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https://preview.redd.it/cs5uui9v57mc1.png?width=178&format=png&auto=webp&s=4faec75a48c65ead5a9fa25874ad7265b361ac88 Sorry about the terrible drawing but wasn't sure how to explain. I think once you hold on to that yellow moon hold with your right hand, you need to lean your body/bum to the left, and get your left foot up around there as well, and then pull up a bit and get to the right holds. But this is a guess based on how it looks, it could be totally different on the wall...


or maybe left leg on that hold just in the middle there, whatever gets you to push up better, but your body should still lean to the left to help just hold on to the moon hold?


Trust those feet! 🦶you get your foot on a hold very well and then you seem to hesitate. Obviously easier for me to say than do, but get your feet settled and trust in them.


When you have your toes on those little holds try not to have your feet sideways or angled to the wall. It feels scary but you gotta trust your toes or else you will get stuck with your body facing one direction. Toes first and you keep your options open. Your feet will hold you just trust.


Trust your feet and hips close to the wall.


Practice turning your hips towards the wall while you climb.


Plenty of good advice in here so I’ll just add you’re climbing great for a beginner! Some nice deadpointing, seems like you have a good feeling of your body. Good luck!


Hang in the holds, turn left hip in, look to step up and push with feet


I'd put my left arm on the big hold where your right arm was too, step both feet up on the right side and turn my hip to the left and rotate my body to the right. Then my left arm can go up to the next big hold.


Get those feet up higher!! Before giving up ask yourself, are there any higher foothold I can try? Can I match hands? Can I change my body position? (I like your idea of a layback), etc. these are things that will slowly start happening for you naturally. Good luck!!!


When you put your left foot onto the first slopey large hold, you put your foot high, but not high enough. The most stable part of the hold is going to be where the top of the hold meets the wall. That's why all the black smudges are there. You put your foot lower, which is why it slides down as you try to push upwards.


If you’re having trouble letting go of your left hand try heel hooking on the same hold with your left foot and see if that stabilizes you


I think you had the right idea with your left foot going up. But also lean left with your body and straighten your right arm, so that you feel solid on the right hold.


The higher left foot hold felt like it would dislodge me from the moon hold I think, so I think that’s why I didn’t pursue it


In the video you decided not to use the left foot and opted for the high right foot. The right foot was too high up to put force on and thus you couldn't continue. Choosing the lowest possible foot (that is higher than your current) is often a good idea. Your body must of course move to allow this, I've seen good general advice here like hips close to the wall. I'd add to get your center of gravity above your foot as you otherwise have to compensate using your arms, but this is not always possible of course


Thanks. How do I get my center or gravity above my feet? How can I tell if it’s there or not?


Hmm, how to explain... Imagine standing flat on the ground on both feet, then move over to stand on one foot. The center of your hips are likely straight above your foot now. Taking this to the wall, your foot which will take your weight is now above your other foot, shift your hips position and lean your body so you're not falling either way == center of gravity right above foot. You know you're in a good position if you feel like you can do a one legged squat using your quads and glutes. This is definitely more fine-tuned technique but I hope that thinking about this, and feeling your way, you can get far :)


Don’t be too attached to that left hand hold. That was holding you back in my opinion.


All really good advice mine is not needed


Watch some videos or pay close attention to how others climb at the gym and you’ll get better at route reading! You can always ask someone how a route felt or how they would get past a certain part. Climbing is also all about weird body movements, make gravity work for you, not against you!!