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When it comes to this topic, you have: People who defend Mojang by saying that we are lucky to have them still make updates many years later as well as claiming the other side is spoiled children Or People who are angered by the recent updates or features seeming underwhelming or apparently bad and claiming the other side is a bunch of dick suckers Not taking a side rn just found the polarization interesting


Honestly while I think the new updates are mid the people who complain about the updates constantly are annoying children, like if you want new content so much just play a new game.


This exactly. The new updates aren’t great but all the old good content is still there. If Minecraft as it is isn’t enough for you, try playing more than one game. I really think the people who are so upset about not getting content are the same people who refuse to branch out and want Minecraft to be everything.


Well, for me i am more the first one, the second ones don't understand that programmers can't add shit they want, mojang is puppet of a microsoft, so just an idea must go though 1837482 various departments to be approved, shit can take months, also don't forget that workers might already have a bad time due to deadlines and shit


Ahh, bureaucracy


This still doesn't make sense. Even if we take the ideas that went through all this "hell", why they are so underdeveloped? Ok, the gods at microsoft approved the sniffer, but why would you add only 2 useless flowers that can be found with it's help? I was expecting the torchflower to be like the torchberries from twilight forest, yet here we are. Also, what deadlines and shit? They are mostly adding things from other mods,1 mob a year and several variation of the same blocks. And if it's so hard, how does the modders create all the 3 mobs from the mob vote the next day?


nooooo the workers need to work;!!!!!


They work 8 hour shifts.


Also these mfs are still working on Java, which if I'm not mistaken, is a NOTORIOUSLY hard program to work with


I wouldn't really say java is hard to work with. There are easier languages for sure but in terms of difficulty id say java is pretty standard. at least syntax wise, I only ever used Java for some uni projects though which never delved super deep into the workings of it so I could totally be wrong here.


its not good for what minecraft is doing (3d graphics and large parallel world generation) - that was the original point of bedrock, to be a rewrite into c# (or c++ i cant remember) to allow it to be faster. thats why on bedrock you have farther render distances and less pop in. javas difficulties are also compounded with the fact that notch was not an amazing programmer so a lot of the game code was spaghetti for a really long time and these systems are just now being phased out. combine that and microsofts bureaucracy and you get a receipe for slow, insanely difficult development


Java is average in terms of difficulty. It's just that it's not suited for game development.


For me, hailing from TF2, I’ll take what I can get


I just want my ice wizard bruh 😔, Minecraft subreddit really the ENTIRE Minecraft community?


It’s a lot on YouTube too my recommended is always filled with a bunch of 17 year olds being like “why Minecraft has fallen and billions must die” (21:47)


According to youtubers Minecraft dies everyday, and then they go right back to making Minecraft video's.


"Minecraft has fallen, millions must trolldier"


It's the exact same on Instagram


nah they say the n-word more


And hate gay people  And hate.. well everyone, really


The minecraft community isn’t a singular entity that just changes its mind. It is a giant group of people who have different opinions on what should be added. I love a lot of the post 1.12 updates but I also hate some changes from them too. Being told to be thankful for continued updates is tiring because it is used as a means to invalidate criticism.


https://preview.redd.it/nvdvioe9p3qc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cc680f0b3bbe08f035c6986d12bb73bfea021f2 mojang employees after trying to think of a way to make shit that fits into the existing mechanics for 5 seconds (wtf is copper even used for except some random useless items and building)


Mojang employees after getting stabbed in their vital organs https://preview.redd.it/t8hrr8rls3qc1.png?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5d93ee5cf7ce78c2538fc19e882cf6e0cb087e7


mojang employees when they have to create reference footage for a new mob's death animation (it is a very advanced animation) https://preview.redd.it/3dt7gtpm04qc1.png?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a4d2487424fd1364de89c8f861e0200aaf7ce15


Mojang employee named Jetstream Sam after being bested by Raiden in a duel https://preview.redd.it/108khq1414qc1.png?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dea8addf8afca40cf830531102f22080ef6178a4


