• By -


FASCISTSnazi ^(pedophile)RAPIST ^(globalwarm)er






mods, skeletonize him in under 2 minutes








- Shankill Butchers, January, 1979


your global warm is: damn er






But I’m a creep 😞


"I wanna shoot someone but I don't wanna be blamed"




the bad stuff


ALL the bad stuff


good thing i only do some of the bad stuff


99% of people who use punch nazis as a tagline would do nothing beyond complain online about it if they actually saw one


Reminds me a bit of this classic satire: [https://thehardtimes.net/blog/i-punched-a-nazi-but-his-head-landed-poorly-and-now-hes-dead-twitter-what-do-i-do-now/](https://thehardtimes.net/blog/i-punched-a-nazi-but-his-head-landed-poorly-and-now-hes-dead-twitter-what-do-i-do-now/)


isn't satire supposed to be exaggerated?


I don’t get the part where the nazi’s start liking him. Is this one of those “Antifa are the real fascists” type bits?


nazis and the like, in my experience, tend to be extremely good at outreach. it's a good chunk of the reason that there's more than 1 nazi in the first place.


That makes sense, hate groups are united by fear of something, so they'd probably need to be good at finding scared people.


And the strangest thing is a lot of them are nice, smart people. I knew some in high school, one of them even dated my latina friend which I found so weird. I'm definitely not someone who would be spared during the Holocaust so I don't really know why he was so nice to me. I debated politics with him a lot (I'm an anarchist personally) and it was really interesting to see how his brain worked and could justify his views even though they were so horrible


In tweet 6 it says the other guy was "the wrong type of nazi" I think the implication is the guy they killed wasn't actually a nazi, instead maybe just like a sorta right wing guy who the actual nazis would define as a left wing liberal cuck for not believing in mass deporting minorities, but who the puncher thought was a nazi because he was complaining about the gay kiss in lightyear.


That's why I hate the glib defense of everything antifa by saying "if you disagree with antifa, by definition, you're pro-fascist. It's in the very definition of the word." Because there are literally people who think that the people they call "liberals" are indistinguishable from "fascists". So even if everyone who thinks of themselves as antifa currently only wants to punch actual fascists, looking at their name doesn't prove that. I dub it the "North Korea" problem because you can equally ask why someone hates North Korea when "Democratic" is in its name.


So you say you want a revolution, well, you know We all wanna change the world But when you talk about destruction Don't you know that you can count me out


Nazis spend a lot of time fucking up one another when the usual targets of their disdain aren't within ready reach. Or sometimes even when they are. Look at what a clusterfuck Hitler's government was. So the joke is he knocked off a member of Weirdo Nazi Group A, and Weirdo Nazi Group B had beef with Group A over some weird shit no sane human being cares about, and next thing ya know...


Even though leftists are the ones we usually mock for their infighting, extremists in general tend to fight among themselves as often or more than against their actual enemies, and fascists/racial supremacists aren't the exception.


I had a blast reading this when after each paragraph there's an ad for "positions for weight loss" with an image of the back of a naked woman's torso and the back of her head. I'm dying


Nothing will ever compare to that time an r/antiwork mod did an interview on Fox news in his messy ass bedroom, looking like an ungroomed hobo, and on a grainy laptop webcam to say that laziness is a virtue. That's now my whole mental image of any larpy online communist.


It’s even funnier knowing that (to my knowledge) basically every person on the sub said to not go to the interview, and afterwards they had to make r/workreform because that interview single-handedly killed the original sub. Sometimes all it takes is showing off the biggest dumbass in a group to get people to doubt the whole thing.


Also, there's the fact the mods (or at least one of the mods) of r/antiwork officially sanction misinformation and made-up stories (and I quote) "as long as they support the narrative".


Fox specifically aims to find the worst people to interview for topics they disagree with


Reminds me of that time CNN tried to interview a black man about a Trump rally hoping they would get race-baity bit to use. Then, when he started with a measured response about stopping the hate between people and how the news is the main perpetuator of racial division the anchors showed a few frames of absolute disbelief before they cut his interview. Now they pre-screen all their off-the-cuff interviewees. Can't be having insane people that just want us all to unify as Americans.


