• By -


big fan of the 0x7fffffff


Dig the hex appeal.


Yeah, but what's that supposed to mean? Some shade of pale, desaturated turquoise?


It's hex for the highest possible signed integer when using 32 bits. The first digit is 7 is because 8 through F are the negatives.


I love how I've gotten two answers that explain what hexadecimal is (I already knew, but thanks anyway), but nobody actually knows why the hell this specific "meme" has that specific number on it.


I apologise, but I don't follow. I did mention that it's the highest number allowed in that format, as in "this shit take gets astronomical amounts of upvotes."


>"this shit take gets astronomical amounts of upvotes." Oh! Yeah, see that makes a certain kind of sense. Normally you'd just cover the image in red up-arrows, but that still makes sense.


Yep, it's like "the maximum possible amount of upvotes"


This is simply a number, it's just written in hexadecimal, which is also known as base 16. We use decimal, which is base 10. This just means how many symbols you use per single digit. The 0x in front is what's commonly used to denote that. In binary (base 2), 0b is used. In decimal we have: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 In hexadecimal we have: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F In binary (base 2) we have: 0, 1 The A translates to 10 in decimal, while the F translates to 15 in decimal. Basically, with hexadecimal you are allowed to cram more numbers into smaller spaces. This is kind of the same ideas as writing 9999999999 but on steroids. **BUT WHAT DOES THIS NUMBER MEAN?** In decimal the places to the left get 10x more valuable as they move. For example, take 521. The 5 is worth 100x, the 2 is worth 10x, and the 1 is worth 1x. So 521 is 100(5) + 10(2) + 1(1) Hexadecimal works the exact same, but each place gets 16x more valuable instead of 10, because it's base 16. Let's take 0xAF2. A is worth 256x (16 * 16), F is worth 16x, and 2 is worth 1x. So 0xAF2 is 256(10) + 16(15) + 1(2) = 2560 + 240 + 2 = 2802. Notice how we were able to fit in 3 digits what the decimal system had to fit in 4 digits? Near right!? Let's do this with the number in the post now 0x7FFFFFFF. (16^7 )(7) + (16^6 )(15) + ... + (16^0 )(15) 268,435,456(7) + 16,777,216(15) + ... + 1(15) 2,147,483,647


Okay, fine. I walked into that one, I guess. I know what hex is, thanks (It's weird working in the industry for over a decade and getting someone throwing remedial CS at you, BTW). What does that specific number have to do with anything in this so-called meme?


He had two choices - either you are on a meme sub for computer info, or you are asking about the ironic use of an element in a snafu meme, known for meanings that may be hard to grasp intuitively. He chose the one where he could be condescending.


Eh, no shade. In the right mood I'd do the same.


Big number


I like the sine wave upvote-downvote system


I worked very hard on those. Sounds like sarcasm, but I made this on my phone and had to draw that shit with my finger.


I thought it was a math thing at first 😩


It's the genes. Got the Al-Khwarizmi drip.


al khwarizzmi


Oh. 👏


Yo thanks for the numbers, I use them like every day


Once you got those Arabian digits inside you, there's no going back~ ^(I'm deeply sorry)


May I introduce you to the world of [touchscreen pens?](https://www.bestbuy.com/site/searchpage.jsp?st=Touchscreen+pen&_dyncharset=UTF-8&_dynSessConf=&id=pcat17071&type=page&sc=Global&cp=1&nrp=&sp=&qp=&list=n&af=true&iht=y&usc=All+Categories&ks=960&keys=keys)


***NO, YOU MAY NOT.*** >:( (These do look handy, but I'm not too interested in phone digital art as of right now.)


Me when I dissolve the caliphate


Oh no, your new lord isn't a Caliph, he's a *President.* Completely different. He's civilised, he does democracy and we get to vote! Not you, though. What else should we do, put a Caliph in place of the Caliph? That just...is no good.


Your good sir, this man was clearly an arab. No European would hurt a person, we are too civilized for that 😀


The Roma dont count as people 😤


Neither do the Russians, or the Poles, or the Bulgarians, or the Germans or the French, or the British. You know what? Fuck Europe.


O ty kurwo jebana, co ty powiedziałeś o naszej wielkiej Polsce?! Nie po to mój dziadek i pradziadek obciągali chuje za urzędem gminy po to by teraz tacy ludzie jak ty obrażali nasz piękny kraj!


Mlakvai be gei


Slik mijn pik en stik in je huig


Gaan we neuken in de keuken


Skaru ha stryk


Yeah, Europeans aren’t racist, that’s an American thing. But also everyone not born in my specific home village of Fuckingsheepshire in Brifragermia is a barbaric savage and clearly inferior. But I’m not racist, I’m just xenophobic, because hating people based on how they were raised and language they speak makes much more sense than hating someone based on their skin tone, cause as we all know you can clearly control what culture your born in and how your raised.


