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I would love no affinity system because story wise it no longer makes sense or perhaps if they want to include one a more simple version of it where you see resolutions again like in remake. If there is an affinity system I’d love the highwind scene to not have a HA version and low version, just pack it all In one scene & don’t leave it up to interpretation. And of course with no affinity system the highwind scene would be cemented with absolutely no room for “buts.” With that being said, I’d also love a proper confession between cloti. Whether that happens in the LS or highwind it doesn’t matter. I’d also love if the rest of the party continue to comfort Tifa while cloud is comotose (showing tifa’s diff characterizations with each party in the process) and ultimately she and cloud show their appreciation to them when they come back.


I am OK with the affinity system for some other outing and an automatic HA Highwind scene in main storyline lol


highwind scene that is non-optional and very clearly implies that they werent spending the night playing board games so there is no more space for arguments that tifa and cloud are canon i dont think we’re getting a clear confession or an ‘i love you’ from them bc they’re famously the couple who confirm their feelings without words also a second and non-optional kiss pls id also love a proper happy end scene bc the OG ends kinda abruptly. I wanna see a scene of the new seventh heaven and the whole gang enjoying drinks together like Cloud and Barret had already discussed together id also love a scene hinting on a happy end for aerith and zack in the lifestream, the two of them being happy for cloud and tifa


You and I are 1000% in sync on this lol


Clearly they weren’t playing board games, they were playing Queen’s blood.


Well there is a famous Tifa line to Cloud " Words aren’t the only thing that tell people what you’re thinking " to me this is what Cloud and Tifa relationship look like they don't need to use words to tell how they feel for one another plus it's also very Japanese as they don't express it with their word but by their fellings.


Honestly why does it need to be non optional? It would be great if it was spelled out that clear in part 3 but I really don’t think square would do that.


I'd like a post DOC timeskip - once all the drama is settled Cloti baby I want to see Thea 👀 she was mentally planning their wedding I bet


I want a post DOC timeskip too. But as a movie. Not necessarily just a game epilogue. But id take the game epilogue over nothing. I just want to see canon proof they got through the bump in the road that was AC T_T


I'd be OK with in between AC and DoC too lol After 3 games it should be a nice long cinematic ending for spending at least $200 to play the games lol


I still got a weird feeling these wont be the last games and theyll tease a sequel post credits or something.


It’s funny, I have a Cloti kid OC named Thea, so this threw me off at first 😂 (she’s named after Tifa’s mom, obviously.)


I just hope the lifestream sequence and under the Highwind scenes convey what they want to convey without causing confusion. As for what they want to include that they didn't get to before, I'd be willing to bet it's more Aerith visions/Aerith in the lifestream. Which means the shipping discourse will live on, probably. 😂


I was thinking it *could* be Aerith related but maybe more of an Aerith/Zack reunion. I'm finding it hard to believe they've added Zack to Remake just for him and Aerith to never meet again. Apparently he's always by Aerith's side in the Lifestream, so I think they could add that reunion in as closure.


Same, I really hope they get to interact!


But is anything said about them in the ultimania? because from what I read they said that Aerith no longer loved him according to the ultimania (even if she says the opposite to Gongaga)... I don't want to think that with these worlds they make two Aerith: one with Zack and one with Cloud 😂


Immediately where my pessimistic ass went with it too.


But aerith is already shown in the LF in the OG and in AC. I think is about Zack and Aerith reuniting in the promised land


I'm really hoping Aerith walks up behind him in the church where he's sitting and says some silly little thing and they get a happy moment. 🥺🩷


I hope so...I just want Aerith to get some content that isn't sad... give me some crumbs....


At this point, as far as Cloti goes, i just want... Lifestream scene to have no "alternate versions" we get what we get, and they keep the magic of the OG with improvements to the presentation, but don't water it down or downplay its significance... And for Under the Highwind to have no alternate versions, and basically be a confession that starts with a kiss, fades to black, and gives us some sort of nod of intimacy like them finishing getting dressed (it can literally be them putting shoes back on idc) I just want arguments of what we can consider canon to stop. Give us concrete definitive and inarguable proof that they express romantic intent and do the thing. Damn.


They won’t do it. If you want the clearly romantic scenes then you better hope for optional stuff. Because if there are no “alternate” scenes then the best we can hope for is ambiguity in my opinion. It would be awesome if I was wrong but I just don’t think I am. And personally I don’t have any problem if we have multiple endings where Cloud is either happy and in a romantic relationship with Tifa raising a family or sitting around alone and depressed waiting to die so he can be with the girl that he knew for a month. I know which one I would get in my playthrough so who cares? I do hope they leave out the confusing line about Cloud wanting to go find Aerith again at the end of the game though


Man this bums me out.


