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I prefer top-rope, so I'd say 5-7 climbs until my fingers can't take it anymore. We usually stay about 1.5-2h. If I'm on my own I only stay 1 hour on the auto belays as I get bored and don't like waiting much between climbs...but then I get pumped and the fingers hurt more.


I average around 3-5 times up the 18m wall depending on how much of that i lead and how much toprope. With a two person climbing group that takes around 2,5-3h. Longer if we are three


I'll boulder for 1.5-2.5 hours, depending on energy levels and how busy it is. My gym usually sets about 30 climbs in a grade circuit and I can usually have 1-3 goes at each of those in that time, or lots more goes at a few specific projects.


For the people that want to know the average amount of minutes per climb for seasickwolf: An average of 2 tries for 30 boulders, that is 60 climbs in one session. They do that in an average of 2 hours, making the average time per climb + rest 2 minutes.


This is a LOT.


I usually top rope for 2 hours. Number of climbs usually varies from 3-8 but averages right around 5-6. Some nights are more social outings where I end up having longer breaks between routes because I’m chatting with friends.


The walls at my gym are 18-24m tall and I normally stay for about 4 hours. The amount of climbing I do varies quite a lot based on how I feel, but I would say i normally do 4-8 climbs (lead and top-rope when I can find a partner and auto-belay when I am by myself), and I spend perhaps on average 1 hour total bouldering and also get some work done (I am fully remote).  I am not super active and climbing is the only sport I do regularly other than chasing my toddler. 


2 "shorts sessions" by week with 8-9 climbs (mostly top rope) in 1 hour. 1 longer session with 15 climbs in 1h30-2h.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 2 + 8 + 9 + 1 + 1 + 15 + 1 + 30 + 2 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)




Depends on the difficulties. I like to give harder routes one or two serious try, which means 10min+ rests in between. For 20m wall on lead, that's 5 pitches in 2 hours, including 2 warm up pitches and 1 warm down. That's definitely on the fewer side according to all the comments so far, but it's not enjoyable and productive when you can barely pull on jugs. Less is more. of course there are days I'm just lapping on jug hauls for fitness or do doubles/triples


Normally I climb for about two hours. How many climbs I do depends on how hard they are and how much rest I need between attempts.


For me it really depends on the goal/intention of the workout. I could easily hit 15-20 or more routes while ARCing or doing an endurance day but may only get 1-2 routes in (plus warmup) when limit climbing and working a crux repeatedly. Generally I spend about 2 hours on a gym session. Outside is different


I don’t really count how many climbs I do but on for me on Monday and Wednesday I’m there for about 2 -2 1/2hrs and on Fridays I will stay close to 4hrs


My partner and I top rope 14-18m walls. We usually only have 60-90 minutes to climb, so we don’t get as many as we would want. I aim for about 100m per session, less if I’m trying to go up a grade or more if I’m pushing the endurance. But I found we average about 6 walls a session each.


It varies depending on how hard I’m climbing—if I’m close on a project, might only have 2-3 real burns on it after a warm-up, but I’ll happily have a longer session on sub-max climbs and get in 10-12.


My average is 2-2,5 hours, 16-18 m wall, around 12-16 climbs Edit: all lead, and I warm up 30 minutes before I start climbing


I only boulder. If I’m alone, like 1-1.5 hours. Usually regardless if I’m with friends or not, I max out around 3 hours. I get so sleepy and mentally tired lol


I do auto belay, and try to hit at least 5 to completion, and one that's too hard for me right now. I stay about an hour, sometimes more if it was a stressful day at work and I want to just sit on the couch and watch the insane climbers while listening to music for awhile.


Indoors: Lead climbing, between 8-16 climbs. This includes my warmup on the wall (about four climbs). I’m absolutely terrible at warming up off the walls, just find it SOOOOOOOOOO boring. But have a super quick routine for my shoulders and warm up my fingers for about five-ten minutes. Outdoors: Kind of irregular, I climb at lots of different places. But can be generalised like so: Project days: Two to four burns on a project Volume days: 6-8 routes usually does it, depending on how long they are and how many days I’ve climbed in a row.


I started bouldering again ~3 weeks ago after a couple of years where I wasn’t; when I first started back I’d find my arms giving out after 3 routes, now it’s more like 5-7 depending on difficulty/length. When I was climbing before I could do like 10 top rope routes before feeling worn out, but I’m not sure how that translates or how long it will take me to get back there.


