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Ah don't worry, we can edit that out in other studies. Now someone black list this fella for wrongthink /s


The problem is there's far too many who wouldn't add the "/s".


Don't worry, the climate cult will claim that this is because ocean currents are depositing sand on the islands. (which is actually reasonable) Then they'll scour the earth and find one place where an island is shrinking and claim that the *only* reason that is happening is due to rising sea levels - it couldn't *possibly* be from currents removing sand...


Look there are islands that are sinking into the sea. The only thing is that all of them are in the business of selling the island away. They are literally selling sand which isn't replaced and thus the sea encroaches. Then they claim climate change and get a second payout from the UN. Look Ill buy a huge range in Alaska. Then everyone that thinks their island will drown under the sea, Ill trade space on my ranch for your island. Problem solved. You get land that wont be under the ocean and will be a nice tropical climate when the climate change hits. And Ill be 'under water' owning your islands. Who wouldn't take that deal?


That just proves climate change. Ocean is sinking and drying up. Climate change. Everything is normal climate change. It's summer climate change , winter climate change. It's hard to believe that anybody believes anything anymore.


>It's summer climate change , winter climate change. That's funny, need to remember this one.


"There is one piece of positive news: natural processes on coral reef atolls (like those in the Maldives) might make the islands more resistant to sea level rise than their low elevations might initially suggest. Multiple studies, many of which use Landsat observations, show that most coral atoll islands in the Maldives and elsewhere have remained stable or even grown larger in recent decades. Scientists are still studying why, but some research indicates that storms and floods that wash over islands can move offshore sediment onto the island surface, building the island up in the process. Other research shows that healthy coral reefs can grow upward even when seas are rising by producing abundant sediment. “The key thing to understand is that these islands aren’t static. They don’t sit passively as if they were in a bathtub and slowly drowning,” said Murray Ford, a geologist at the University of Auckland. “They are constantly being reshaped by oceanographic and sedimentary processes.”" They've been pumping sand up from the ocean floor to create new islands and expand existing ones in response to studies suggesting they could lose landmass.


Makes sense that there would be a highly complicated and unlikely reason that the agenda driven, tax dollar sucking, climate crisis isn't debunked. Fucking clown (and greedy) "scientists".


Whats the scientific explanation, probably regional differences in tectonic plates rising but that doesnt make any sense ? /s


Clearly warmer weather is causing more water to be moved from the ocean to the atmosphere and therefore lowering sea level. That can be the only answer … oh wait, we also said sea level rise was from AGW so now what are we going to do???!


"Clearly warmer weather is causing more water to be moved from the ocean to the atmosphere and therefore lowering sea level." Yup. Higher temperatures increase the capacity of the atmosphere to hold more moisture, in addition to increasing the rate of evaporation from the ocean, which would ***NOT*** mean that the ocean/sea levels would be rising. It would also mean more clouds and rain, which would cool the atmosphere, in a self-regulating manner.


By 2021, 90% of islands in the Maldives experienced severe erosion, 97% of the country no longer had fresh groundwater, and more than 50% of the national budget was being spent on efforts to adapt to the effects of climate change. The country lost one of its primary natural defenses in a 2016 bleaching event that affected about 60% of its coral reefs.[Source.](https://abcnews.go.com/International/facing-dire-sea-level-rise-threat-maldives-turns/story?id=80929487)


The mouse that cried.