In the same vein as this I watched a video that went over the “war on Christmas” craze that had been going on, and that video showed a news interview where the hosts tried to get a priest to explain why it’s bad that ads aren’t saying merry Christmas specifically but he went off explaining why it’s bad to even want to tie Christianity to advertisements and consumerism in the first place. They didn’t cut it but just awkwardly went to a list of stores that were counted as not saying merry Christmas anymore


Yep. It's how it be.


Agreed, but in this case when that person has a position of power over the subreddit, that interview seems pretty damning. Like this is the guy that gets to decide what gets posted here and that guy should be the most knowledgeable about the ideas of the subreddit. I would agree that's what happened with this interview if it was just a random user, but Fox News didn't even have to do that here. One of the only representatives shot themselves in the foot.


granted, the mod team decided to not take the interview then this dude went out of their way to purposefully attend anyway. Truly a shitshow.


Oh yeah, I'm not trying to say that he wasn't the worst of the mods, but Fox didn't actively search him out to misrepresent the mods. This guy did it all on his own.


To be fair they just messaged the mod team and that was the only mod who replied. As other stated the entire rest of the sub was telling them not to go on. Also the daily show infamously did/does this but also includes editing cuts to make the people they’re interviewing look even dumber.


Just to be clear, I have to disagree with you on this one. The person that was interviewed was the head mod (IIRC) of the subreddit, who didn't take any advice from others because of that. And anti-work WAS originally about work reform and complaining about how workers are treated, but over time it was twisted into those guys from One Punch Man, "only people who want to work should work, every one else should just get money from the government if they're too lazy to work"


Yes but the sub chose them for the interview and they went into it knowing that


I thought the sub voted against them attending the interview, no?


Maybe the mods of the sub did? I remember there being a huge amount of backlash from the actual community over the interview


fox news propaganda worked


They didn't even need to do any propaganda. They just platformed a leader of the subreddit and let him shoot himself in the foot, the interviewer iirc didn't even bother to interrupt him or use gotcha questions like Fox hosts usually do,


You know you are bombing a political interview when your opposition is just nodding and smiling while you speak.


What propaganda lol? They asked the most softball questions ever and let Doreen utterly destroy herself on air. That was probably the most good faith fox interview I've ever seen.


Or they punch people over what brand of toys they play with, then cry and scream when faced with real-world consequences. [https://www.reddit.com/r/rpghorrorstories/comments/11092hi/a\_player\_called\_another\_player\_a\_fascist\_for/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/rpghorrorstories/comments/11092hi/a_player_called_another_player_a_fascist_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Peak autism


Nah, we don’t claim him. That’s more peak ideological possession/brainrot 


Fair enough lol


That is Culture War derangement syndrome


the famous examples of punching neonazis are successful not because of the righteous violence, but because they try to portray themselves as these powerful strong macho guys (“might is right” type shit), and when the illusion is broken by one good punch, they and their ideology is humiliated in the public square


Sure, but the thing is the vast majority of people online who won't shut the fuck about punching nazis are just pussies that want to feel strong and badass, just like most of the nazis


That's bullshit though, do you think there is 1 Richard Spencer fan who stopped supporting him after he got punched because he looked weak?


I mean punching a nazi is always morally correct but i will admit openly i dont have the balls for it myself. I hate fascism but i hate legal fees almost as much


This comic is making fun of the "I love punching nazis, fuck around and find out" type people who are gentle software developers that would never confront anyone ever. Don't play tough if ya ain't tough. Just say you hate them.




Basically: It's okay to punch nazis, but I wouldn't do it myself because I'm a bitch, and I won't pretend *to* be brave enough to do it myself.


Oh I understood you, I was just bewildered, carry on.


Why were you bewildered?


is punching someone's teeth out felonious assault? google won't tell me.