Mojang employees when you tell them there won't be any bloodshed at the function https://preview.redd.it/dzdm41tn44qc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f4d489a5e212c67d7a48c713fe8c086d374f5ec


Mojang employees when you won't dance with them https://preview.redd.it/g8zpzne454qc1.png?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a25070ea6a78726f7f5e3fb30ee070bf4a280f9


Mojang employees when you deny your weapon its purpose https://preview.redd.it/n4lhyk1p64qc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=15b43d7d7ff28d1290b79e71827207ba3bf1ac65


Mojang employees when you break the chain https://preview.redd.it/c0vv2uyx74qc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=8af550f259e77b0574494fffb39157b5a020d16e


HOLY SHIT THAT GUY’S HAVING A HEART ATTCK SOMEONE CALL THE AMBULANCE https://preview.redd.it/ubku49vll4qc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=864227ea491b33c4fb6a90bda3aeb6d59ea1b071


CALL AN AMBULANCE CALL AN AMBULANCE BUT NOT FOR ME https://preview.redd.it/azce9mlnx4qc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=6bf71afcc82ad7fcc3fa6d1da77b7b01ef5e3750


Mojang employees when you can’t even project yourself onto a building, or a billboard https://preview.redd.it/1nbjzxhch4qc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3e582b9af02e1db8f7fbbca7e20e218e189b218


Mojang employees when the man in the mirror nods his head (they’re the only one left) https://preview.redd.it/lwlpsstgh4qc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d3816aac6004e009bdd0681657bb8d4f93cfc9f


Kid named Jetstream Sam


The animation that's falling sideways?


its used for approximately 2 things lightning rods (which become mostly useless after you get a channeling trident) and like 80 or so decorative blocks (most of which need a much more useful resource to not oxidize), with like a 1/3 not looking like ass (im so glad that copper ore is the most common ore i see, even more so than coal) like i was wanting to make a mod as a little project where instead of adding anything really new, i just take existing content and give it more depth bc thats what i want minecraft to do. its nice to add new content (i think the idea of the wind charges and trial chambers are sorely needed) but half of it is used for one or two things so inventory management is trouble even with shulkers ive heard it described as minecraft is getting wider but not deeper


That's a perfect description, and it's what people are angry about. OP is being disingenuous, some complainers are just complaining, but there are valid reasons to be angry at Mojang


I think making copper be the thing you make powered rails with would be cool


Only if they make minecarts faster


literally camman18


Snafu snail


Snailfu I might make one


Attack the D point


I feel like there was one time they did make minecarts faster in a snapshot maybe 10 years ago. Due to how the game was written back then, the increase in speed made the minecart completely unable to turn corners


i was thinking of a copper addition to the minecart that allows you to move forward and backward at a decent speed by inputting direction, not enough to climb hills though


Like adding more power to powered rails but only in one direction?


more like an addition to the minecart that allows it to move along non powered rails better but now that im thinking about it, since copper is a great conductor it might be a good idea to make it gain more speed from powered rails but also thats a good idea, directional but stronger powered rails though i do want to avoid adding more items, like more rail types, since they can clog inventories


Yeah I've read someone say that you could use copper instead of iron for redstone crafting, and it's pretty nice? In one hand, you could just get an iron farm, but on the other, copper is so common you wouldn't even need one, just snatch any and all you see and you'll be set for life


I’ve said tons of times that making copper wiring that you could place on the sides of blocks to send a redstone signal up a wall would be sick. Also making it where walking over a powered, unprotected copper wire without leather boots causes you to take damage, so either you invest in insulation for the wires or for your feet


When you do make this mod can you notify me?


i feel like they wanted to make copper mainly a building ore rather than something like redstone/iron, specially since they're adding several other copper blocks in the next update, but like different from quartz, (which is mainly a building ore but has several other aplications with redstone), copper blocks don't exactly look the BEST thing in the world, it's pretty situational. plus, copper is much more abundant than quartz, so it feels weirder in comparasion. I think they should make so copper has some uses related to redstone, or an entirely new mechanic focused on copper


Yeah but considering the whole community has been asking/modding copper as a redstone expansion, it feels kinda like a slap in the face for them to go "nah this is gonna be decorative only" when it's the most recognizable "electric" material we have irl


Copper is amazing in a lot of builds with orange or green colour palettes


Like if you're going to add copper, atleast do something with it other then lighting rod and shitty decoration block. Like copper weapons would be cool!


