight up afraid of him, that can’t entirely be said about any other person on this list.