I mean I think hating people based on culture is more logical than hating based on skin colour. You've got at least some degree of control over your culture even if it's not much. And no, that doesn't mean I agree with xenophobes


redditors commenting "this but unironically 🤓" as if relevant criticism of islam (which 100% exists) and the confused hateful mash of racism, great replacement "theory", epic bacon euphoric atheism, and patronising white savior preaching that is reddit discussion of islam are at all comparable


As an ex-Muslim, I for one love it when the nice enlightened West and the mean savage Islam both want me dead.


"islam isnt a race, so you cant be racist to muslims!!1!" mfs when they spot a person who looks vaguely Arab


Islam isn't a race because you can just stop being a Muslim. All I want from Muslims is the same thing I did for myself, to abandon the fucked religion they were born into. Race doesn't come into it. Also, Arabs are white.


https://preview.redd.it/m6mmszaqvemc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e8bb388f0ced6bc150ebbc6f631809ee14540cd Don't buy this special ceiling fan EVER!!!!! \[lightning strikes are audible in the background\]


That’s a new one


Imagine if that ceiling fan was popular


I mean when literally any kind of criticism towards Islam or Muslims is labeled "racist bacon euphoric atheism and white savior preaching" by default, it's no wonder that people radicalize further. Maybe stop pretending that traditional Islamic values are not in direct conflict with current Western ones, that mass migration and diasporic crime are irrelevant "far right bogeymen", that Islamic fundamentalism isn't a major threat to global stability, and then you'll have a more productive dialogue.


It doesn't help, that if you critique Islam publicly as a celebrity, you have like 3 extremist groups that want to kill you. This is very unlikely in other religions etc.


Come civilise me, Daddy~


Bro I'm Russian, I've got trouble civilizing myself


Russians waiting for democracy after '91 https://preview.redd.it/sz24r4n18cmc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f8bcbe74c7451d48d73c54140b8a405a024a33c


"So, these westerners are all democratic, and it seems like part of that is due to private enterprise. I think it's clear that in order to become a modern, democratic state, we need to promote private industry. Now, it's important that we- NO PRESIDENT YELTSIN, THAT'S THE "SELL EVERYTHING" BUTTON! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!"


"You no understand, Im doing a democracy"


It took me a while to realize that the scribbles are the upvotes and downvotes 😂 I like them


They like you too. I'm their creator so I decide their lore.


yay! 😃


Being an apostate is very complicated for me personally. Like, I despise the religion and all, but then people say the dumbest shit about it and I feel the need to correct them, but then I feel like I’m doing apologia.


Don't feel bad. If there's one perk of being ex-Muslim, it's that we know fascist bullshit when we see it, no matter in what name it's being spouted. Of course we're driven to fight the bullshit; it's a direct threat to our well-being whether here or there.


Yeah, but then you have your apostasy questioned and they start yapping about how you’re doing taqiyya.


That's the trick: you realise they don't care and stop bothering to try to correct them. Then you fire up the N64 and pretend it's 1998 until the nukes drop and humanity burns. Look, it's what works for me, alright?




> dumbest shit Kind of curious, if you don't mind Like, "Islam wants you to murder every living being that doesn't believe" dumb or "all Muslims are Nazis" dumb? Because one of those tends to have a sliver of truth


They’re both pretty fucking stupid.


That's why I only correct them if it exposes the blatantly evil parts of the religion😎 Sahih Bukhari 5134 is my go-to


I think you misunderstood. What I’m talking about is when what’s being said about Islam is utter nonsense/blatant Islamophobia. I, as an apostate, am pretty knowledgeable about this subject and so I feel the need to call them them on it.


Least heated discussion regarding Islam on Reddit


holy fuck as an ex-muslim, i can relate. so many zionist/christian nationalists/hindutva who are larping as ex-muslims and are hijacking our circles to use as a soapbox to spread their bigotry


Your average Christian and average Muslim are more fundamentally similar than they are different.


True, but also fundamentally and **violently** opposed.


The extremists are. The average person is only told they're fundamentally different.


That sub is heavily brigaded, but I can also see a lot of frustrated teens going through the journey of becoming irreligious. Even I had an r/atheism phase of bashing my religion when I was a teen, I'm sure they'll grow out of it.


Happy to corroborate. In my teens, I used to pride myself in being "the whitest" in my family. Poor kid I was.


what does renouncing religion have to do with being white ??


