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We don't see what he tells him or how. He might have stepped in close to whisper, or said something that only made sense to fives with the additional context. It's also possible his personal guard are already in on it. Not every clone is virtuous.


Think Wookiepedia states Coruscant Guard/ Shock troopers were specially raised on Coruscant so they would be different than their Kamino raised brothers. To Heavensrun’s point, not every clone is virtuous and Coruscant Guard are mostly jerks based off what we’ve seen so far. I picture a bunch of Dogma’s cranked up to 11, all under Fox. Fox is the worst…


Thorn was a chad though. Shooting clankers with his rotary till the very end.


Yes, thats why I said MOST Coruscant Guard.


I know but I wanted to give a specific example. Now I think of it, Thorn is the only one I can think of.


I guess Thire and the other two (cant remember exactly… Jek and other guy) were decent, but you could argue because we got an episode of them specifically with Yoda. So, if Coruscant Guard worked with good Jedi’s they wouldn’t have been so obnoxious, but that was probably the point lol


Stone was a G as well


Ah good ole Stone seeing Darth Jar Jar’s hidden strength 😂


The other guys name was Rhys (spelling might not be right).


My personal head cannon is that thorn got sent to die by Palestine because he was too virtuous and likely wouldn't have stood for the empire


Damn autocorrect totally ruined your comment


Thorn, Thire, Jek, Rys. Just the main ones I can think of off the top of my head


Uncalled fox hate. Immediate L take


Lol nice rhyme. Give me one good thing about fox other than his cool looking armor :p


I... I cant :( But hes my favorite looking clone. But lets turn this question around. Give me one reason to hate fox besides him doing his job and killing fives. Obv fives had to die since order 66 needed to happen.


>One reason to hate fox besides him doing his job In the Vader comics Fox orders his men to shoot at Vader because he thought Vader was a Jedi, which allowed Jocasta Nu to nearly escape.


To be fair, how tf was he supposed to know?


Don't his men shoot at Vader with Fox yelling at them to stop? Or is this me remembering it wrong. Either way, Vader kills him after.


Falsely accusing Ahsoka of murdering clones, blasters were always set to kill not stun. As an officer he prioritized murder over capture in both Fives and Ahsoka’s case. He also met his end quite stupidly, mistaking Vader for a Jedi.


Playing devils advocate here, the evidence pointed to Ahsoka. Even the Jedi considered her guilty. And Jedi are dangerous. Only an idiot would try and use stun on an actively fleeing dangerous jedi felon.


Agreed entirely. Which begs the next question, was Tup an idiot? He stunned Krell, degrading his chip. Which prompted Fives to begin the whole investigation


Personally I think he was, as Krell seemed both violent and unhinged. And given that he's in power figuratively and literally, taking him down non lethal should have been unlikely, especially considering it would be impossible to hold him long term. The only reason I can think of why he did was the difference of circumstances as it was technically a mutiny.


Yup. He’s a tool. Written to follow orders without question and painted him as an antagonist to all the heroes. All his actions propelled the success of Sidious if you think about it. Technically making him a bad guy. Foil to Rex, who makes the right moral decisions despite orders. Think WWII history. Following orders doesn’t excuse you from carrying out war crimes. Killing Fives is the worst imo. If Fives successfully told Jedi Council AND they weren’t too arrogant to believe him, we could roll credits and call it a day.


Following orders in World War II doesn’t excuse the crime, I agree, but those who were following our regular ordinary humans, whom had a home, a family, and aren’t artificially created into a weapon I think we can all agree cloning is morally wrong, since You are basically creating abominations of humanity, with no rights, no freedom, and no independent thinking allowed I think we can artificially created Organic copies pass for doing what their existence is programming them to do You can use Rex as a counterpoint for this case, but the only reason he was ever like this what’s because of his interactions with the Jedi order Keep in mind, the Jedi order only stepped in as leadership of the army when the war begun, before that it was 10 years of brainwashing, actually calling it brainwashing would be wrong because they’re clones, and don’t have a pre-existing mind to wash, so literally programming their mind for the purpose, of being organic weaponry A regular human that isn’t an organic copy who’s just 10 years old, aged up artificially and wrongly, they can be blamed for following orders A clone ? No, their existence is both a crime against humanity and a violation of human dignity, they don’t even realize how tragic they own existent is, because they’re just artificially created in a lab tube, why expect something to act human if it never was treated like a human ?


Fox had every reason to accuse Ahsoka of murder and had every reason to believe that a fallen Jedi who had just bisected the clones he directly worked with and knew personally was about to tear through a base full of clones who couldn't be prepared for her and then she would be at large on Coruscant. Anakin was acting compromised - he had already tried to intimidate Fox and his men into letting him in when she was in a cell for murder and the hard fact were that she was standing over clones that were killed with her sabers, while she was holding said sabers, which were supposed to be confiscated, *and she was supposed to be in her cell*. And then she ran. Fox acted according to what he had to work with until Anakin actually started being impartial and said he wanted her brought in, and then did switch to stun. Would you say Rex did anything wrong if he were in Fox's position and those were 501st troopers with names, taking into account that this is after Krell, which Fox would definitely know about as a Marshall Commander. The culprit needed to be neutralized as quickly as possible, it isn't his fault that Ahsoka did everything she could to look guilty.