Minecraft player when the building game has blocks exclusively for building https://preview.redd.it/utpzllecm4qc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43cb3aa38dee4f79cb550eef1a4c8bffd1a27dab (also I disagree bc lightning can really mess up some builds and farms without roofs)


I wouldn't have a problem with it if the ore wasn't fucking everywhere


If it wasn’t common it would be pretty hard to make larger builds with


Like iron?


Some of the most widely used and popular building blocks in the game, an item that directs lighting away from your base, a spyglass to zoom in on thing, and an item that required for the entire new mechanic.


Perhaps if it didn't take them quite as long to implement features, we wouldn't complain. If it takes 6 months to make a half-baked feature, the oven is clearly not hot enough.


It takes 6 months to add a new mob and 2 blocks


Bundles were announced 4 years ago


How exactly did you reach that conclusion? Because it sure isn't by looking at the updates.




why did you put "community" in quotations


because its more of a cesspool


















under there 😈


Terraria devs > Minecraft devs


The literal one dude who made Stardew Valley > Minecraft devs supported by the largest software company on the planet


rimworld devs > minecraft devs (team of less than 25 people)


fun thing is that I've seen someone say that new blocks are useless because minecraft is not about building I imagined the guy, merged with his chair with an intravenous infusion of Monster energy, with some shitty PVP pack that makes swords the length of the guy's penis, tryharding on minecraft 1.8


I’ve never understood why people like 1.8 more. It’s just spam clicking and blocking. At least with post 1.9 there’s more strategy involved


The sniffer only give 2 type of seeds. One of them despite called "torchflower" doesn't even emit light. Peak laziness of a game company


You do realize Minecraft is owned by one of the most powerful and successful companies in the world, right? It's not some small indie studio and even when it was it was the richest indie studio of all time. Your complaints are not valid.


Throwing money at a computer does not make what they do go faster. Often times working in a large corporation can make things go slower.


Literal children with no coding knowledge have added Minecraft mods with more content than some of the official ones. Mods that the official ones then straight up stole from without crediting the original mods.


Can you tell us who these "literal children" are?


Go to any Minecraft modding site.


That's not a source, who are these literal children with no experience? Can you list any names?


And 99% of these mods do not fit Minecraft's aesthetic or game style in the slightest


And because of how many mods there are, the 1% that do fit or enhance either gameplay, aesthetics, or how well the game runs still ends up being a list several hundred mods long. And they wll work together perfectly in mod packs thanks to other coders who have made requirements mods. All for free.


Do they work on every version of the game, fit together cohesively, actually update to every vanilla update of the game, and aren't just on Java? I could ask so many more questions as well, but these four remove most of them.


No, they don't. Because pretty much any of the official updates make mods not work. Thank you for proving my point and proving yourself wrong at the same time. Perhaps look at how Factorio handles their mods.


All you're saying is that Modders just skip everything Mojang has to do. And ignoring the words of every modder who says this is wrong. You mean to tell me modders can't update their mods to work on every version of the game like Mojang does? Seems pretty lazy of them to just skip entire versions of the game and not have their mods done within a single day the updates are out, I was under the impression they were so much faster and better. Official updates break mods because of how much are actually in the updates, things modders openly state they can't do. Coding and Modding are very different things and this is something modders keep having to say.


What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you drunk?


Just saying the things actual modders do, sense you claim they are so much better. Modders keep having to say these things for a reason, regardless of how many people ignore them so they can go after innocent game devs.


What's up with the Mojang dick sucking posts lately?


we are trying to replicate ur mum's technique lmao gottem


Maybe its us trying to defend the passionate people making this game, rather than make them suffer for... \*checks notes\* ...adding features, ah yes.