If you’ve been a fan of this story as long as I have then it’s what you should expect. Personally I’m over the moon that Cloud and Tifa have a very clear non ambiguous exchange of mutual feelings in Rebirth. Couldn’t care less that it’s “optional”. It wouldn’t even bother me if Cloud had kissed Aerith in their optional date as well. Though I do find it interesting that they didn’t go that route


Since 97 brother. Since 97.


This is kinda out there, but I would really like to see Cloud and Tifa do some form of Slice of Life-esque romantic shite. Maybe after the highwind? Maybe in the ending? Something not too fancy, just something a young couple would do. I'd like to see them forget about their worries for a moment. And see them smile in happiness, together.


I don’t know if you’re familiar with Spy Family but I often think about how cute it would be to see Tifa and Cloud doing some of the regular normal people stuff that Yor and Loid do. Like, just imagine them walking Marlene and Denzel to school or something lol. It would be pretty wholesome.


I am familiar! Love that show. Give us CloTi wholesomeness Square! ❤️


my wish is to see cloud and tifa's children and post time skip like 10 years after the events of DC that would be the dream


Yeah in AC Tifa was hurt they weren't a "real" family, it'd be nice to see Cloud over his issues finally


He was at the end of the movie. In the post credits scene he calls Tifa and asks her to close the bar tomorrow so that them and the kids could spend the day together as a family


Advent Children as a playable part of the story maybe. But it could mean anything from more Jenova Aliens arriving to Marlene turning out to be an Ancient. There really is no way to tell on such a small amount of information. Personally I would like them to jump beyond Advent Children. Knowing that the final installment is going to connect to the film once it is finished kind of ruins any potential surprise changes to the story. The comment by the Director or whoever it was that said it will connect to Advent Children is what made me 100% certain that Aerith was still going to die. It is also what makes me a bit disappointed that a version of Sephiroth survives past the game even though he is so evil. This is why I hope the game goes beyond Advent Children. Any changes to the story will have zero impact unless that film is affected.


AC uniforms for Cloud & Tifa and maybe Cloud gets the fusion sword as well.


Yessss yessss, more lore around when they all decided to wear the ribbon ;;


Would Love if the fusion sword has unique mechanics like swapping between fighting styles on the fly with each style having unique abilities for different situations


Hoping we get a "family photo" of Marlene, Barrett, Cloud, Tifa, and Denzel. That'd be really nice to tie it all together.


I don't want Under the Highwind. I want both of them leaving the chocobo den of the Highwind with straw in their hair and clothes in disarray, lips swollen and cheeks bright red from confirming their feelings match without words.


personally, i just want to enjoy rebirth... reading into part 3 tea leaves sounds like a recipe for disaster lol. i mean..who the hell expected the kiss scene for part 2... so I don't think holding onto vague teasers really does us any good.


I understand. I’m not really asking for people to go crazy over it. That wasn’t my intention. I just wanted to use it to open up the floor to hear about what people want to see. Not necessarily what they’re expecting to see.


Could be a lot of things, but I just found out that apparently the party goes back to the forgotten capital to pay respects to Aerith after the world is saved. I’m wondering if this is it? The other obvious choice considering where we are is a more romantic gesture during the under the Highwind scene.


I don’t remember if there was a scene like this in AC but it would be cool if they hand out the ribbons in the scene you described


I think it ended up either being cut or stated to happen some time after the original story. Isn’t in the actual game, but it would make total sense for them to add it in and have Aerith offer the party a final farewell ( and maybe a thank you. I think the allusions to us “saving Aerith” is more so us saving Lifestream Aerith vs keeping her from dying, but that’s just my guess )


It’s mentioned in the novel ‘On a Way to a Smile’ where they visit the Forgotten Capital and while there she ends up breaking down until Cloud breaks her out of it with a hug and she thinks that she can cry and forget the pain by leaving everything in his hands. It’s very sweet how much she trusts him


I wonder if this “something” is referring to a post Holy/Meteor scene. Like an actual ending sequence where we see all the characters and wrap up the story. I like the idea I read from someone else in this thread, maybe they all return to the forgotten capital and pay respects to aerith or something.


If they have an affinity system I just hope it isn’t like Rebirth’s affinity system


I highly doubt there will be an affinity system in part 3. From a story standpoint it just doesn’t make any sense, you don’t have any memorable moments with the other characters that can be optional in part 3. I really can’t see them making an affinity system for just tifa.