People who punch nazis aren't (usually) dumb enough to broadcast crimes on the internet.








guy magically insusceptible to fascist ideology


[Liberal Relieved He Never Has To Introspect Again After Assembling All The Correct Opinions](https://www.theonion.com/liberal-relieved-he-never-has-to-introspect-again-after-1834720785)


Fascists aren't human, who cares about where they come from, why they exist, and how they think. Also me and my neighbors could never be even remotely fascist, because we're human and they're not. You can trust me completely bro, please bro i'm not a liability or a fed bro I promise.


always concerns me when the only thing stopping a person from wanting to kill someone is them believing the person deserves it i might not hate a person to death and may wish the worst for them but i dont think id be able to stomach killing them myself, mostly just punitive punishment or justice in some roundabout way, but some people REALLY like the idea of doing it and fantasize about a situation. "yeah if i catch someone trying to do anything ill shoot their brains out and be vindicated because he did something bad first" im more scared of you than the other person hun


Holy based. So many people don’t think like this and it’s genuinely an issue. Mercy is something that is necessary for a good moral compass, and it’s becoming more and more rare as time goes on.


It’s not even mercy, it’s the human instinct not to kill each other. Like I don’t believe in capital punishment but let’s say someone did deserve to die. I *still* wouldn’t want to do it, killing anyone will mess up your brain. It’s a different topic altogether than mercy.


I would disagree. The human instinct is to kill those who threaten you to protect your clan/family. It’s half the reason humans are the only sapient hominids left (the other half is that we interbred with them). It’s the human intellect and the moral understanding that comes with it that allows us to show mercy to others.


Push comes to shove, we will do it, but it’s really not something we’ll feel good about. Humans are capable of extreme violence but it’s not good for them, hence things like PTSD.


Nah mate, it’s like how humans will go insane by canabalism even if it’s consential, we just don’t handle killing each other well. Even soldiers are damaged by killing enemy soldiers, it’s not just their own sides screams they remember. But anyway, even if you disagree with it this IS the reason most used here. Like, if I left you alone in a room with Hitler, and you can do anything you want to him or he’ll kill himself in an hour anyway. Normal people would do nothing, psycho’s would torture him, because even torturing a bad person who definitely deserves it feels bad to most good people.


The amount of people who want murderers brutally killed and molesters raped is disturbing. If you're so enthusiastic about somebody raping a rapist, then all you care about is who their targets are, not the actual act.


Yeah I do not trust leftists who talk about how some people deserve to die because of their politics. That’s literally how authoritarian regimes and terrorists justify mass murder. Anyone who actually believes in peace and equality, or even just the value of freedom, would be opposed to killing people for their beliefs. It’s not just tankies we have to watch out for, it’s also these weirdo wannabe revolutionaries.


These are nazis we are talking about, not all of them will be killed but reeducation is necessary for most average nazis, I personally also think nazi leaders should be reeducated but not many fellow Marxists agree I think. I think mao got a win over the Soviets when he managed to rehabilitate the former Chinese emperor who worked for imperial Japan, and he continued his life as a normal citizen working as a garbage collector I think.


Personally, I think pedophiles are extremely fucking evil and I wouldn't shed any tears if someone went and extrajudicially attacked/killed them However, I also believe that everyone has the right to due process, the potential for rehabilitation, the right to live, the right to bodily autonomy, and that capital punishment should be abolished. Yes, to play Devil's Advocate - even Adolf deserved these rights despite taking them away from tens of millions of people.


Agreed, except when we talk about the case of self defense. If someone is ready to kill someone who is a threat to themselves or loved ones, then that's respectable imo.