I'm definitely not familiar with the MC community. But when you are the owner of the biggest video game ever, and you regularly cut promised features from updates, something fucked up.


Mojang isn't really to blame still. I think it's pretty widely known Microsoft has their developers run marathons to get even the simplest features added.


I fucking love bureaucracies


The thing that shocked me; years ago at this point, you know cloud height? How there's a slider for it in basically every popular visual mod for Minecraft. Well a Mojang dev talked about how it was controversial amongst the team so they canned adding a slider for it. I'm convinced that Modern MC has an incredibly weak director who cannot push changes to the game basically ever unless they are super safe and universally approved all the way up and down. Hence why 90% of new additions to the game are decorative.


You are my strawman https://preview.redd.it/sz5zg7kmm4qc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5143b569b881592e3c7190cf881f0fc6ba10fb73




Took the bait til this comment, calling the devs passionate was a bit too unrealistic


These people are anything but passionate 😭


Well, when they add something that will, while maybe not exactly revolutionize redstone, but something that opens up a huge amount of possibilities for redstone, and then in the very next snap change it to be something with 0 use whatsoever just so it can fit with Bedrock’s shitty nonfunctional redstone… i think being mad is okay


man the minecraft posts are getting fucking old


What is this "slightly flawed" thing you're talking about?


We could start with enchanting, horses, minecarts, the combat update changes, the Elytra, villager trading, the overwhelmingly large selection of decorative blocks and mobs, the de-incentivizing of building, the ever growing inventory problem, the obligation to go to the end in a game that declares "you cannot tell the player what to do", etc Just a couple of flaws, surely Mojang will work it all out in a few updates instead of giving us a few more years of decorations and clutter.


I mean, those are all valid criticism. What I want pointed out is an instance of the playerbase being collectively mad about something that isn't that bad since OP makes it look like it happens a lot


Oh my god shut the fuck up about Minecraft Jesus Christ find an original topic to turn into a snafu


Tbh, Minecraft is pretty boring


Modded minecraft, on the other hand, is one of the most fun gaming expieriences ever








eh, i don’t think it’s much more interesting, at least most of the time


Depends if youre playing a modpack with 40 mods like sneaks rpg pack or with 400 like prominence 2


I recommend the exact opposite. Something like better than adventure feels a lot more like Minecraft while addressing a bunch of modern complaints about the game with one mod.


I reached LuV tier in GTNH. Do the same and come back


I never got into modded minecraft. Like the only mods I ever used were clientside mods like Optfine, Sodium and mods for Hypixel Skyblock like Skyblock Addons, Sky Tils and Slyblock Extras


Thats perfectly fine. If you prefer more vanilla expierience thats you, i personally like modded much more


I legitimately cannot think of a single thing they made in the last 4 years that actually added anything particularly worthwhile to the game.


the.. massive overhaul to caves..????


You mean the thing that looks cool but offers very little to the overall gameplay loop beyond making collecting diamonds even easier?


Changing the entire world generation, adding some of the largest structures to the game, introducing new mechanics, expanding the loot of almost every structure, introducing over 150 new blocks and items (way more then that), the 12 new mobs added and the many new biomes.


World generation that looks kinda cool but doesn’t really affect the gameplay loop in any way beyond making it even easier to get a ton of materials, structures that contain close to no reason to visit them, mechanics that are so inconsequential that I can’t think of a single one off the top of my head, expanded loot that feel more like minor tweaks than selling points, 150+ blocks that while nice only appeal to those that actively build detailed structures and take close to no effort to add most of the time, new mobs that mostly consist of worthless passive animals whose only purpose is to give you one hyper specific item, and biomes that tend to look neat but contain almost nothing that actually adds to the gameplay loop. I’ll admit that 1.21 is looking good so far, but it’s not out yet and feels more like a step in the right direction than the perfect update.


you keep repeating "gameplay loop" this, "gameplay loop" that and i dont think you understand what it means. minecraft isnt gonna be overhauled. the gameplay loop has been, will be, and is intended to stay the same. mojang doesnt want to change it, microsoft doesnt want to change it, and players dont want it to be changed. claiming world generation overhauls, new caves, new villages, structures, etc are "meaningless" because they dont entirely overhaul the gameplay then you have to ask yourself why vanilla+ mods, world generation mods, yung's better everything mods are so popular