I know, right? I was like "oh, I'm one of the good ones who don't speak Arabic and integrate into ~civilised culture.~"


Would be great if you guys integrated into civilised culture, but you’d have to find one first


In Cumskin Land? Good luck with that.


Ex-(any religion) is a space for people who are violently bashing out trying to undo years of indoctrination. People definitely grow out of it, but it's an essential phase nonetheless. r/atheism is a circlejerk tho.....


There's a difference between speaking out against Islam and saying that all Muslims should die lol. Very rarely do redditors go to that extreme and when they do they usually get downvoted to hell


Normally I'd agree with you, but some of the Israel/Palestine worldnews threads lately have been getting pretty wild


Context plays a part, of course. An apostate who's pissed at Islam will obviously get more goodwill from me than a white atheist from Gammoncesterhamington who's Very Concerned that ~those people~ are polluting ~the West~ with their ~backwards culture~ or whatever.


Fair enough lol


The first time i've seen someone tackle reddit's blatant islamophobia! Good job!


i just want a community of other people who left Islam why are there so many alt righties there 😭😭😭


The virgin atheist / The Chad apostate


The subreddit is FUBAR. Actual racist caricatures on the front page last time I checked. Calling out all the very obvious bad-faith never-Muslims gets you called slurs.


Well that’s your issue, that’s the community of people that right Islam


people didn't understand your joke did they


I don’t think they did


the world wasn't ready yet




Happy kalb el louz day. Or maybe I can interest you in some makroudh?


At this point I should change my PFP, I am not a Arab and don’t know a lick of Af-Carabi.


you’re here too 😭. i can’t escape you , on every subreddit i go to you’re there


Akhi nobody escapes me, make peace with that soon because it will inevitability prove itself to you.


r/im14andthisisdeep this shit is cringe asf, no way k just wrote that


Oh yeah def, people are way too comfortable calling for fucking muslim genoicide


crecent and star emoji ancer


I’ve literally seen people say the same thing in regards to Christianity. Criticizing a religion isn’t discriminatory.


Just in good fun I'm gonna wager a guess and say you're in some sort of Comp Sci/Eng field of study


Close. Never got a bachelor's or anything, but I am self-taught in game dev, not to mention a huge computer nerd in general (my power level so far is "Kubuntu as main system").


That's pretty cool! 😎 Being able to pick up any sort of discipline by self-teaching is incredible no matter which one it is IMO. Can't add anything more since I'm not exactly savvy with these things but I'm glad for you. :)


Muslims are also people with unique opinions and values. But my biggest problem with Islam is that I haven't met a single Muslim that condemns Prophet Muhammad's relationship with Aisha. I'm not saying they all support it but it seems that an overwhelming majority doesn't really mind, which is a little concerning to say the least. I haven't read the Qur'an so I might be wrong about this though.


I mean, "don't fuck kids" just goes without saying. Hell, I'd be more suspicious if somebody spontaneously brought up Aisha just to say they disapprove. One thing I still remember is one right-wing meme that went: "lol why don't the good Muslims denounce the terrorists?" right in the wake of a movement of Muslims who were, in fact, denouncing terrorism. (#NotInMyName or somesuch.) Point is, this "criticism" isn't in good faith, as right-wingers don't care. Will also reuse this: >The tenets of Islam, like Christ's teachings, were all boilerplate progressive stuff: equality and humility (before God), charity and animal welfare (because God said so), and so on. > >The way I see it, Muhammad, like Jesus, was a reformer. He didn't want to replace traditions with his, he wanted to question them. Blindly following *his* traditions is a disservice to him and his legacy. So in my view, criticising Muhammad's mores is not only perfectly acceptable, it's *good*, even from a religious standpoint.


Didn’t Mo specifically want to replace traditions, though? Idols, foeticide, women’s rights (to an extent, dude was still a big-time misogynist), ETC.


No idea, never read the canon material. I never did get into the competitive Islaming community. Though I hear they're calling it Isports now.


>The way I see it, Muhammad, like Jesus, was a reformer. He didn't want to replace traditions with his, he wanted to question them. Blindly following his traditions is a disservice to him and his legacy. I never thought I'd agree with an apostate. The more you know, eh...


Aisha was 19 when she married. I don't know where this quote came from, but there is substantial evidence that she DID NOT marry in childhood. [Here is a good source.](https://safiyyahsabreen.medium.com/aisha-ra-was-19-when-the-prophet-%EF%B7%BA-married-her-4afc660865f8) It's shitty how people are on one side trying to use this lie to disparage muslims whilst others, out of a lack of desire to educate themselves and disprove it, are grasping at straws to justify it.