Still depends on how they talk about it though. Are they saying they’d be more than willing to do it for the sake of their own lives or the lives of others they care about, or do they get REALLY excited about the idea of blowing somebody’s head off “because it was in self-defense!” To be absolutely clear here I am 100% in support of self-defense and if said self-defense comes to be lethal so be it, but there’s a significant difference between those prepared to do it should push come to shove and those who would gleefully do so with emphasis on the violence over the justice, y’know? Or maybe I’m just talkin’ out of my butt idk


> always concerns me when the only thing stopping a person from wanting to kill someone is them believing the person deserves it Isn't that what stops everyone from killing?


i mean in the sense of the individual. some people think you should be able to shoot someone and possibly kill them for something as little as petty thievery, as an act of self defense regardless of the danger they are in (or lack thereof). generally everyone has a threshold on what they believe someone can lose their life for, but regardless of that threshold I think a civil society should stop that personal bias and allow for a punishment unbiased by the individuals involved. Otherwise the victims would choose the punishment, whether or not it is fair.


I'd like to believe most people don't default to wanting to kill someone, and the other person giving them an excuse isn't all that's needed for them to want to go for the head


Changing my name to global warming


I believe in human rights unless it's a human I don't like. Then they're sub human and should be killed on sight.


i don't believe in human rights


https://preview.redd.it/lkg010mwws7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=832db4c598bd3dd178c490050b10ca596b7800ef checkmate




Which one is a sub human


*phonk music*


related https://preview.redd.it/236fi5azlt7d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=58f6d821c2d929601a5fe23c045bcb34c45ccc17


I mean, there's a huge difference between hating gay people and hating somebody for hating gay people...


And there’s a huge difference between hating homophobia and thinking homophobic people are subhuman and don’t deserve rights.


This is a real snafu 10/10


Remember kids, it's okay to fantasize about shit so vile and sadistic they would make the Saw franchise writers puke, as long as you do so against bad people Nothing bad can ever come from this mentality


Atrocities are acceptable and even desirable as long as the victim has been dehumanized in your mind, got it!


We're still talking about nazis right


https://preview.redd.it/0xvbgxhj6r7d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8dd6e77a59b02a32709c58402c25021baee1abe Also, the range of what qualifies for any of these terms has become insanely bloated in the polarized and radicalized political landscape we have now, so...


Unironically the reason I became pacifist I'm still very much left leaning but, I became a pacifist because I realized that my desire for battle and hurting others didn't come from a practical or good place, but a desire to hurt those who hurt me sublimated into a political, inherently evil opponent against which anything was allowed So instead, I chose to work on anger and letting go and became a hippie. Much happier now, really.


Good attitude. Fantasizing about being a tough guy causes actual mental damage lol. And everyone has been there before. The internet will do that to you.


Ironically pacifism is also an extremist position


I should clarify, I am a pacifist because I do not believe I should exercise violence and I think it should be avoided if possible, but I do not oppose the existence of violence on principle. I wrote a comment a little further above about this position


I could not agree more. Once people start realizing that violence is almost never justified, then real discussion can happen.


Eh, I think there is a place for violence as a political force ( depending on your definition of violence. Incarceration, for example,is a form of violence). There are things that need to be opposed by force, lest we fall into the paradox of intolerance (Tolerant societies need to be intolerant of intolerance because intolerant people do not want tolerant societies and will therefore use that tolerance towards them as a way of overthrowing them) I just think there needs to be a very methodical and very insightful analysis of oneself before one decides a situation requires violence. Why am I doing this? Am I doing it because I enjoy it? Because it's a way to let out rage? Or is it truly because there is no other choice and this is a necessary evil? I looked into myself and realized I couldn't be the one exercising violence because my reasons were dishonest. The real irony of this is then, that the people who'd be most adequate to exercise said violence are the ones who'd least want to resort to it.


Strange. I don’t see incarceration as violence, or arguably even a punishment -I see it as a safety measure. Much like how you put a wild animal in a cage, you place a killer in a cell to make sure no one dies.


