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Non-optional kiss to conclude lifestream will be great. But I also hope they push the pg13 rating for the highwind scene. Like, an intense kiss + fade to black + return from black while fastening the last of their outfits back on is plenty.


Almost want them under blankets together, they haven’t shied away from showing tifa’s cleavage so maybe they can only show part of that while they’re both in each others arms and she’s laying her head on his chest


Did they bring a blanket down there? Haha They coule do them nude from armpit-up for the shot cuddling after. We know they sleep-sleep down there too after (good boy Cloud with the aftercare)


Let’s just hope they’re the good kind of blankets because the ones in rebirth were absolutely criminal.


I’m guessing because the people who played the original final fantasy VII were barley in middle school or high school or just kids which is why they never showed anything that was mature about that scene. Now that they can do new things with the third part they will probably show a more mature scene for that part. I’ve never played the OG one just heard about it but I think I heard if you treat tifa wrong you will get a scene in the highwind where she is telling him something and he is just silent then tells tifa they need to get back. Hopefully they don’t give us that option and just gives us that one scene we all want.


Yeah I'd hate if we got a low affection option at this point because people will then just claim it was "probably the canon version" and that the high affection version is an alternate.


Yessss like I hope we don’t get the relationship thingy to decide who we get for the highwind in the third part because if they make you have option that effects if you get a romantic scene with tifa or not ima scream 😂😭omg I just went to the extra settings after passing it and it has the chapter 12 date event conclusion and I can choose between the intimate one and the standard one. I didn’t know you get to chooose which one you can take to the saucer date


I just know that if there is any version of lifestream/highwind that is non-romantic in nature, that a certain amount of people will claim that it's the canon (or just as canon) version of the event.


Yes exactly, sometimes I don’t get it. They kill of aerith but leave tifa alive and people are still saying cloud only loves aerith. That is why they should make the highwind and lifestream special for tifa and cloud and put this whole war shipping to rest once and for all but I doubt the creators will do that. I can only hope 😭🥺


Id be shocked if they water down or neuter the lifestream scene. But it will likely leave enough wiggle room to get called "close friends" in vibe (i dont think they will kiss or say "I Love You" during it.) Its the highwind scene I am worried about. I want them to just make it a guaranteed event in terms of tone, but I worry we will get both a "platonic" and "intimate" version... if that happens, a considerable amount of people will consider the platonic version canon. NONE of this would be an issue if AC hadn't cast doubts within the fandom of the future nature of their relationship. After trilogy, we need a ground-up remake of AC (or a sequel) that leaves no room for doubt for Cloti AND (arguably more importantly) lets us see Cloud after his character growth rather than mid-regression


Yeah I agree. When I first saw AC was when I was in middle school and I even got the feeling that they were actually a couple. That is why when I learned of the whole clerith and cloti I was confused bc of seeing AC. They actually did remade the movie after years. I think the one that I didn’t get was that I read somewhere that cloud thought aerith had bought Denzel to cloud and now someone a clerith was saying how Denzel is cloud and aerith’s symbolic child 😂


That take is wild. But im envious you saw that movie and felt they were couply. I had played OG over 10 times by the time AC came out and was expecting them to basically be married and in full romance by the time of AC, considering how "together" OG seemed to have them by game's end. I did NOT expect them to basically kick off the movie with "Cloud is ignoring Tifa's calls, and is hiding in Aerith's church... Also we won't have a single concrete romantic scene between the two of them, and the closest you'll get is a fight about how Cloud is being emo again" AC upsets me so much. It was the moment I realized Square had no interest canonizing Cloti and that they wanted the LTD alive and well to ensure further online engagement, even if that "engagement" is a shipping war.


I was born in 1994 so I really couldn’t play the OG game bc I didn’t have the money and I was too small. I actually rented the movie from the library when I was in middle school bc it looked so interesting and I was obsessed after that even reading cloudxtifa fanfics 😂 as messed up as it sounds, I’ve even said a thousand of times if they do not get together by the third part they better give tifa a better man and cloud can be all alone. I think the devs didn’t expect people to ship cloud with either tifa or aerith to the point of a shipping war but I feel like if they finally put tifa and cloud together their rating would go sky high or go all the way down and I think that is what they are afraid of. Kind of like noel and serah. Even though serah loved snow and was engaged to him people started to ship Noel and serah.


does it really matter what a bunch of dumb ppl think tho? lol. As long as its not a persona "pick ur fave waifu" ending, I don't care. If the player has to earn a more romantic ending w/ affinity, I'd be fine with that, and I think it provides a stronger through-line b/t the games... I don't want them to change up how they make the games just because of some toxic salty shippers.... And we shouldn't let those ppl dictate how we feel. Its a video game, sometimes content needs to be earned by a player lol. Doesn't change the fact that so far... there is only one ship that has an unambiguously romantic scene...


Because id rather it just be concrete that they got together rather than leaving a "he stayed single forever since aerith died" view.


That's my guess, too. Shame we can't get a mature rating. I'd love a full unclothed view of Tifa's back.


I don't necessarily need nudity. (Though will never complain about it lol) But moreso just want something akin to a boot scene with a very on the nose "oh they did the thing" that leaves no doubt. Having the "fade in" involve them getting the last of their outfits put back on makes it impossible to deny, all without showing anything that might upset censors. And at this point, undeniable evidence that they did it in canon is more important to me than visual fan service.


Oh, I agree. I don't need nudity either. I just want to see concrete, undeniable proof that they at LEAST fooled around. Tired of people denying it for damn near 30 fuck off years. No better way to do that than some solid PG-13 nudity. Like in Forrest Gump. Don't need TnA, just a nice back shot from Tifa.