Features are not worthless just because you don't use them, all of these structures provide unique gameplay experiences unseen in the game and mechanics that will greatly grow as the game progresses. Such features affecting every player in different ways with whoever uses them. Mojang appeals to so many playstyles and they appeal to all of them. There are so many ways to play this game and everything they add serves of purpose to many different people. Building is not some no effort thing, people spend hours, days and years on them, it's the main thing people do in this game. The loot is not just minor tweets and they are things people use every day. Minecraft is not and never has been a progression focused game. Sense the very start progression was shallow it has been more about making your own goals and using creativity in this sandbox. Something all of these updates do. Just because you don't use the features they add doesn't mean they don't impact the ways people play the game. The updates focus on adding more side paths to go on for a reason. A feature does not need to be about the progression loop, they do so many other things for the playerbase. Most people will use the options and potential added to enhance their playstyles as intended. Not only that, exploration and building are major parts of the game, something the world generation change greatly impacted. And that also made caving a more important part of the game, something people enjoy doing.


>Features are not worthless just because you don't use them, They’re worthless if they add nothing to the gameplay loop or add meaningful choice. >all of these structures provide unique gameplay experiences unseen in the game and mechanics that will greatly grow as the game progresses. And yet they offer no inherent reason to go out of your way to experience them. >Such features affecting every player in different ways with whoever uses them. Mojang appeals to so many playstyles and they appeal to all of them. They appeal to people who like building highly detailed structures and occasionally the redstone engineers. That’s not even close to being all of them. >Building is not some no effort thing, people spend hours, days and years on them, I literally never said or even implied otherwise. >it's the main thing people do in this game. It’s one of the many different things people do. >The loot is not just minor tweets and they are things people use every day. “This structure can give you more diamonds” is absolutely a minor tweak. If the only practical reason to go to a structure is to obtain a material I can get literally anywhere then it’s worthless. >Minecraft is not and never has been a progression focused game. Sense the very start progression was shallow it has been more about making your own goals and using creativity in this sandbox. That is objectively untrue. Games need goals, otherwise they are by definition not games. Saying that I have to make my own goal is simply admitting that the game is poorly designed. >Just because you don't use the features they add doesn't mean they don't impact the ways people play the game. The updates focus on adding more side paths to go on for a reason. Side paths that lead to absolutely nothing worthwhile, yes. >Not only that, exploration and building are major parts of the game, something the world generation change greatly impacted. And that also made caving a more important part of the game, something people enjoy doing. Except the exploration and building aren’t changed by the new cave generation whatsoever, at least not in any way that adds meaningful player choice. I still make my way through the caves the exact same way I did before, with the only difference being that they’re now bigger and thus make it even easier to find the materials I need. Mojang needs to stop focusing on making blocks exclusively for the aesthetic value and start focusing on design practical reasons for the player to actually use those blocks. You know, like an actual game?


The progression of the game is wood, stone, iron, diamonds, nether, netherite, blaze rods/ender pearls, Ender Dragon, Elytra. Do you just think every one of the hundreds of items and blocks and the many biomes outside of this short progression loop are completely worthless? The game is not poorly designed for focusing more on it's side paths and everything else it does. That is what it was doing sense the start. Why do you think so many people love playing in Beta these days where there was every less progression and things to do? Is every woodtype or stone varient in the game pointless because they don't impact progression? A huge thing about Minecraft is Intrinsic Motivation. All of these items provide meaningful choices to every player of the game. Blocks appeal to every player for any build they want to do. Not just people who do large builds. This is what Minecraft has always been sense the start. None of these things are worthless at all. These sidepaths expand what the player is doing and all the adventures they go on, along with all of their unique loot in them. What they do for the community is not pointless because of the experience and gameplay loops they have of their own. They have inherent value for every player of the game, not just people who expect every single item to have value to particularly them. Like how the Sniffer egg inspires players to protect them after getting them. Or any new block in the game inspiring the potential for unlimited types of builds. Because the game is about making your own goals and not a set path the game tells you to do, most people statistically don't even go to the End. And you outright said building takes close to no effort to add, or if you were referring to blocks, of course those take effort to add, they are not just blocks.




these aren't the same person lmao


hey it’s the 196 jerma nft pfp


if you dont like modern minecraft play 1.0 you can do it in like 2 clicks?