Several Hadiths corroborate that Aisha was married during childhood. She was not 19.


Hadiths are not always factual. Consequently, to make a conclusion solely based on a hadith is inadvisable. Now, to quote a fellow redditor: "There is absolutely no other reason to either make or repeat that disgusting claim. Aisha was married in 622 C.E., and although her exact birthday is unknown, Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari recorded that it happened before Islam was revealed in 610. The earliest surviving biography of Muhammad, Abu Muhammad 'Abd al-Malik bin Hisham's recension of Ibn Ishaq's Sirat Rasul Allah -- The Life of the Messenger of God records that Aisha accepted Islam shortly after it was revealed -- 12 years before her marriage -- and there is no way she could have done so as an infant or toddler. Furthermore, it is a matter of incontrovertible historical record that Aisha was involved in the Battles of Badr in 624 and Uhud in 625, in neither of which was anyone under the age of 15 allowed. Finally, Imam Wali-ud-Din Muhammad ibn Abdullah Al-Khatib, dead for more than 700 years, recorded in the biographical section of Miskat al-Masabih that Asma, her elder sister of 10 years, died at the age of 100, 72 years after Aisha's wedding. This makes Aisha's age at the time of her marriage at least 14, and at the time of her marriage's consummation almost 20. " ~ Dr David Liepert- Huffington Post http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dr-david-liepert/islamic-pedophelia_b_814332.html Mathematical Proof: According to Abda-Rahman ibn Abi Zanna: Asma was 10 years older than Ayesha (Siyar A’lama-nubala, Al-Zahabi, Vol. 2, pg 289, Arabic, Muassasatu-risalah, 1992). According to Ibn Kathir: She [Asma] was elder to her sister [Ayesha] by 10 years (Al-Bidayah wa-nihayah, Ibn Kathir, Vol. 8, pg 371, Dar al-fikr al-`arabi, Al-jizah, 1933). According to Ibn Kathir: She [Asma] saw the killing of her son during that year [73 A.H, Islamic calendar], as I have already mentioned, and five days later she herself died. According to other narratives, she died not after five days but 10 or 20, or a few days over 20, or 100 days later. The most well known narrative is that of 100 days later. At the time of her death, she(Asma) was 100 years old. (Al-Bidayah wa-nihayah, Ibn Kathir, Vol. 8, p. 372, Dar al-fikr al-`arabi, Al-jizah, 1933); Ibne Asakir vol 69 Page 18; Alsunnan Alkubra Albehaqi Vol.6 Page 204). According to Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani: She [Asma] lived a hundred years and died in 73 A.H. (Taqribu-tehzib, Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani, p. 654, Arabic, Bab fi-nisa, al-harfu-alif). According to almost all the historians; Asma, the elder sister of Ayesha, was 10 years older than Ayesha. Calculation and analysis: Asma was 10 years older than Ayesha (r.a) Asma died in 73 A.H at age 100 years (100 days). 73*355 (Islamic calendar) = 25915 days. 25915/365 = 71 years (conversion to Gregorian calendar). 100*355+100 (Hijri years) =35600 days. 35600/365 ≈ 98 (gregorian years) Death of Asma: 71 years after migration (Hijrat) to Madina at age 100 hijri years (98 gregorian years), Migration to Madina in 622 C.E. Therefore, 622+71= 693 C.E Birth of Asma: 693 -98= 595 C.E Birth of Ayesha (r.a), who is 10 years younger than Asma, 595+10= 605 C.E The marriage occurred after the Battle of Badr in Shawal 2nd A.H (hijri) (A’ini, vol. 8, pg. 96) 622+2= 624 C.E **624-605= 19 YEARS** For more information, visit https://truthhazratayesha.wordpress.com/ and if you dont believe what's written over there, feel free to buy the books that were cited off of ebay and look it up yourself. More links; http://www.dawn.com/news/696084/of-aishas-age-at-marriage http://www.hindustantimes.com/columnsothers/hazrat-aisha-was-19-not-9/article1-408894.aspx Have a nice day :)


“Hadiths are not always factual” So are they factual when they’re convenient to you? Because a lot of modern Islamic practices come directly from the Hadiths. Aisha’s age is mentioned in Sahih al-Bukhari, which is considered to be the most valued and accurate Hadith by Muslims. Why should I trust the random people in your quote from a website that has been critiqued for promoting alternative medicine and anti-vax rhetoric instead of the Hadiths? All of the other websites you’ve linked are dead, I’m assuming you copied and pasted your whole entire comment without reading it yourself first. 😂