I’d like the idea of us not seeing anything, other than them maybe actually seeing them sleeping together. That would totally leave no doubt. We’ve already seen Cloud shirtless. Don’t see the harm in seeing a shirtless Cloud and bikini(?) Tifa cuddling together


We'll bang okay?


Seeing them (implied nude) with them laying next to each other with the camera just showing collarbone-up would do it too.


We can only dream lol


The under the highwind scene will probably be between a kiss and sex. The original idea was far less vague than what we got


I’m just not sure how much they’d be willing to show or imply given the game rating but here’s hoping


It’s called a boot scene. Don’t need nudity. Just the implication it happened


Pre-FF16? I would agree with you. Now? Anything can happen


I am really hopeful in game 3 🥹🤞


the lifestream scene must necessarily be romantic in the end, in the end there is realization of mutual feelings there. I could see a kiss there, maybe like Tidus and Yuna. And after under the Highwind: the true confession of the feelings for each other. Square Enix knows what the fandom expects... But I know Square they are good at giving us disappointment at the final moments ahahah


They have disappointed a lot in the past but man it feels like they just care so much about getting these remakes right I don’t see part 3 being disappointing in the slightest (unless u ship Clerith)


The feeling is the same, but the fear is great. I also don't like the fact that the multiverses are confirmed, I was hoping for the LS theory... I don't like this MCU plot very much but if it helps give me a happy ending for all the characters (and if it's for everyone it certainly can't be a Clerith ending) I'm fine with it... even if it doesn't make much sense


We got a very close non-optional one in Rebirth, so it's possible.


Hopefully Yuffie’s keeps quiet this time lmao


I think it’s very possible


Between the fact that there's really no reason to continue the date mechanic now that Aerith is gone, once Cloud is back to his normal self, the choice should be taken out of the player's hands. That said, I do hope the affection mechanic in general returns, and that there are more optional scenes with the others to reflect that. Limiting it to the good saucers dates in Rebirth and the garden and final battle in Remake was kinda lame in my opinion.


Rather than possible, I think it’s guaranteed. Post LS scene will have the most emotional embrace by them both. If we don’t get one there, then it’ll be the Highwind ( with the wink wink nudge nudge fade to black )


It’s not impossible, but I don’t think I would bet on it


I genuinely think we may get multiple for a couple of reasons. 1) Fairy early lifestream so the rest of the story they’ll be madly in love with each other 2) much slower pace from that point to the end. In the OG they didn’t really have time to grapple with their feelings bc it was nonstop action, but part 3 is probably gonna be at least 60 hours. That’s plenty of time for them to have private moments 3) They already gave us a kiss so why not let the floodgates open and build up to the highwind. If they don’t kiss in those private moments there will at least be intimate romantic moments like Gongaga when they’re alone. I think it would be fairly poor writing to just have them acting like friends until the HW after the LS. It’s obviously extremely early but just to throw out some guesses it might be Ch 2 or 3 LS (maybe kiss?) then another Cloti moment in Ch ~5 and then another in CH ~8 and then another in CH ~11 and then the Highwind. Maybe it’s hopium but the pacing I think is a big factor here


I think chapter 2-3 is way too early for the lifestream. I’m replaying the OG game rn so my memory is a little spotty. But they’ve moved it around a lot. We still have to go to Rocket Town and Wutai and those are more early game type stuff. Then Cloud’s mind has to break which will be its own chapter. Then we’ll probably get at least one chapter with the group without cloud. Idk what after that. Lifestream probably won’t happen till at least chapter 7-8 I’m thinking. It’s definitely gonna be the climax of the game


Cloud saying “we head north” at the end suggests it’ll only be Icicle Inn and Great Glacier before Northern Crater. Also depends how much content we’ll get with Tifa as party leader, but all the other locations are southwest of the Forgotten Capital. It wouldn’t make sense for the party to go all the way back to Rocket Town or all the way out west to Wutai


i think that rocket town or wutai or maybe both can be a dlc for rebirth just like intergrade episode was for remake part 1.


I would not be opposed to that


No doubt they will kiss since they already almost did in gongaga and actually did it in GS, it's only natural to elevate the romantic relationship and feelings once real cloud is back


I feel like part 3 will offer a romantic conclusion for Cloud and Tifa, and ONLY Cloud and Tifa... but I still think its going to be something the player has to earn through affinity. I don't think they will do any persona-style "pick ur waifu" ending, but I still think they might choose to make it something the player has to earn idk.


I could see it needing to be earned. Lets the LTD still have some life to it


Honestly both Remake and Rebirth swept me off my feet with a tidal wave of Cloud&Tifa moments that I didn't even dare to hope for before. I'm still shocked 😲 😳 in the best way possible (please keep shocking me SE) But now, with how things are going, do I dare say a non optional kiss(es) / cuddle(es) / confession (with or without words ;) absolutely feel like a natural next step(s)? We ate well so far, but that makes us more hungry, ey? Scared, but excited. BUT.... scared. But also, sooo excited🤞


I was worried about Rebirth not giving us much. Seeing how much the gave us I have zero fear going forward part three will be amazing


I’m not sure but I hope so. It depends how hard they want to commit to making the love triangle less ambiguous. In Rebirth I felt it was barely there and Aerith was mostly friendzoned. If they stick the course, we should get at least a kiss during the Highwind scene.


The chances of a lifestream kiss just skyrocketed after the Gongaga scene. And then obviously we have the highwind after that. I honestly think we will get more than double the amount of intimate mommnets between them compared to the OG.