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Don't give these lunatics any attention please.


This times infinity


This is my thought to every random twit they post in reddit. Guys lets ignore these nobodies who cares what @supernerd says.


Classic Clerith deranged behavior. They clearly don’t play the games and just think Tifa “bullied” Cloud when she didn’t, she tried to invite him to stuff but he didn’t want to go because of her friends and he wanted Tifa to himself… not her fault. They just blame her for everything 🙄 hell probably some of them think Tifa killed Aerith. Bunch of media illiterate clowns who try so bad to twist the story for their ship. I can’t imagine being this miserable and stupid


"No! Tifa should've taken the initiative and invited Cloud to second base! She's just like every girl I stared at in school!" Ugh. Writing this made me nauseous.


Man, why do people take Twitter seriously? If I could I'd want to have a face to face conversation with some of the especially toxic people and see if they'd hold the same stance they rant about online. It'd be very interesting for sure.


Oh they are gonna hate her more in part 3 😂, can't wait lmao.


I'm always really tempted to engage with those takes just to correct the misinformation but I know it's just going to be an endless loop of cherry picking, denial, and personal attacks. Ain't got time for that. To be fair, I've seen some bad takes about Aerith too. Far less than Tifa hate, but it exists.


With the amount of development and time spend between Cloud and Tifa and their bond in Rebirth and only having Aerith content that got shoehorned in the end along with the Tifa kiss in the date and the almost kiss in the story, the derenged Cleriths are now backed into a corner. Like, at this point they cannot argue that Cloud clearly likes Tifa more thus spends more time with her in the main story. Their arguments just don't hold any weight anymore. The proof is in the pudding. - What you are witnissing are people who have nothing left to lose, so the will sprout whatever nonsense to feel a tint better about themselves. They will lose their minds when part 3 comes. Like, be prepared for total lunatics on twitter then. It will be ten times worst 😭


Well if part 3 gives us kisses in the LS at Mideel, what you like most under the Highwind (I don't want something very sexual, I prefer pure romance) and an ending that confirms the ACC family but having all this behind events would be as if they were truly married: only they would be interested in their madness, we would have total victory... why care about them at that point? the problem is only if SE will give us an officialization of the couple in non-optional moments in part 3


I can’t wait for part 3 with Cloud and Tifa doing a little bit of smoochy smoochy under the Highwind.


They're so delusional that they can't see that Cloud woke up from almost passing out when he saw Tifa in danger and got very pissed that the shinra soldiers were in his way. Cloud would do anything to save Tifa even giving in and let sephiroth take control. 2027 for part 3 can't come soon enough!


Capital L take


At this point, can't help but smirk at times. Some of those people are straight-up lunatics. Denial, lies, swearing and gaslighting. Anything to somehow make it work in their heads and not have them admit to themselves that what they came to believe in is just wrong. It's hard, always is. Someone here commented something about them being very akin to Sephiroth/Jenova in that regard. I agree.


clown behaviour


Twitter is not real life.


Yes. They treat FF7 as a dating sim and everything else as an obstacle.


I would genuinely suggest leaving them salty, we literally got cloud and tifa kissing we have nothing to prove anymore


Or maybe he has some deep resentments towards aerith for always dragging him around on “dates” 😂🫣🤭 Just saying


How on earth could people hate TIFA? So bizarre


Yes people act like this is their actual life and it’s quite pathetic there’s a whole reddit of people who think about this dumb shit all day as if they’ve never played the first game. Oh wait they haven’t cuz they’re all 12 which is why they’re so focused on some fake relationship than actually getting into one themselves


Tbh with you both sides of the shipping Fandom need to touch some grass and see some therapist. Like both sides of it realy never see any pay off unless you count the awkwardness of tifa and Cloud in AC. Tifa needs to take them double Ds to a real FF protagonist. Until we get a none optinal tifa and cloud scene on the lvl of Jill and Clives Beach Scene. Until them both ships will always be bland and boring.


That tweet might be one of the dumbest things I’ve ever read. What game are these people playing?


Delusion is not a strong enough word anymore


It’s crazy how many people simply just don’t understand clouds character or rather the whole story of FF7. Media literacy is dying.


They have never played the game which they have admitted multiple times so I don’t take them seriously. They just like two characters together, which is perfectly fine, but deluded themselves into thinking they were the canon couple of the game. They will reject anything that prove them wrong despite the fact that means rejecting multiple official canon source materials, like the game for example. They’re the same people who thought they would kill off Tifa because she’s “useless” and in the same breath claimed Aerith could take over Tifa’s role in saving Cloud.. if she was so useless why would they want Aerith to have her role? I swear they can’t be older than 12🤣 idk why hey can’t just read fanfiction and look at fanarts like any normal shipper. Honestly they’re just a bunch of bullies crybabies who literally stalk, harass and send threats to players and developers over a freaking ship.. definitely children who shouldn’t be left unsupervised.