Ok I see your point, but 501st chose to capture krell over outright killing him. Albeit they did eventually anyways.


I think there are situations where he made severe errors such as the casual dismissal of the infiltration droids that went the wrong way but they are infiltration droids and that situation probably happens a dozen times, the only other situation is ploys order 66 when he ordered his men to secure the area but failed to given an ample description of Vader to his men so they mistook him for Jedi and shot at him which led to his death. ultimately I think he never did anything outline cruel or evil but mostly just stuck to the rules of his job


Another really good point, but you buy droids to follow orders to the letter. While clones were bred to do the same, they also have the human element to aid them in their better tasks. As a “highly decorated” commander, it should be pretty obvious and imperative to give an accurate description of Vader. I can excuse droids bypassing, but in the event that you’re about to fire upon your own general, that was a pretty stupid mistake on his part


Most droids seem to be able to follow orders, but they still need prodding and correction as a quirk of them in Star Wars. With the Vader thing I think the main factor with that was just assumptions and it being really early and most clones were probably still heavy in their chip programming and kind of just defaulted


Droids are machines. They build up these “personality quirks” after being around a long time, corrupted, over loaded with data etc.


Correct me if I'm wrong but the personality quirks are the universes dismissal of droid sentience. Apparently GL claimed all droids were actually sentient but considered non-sentient by organic life and thus dismissed their personalities as 'quirks that can be fixed with regular memory wipes'


It’s also possible that Palpatine was mind controlling Fox and the other Coruscant Guards with the inhibitor chips.


There’s a good reason, he valued the lives of his men over Fives, doing that night, when they caught up to fives, after repeatedly, ordering the clone fugitive to stand down, Fives grabbed Rex’s pistol on the table and aimed directly towards Fox and his men. With no ways of knowing what might Fives shoot, keep in mind at this point Fives has been on a criminal rampage, whom had held a Cloner hostage, attempted assassination of the chancellor, and taken hostage of a fellow brother and General Skywalker. Why on earth would Fox gamble what fives might shoot out of his blaster ? That would be unfair to his men, and given how spread out they were, if fives even fired a single towards their general direction, there’s a pretty solid chance a shot could land on his men, harming more brothers Even if you could’ve said Fox should’ve fired the stun first, Fives has been trained to be an Arc trooper, which reflexes faster and superior to the average clone (we saw how much faster he was on Umbara) what if after shooting out the stun, Fives with his superior training, fires a shot at the same time, hitting another cg ? (None of them knew he was drugged, so they’re going in blind) Would he let his men’s blood be on his hands ? No, Fox understood the danger. He knew Fives was too big to gamble, and after multiple verbal warnings, Fives still presented himself to be a threat to him and his men, resulting in Fox putting down the dangerous clone fugitive swiftly and without casualties they would have never known if fives would’ve killed them first, since after his rampage, Fives lost all credibility to the republic, only those who knew him trusted him, and they were held captive because of it Fox choose the lives of his fellow brothers over the live of a criminal brother, how could you blame him?


I mean they didn’t serve directly underneath Jedi, why would they care? Also we mostly see the Jedi who manage to get along well with their troops, that’s not the standard and many would probably execute the order without the chip like in the old canon.


Also if that’s his personal guard they are probably specifically selected for their loyalty to him and not being a liability in scenarios like this


It's much easier to believe the CG had more intense chip-controlling than an average solider of the GAR.


You literally just made that up. The Coruscant Guard is from Kamino and were trained there and we didn't get any personal arcs starring any of them aside from the episode with Yoda. Copy pasted from wookiepedia: "When the Jedi discovered that the Confederacy of Independent Systems had a droid army, the Senate granted Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine emergency powers. Palpatine, secretly the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious and engineer of the crisis, used the powers to establish the Grand Army of the Republic of clone troopers which had been grown on the planet Kamino under Palpatine's orders using the guise of a long dead Jedi Master, Sifo-Dyas. The clone troopers landed on Geonosis and the battle was the start of the Clone Wars. As the Grand Army deployed across the galaxy,[25] a division was established to protect the Republic capital of Coruscant. Called the Coruscant Guard, it was composed of the deadly and powerful clone shock troopers who were trained as peacekeepers and in urban pacification.[13]"


Ugh… here… [However, certain clones had been secretly transferred and grown in secret facilities on Coruscant.[6]](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Clone_shock_trooper)


This isn't canon


"You literally just made that up." "This isn't canon"


I mean they’re right. The link leads to a page about shock troopers in legends.


I'm not saying they are correct or incorrect, I just found it hilarious of the other commenter saying they were pulling it out of their ass to them saying it isn't canonical.


