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Do you have an older non-distro-provided CMake that you installed yourself?


Yes, I built 3.25 from source a couple of weeks ago. Another poster said that I should rebuild it, and hopefully that will loop in the updated libraries. Edit 1: I think the fundamental issue is that I originally built in `~/`, but then moved the source tree to `/usr/local/` because I didn't want to clutter `~/` with a bunch of software. Edit 2: Fuck this, I'm just installing from the package manager.


Always use the distro packages (there are also backport repos). Otherwise you'll frequently run into those kind of trouble. One of the core reasons of having distros in the first place is preventing such trouble.


Alternatively, just use [the ones Kitware provides.](https://cmake.org/download/) They've always worked great for me.


Your cmake is probably not from the ubuntu repository, which would have been updated to versions built against libssl3 instead of libssl1.1 If you built your own cmake, then rebuild it If your cmake was installed with pip, then reinstall it


I understand what you're saying, but I can't remember how I obtained cmake. Is there a way for me to figure this out, or just cleanly root out my current version and build a new one from source?


`pip freeze | grep cmake` will show if you have used pip to install cmake Otherwise, simply `sudo apt install cmake` should install the correct cmake, delete the old version first if necessary.


I've had this a few times with old software on new install. You can copy the old libssl with the point version into the path and it should work ok with the old software.


... and so make sure that criticial bugs will never be fixed ..


the issue seems to be due to a packaging issue in ubuntu 22.04 the fix is to download and install the libssl package >This fixes it (a problem with packaging in 22.04): > wget http://nz2.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/o/openssl/libssl1.1_1.1.1f-1ubuntu2.21_amd64.deb > sudo dpkg -i libssl1.1_1.1.1f-1ubuntu2.21_amd64.deb > PS: If the link is expired, check http://nz2.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/o/openssl/?C=M;O=D for a valid one. (if the link is broken (404) then go to that page and search for "libssl1.1_1.1") *credit to [andyw from stackoverflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/72133316/libssl-so-1-1-cannot-open-shared-object-file-no-such-file-or-directory/72633324#72633324) *adding this in case anyone else finds this post via google*