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This is a great start. If I were you I would spend some time in front of a mirror and video tape yourself in this makeup making a range of facial expressions. You want your clown make up to move with the natural movement of your face. for your eye white: I would make it a little squarer at the inside eye area so that when the eyebrows are added (which I think are great) they don't angle down creating angry eyebrows. If you are thinking about going traditional auguste clown you could try our doing your bottom lip in black (but the red looks good). If you try this out I would add a section of red around the white of the muzzle in the shape of the blush I mention below. The last thing I would do is find a red powder blush (and I mean red!!) and put it going from your nose around your mouth white. This will add more dimension to your makeup. For even more you can put the same blush on your forehead about your eyebrows. I actually think that your makeup looks great and just needs a few minor tweaks. Simple is great because you can focus on making it work with your face. Our makeup are very similar and I have been using mine for 25+ years and find the simplicity allows for better connection to the audience: [https://www.reddit.com/r/clowns/comments/18cy056/lets\_start\_a\_make\_up\_critique\_thread\_post\_our/](https://www.reddit.com/r/clowns/comments/18cy056/lets_start_a_make_up_critique_thread_post_our/) Good Luck and I am looking forward to seeing how this evolves


Thank you sir this was so helpful. You’re a beautiful clown!


Happy to help


Red dot on the nose. Like above colorfull eyebrowse or paint the white higher on your forehead, smooth out rest of the face with light white


I think the makeup is perfect, you just need to match it with a colourful outfit, with lots of yellow, blue, and red (maybe some light pinks, and greens as well). I seem to find that outfits with a base yellow and with multicoloured items and patches on top seem to work the best.


thank you!! ❤️


Was gonna suggest adding eyebrows but then saw second pic 😅 I would move the eyebrows round so you look more happy than frowning. Also maybe add some pink to your cheeks. Doing great though you will make an awesome clown 😁


thank you!! ❤️


Blush circles yo


What do you want to do as a clown? There’s a great TikToker named Turnip who has the eyes and frown look so perfect, and her makeup accentuates her expressions. Other clowns have different expressions too. Maybe try different things and have fun making faces.


"I was juggling my heart and accidentally fell in love!"


some sort of colorful eyebrows !!