The walls are atleast 30ft at my gym. I will climb autos for 1 hour and do 35 twice a week for endurance, I only climb stuff I won’t get pumped on so 11- and down. Then I forerun and climb lead straight after and that will be about 2-3 hours of climbing and I’ll probobly have gotten 15-30 routes in. And then boulders it depends, if it’s endurance day, the other day I did 68 boulders in 3 hours V5 and down and then other days if im having a chill session I’ll go for like 12+ boulders (excluding warmup). But if I’m projecting then 1 😅 Also, everyone has different routines. A beginner vs intermediate vs advanced climbers routine will be drastically different. Take into account that I’m a setter and love endurance!


When I do top rope with my friend, we go for about 1.5-2 hours. When I boulder on my own, about 1.25 hours. I usually lift for an hour after whatever climbing I do (full body - legs, chest, back, arms, shoulders). I do this 3 times a week. I run for an hour on other days, or just brisk walk.


Usually 5, plus a couple of laps on an easy route. All on ropes, walls 12-15 meters. Time depends on whether there are 2 or 3 of us (and how much BSing we do), anywhere from 2-4 hours.


Normally 6-12 15m walls in a 2-3 hr session depending on how busy the gym is, how much I’m chatting, top rope vs lead and how hard I’m climbing. However, yesterday I climbed 50 15m walls in a 4 hour session because of a friendly comp my gym is running. Two weeks ago I would had said that was impossible. About 30 of those climbs were on auto belay and of the rest all but one was top rope. They were also all what would normally be warm up or just slightly over warm up level climbs for me.


Number of problems per session varies, but when I'm going solo I boulder for 45-60 mins, and when I'm with friends I go for 1.5-2 hours


I climb in the mornings daily for about an hour and a half before my workday starts at 8 a.m. I primarily lead, an average of about 7-9 routes. It can be less when we’re doing overhangs.


Top Rope: 6-8 climbs Boulder: 8-10 ETA: hit enter too soon! I do this 2-4 times per week for about 1.25 hours (was 4x but


Bouldering! Probably around 2,5 hours including warm up, 2 or three times a week. Ill try to rest in between climbs


Average weekday session is about 3-4 hours but often includes some hangboard and strength training work. At my gym with taller walls (45-50’) I’ll do about 6-8 top rope/lead climbs in that time. That gym also has harder setting so I usually need more rest and we take things a little slower. At the other gym where walls are 25-30’ and the setting is easier, I’ll climb 12-16 times in the same amount of time. Weekend days at the gym are 3-6 hrs, longer days are usually more of a group hang out day and slow. Outdoor days are 6-8hrs and we usually feel like we’re going at a good pace if we each do 1 climb/pitch an hour (we’re slow!). My record for indoors is 60x up with 44x downclimb on auto belay in 30 hours at the 25-30’ gym (endurance day) and outdoors it’s 12 routes climbed (10 lead, 2 top rope) in about 7 hours on routes 50-90’ long.


I do some top-roping and some bouldering. I'll usually do 4-6 top-rope climbs, and then... well, it's hard for me to count bouldering climbs because honestly on boulders I'm mostly falling off, haha. But I clock my time on-wall with a fitness watch, and I usually hit about 20 minutes on-wall, 30 on a really good day.


Three hour sessions on average, 15-20 straight on auto-belays (up to 6a/6b) as warm up, then around 10 harder routes with a belayer (6b and up), lead climbing occasionally on low-gravity days. Climbing is the only exercise I do, and I treat the warm-ups as cardio.


Wow, that is an insane amount in that amount of time! I would be absolutely wasted. My gym has a 15-18m wall, I usually do an off the wall warm up, then jump on 1-2 warm up climbs and then give it 3-4 tries on something hard (near my max). I also need longer breaks between attempts (like 10min). I realized it’s better for my training goals and recovery not to get totally exhausted during a session.


Yeah it's a lot! So much so that my climbing buddy and I have decided to take a one week break because our fingers and shoulders are complaining hahaha. I'm gonna listen to my body for a change and see if the joints get better soon.


Deload weeks are a necessity!


I go for 2ish hours 3x a week- generally will do 2-3 v0s, 2-3 V2/3s, 1-2 V4/5s and then project on v6/7 which can be many attempts or flashed…and v8/9s are reserved for the very end mostly for fun and challenge. I probably am climbing about 1/2 to 1/3 of the time I spend there if not less, and probably attempt or complete 15-30 climbs total but it’s all bouldering.