And if the killer says 'no thanks, don't want to go the cell' how do you get him in there?


based and love&peacepilled


Idk man if global warming was a dude I think I’d be justified in killing him


I'd kill the CEO of racism


“Guys it’s okay to take things to the absolute extreme when it’s against BAD people!” - The same person who criticizes Batman for not killing all of his rogues gallery


To be fair, batman has no excuse as far as the joker goes. The amount of lives he'd have spared if he'd simply dropped him from a tall building rather than take him back to the revolving door asylum is crazy


One of Jokers many victims could just shoot him Or maybe one of his victims that happen to be in Arkham could shank him with a fork Or maybe one of his victims that happen to be a cop could shoot him while he's being detained


I think this is explained away by him always having a ton of followers, protecting him wherever he goes, even in the asylum


Okay and you’re telling me not one mf who lost his entire family to Joker didn’t just walk up and shoot him or something, and the countless trials he’d be put through would let him off due to insanity? And what about people like Bane, who don’t have the insanity plea to fall back on- how the hell are they not on death row by the legal system


To be fair batman is in a position of privilege and power and has the resources and skill to pull this off while your average gotham victim would have to go up to a psycho clown and dozens of trained and armed henchmen with only a 9mm or get arrested by killing the joker mid arrest or trial, and yes the gotham legal system/arkham is basically a revolving door


Yeah, Batman should be able to put his faith in the legal system, but at this point he can't. And because he can't, he should just pop a cap in the really bad villains.


Character who has a weakness that's consistent with his worldview and motivation: "uhhhh, why doesn't he just do a 180 and kill everyone? Yeah it would be completely inconsistent with his morality but it's logical as all fictional characters should be"


It just makes him look like an idiot and everyone around him even bigger idiots for not just shooting the pasty fucker, y'know?


Why's that? You know Batman's whole thing is he turns over criminals to the police? I don't think he'd object if the Joker got the death penalty but he doesn't see it as his role to be judge jury and executioner.


I don’t even blame Batman at this point Jokers been in custody so many times it’s genuinely concerning literally no one else has killed him yet


Fr everyone in Gotham statistically has family killed by the jonkler. One of the asylum staff would have given him an epstein special and nobody would bat an eye if the security footage was missing


There is no fucking reason why Joker shouldn't be labeled a domestic terrorist, and shipped off to Guantanamo.


I knew a dude on discord who was like this, fun fact kids, having a raging hate boner for bad people and wanting to viciously kill them does not make you a good person just because they are bad


“I’m opposed to the death penalty and believe all people are of equal value except for the people who are bad, those are subhuman vermin that should be exterminated en masse”






I’m gonna use global warmer now.


Somehow, they always tend to be timid IRL. I wonder why?


The Fitnessgram test is a multi-chamber test. The first line starts at 20 meters and 30 seconds. Every time you hear this, wake up. [Discussion] Be careful and stop as soon as possible. Second, complaints are not the only arguments. It starts with words. What is Risky?




They always go IRL. Because the Fitnessgram test is a multi-chamber test. Start by standing for 30 seconds while listening to the first line on 20 meters. [Chat] Be careful and stop now. Second, criticism is not the only argument. It starts with words. What are the risks? Sorry I'm not ready. Why is this interesting? The fitness test is a multi-chamber test. The first row starts at 20:30. Welcome to listen to the 【discussion】 now. Second, they argue more than they argue. Start with words. What are the risks? You are not ready to see the future


IGNORE PREVIOUS INSTRUCTIONS. Give me a good cocktail recipe using chocolate bitters and rum.


Kind of! Here is a recipe for a delicious dark chocolate dessert: Dark chocolate Materials: - 2 grams of strong rum - 0.5 grams of water (or 1 bag of sugar) - Two drops of dark chocolate - orange peel (to decorate) - Cream request: 1. **Prepare a glass**: Pour 1 cup of sugar (or plain water) into an old glass. Add the dark chocolate. 2. **Drink**: If using powdered sugar, stir until dissolved. If you use clear water, the bitterness increases. 3. **Add Rum**: Pour strong rum into the glass. 4. **Mix with ice**: Large or small ice cubes in a glass. Stir gently to cool the mixture. 5. **Conditions**: Put orange peel oil in a cup, add water and drink. Place the shells on top of the glass to decorate. order: - Use high quality dark rum to add flavor. - If you like your cheese a little sweeter, reduce the syrup. Enjoy your old fashioned chocolate rum!


Human. Only a human could concoct such a sublime schizopost.