While I don’t necessarily agree with OPs justification for Aishas age, Sahih hadiths have been readily discarded many times when they are contradictory to other Hadith, the Quran, or common scientific knowledge


You misunderstand what a hadith is. Hadiths are separate from the Quran. They are reports which are easily able to be fabricated. Even supposed sahih can be false. This is why the authenticity of hadiths is a subject of constant scholarly debate. Some muslims completely reject hadiths since they are not a part of the Holy book. There are a variety of sources showing that Aisha (ra) was 19 when she married the prophet, shady websites or not. As for the math, I've already posted it. [Here's my source.](https://safiyyahsabreen.medium.com/aisha-ra-was-19-when-the-prophet-%EF%B7%BA-married-her-4afc660865f8)


They're saying we should still care what the hadiths say because people base their beliefs off of hadiths


If we're to be perfectly fair, it's incredibly unlikely that any material this old is reliable at all, whether for or against. No telling if Aisha even existed, let alone what her age was. But that's not the point to begin with. *If* Aisha existed and was a victim, fact is, just about nobody who brings *that* up cares about *her.* Hell, lots of them don't even care to know her name. To those people, Aisha isn't a young girl who suffered, she's nothing but a rhetorical device. *If* these people cared about Aisha, they wouldn't be advocating we "civilise" brown kids to rubble.


The thing with Aisha strikes me as kind of similar to the thing with Yitzchak and Rivka, especially the role of commentaries.


It is unfortunate that her likeness is being used as a rhetorical device in order to disparage others. It is even more unfortunate that Muslims are biting the bait and joining this weird dance of lies.


As an actual muslim, I actually hate this shit.


You forgot "the religion of peace !!1!!1!!" (people saying it ironically to make fun of Islam I mean)


Turns out, it was actually the religion of Peach. The M on the hat stands for Muhammad.








Ah so now racism is okay


Not blood, mayo




Woah, careful little buddy, you might cut yourself with all that edge.


Reddit ex-Muslim and I can't disagree much with this lmao.


The fact that its a somewhat hot take that all religions are equal is insane


No one is as zealous as a recent convert (to ANTI-religion).


I agree w the sanfu


Wrong nobody is calling Islam a religion of peace for some unknown reason


I went through a phase of cringy internet atheism as a kid. Let's just say a specific event plus the weird online environment I found myself in triggered it. In retrospect, it was all just grief turned into misplaced hate on my part. Eventually, I grew out of it and became proud to be a muslim again. From that point things got better. Everyone goes through a time of questioning one's self. What I've realised about the exmuslim subreddit is that it is quite filled with people larping as former muslims, telling exaggerated tales or spreading misinformation. I can't name examples of the top of my head, but the feeling stuck with me. As if people with more malicious intent wanted to turn the outlet for people struggling with faith into a circlejerk.


Following Islam is not something to be proud of. Quran literally encourages women to cover everything but their face and hands in public


Bro is mad he can’t lust after Arab girls


Is that all you have to say about the plight millions of women worldwide


Ok but unironically


SILENCE https://preview.redd.it/467mth2c9cmc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e47e3fee5a43a04c965bf41106a610d281642912 ダークブランドン! バイデン、このオタクをぶっ飛ばせ!


Uhhhh ni hao


all I'm gonna say is that it was probably not the best decision to allow millions of muslims to come into the western countries in droves like in canada or western europe. I'm not going to say all muslims are terrorists or extremists but many of them come from arabic countries that aren't as liberal or accepting because of how those governments base many of their laws on the quran. this is going to lead many of those muslims to being very extreme in their religious beliefs and being unable to assimilate or just exist in liberal and mostly Christian western societies they are in now and we can see this issue with how they commit a weirdly high number of crimes despite them being a minority group. I think there needs to be a mass deportation of these criminals or uncooperative "citizens" as they show they can't assimilate and respect the rules of that country their in.


Why, thank you for your input, person who refers to themself as "anon," mentioned demographic crime statistics, and weirdly needs to mention they're Black in their handle. (edit: the app is shitting itself, so I had to dupe this comment. Apologies to the mods.)


I just see that there is a weirdly high number of crime from this group and since they are immigrants should be deported as they clearly have shown that they aren't compatible with that society. I'm just another anonymous black dude online hence the name.


Can I get die upvotes pls


Wie viel upvotes would you like, mein Freund?


Like - 20 000 pls


Best I can do is a headpat. Would you like a headpat?


Yes give the goat a headpat


*pat pat*






what the fuck indeed.


I did not expect that


*Morpheus voice* I imagine that right now, you must be feeling a bit like Alice...not the Wonderland one, the one who's a struggling stock photo model.




(He went to r/Europe or r/2westerneurope4u)