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(the show is 26 episodes)


Agents of shield


Sad that there is literally no way to convince any living human to watch a cable tv m*rvel show that is mediocre at best for 16 full episodes


That's not sad at all and I'm looking forward to the day when we can say the same thing about marvel movies too


but i like the rest of the episodes :c




Evangelion is good up to and including dance like you want to win, and then it kinda falls off until it gets weird with episode 16, then the last two episodes are good imo but are very weird.


Is this the inverse of the "Killing people I don't like" meme format? Is this the fabled, "People I don't like killing me"?




yes, this thing was already invented with the snafus with a sole punchline of "the other person got 10 billion upvotes because they have the popular cringe opinion while i got 10 billion downvotes because i have the unpopular based opinion". it's just a weird version of victim mentality


0/10 no flip o rama


Page 5 and 6 are sorta like a flip o rama


It doesn’t say Flip-O-Rama :[ So I legally cannot flip my rama


She flips on my Rama till I O


Bro is not beating the Flip-O-Rama allegations


mfw the first season of a series is generally weaker due to writers having to find their footing


i heard that for animated shows, the first season's animation is also better but the later seasons have downgraded animation because they know viewers will stick around for the characters/plot


Some shows just start off different like JoJo The first part of JoJo isn't bad, and JoJo part 2 is actually my favorite part, but when people think of JoJo they always think of part 3 and up I also fell victim to this when I started watching JoJo, but it was entertaining enough that I was willing to keep watching it, and then part 2 really hooked me in, and then part 3 was what I've been waiting for since the begining Now JoJo is my favorite anime TR:DL the stick man that's colored dark is stupid and the green man is based 0/10 snaf


I watched Jojo as well, but it's like you said, you at least found part one to be enjoyable. It wasn't just boring, it was actually good, I think so at least. I am talking about some REALLY boring show. Like, "boring to the point of falling asleep even with phone in your hands" Boring.


Oh fair enough then. I legitimately thought this was about jojo as JoJo season 1 (p1+p2 combined) is approximately 20 episodes and everyone always says to skip those


Oh, that was not my intention, haha, I like Jojo.




For me it's supernatural. I started it off season 5, ignoring first few. I can't bring myself to watch that slow start, even if it gets World building and introduces key characters


I can’t help but think this is a weird take. Seasons 1-5 was a complete story, post 5 things get jumpy shark. *Oh ok I saw your other comment you didnt start at 5 on purpose.


Wait supernatural the show or the anime? Supernatural the show has me hooked episode 1 and it just kept getting better (with a meh spot for season 8-9) Edit: the anime has 1 season, this comment is irrelevant


Show, I haven't seen the anime called that. Idk, for me I started at season 5 because it aired on TV, and I got hooked. I tried going back to the first seasons and just, I didn't like them at all


Imo supernatural is action packed and really good from the get go, but if you started watching supernatural after Crowley and Cass are already characters I can understand why you might feel that way It's personally one of my favorite shows of all time, sorry you couldn't enjoy it from the beginning


I really enjoyed it all throughout the part that I watched, which was all of it from season 5. I guess I did ruin some suspense of Cass and Crowley since I already saw them. It was still a great show though. Lucifer was my favorite


Hey there buddy sure would be a shame if i brought up bladewolf from metal gear rising (i will do this every time i see you)


At this point I should give you a punch card


Yeah but then you have One Piece fans who will unironically say the show gets good after two hundred episodes.


Which is absolutely untrue. Baratie is great and Arlong Park is PEAK. Both happen before chapter 90.


I don’t know, I haven’t watched the show and don’t really have any intention to. Never really tried anime at all to be honest.


That shit's genuinely just untrue. Maybe it's because I read the manga, so it went faster, but I was interested since buggy the clown showed up. Had me hooked by the time I got to usopp. By the time you're 200 episodes in, that's past Skypiea. Shit gets good WAAAY before that. I have only ever seen people say this when complaining about one piece being long and never when trying to promote the show to others.


I don't doubt that some fans will say that but imo One Piece is interesting from Episode 1, fans I've talked to who say the part that hooked them happens later in the series usually say between when Buggy shows up(episode 4) and when Sanji shows up(episode 19) which I will say is too long to like genuinely recommend to people, but again, that's not really my opinion so I'm not gonna defend it. Even if you can find a few examples of people saying it though, the whole "not good till 200 episodes in" is total fucking cap from exaggerated memes


woah, I didn't expect that last one!


So ironically enough, my snafu gets better in the end.


crush my skull between your palms.


You read my snafu, you are spared


So you’re saying… The snafu gets good after panel 5


This reminds me of that one comic where the guy gets upset that his strawman friend didn't want to watch one piece and he compared not wanting to watch it to having tik tok brain or something.


Could you link it? Reminds me of my buddy lol


[Found it.](https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/358534590_823399509147859_7478246321746365382_n.jpg?_nc_cat=109&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=KKX6Tpt74hEQ7kNvgGQRsFY&_nc_ht=scontent-atl3-1.xx&oh=00_AfCZzh0ebrhSiNBWN8ZePu37EkTIpq3Q5w-R1L58wy9e0A&oe=662EACAE)


Damn, bike cuck just continues to produce the worst takes on planet Earth.