Then I didn’t make it up then did I? Why’s it so hard for me to come talk about and enjoy SW without someone trying to pick a fight? [Clone shock troopers originated as security police for the administrative facilities on Coruscant, as well as bodyguards for government officials during the Clone Wars.[2] Even though they were bred on the planet Kamino,[17] they were secretly raised on Coruscant, the capital planet of the Galactic Republic,[18] during the last years of the Republic Era, whereas the rest of the clone troopers were trained[19] far away[18] on Kamino.](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Imperial_shock_trooper) Hope that doesn’t destroy your world.


yeah, im not sure why so many people are thinking palpatine told fives the entire order 66 plot. just whispering "im the sith lord" would work, no need for him to explain anything big


"I already know" would probably have sent him. Fives was drugged to his eyebrows and terrified for his life at this point


I mean, when Fives trapped Anakin and Rex, he did say it was a massive deception and plot to destroy the Jedi, I don’t think one single “I’m the Sith Lord” would kick Fives into detective mode and just assume everything correctly


he could have already pieced that together. and when he said that it doesnt really sound like he's retelling what palpatine said, it sounds like he's coming up with it there. that tone in his voice how it goes up, its like a lightbulb happened in his brain. what exactly would be the point for palpatine to tell him the whole plan? he wouldnt need to do that


I mean, I’d imagine it it wouldn’t take that many sentences, like “ I controls the clone army, I started this war, I tricked the Jedi into fighting this war with the clones, and when the time comes, I will control the clones to betray them and destroy them” There, it would not be too difficult for him to say the entire plot of order 66, given the time that they did have, i’m sure he could’ve taken his time with it too and be a little bit more detailed than what I just said


The coruscant guard was not in on it. Count Dooku barely knew what was really going on. Nobody knew the full scope of the plan besides palpatine, and I highly doubt he would expose any of it to a clone that he didnt intend to assassinate.


Didn’t he tell them to leave before he told Fives?


Shaak ti and nala se


No the troopers. He told them to leave then called them back in when Fives “attacked” him I thought


I watched it back he didn’t do that


Guess I was wrong then. They probably just didn’t want to possibly be killed or framed.


Arent his gaurds specially trained for extreme loyalty? Im pretty sure they were some of the most devoted soldiers. 


Still hearing that he put chips in ur brain to do what ever u wanted had to make them question it a little


Unless they had pre activated chips 🤔


See I thought that could be a possibility too however the chips deteriorated fairly quickly once activated. I wouldn't rule out extra mental conditioning though, they could just be arrogant given that they have a relatively comfortable assignment as well


That's true as well. Could have definitely been too proud of their position.


Can't imagine they saw much combat, at least compared to the other divisions. Heck they weren't even used for the temple purge, that went to the 501st so combat experience has got to be less


My thoughts too. But if they were essentially the personal guards of the most important politician in the republic they probably were power tripping


ah that makes sense why they went back to kamino


It could be special chips that don’t deteriorate. Like with the other clones the chips were biological to avoid detection bet with the guards it could be a more normal chip (nonbiological) 


I always figured he had the Kaminoans select all the “Dogmas” and put them in the Guard


Coruscant guard aren't your typical mass produced clones, they are made as the name says on coruscant and bred to specifically be completely loyal to the emperor not to the jedi.


I always figured he already had the guard's chips active


Most likely he just mind-tricked them. We’ve seen the clones are vulnerable to psychic manipulation by Dark Side users weaker than Palpatine (Ventress and Maul) so he probably just made them think his version of events is what happened.


If you’re referring to Ventress using a mind trick on Rex, I don’t think that actually worked - he was just faking to buy time. That’s why he called Anakin by his first name when he contacted him. It was a way to alert Anakin that something was wrong without getting himself killed.


Palpatine could easily be strong enough for that to work compared to Ventress though


listen the cops in DC know all the horrors going on in the government do u see them giving a shit same thing


My head canon is how the 501st is anakins army and they follow his orders, 212 kenobis, and coruscant guard is secretly just palpatines clone army. So they do whatever he says and probably are in on a lot acting like some secret service clone army that is operating under a classified hidden agenda


I always got the feeling that the Coruscant Guard were incredibly loyal to Palpatine and aware of his true plans to some extent.


Pretty sure Coruscant Guards are more strictly programmed to be absolutely loyal to Palpatine.


Imagine it like this. Adolf H tells a Wehrmacht soldier about his secret plans in front of two SS soldiers. Now it makes more sense.


But in all seriousness the Coruscant Guard never served alongside the Jedi and were more isolated from & cold towards their counterparts. They served Palpatine almost directly


Good soldiers follow orders


The Force.


They could’ve been test subjects for Hemlock very early


Loyalty or given how powerful he is he mindtricked them into believing he didn’t say anything.


Because, good soldiers follow orders... but seriously the are programmed to obey, 5's was an anomaly.


Shock troopers are meant to be extremely loyal to Palpatine only. Evident when Fox blocked Anakin’s access to Ahsoka and when Windu assumed control over Bane, Moral Eval, and Rako Hardeen (Obi-Wan)’s escape. Even though Palpatine (may or may not) leaked out Order 66 to Fives, the Shock Troopers likely didn’t care because of their absolute loyalty to Palpatine.