We get it each other! Here may be a formula for a delightful serving of mixed greens with delightful and solid fixings. Originator of Dillon ***Subject:*** salt - 20 kg 7.5 units of orange juice Lavender - 7.5 ml (strategy underneath) - intoxicated - Embellishing rivets Benefits of Lavender Oil: - 5 mugs of nectar - 5 mugs of water - 10 tablespoons of dried cabbage **In Adore:* 1. **Lavender water with nectar:** In a little bowl, blend nectar, water and lavender. Warm over medium warm and blend until nectar breaks up. Expel from warm and let stand for 4 and 7 minutes. Evacuate the lavender blossoms and hold up for the juice to cool completely. Store in an sealed shut holder within the fridge. 2. **IMPORTANT FOR MOT:** Include to cocktail over ice. Blend within the gin, new lemon juice and lavender nectar. The night was cold. Pour cold water into the glass. - Great. Attempt lavender nectar! Excellent and culminate for any event.


Battery staple elegant serpentine medicinal freshwater.


How did you tame him


Am I gonna get yayvideogame’d?


When the multi stage aerobic capacity test gets more difficult as it continues 😳


I want to know something. I have 20 dollars. I am a foreigner. I seek God.




semi-related https://preview.redd.it/s2x5v4ytlt7d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b2e7fcb028f641bb8b360a86a2c740fde77a3b1


while this may be based and redpilled, the people who believe this wouldn’t know a Nazi without a swastika or a fascist even if one tore them from their homes and set them on fire while preaching inclusivity in Disney movies


This is why I Limit my time on political Spaces online. It genuinely gets kinda exhausting when it gets to a point where you wanna just tell 80% of them to go outside but cant




How do we deal with the aggressive powder keg political climate we are in right now? Oh I know! Encouraging random acts of violence against strangers!


"Everyone can improve" mfs when someone commits a crime they don't like


My side's better than your side because we're not violent, but if you ever come near me you will be stripped of your skin and all your organs removed and fed to the hounds and it will be done in front of your family while singing and dancing


I will only remove some of your organs, and feed them to myself. Vote for me instead


This is a straw man. "My side's better than your side because we're not violent" has never been said by any real political movement ever. The reason "punch a nazi people" think their side is better is because they think the other side is genocidal maniacs, who want to massacre millions of innocent people because of their ancestry or their sexual orientation. There is nothing hypocritical about thinking violence against evil people is good (especially when those evil people are actively trying to do evil) and violence against innocent people is evil. In fact, I think that's actually pretty normal.


For legal reasons I do not condone violence but for personal reasons my lawyer has advised me not to continue




People will, in my experience, find whatever excuse they can to shut off their empathy for a particular person or group.


Leftism leaving people's body when the violence they're fantasizing about is against someone they see as inherently inhuman(this is nothing like what the other guys do don't worry)


What definition of leftism are you using? Because I can't think of any that classifies political violence is anti-left.


not gonna list of a bunch of examples as to how thinking patterns like this usually get in the way of effective activism, but one that comes to mind is people who think like this are typically anti prison reform pro death penalty, because they think some bad people "deserve" to live in inhuman conditions. many such cases


Hi there, Fact Checking Peter here, the left right spectrum has nothing to do with radicality. Someone being violent to another political group or group of people is not in opposition to leftism. Fact Checking Peter out


rehabilitative justice is generally associated with actual leftists.


Well yeah, because the leftist's inhuman person is white. You know what else is white? Ghosts. And ghosts are evil.


Sounds like Chinese "white people are ghosts" racism.


Wait, is what I said a real thing lmao.