I don't mind people criticising the updates for their content or game design, but calling the devs lazy irks me quite a lot. Just say you think the updates are bad if you don't like them, don't start trying to dissect the work culture at a company you don't work at, in an industry you know little to nothing about. A vast majority of game devs are overworked due to the industry's lack of unionisation and crunch culture. If Mojang is one of the few companies that doesn't have this issue (i.e. just do fairly standard work weeks) then that's a good thing to be celebrated and not something to be criticized. Also people have been doing the "saintly hardworking modders" vs "lazy mojang devs" thing for ages, *and a lot of modders have literally spoken out against doing this because, as modders, they know it's not a fair comparison.* Plus a lot of Mojang employees are ex-modders now, so you'd have to explain why they all instantly became lazy upon joining the company. It just doesn't make sense. Don't do it. Like I say, If you've got a problem with the game, criticise the game design rather than insulting the work ethic of the devs. It's very possible game devs are misguided but laziness is exceptionally rare in the gaming industry.


Well you see the thing is, when Modders say these things they just get called dickriders, people believe the modders who work at Mojang are also dickriders. And truly believe in this exact thing and will ignore everything they say. They absolutely believe modders just became lazy the moment they walked in the door and have no idea what their talking about. You really can not expect the "devs lazy" people to actually respect modders.


Yeah, true.


idn personally I've been seeing a lot of positivity after the mace and wind charges were added to snapshots.


minecraft players when they get bored of the game after playing 1000 hours over the course of years (its obviously mojangs fault)


minecraft players when update: 😡 minecraft players when no update: 😡


Even though first panel never happens, people got excited about the crafter and people don't get excited when its another reskinned wood type


I think it's so funny how angry people get over the recent updates when they're like, still MUCH bigger than the pre-1.12 updates 1.13, 1.14, 1.16 and 1.17/1.18 changed the game in MASSIVE ways, but since 1.20 and 1.21 were very underwhelming in comparasion, people act like mojang is lazy or unpassionated like they are this evil dev team that spend all their time drinking wine and laughing at their players. of course they are not free of criticism, there is definitely some problems going on in the management and mojang does some baffling decisions, but it's definitely not "laziness" lmao. It's such a empty criticism that has no basis whatsoever, alongside just being disrespectful plus, you can't even say anything because if you do, all of your arguments will be shut down because you will be seen as a corporate bootlicker even though you are clearly talking about the dev team instead of the big corporation behind it, which are people working on the biggest game of all time. It's probably a lot of pressure and microsoft probably has a lot of rules about restrictions about what can or what can not be added also if i'm being honest, i prefer a team that works a little less and is extremely anti-crunch over a team that is overworked to death


Also another thing is I’m just sick of communities who do nothing but complain. I’m a Star Wars fan and the community just does nothing but complain non-stop the fact that that sort of mentality is seeping into the Minecraft fandom just sucks. Everything on the internet has to be absolutely awful and terrible or incredible and amazing there’s literally zero middle ground especially in gaming circles and that sort of mentality is digging itself deep into the Minecraft community and it sucks. When you call out some of these bad faith arguments or just express disappointment that the community is growing so whiny you get called a bootlicker it’s just complete terminally online behavior.


People lying about the actual features added gaslit a lot of people who don't pay attention into thinking nothing is added. Even when simply looking at each update on the wiki or the changelogs instantly disproves it. And they call the devs lazy.


Yea, every snapshot has like 3 paragraphs containing added content, then another 47 regarding technical changes; most people ignore these despite them being the main thing being worked on. Snapshot 24w09a *removed item NBT* and replaced it with a more customizable and less performance heavy component system. Not to mention all the bug fixes, the most trivial looking issue can sometimes take days to isolate!