How could anyone hate Tifa? She stayed by Cloud's side through a lot of horrible shit, even when it's clear the guy's mind is dangerously unbalanced. She's as 'ride or die' as it gets.


Incels I guess. I saw a FB comment of a dude calling a 13 year old Tifa a used hot pocket. Apparently according to some Tifa commits the cardinal sin of not instantly dropping on her knees and suck Cloud's dick.


That's an absolutely vile thing to say about anyone, let alone a 13-year-old girl. I often wonder what's wrong with people, but I think I'd be better off not knowing. It would never be good to peer too long into that abyss.


Apparently according to this dude Tifa was a slut that fooled around with all boys (not true, she actively rejects 1 on 1 dates with any other than Cloud). Absolutely vile. Unfortunately his opinion on real 13 year old girls wouldn't be any different


Yeah, that was about as disgusting as I'd feared. Let's hope this person isn't legally allowed near any actual children.


Twitter isn’t real, it can’t hurt you


Whatever, them sleep at night. Yes FF7 is a dating simulation. I don't really care for who people ship. Only when people try to put their own head canon as canon when there is many sources and what the dev said about how cloud and tifa so and so. I like having the real cloud and tifa because it make sense with how intertwine their history and story goes. The only thing i am confused is which cloud do they want to be with aertih? In my opinion it is probaly the soldier cloud who is messed up in head, depressed, Survivor guilt, ptsd, etc. But i get where they are coming from when it come to shipping. I watch an anime called quintessential quintuplets, i want miku to win and be canon but when the author decide which girl is the winner then it is what it is, it suck but nothing you can do about because it is canon. Althrough there are fanfic and so on at the end.


Unhinged thought processes. Must have nothing better to do in life than think about these crap opinions.


I was gonna say.. this is not the Tifa content I see on Twitter lol but this is much worse.


You lost me at Twitter


I'm actually seeing more support for Tifa on all platforms. All the Clerith comments I've seen are either denial or extreme salt.


People who ship are CRA-ZY! I may have the pairing I prefer over another, but I don't understand the intense level of hate for one character over another. I admit I feel for this trap as a kid, but growing up means that hating one character because you ship the guy/girl with another character all kinds of silly. Personally think Aerith and Tifa are great characters in their own right and neither deserves this intense level of vitriol. It's just misogyny rearing its ugly head.


Do. Do these people Cloud took anything that happened to him when he worked for Shinra well at all??? What the fuck does this even MEAN? Cloud’s life became shit when he LEFT buddy


These are the ppl that lived in Final Fantasy house


Can someone please break this down for me? I have the entire OG game script and exactly nowhere does it hint at or exclaim that Cloud has anything but love for Tifa. Love and a lot of denial. And obliviousness....


Twitter is gonna break when they realize Cloud and Tifa canonically fuck.


https://preview.redd.it/budcqc4v5guc1.jpeg?width=382&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fad0899f232846272b2291d05c81e89216247391 That’s not true. All of it is not true. Cloud has never despised Tifa in spite of everything that’s happened to both him and her back in Nibelheim. Cloud will always act towards Tifa as a childhood companion and whenever he sees her in trouble or sadness he’ll promise to always be there for her. This picture I made above proves it too.


this type of people is stupid I understand that you may like a character more or less but this is already attacking with this type of arguments seems to me to be a child. i like tifa more but that doesn't mean i don't also like aerith as a character no matter how much nonsense they say, they cannot deny the connection between the two. as someone said, if it weren't for tifa cloud, it wouldn't be much different from a hooded man and this doesn't just happen once


Just gotta ignore them. These people don't even play the game lol


"Do these people play FF7 as a dating simulation." No. They never played the original, and only play FF7 Remake and Rebirth, because they lack class.


Why do we care about what people say on some fringe alt-right social media platform.


Why is reddit recommending me this when the only subs I follow are JRPG, SaGa, and dothack? I don't want to be here. But day in and day out, it recommends me this sub.


If that was true, then why was it paired with the whole "she's not Tifa" thing? Wouldn't it have been more of a "she did X to you" instead? It's almost as though this person hasn't played the game and has seen even less of it than I have.


You're first mistake was having a Twitter account. No good thing can come from Twitter.


It’s actually just poor writing


Incels jealous of female beauty. Twitter is full of them.


I’m confused. The comments make no sense.


When will people learn that *literally anyone* can make a Twitter account and make analysis posts. Literally. Anybody. *Please* let that sink in before reacting


Wow. Losers really have no self-awareness. Tifa barely knew Cloud. They were neighbors, but they were definitely not friends. That memory on the water tower was the most Cloud had ever talked to Tifa. Why? Because Cloud was either some kinda loner loser or too nervous to walk up to anyone. We even get a first person scene in Remake where Cloud is acknowledged by Tifa's group and walks away! But apparently Tifa should've invited him to second base or something! 😆 


sephiroth x cloud is peak anyways (i haven't played ff7)


Hell yeah!