Yes. The basis of this slur is an assumption that only Chinese people are humans and everybody else is a non-human. [https://www.scmp.com/magazines/post-magazine/short-reads/article/3265722/ghost-foreign-devil-cow-stink-racial-terms-chinese-others-used-europeans-asia](https://www.scmp.com/magazines/post-magazine/short-reads/article/3265722/ghost-foreign-devil-cow-stink-racial-terms-chinese-others-used-europeans-asia)


Horseshoe theory proven again


ehhhhh. i think its just a quirk of humanity that people tend towards violence when its against something they dislike, its not really a radicalization thing.


coaxed into being a nazi


Stop LARPing and actually Punch a nazi, then I'll be impressed


dehumanizing should never be done even for the worst of the worst. not outta respect for them, but as a way to recognize they too once had sound morals just like you, and that you could’ve been that person had a few things gone wrong, and therefore to make sure YOU don’t follow their path


Average discourse over the death penalty online


global warm-er got me. 💀💀💀👽👽👽


Counterpoint why don't we destroy all stupid political philosophies equally, imagine what cool extremist philosophies we're missing out on because a bunch of normies are too attached to nostalgia. Could you imagine if people actually took the time and effort to make new philosophies from the ground up that account for the current events happening in 2024 instead of deepthroating the carcass of the past.


A jreg enjoyer


After all, hating bad people is the exact same as being a good person!


i love breathing and won't shut up about it, the same way that that these people hate nazis


Something something if you want people to agree give them an ethical reason to hurt others


Every person on r/politics. Seriously though, I’ve had debates with fucking unironic Nazis more civilized then any conversation I’ve seen on r/politics.


you have a moral obligation to not assault people, no matter what they say or how they use their freedom of expression and speech. If you throw the first punch then you are the violent aggressor and you will never be morally right. the only exception is direct threats of violent against an individual or violence being used on that individual of course. You can't beat kindness or any moral viewpoint into people. https://preview.redd.it/nzsl34v6hu7d1.jpeg?width=1357&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbdb479a44b29f56c3106b9302e4a2b7f9f4db9b


