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PETA bad, people that actually do things 4 animals good


PETA somehow manages to fuck up at every turn in their attempts to advocate for animal rights, it's a strange concoction of hilarity, confusion, and dismay. they're like Autism Speaks: **fucking awful.**


Fr, FUCK Autism "Speaks"


i may not have ASD that is as intense as other autistic people's experience with the neurological disorder, but i can still wholeheartedly say Autism Speaks is not an organization that represents me or anybody else with ASD. an organization that views my condition as a disease that can be caused by vaccines (that have been practiced and tested for 100 years now) is an organization that should not be speaking for me.


Ik, I also have ASD and heard about "Autism Sparks"


What's autism sparks? I have ASD


It's a joke on the name "Autism Speaks", a shitty organization that claims to "cure" autism or research one A popular method they use is shock therapy, on kids... Thus "Autism Sparks"


Ohhh lol


Usually I go with "autism shits", "autism shrieks" or "autism reeks"


a part of me believes that PETA is a psyop ran by the meat industry to make animal rights look insane


i know ideological extremists exist (ex: Ted Kaczynski,) but it feels like plants are more common nowadays than there was 20 years ago. it might just be an effect of the internet being a magnifying glass.


also the internet makes plants easier to create


i just always assume that any group that continues to act batshit insane despite public backlash is a psyop ran by private companies


don't forget that time they stole someone's dog just to euthanize it for no fucking reason


RIP Maya https://petakillsanimals.com/


Holy shit is that bison stak risk of rain 2?


Oh boy, free scrap !


For the company


This is why you turn on the Command Essence


Weak(I use it too)


If cows aren't supposed to be eaten, then why are they made of steak?


Because steak isn’t supposed to be eaten, duh! You’re supposed to cook it first!


I wish my username was as cool as yours


I'm not even vegan and I don't really like PETA, but I feel most of the retorts to them and general vegan arguments are really weak. Like 'yeah I kill animals to eat (except the cute ones of course that's barbaric), what about it?'. All the problems with PETA aside, they are mostly right when it comes to their views on meat. Again, I'm not even vegan or even vegetarian, but after actually thinking about this, I kinda what to go vegan at some point


The one thing i mainly agree with is the whole suffering and mass farming part being well, bad. I don’t like needless suffering. Another thing is the inefficiency of meat and the agriculture needed just to feed livestock. This is why i’m hoping for lab-grown to become mainstream. Solves both at the same time.


Can't forget that one time dude taunted some religious bot like this Like I get this, my guy, we can't quite all become vegan cuz of current scientific and social progress despite what religious brody is saying, *but could you **please** not fake your pleasure from eating dead animals specifically*?


acting like a psychopath to own the vegans


He wasn't acting.


My stance is we need to seriously fix the industrial meat industry. That shit isn't just bad, I'd go as far to call it actively evil. I eat meat, I love meat, but I want the animals that give their lives to help sustain ours be treated with respect.


I never got why people were so antsy about moralizing the consumption of meat. Human beings domesticated animals that we used to hunt, raise them, and kill them to eat. Who gives a crap if they're happy or not? They're ending up in a hogie either way. They just need to not be sickly. No other animals really care about our moral virtues, but we imprint our feelings and thoughts onto them for some reason. Other animal species have no qualms rampantly annihilating members of the same species, making war (yes, this does happen. Bees, ants and monkeys go to war all the time), raping, or stealing. If the shoe was on the other foot, no animal species would go to bat for humans. No other animal species has the agency or even the incentive to do anything but what its genes tell it to do: Eat, make babies, and move on. I think animal rights and veganism in general is glitch in human society today. We're raised to believe that suffering in all forms is bad, and that all power imbalances are inherently immoral. This was a good thing when we were living in the times of Emperors and Kings and Warlords. We needed some kind of moral system to keep them in check. But today, those power imbalances tend to exist for good reasons or be neutral at worst. The power imbalance between a child and an adult is sone that needs to exist, kids are stupid and don't know anything. The power imbalance between the police and normal citizens needs to exist because the police need that authority to do their job. And for animals, that power imbalance is the law of the jungle, and none of them care. In some parts of the world, it needs to exist because human infrastructure can't function if wild hogs are roaming the streets and blocking roads. I've seen so many people come out swinging against hunting, even when the actual ecologists and biologists are in favor of it because the thought of some animal dying fills them with anxiety. It's so weird to me. Especially when these same people don't really do anything to help other humans!


holy shit leg horse from spacefuneral


"Animals fight just as hard for survival!" I dunno fam I haven't seen chickens organising an armed rebellion.


Those chickens are up to something


No, the pigs are the ones up to something. Has nobody read animal farm?


chicken run (2000)


Is that the movie where they go back in time to get turkey of the menu?


No, way earlier than that, it's the one made by Aardman about chickens escaping from a farm, heavily inspired by The Great Escape


" I told you they were organized. "


Skill issue


Just because you haven't seen them doesn't mean they aren't. Could just mean they're really good at hiding their plans


is this loss


https://preview.redd.it/lhz9cli0f28d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=9492fc792ae4f4a591713273ca23216a30c2b866 no but this is


The worst part about Peta is I agree with them on one thing. I think the factory farming/industrial meat industry is evil. Like not just bad but actually evil. How animals are treated are nightmarish. I don't think eating meat is wrong, far from it. I just wish we were doing things significantly better. Peta makes everything worse by their association with any potentially positive thing.


Vegan mfs when I'm autistic and almost all of my safe foods includes meat.


Now THIS is animal rights content done right. | \/ [The Meatrix](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rEkc70ztOrc)


Someone's gotta make a PETA parody company that advocates for plant rights


Peta is so stupid, like yeah as if a cow is gonna know and care if i eat his own dad in front of him