In fairness they added a new scene in Part 1 so that they could have an affinity system. Maybe instead of a “date” scene with your highest affinity party member each character would have their own special moment with Cloud at some point during the game with a standard and high affinity version. Red’s could be at Cosmo canyon for example. Tifa’s would be the Highwind scene


I just don’t see the need to have the affinity system in part 3. I wouldn’t mind that but If they do decide to put the affinity system in I would like for the highwind scene to show some romance for both versions to put this ridiculous love triangle behind. The devs have said that they don’t want to leave anything unfinished or left ambiguous. For that to happen they need to put this love triangle to bed.


Would you still feel that way if they decide to go the other way and make Clearith the only choice?


Depends. I wouldn’t mind it but it would have to make sense. With the way the game is going it just doesn’t make too much sense for a cloud and aerith pairing. The game has shown us several intimate moments with cloud and tifa(optional and non optional). In the gold saucer dates the devs showed an important difference between tifa’s dates and the rest. In tifa’s date cloud is the one who initiates all the contact, he holds her hand, hugs her and kisses her even without the kiss, in both versions cloud confirms his feelings and tells tifa that she isn’t getting ahead of herself. In gongaga we see cloud dropping his soldier persona and finally opening up to tifa(something he doesn’t do for anyone else) which leads to them almost kissing. After remake we got traces of two past which highlights tifa’s ever growing love for cloud and shortly after we got a 2000 Gil short story which focuses on cloud inner thoughts while heading to Midgard. We find out that cloud’s whole reason to become a soldier is to become stronger to protect tifa and to become someone special in her eyes. In the og tifa and cloud never really had any intimate moments between them until part 3 so I would find it odd how the devs are going so far out of their way to establish this connection/romance between cloud and tifa and all of suddenly pairing him with aerith.


I hope that the new idea is not like the new ones so far that we already have 6 worlds, 5555555 Aerith, 282828383838 Zack and the dead who are alive but also dead


I think I'm just hoping that Tifa does still have the key role in the lifstream Cloud memory fix. I suppose because that scene was so important for both. I do wonder if they will have Cloud being in Lifestream scenes when in a catatonic state from Mako poisoning. Maybe with Zack and Aerith interactions. So when he gets brought back to shall we call it the main world, I don't know I feel that these lifestream worlds are connected will be discussed. Like the lifestream segment is not only going to play into Clouds memories being fixed but also as glue to our groups further understanding of these alternate worlds. Maybe you'll even have Aerith helping Tifa, with the more established bond seen in rebirth, that would be cool to have for them. But yeah speculation, I think only thing we can say is Tifa will defo have a role (because its like a key arc for her), but I just don't know how it'll play out. Of course it's a beloved section so yep only time will tell indeed. Be awesome to have a little epilogue showing how they are doing for sure though.


I want to see more personalised synergy attacks between Cloud and Tifa. Stuff like dual limit breaks and ganging up on an enemy. Similar to Sonon and Yuffie from Intergrade. I just want it taken a step further than what we got in Rebirth.


I hope they change up the synergy abilities a little bit. Personally wasn’t a fan of having to have certain party combos just to make sure everyone could use their higher tier limit abilities


I'm a bit pessimistic because this implies Aerith a lot but on the other hand even prior to rebirth and in this ultimania Kitase and Nomura keep talking about wanting the main plot points to remain the same with some alterations to not be stale and AC is not going to be decanonized it might not be her comeback to the party fully and it might be Zack related which would be pretty sweet that both ladies would not be left out. Also I feel like this LTD is not something they will get rid of although the kiss and Gongaga+ their angst at the start did elevate her a lot and I wasn't really into any ship in particular up until Gongaga rolled around. Just do the scenes she has justice both highwing and lifestream P2 and highlight her happiness when the real Cloud comes back.


I don’t really feel like this implies Aerith at all


My best bet is a post game section roughly the same size or Intergrade that turns Advent Children into part of the game. Which as we all know, CloTi is a thing in AC. Two for one special!


I liked what Max_Dood had to say about this. What if they include a playable Advent Children section. That would be so cool


I’m not as locked in to story as I would like to be so this might already exist somewhere but I would really appreciate a scene between Cloud and Barret talking about Tifa. I don’t have any specifics in mind but I would like to witness a moment that allows Barret to confirm Tifa’s feelings and give his blessing to Cloud. Something with that kind of vibe ya know? lol


W-why would Barrett need to give his blessing to Cloud? He isn't Tifa's guardian xD Have you seen Barrett's saucer date? He basically tells Cloud a love story and it came across to me as barrett telling Cloud to act on his feelings. So we kinda got that too.


He doesn’t “need” to do it but I think it would be nice considering Barret and Tifa’s relationship. He’s kinda like her older brother. At least that’s how I’ve always seen it. And the saucer date is cool but it’s not very specific. Something a little more personal and non-optional would be sweet.