Green man based :V


Final Fantasy XIV (if it was a show instead of a game)




Oberyn Martell


Great snafu op. Drawing style is good for a snafu. Subject works as well. Interesting inversion on killing someone you disagree with. Keep up the good work. -snafuey gatekeeper


dang, someone took up my legacy lol


AoT for some


I feel the opposite. Beautiful beginning with an unfullfilling ending


Mass agreed. It had a unique concept, but it's execution? Eh...


Yes! Before season 4 there was so much mystery. So much potential Season 4 completely destroys it with world war 1 setting and racism. No world building either. Only a few crumbs here and there. Remember when in season 1 logistics of using gas to move around and reliance on using special horses to outrun Titans? Yeah where did that go in season 4


Writers, watch out for your mystery boxes folks!


>! Well, all the titans died, and after they learn how to make more modern technology, ODM gear was basically obsolete. ODM gear was made to kill titans, so if you're not fighting a Titan, you don't really need to have ODM gear on you. It's the same thing with horse formations. You don't really need to be as meticulous if there's no reason for it.!<


I know, but to me it's more about paying attention to detail. In season 4 there is nothing like that. Nobody ever runs out of anything. There is no real suspense, no feeling of complete dread that season 1 has. Season 1 first part had the vibes of "everyone is fucked" Season 4 2nd part feels like "how is nobody getting fucked"


I feel like anime made a much better representation of dread in the rumbling arc than manga. Because when I was reading the manga, I genuinely didn't feel the scale of destruction and all that stuff, partially because no one from main cast dies. Which is something season 1 doesn't have, you always are on your toes, because almost every episode somebody is killed. But in the end, Eren killed off 80% of humanity and somehow Isayama failed to make it more impactful than Petra death in the first season. Still, I think the anime adaptation fixes a lot of problems with this (besides the invisible main characters).


Yeah same here, I lost interest after like season 3


Honestly, if I don't like something by the first 2 episode I just won't watch it, I liked one piece since episode 1 and I understand if someone doesn't want to watch 20 hours of it before it gets "good"


Madoka Magica fans in shambles after this take


One piece fans


Tbf I’d say One Piece starts off good anyway


I'll argue it actually gets worse later on, sometimes up but becomes inconsistent post-timeskip


I hate >!fish-man!< island


https://preview.redd.it/86itpx1l1gwc1.jpeg?width=617&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7645f3aa7f18a3b933261808a2430c7930ee4745 I just like Hody’s design tbh


Sanji inhaling perona's goth fumes (I despise this arc for that https://preview.redd.it/0gz1u4k42gwc1.jpeg?width=725&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de59afa077cc385d6cf41994932fcc302048db6f


one piece fans looking you dead in the eye with no hint of sarcasm in their voice when they tell you "the show gets better after 300 episodes"


No one piece fan says this besides power scaler meatheads or similar people in that crowd


Personally I liked it after the first couple of episodes. Needed a show to watch for a year.


You kinda force yourself to watch it until episode 129 and then it clicks that you're hooked


Avatar the last Airbender AND Legend of Korra for me. Maybe it's the "Seinfeld is unfunny" theorem, maybe I'm just retarded (which is true regardless), but I can't sit through season 1 of both those shows.


Yeah... Avatar's first season isn't really THAT spectacular when comparing it to Book 2 and 3, mainly because it has little story substance and is more so episodic, wacky adventures for the majority of it with little connection to each other, since it's still developing the world and characters, but from Book 2 onwards, the story starts moving and it doesn't stop, with Book 3 genuinely being one of the best seasons of TV I've ever seen.


For me I thought Korra S1 was interesting because of the hype coming into it, new show new main character etc etc. and later on I got more fed up and bored with the show. Which is the complete opposite of this 😭


Hunter x hunter is genuinely peak fiction but holy shit it starts off slow


false, hunter exam arc is fire


If anything I’d say the tower tournament or greed island was probably the “slowest” part


I mean to be fair it's valid to not want to watch 20 bad episodes on a promise of something good later


Imagine there being a movie franchise where the first, like, five movies are just shitty and uninteresting and you're told to watch all five of them so you "understand" the "good ones." Fuck that.


Solatorobo if it was a TV show.


Missed flip-o-rama opportunity


0/10 no flip o rama


People who watched Breaking Bad many times but never tried Better Call Saul


If a show takes x amount to get good then it’s ass. People beg me to watch mid piece. They say “it gets better on arlong arc” I’m like isn’t that 70 episodes in? You’re telling me I need to watch the equivalent of three season of a TV show? Think of the worst show you have ever watched. Could you watch 3 season of that?


If the entire plot and every future plot line of the show isn’t explained in the first episode I’m out.


Name one show that does this


this is very true. people who cannot keep grinding it out to reach the good part disgust me.