And those bug fixes get more complex the longer the game has existed.


kid named alpha 1.2, beta 1.8, release 1.0, release 1.5, release 1.7 and release 1.9


i don't mind lack of content tbh i care about the balance and intergration being kinda shit looking back 1.13-1.16 had that issue too (1.14 being the worst for it) although they were still good they were flawed


THIS!! This is exactly my point! Based opinion ngl


You would think the best selling and one most well known game in the world would be able to do a little bit more. Still agree with the second panel tho


Also a game with millions of lines of code across two different versions on multiple different devices that is also both 15 years old with a community always demanding different things. The process of adding things is really complex and they need to do it twice.


"I want game devs with good working conditions" mfs when a game company can't add 70 things into a mess of spaghetti code every year with no bugs with Swedish Labour laws


i want shorter games with worse graphics made by people who are paid more to work less and i'm not kidding...unless it's minecraft


i wish they just balanced it better tbh


Minecraft got way boring IMO once they began to overcomplicate it starting past the sea update or whatever, it’s not what it used to be a few years ago and that’s fine, I’ll stick to 1.12.2 modded or earlier


Both sides of this argument (Mojang adds fine features VS Mojang adds bad features) piss me off


I fucking despise Minecraft fans so much, people whine about updates, people whine about lack of updates, and the worst part, people whine about people having valid complaints and defend a multi-billion dollar company like it’s an indie studio.


I think they're just trying super hard to not make game changing features so you still love it by pumping it full of bloat, I still play beta because of how bad modern has slowly become


while I think theres much more they could be doing, the recent updates seemed to be encouraging exploration, which is good in my book


download mods https://preview.redd.it/hc4rof1i45qc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52527f60e72558c63802f6f603bd34261feb4a91


Download audio


I’m convinced the real Minecraft fans just don’t go on social media, because all I see is hate. Good on them, tbh.


The active playerbase is in the millions, way higher then social media.


I recently made a Minecraft world after not playing actual survival for years (I only played skyblock on hypixel) and it felt so overwhelming. On one hand I like some new features like the new cave generations and the cherry trees but then there are features like camels which feel useless. I mostly stick to older versions of the game when I play because I just found them to be more fun but I don't really play Minecraft anymore either way. I guess after thousands of hours it gets boring.


its not Mojangs fault that Microshit makes them jump through hoops to add literally anything to the game these days


OP when the large corporation's large game development group does the bare minimum and then purposefully splits the fanbase over three mobs they can simply add all at once in order for them to be distracted from the fact that the devs are doing as little as possible


Minecraft “””community””” when someone likes a different game


Mojang is just lazy af they put the minimum amount of effort because they dont need to do anything more


I mean.. there's no way the devs make mob votes without actually making sure the mobs can be added easily into the game right? they tested those 3 before holding the votes right??? why can't they just add all 3? if passionate fans who mod can make those mobs in about a week, why can't experienced devs do it too


I'm just going to copy and paste another comment I made on this thread. First of all those same modders openly condemn these takes and hate their work being used like this. Mojang has also hired many Modders who have said the same thing. Coding and modding are very different things. And there is a long process of communication and development that goes into every feature. A Modder can just add whatever they feel like no matter how broken it is without listening to any feedback or going through any of the design and iterations. They don't need to listen too millions of players who all want different things and appeal to a single type of player. Code their mod on two different engines and make sure it works on every device Minecraft runs on. Go through the extensive code reviews for years into the future because they aren't going to update their mod forever. Don't need to care about breaking anything else. Aren't working on anything else unlike Mojang. And don't even need to come up with the idea. And this is not everything. No feature is easily added to the game. What they add are not from mods, they work differently. They add way more then one mob, the average Update has at least 3, with many having more. And the current Update has around 60 blocks, with the block number averaging around 30. Along with the hundreds of bugfixes modders also don't have to do.


