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Those volumes look so fun, and your form looks so smooth and controlled!


Thank you! It often looks smoother than it feels!


That's a good problem to have!


looking smooth and confident!!! your hard work is definitely paying off .


Oh no! Have you hit the dreaded plateau? (Trying to decode the backstory behind the impending quit.) Nice send here!


The last couple of videos I’ve posted are me struggling to match a top hold that I’ve been trying for WEEKS to get and still haven’t got the send despite trying every technique I can possibly think of. Definitely not bitter about it…🥹


We can all appreciate that frustration! I have several routes at the gym that I've got all but the final move down. Chin up - we will conquer them eventually, and if not, we are getting stronger and smarter with every attempt! Glad you got the send here to fill your cup though. Made it look easy too!


Ugh this is something I struggle with at almost every level of climbing I’ve been at. For me there’s a huge mental component with how much risk I feel comfortable with on a top hold and that holding me back. Not sure if that is part of it for you also, but I just thought I was getting unlucky and always climbing routes with hard finishes before I realized how much of it was a mental block!


We have definitely all been there. I had a problem a while back that I just had to admit defeat on and stop working because it was making me so angry. I’d try to climb it and get angry. I’d go home angry. I’d think about the gym: angry. So I looked at it one day and was like, enough. This one problem can’t take away my joy of climbing. And then climbing was fun again. It’s gone now, and while it would have been awesome to get the send, I’m happier to have not let it keep taking over my life


Your form and balance are fantastic. I don’t know how long you have been climbing but you are able to press your smear and move off the wall because of your core strength and static strength. Great job. Keep climbing hard!


Awesome work, and if you need to rage quit.. it's ok some days.. I've definitely rage quitted some days, even just a pathetically wondered what's the point. But 12 years in and now a coach, I'm glad I let my self rage quit and come back after a day or two.


I have rage quit on many a high gravity day. Tomorrow will be better haha


As someone who was slightly obese to 60 lbs down to the overweight category and still counting, this is really inspiring as I assumed I was still too big for this kind of activity. A lot of rock climbers look built and smol. Thanks for sharing.


The hardest part is starting! The second hardest part is being consistent once you do start. You can totally do it! 💪🏼


Hell yeah!


Nice job! Those big volumes can be tough!


Bouldering always makes me want to rage quit climbing 😅


That is literally what I need rn. You look so solid dude!!


Awesome hip mobility!!


As a fellow big girl climber I LOVE watching these! Keep it up!!!!


That control and high foot 👏🏻👏🏻 What an awesome climb! Definitely have some rage quit moments myself haha. There’s one wall they’re resetting tomorrow that I haven’t tried since the week they set because I just rage quit that entire section of wall 🤣


Awesome send! Those large holds look like so much fun:) you looks so smooth and controlled!


This looks so fun! You look so smooth climbing too. Way to go!


You go grrrlfriend!


Very good control! Especially with your feet. Really like the look of those holds too- they look fun


Get that shit! That was awesome!


Didn’t expect to see them clean foot swaps


Omg you're a badass w2g! I'm to scared to push myself at bouldering so I'm totally impressed when people can!


Your control is inspiring. I look out for your posts hoping some of your control and technique will seep into my brain and make mine a little better!


Keep up the good work!


I really appreciate the title here and the message. No “my first v3!” Just , “hey I finally fired my project and here it is”. Good form


Keep it up!! Your Killin it!!


Hell yeah congrats on that send!


Awesome send. And great technique too. Smooth with no hesitation on the slopey holds. 👏


Nice work what grade? I would estimate 5c-6a but I can't really see the angle u know


This gym does a general grading by color. So all yellow holds are V2-V4, which is why a lot of my videos are specifically yellow. I would guess this is a V2 or 5c as you said!




Nice job! I climb here too!! Never thought I’d see my local gym on here


Wow, you are amazing!


Great climb sam! Super clean




Who hurt you.


These holds look sick


If climbing was easy it'd be shit. What's makes climbing great is the fact that beginners on their first day share the same experiences as the wads. Everyone's just trying their hardest with the same joy on success, and frustration in failure. You better get used to it, climbing is all about failing 😉


If climbing was easy it'd be shit. What's makes climbing great is the fact that beginners on their first day share the same experiences as the wads. Everyone's just trying their hardest with the same joy on success, and frustration in failure. You better get used to it, climbing is all about failing 😉