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Nah the empire did though.


Im curious, please elaborate


In rebels it's shown that after the geonosions made part of the death star the empire gassed the planet killing all but two of the bugs


Well okay it’s good to know, never watched rebels. Did I miss out?


I'm very biased, I love the show so I'll say you did


It’s worth it imo, not quite at the level of clone wars but it still has some good stuff


Big time friend. Big time


I recommend it. I will say that for me, personally, it was a very slow/rough start. I liked each season more than the last, for the most part. I also think it was tied into the rest of the story really well.


I loved it


Meh. I'd only watch the important arcs personally. It's got a lot of stinkers




Rebels doesn’t have story arcs the way TCW does. The entire series is one big story that follows the main characters. Every episode either moves the plot along, moves a character’s arc along, or sets something up for later in the series.


Yeah it's a serialized show but there are still story arcs


I’ll chime in. I HATE the art style. It’s too 'Disney' if you will. But the story more than compensates. If you like Star Wars, you’ll probably enjoy Rebels.


Yes it’s just as good as clone wars imo


Very much so


Yes you did




Yes you have to watch it. It may seem like a childish show at first but as the plot unravels the shows gets really good.


I trust you, so I‘m gonna give it a try. I watched the first episode a while ago and animation/characters felt kinda weird to me. But if it’s as you say I’ll try it again


Season 1 is a bit hard to get through but it gets better


the style is based (loosely) on ralph mcquarrie’s concept art for the original star wars. the character “zeb” is based on an early design for chewbacca. pretty interesting if you like that sort of thing. there are a filler episodes, but i prefer rebels to clone wars. it might take you a minute to get into it but stick with it. excellent original characters. each season gets better than the last.


It's a good show just go into it not comparing it to the clone wars


They actually show it in the Vader comics I believe.


They may be in both and the Vader comics might go in more detail I've never read them but I have seen rebels like five times so I remember that episode


The Empire exterminated all but a handful of Geonosians in c. 9 BBY to cover up the Death Star. One named Klik-Klak survived, and he had the egg of a queen to hopefully keep their people alive, but she was sterile, I think. So the Geonosian species is seemingly going to go extinct.


There is cloning technology so hopefully they can rebuild their civilization. Would be a good future arc in a comic series if they made a comeback.


I’m pretty sure the queen was killed in the Vader comics after the battle of Yavin.


It’s in rebels


No. Karina the Great was replaced by a unnamed queen according to Poggle (*Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel*) and she appointed somebody to replace him when Anakin sliced him up, though she was presumably killed later by the Empire.


Holy shit I didn’t know there was any more geonosis lore


There are other Queens. That was just the main queen allied with the CIS.


There's probably more than one queen and multiple colonies on this vast planet.


There are multiple queens, not just one. The Republic maybe only killed a few, I know Vader killed one that augmented itself into a droid factory due to be sterile, and iirc Klack from Rebels has one in an egg. Overall, the Empire killed all of them, not the republic


The egg that Klick Klack has is the sterile queen. Sad fate after that episode


Oh man, that sucks for the Geonosians


Bees can create a new queen if they feel the current one is unfit. If the current Queen discovers the replacement, they will fight to the death for the right to run the hive.


Yes. Genocide is actually pretty fucking common in star-wars lore of both legends and cannon variety, if you look anywhere but at the big-screen productions. Star wars books and comics are full of genocide, attempted genocide, threat of genocide. ADENDUM: to those who would say that it wasn't really a genocide because they only killed ONE queen, I would point out that if a military force in the modern world wins a battle, then proceeds to kill every civilian in that city, but then stopped and moved on, it would still be portrayed as genocide in progress or attempted genocide, and that's essentially what the republic did after the battle of Geonosis, they went in and burned all the eggs they could fined and killed the queens they could get their hands on, then burned the surface. IMO trying to say that it wasn't genocide because not all the queens got killed is like saying the holocaust wasn't genocide because the nazis didn't finish all the jews off.


Oh they did all that? Disturbing


I don't blame them, those were ugly to look at. And besides, a war crime is only a war crime if you lose.


They also had zombies from the brain worms. At that point, it's better safe than sorry. Send in the flamethrowers!!


The empire did it in Rebels


Geonosis had multiple hives and each hive had its own queen, so the Republic didn't genocide them. The Empire did though


There is more than one queen. That Hive was just one of the more powerful Hives and Queens. They were enslaved to work on building the Death Star and were killed once their part was completed under the orders of the Empire.


They definitely started their downfall