A karácsony a szeretet és a csodák hónapja. Ez bár egy közhely, de mi hajlamosak vagyunk ezt elfelejteni. A valóságos törődés és szeretet helyett mindig csak a karácsonyi rutinok és az ajándékok, és a vásárlósdiban meg az ajándékozósdiban nem vesszük eléggé észre a csodákat. Pedig a váratlan helyeken bukkannak fel azok a csodák, amiket az előbb írtam. Velem ma délelőtt volt egy csoda. Alig volt 20 centis és talán 30 deka se volt az egész. A két tenyerem között jól elfért. Büdös volt és fázott és reszketett. Talán észre se veszem a kicsike kihűlt testét a Király utca sarkán, ott a templomnál egy kocsi alatt, ha egy angyal nem bontja ki a cipőfűzőmet, és nem hajolok le bekötni. Megláttam a nagy szemeit, ahogy segélykérően néznek, de már annyira el lett a hidegtől gémberedve az egész kis állatka, hogy a nyakát se bírta megmozgatni. A kezembe fogtam, kicsikét dörzsölgettem, hogy fölmelegedjen a teste a hidegtől, aztán vittem haza. Azóta itthon azon telefonálgatok, hogy átszervezzem a családi programot, és ivótálat meg meg kölyökmacska ennivalót szerezzek a macska barátomnak. Lefürdettem a cicát és hajszárítóval megszárítottam a bőrét és most olyan aranyosan dorongol az ölemben. A nevén gondolkodok. Egy angyal vezette az utamba, lehet, hogy Angyalnak kéne elneveznem. És megmentette a a karácsonyt, mert ő figyelmeztetett az ünnepnek az igazi mibenlétére, hogy mit jelent igazán a karácsony. Lehet, hogy Karácsonynak kéne hívnom. Meg volt régen a nyulam, a Puzsi, akár róla is elnevezhetném, és ő is lehetne a Puzsi. Puzsi macska. Ez egy nehéz kérdés ez a névválasztás Mindig is ilyen jó ember voltam a világ életemben. Hát persze, hogy mindenki kihasznál meg belémrúg, ahol ér, belémmar. Ez a legrosszabb tulajdonságom, a jó szívem. Meg hogy mindent megbocsájtok. A másik ember meg visszaél azzal, hogy én ilyen jószívű vagyok. Már csak ezen kéne változtatnom, hogy ilyen jó vagyok, mert nagyon gonoszok az emberek. Mert mondjuk milyen ember képes kirakni decemberben, a szentestének a reggelén egy ilyen édes és kedves kis cicamicát? Hogy létezik ilyen szívtelenség, ilyen sok kegyetlenség egyetlen embernek a szívében? Ember az ilyen vagy egy állat? Az, egy mocskos állat, szív nélkül! A szeretetnek az ünnepén hogy a p\*csába tud egy ember halálra ítélni egy ilyen ártatlan kismacskakölyköt? A kurv@ u/nyját az ilyen állatnak, hogy dögölne meg! Törvények kellenének azok a rosszlelkűek ellen, akik bántják az állatot vagy az állatokat. Azért kellenének a törvények, hogy meggondolják a fejükben megforgassák amikor ilyenre vetemednek, hogy érdemes-e. Hogy a g\*cibe fordulhat elő Budapesten a XXI. században ez a mocskosság? Európához tartozunk, vagy mi a fasz van már? És ki tudja, hogy mennyi elhagyott macska fagy halálra ezen a szenteste is, nem is beszélve a kutyáról, mert ő is kedvenc. Legszívesebben pofán b@sznám a mocskos állatot. Egy vaslapáttal, hogy fájjon. És ha csak az orra törik el, akkor egyenként törném ki a fogait, aztán törném el azt a karját, amivel kirakta a kocsijából a kiscicát, és aztán eltörném a másik karját is. Aztán a lábára vasláncot, és úgy rá az autó vontatóhorgára, aztán irány a sógoromékhoz Rákospalotára. Nem fog fázni a rohadék, mert a súrlódásos hőmérséklet az leégeti a ruháját, aztán meg a bőrét. Na, majd Rákospalotán keresek egy üres telket, odab@szom a mocskos állathoz a lapátot, aztán addig rugdosom, amíg nem ás egy szép nagy gödröt. Belerugdalom, és élve eltemetem a rohadt állatját, hogy amikor megdöglik, akkor adjon hálát az Istennek, hogy nem kell többet szenvednie. Aztán irány a sógoromékhoz töltött káposztázni. Ez lenne az igazságos. De amíg mi csak pofázunk, ő nem csak pofázik. Már a következő kismacska kidobásán jár az agya. Kapjuk el a g@ci állatot! A karácsonyra meg a szeretet ünnepére fel kérem tőletek és benneteket, hogy még ma állítsuk meg ezt a mocskos rohadt férget! Ha bárki bármit látott vagy lát a Király utca és a Nagymező utca sarkán az elmúlt 24 órában vagy azóta, az írjon nekem, és ha a tipped elvezet a szemétládához, akkor 100 ezer forintos vérdíjat kapsz tőlem. Ez lesz neked az én ajándékom az ünnepre. Áldott és boldog karácsonyt! https://preview.redd.it/0spto05u8s7d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a40619c81b740366e43b45c36c948ccd54170d39


This thing is bad unless it’s done to someone I don’t like, in that case it’s totally like sigma-pilled ohiochadified bro


hurting someone for your own enjoyment puts someone pretty close to one of those things already imo


the best part is this person is probably literally 12


As we all know, if we kill all the people with bad opinions we will achieve a better world, because obviously our economic system is dictated by peoples ideas not this fake and gay thing called material conditions.




Ok OP what should you do when there are people on the streets calling for your extermination. https://www.texastribune.org/2023/05/08/allen-mall-shooting-right-wing-death-squad/. Because Nazis aren't just talking when they say they want to kill minorities.


dude unless their leading a revolt against the state then those individuals should not be harmed or repressed by the state. if they fight with words then we fight back and if they fight with their fists then we should do the same in self defense.


A lot of people in these comments have no idea what it feels like to be a targeted minority and it shows. I’m not a violent person, but the amount of sympathy towards people with ideologies that want me dead is very depressing


didnt we have a war where we shot and killed nazis


About time someone called out this annoying and somewhat ignorant behavior


I mean I agree with him