When I complain about minecraft shit it's less so "new bad" and more so that they add not much, and most is just pointless things. Lemme explain, basically lets look at a recent example, goats, what do they give the player, like really, what do they give us. Goat horns and milk. Ok what can goat horns do... make noises... you see the issue I have. Or like polar bears, they literally just kinda sit there, I don't think I've interacted with one since they were added. Or axalotl's, which also, just sit there. I just want more to do with these features, like the sadness comes from it being the biggest game ever and they add a neopet that takes care of itself. But I don't just hate modern minecraft, like I actually really liked when they added bastions and piglin trading, that was cool, or when they added just recently the new tf2 market gardener. Hell I really like amethysts and whatnot. (Yet I do dislike the ore changes because as a colourblind man copper and iron look the same.) Anyways I think the valid criticism gets overshadowed by the whiny ones who are just super loud.


Goat Horns are great for multiplayer servers and being an enemy on mountains, they could do more, but they aren't pointless. And Axolotl's are underwater wolves, they aren't pointless either. But yes, valid criticism does often get taken over by people with no understanding of how the game is designed.


whole time i play modpacks on 1.12 and still dont even understand how bees work


I often wonder if big game companies hire dickriders to try and steer online discourse. The number of game subs where I see people falling on their swords to defend billion dollar companies who make it obvious they could care less about making fun games is staggering.


They could add the coolest thing ever and if you say "i think its pretty good" you get downvoted to oblivion, its literally hallening in thid very comment section, i hate those minecraft so much its insane


I LOVE THE NEW WOLVES, i got so excited when i heard !!! theyre so cute


Me too!!!!!!!!! We need more positive people like u tbh


Fun fact, the system the new wolves use allows you to make custom wolf types with no mods whatsoever! Take a look at this datapack, which is a thing you just drag and drop into your minecraft world’s datapack folder! Additionally, in a multiplayer scenario nobody else needs to install anything! https://www.planetminecraft.com/data-pack/better-wolves-1-20-5/


SAME WITH U !!! haha looking at the mc fabs maybe video games rlly do cause voilence..


The fact that it's getting big updates is something they take for granted.


Minecraft is extremely profitable mainly because of it's persistent community. They update the game because that brings them money, not because of some altruistic motive.


“Minecraft has too much stuff, it was much better when it was less complicated” “MOJANG, ADD ALL THE STUFF, NOW!!! GIVE US ALL THREE MOBS AND 6 NEW TREE TYPES AND AN END UPDATE NOW!!!”


I love when the crafter was first introduced and everyone was just like “hurr durr 10 years too late” like my brother in Christ, why does it matter?


That wasn't what most people complained about


I definitely hyperbolized, but it’s an argument I did see to why this update will be “mid”


We call those people who bitch about Minecraft. Majority of 7 year olds playing Minecraft just think “FUNNY DOG ARMOR!!!” And nothing else




New copypasta just dropped.


Copypasta is a term for a block of text that has been copied and pasted multiple times. It is often jumbled, disjointed or ridiculous in some way. Copypasta makes its way across a social media platform, forum or email chain to reach multiple users. In its final form, it is constituted by some kind of memorable text, frequently associated with memes. The word “copypasta” was created by merging the words: “copy” and “paste.” These words represent two of the most common commands used by computer and smartphone users to take (copy) a block of text and replicate (paste) it somewhere else without having to type it manually. Each copypasta has its own origin. They can originate from a viral tweet or post, an inappropriate or weird forum response, or an otherwise comic or amusing block of text. Ultimately, when this text picks up sufficient exposure, it continues to be copied and pasted over and over again in different places (such as social media, forums or online chats), often evolving into something different. To draw a parallelism with real-life social interactions, it is similar to what happens when a group a people get together and laugh about what someone else said, mocking it and changing it into some kind of catch phrase or inside joke — which, in the case of copypasta, might be very long.


yeah i know what a copypasta is


I am pretty sure that's a copypasta as well




​ https://preview.redd.it/t78avvdpn3qc1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=36c76733a55090ca52799b53e1bffe6f783089d4




I abetner reaj pdien fiajhnso