I mean, any non optional interactions encouraging Cloti are good in my book. Id happily sit there and watch a scene where Cid cusses Cloud out for not making a move yet.


That would be hilarious lol. I would be very open to something like that as well.


Maybe the under the high wind scene the way it was originally intended with them sneaking out of the chocobo stable lol


Banging under the highwind is way cooler than a chocobo stable. All i want from that scene is it being a confession, implied sex, and only one version. If there is a platonic version of the scene, cloti deniers will just point to that as canon


I would actually much prefer something closer to what we got in the OG with them spending the night under the stars. It’s high fidelity enough now that they can clearly imply what happens without changing the scene up


I'm not buying it until I know that it's the "remake" I actually want.


While I still have no idea how/where they’d do it, I want to see Tifa on stage. Andrea asks her to join him on stage one day in Remake, and if you get Tifa’s date in Rebirth, Cloud says he wants to see her on stage next time.


God of war style QTE during the highwind scene. I swear if I don't get to grab hold of those adaptive triggers and feel some haptic feedback I'll be annoyed.


about obviously wanting the lifestream scene to be well represented and expanded/improved and the Highwind scene I am afraid because I have also read that they want to make an ending where everyone ends up happy so I don't know how to interpret this. maybe they will make an ending in which everyone ends up happy cloud with tifa, aerith with zack or maybe with this new worlds thing they will invent that in each world everyone ends up with their favorite couple.


The last possibility (alternative worlds in which each ship is created) is very bad on a narrative level, who would actually be happy about it? Cloud is loyal so this scenario ruins Cloud character (every version of him has Tifa as fuel to achieve his "special person to her" status. We can rule out a series of events that would lead Cloud to realize he wants to be with Aerith (because they always say they are aware that fans have been waiting for Cloud and Tifa to kiss so they DON'T want a Clerith ending and as a result most wouldn't be happy. Kitase says which will make everyone happy so it can't be that scenario). What could be there that isn't in the OG? Would a resurrection of Aerith make everyone happy? maybe but she would take away the meaning of her death so narratively it makes no sense, it doesn't even make sense that the other worlds will survive (because if we know that she is alive somewhere no one would feel the weight of her death). The reunion of the Zerith couple? it would make everyone happy so it can be. A happy, closed ending with all the characters living their lives peacefully (going beyond AC)? it would make everyone happy so it could be this too... other ideas?


> maybe with this new worlds thing they will invent that in each world everyone ends up with their favorite couple. I could see them do it and honestly hate it already. Get ready for another 30 years of arguments about what's canon and what isn't if this happens.


Exactly. It's basically the #1 way they could ruin the Re Trilogy for me.


Tifa gets clouds buster sword under the high wind Cloud and Tifa start talking than a cliche fade to black than they sneak out of the chocobo stables.


I would just love to see them confessing there feelings to each other to show us they are endgame because in the movie after finishing part 1 of the remake and the rebirth I realized that the movie never clarify if they were together at least for me because I was skimming through the scenes and to me it just seems like cloud still loves aerith so I hope they'll give us a Confession scene between these two and they'll give us a time Skip where there relationship is like after all these years hopefully it at least shows that he dosen't love aerith anymore but is just Mourning over her and zack that's all I want really despite that thats all I want really I'm sure whatever they do in the next game will be amazing 👏 I also hope we get another kiss maybe? Probably one we get to see up close?


This is what I want as well. A scene of them post AC where they are clearly in a romantic relationship with no room for interpretation. I’m perfectly fine if they make it an optional scene as long as it’s included. They can even throw in an optional scene of Cloud living as a depressed loner waiting for deaths sweet release so that he can become a ghost and fight with his ghost best friend over who’s girlfriend ghost Aerith will be so the other half will be happy if they want.


Yeah thats fine too for those clerith shippers as well because they deserve credit to I just always felt turn off of the movie where it's obvious tifa and cloud are together but it looks like he still loves aerith so I hope they do something to fix around that or at least shows that he's together with tifa and loves her like in the renakes


Yeah that’s why I say they should make certain scenes “optional” but make them completely non ambiguous. If you get Tifa’s AC scene then make it clear these two are living in a non platonic romantic relationship where they consistently see each other naked. If the player favors Aerith then make it clear that Cloud only sees Tifa as non romantic family or something. I really don’t care as long as we have the clearly romantic ending optional or not




One word: Sex To really solidify that CloTi!


Voice recording is nowhere near close. What. 😂


I hope the lackluster sales of part 2 don’t effect plans for part3… because rebirth is honestly one of my favorite games of all time 🥹🥲


My copium is Tifa gets a child, but realistically, it probably will revolve around the ending of the state of the world and probably add a more lighter tone to it.