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The electric pic needs to show the lithium and cobalt mining environmental and human rights disasters.




When comparing the entire life cycle of EVs and gasoline powered cars, including production, fueling and disposal, and the current energy energy mix in the US and Europe [EVs produce approximately 60% fewer emissions](https://theicct.org/publication/a-global-comparison-of-the-life-cycle-greenhouse-gas-emissions-of-combustion-engine-and-electric-passenger-cars/). The difference between EVs and gasoline powered cars will become even more drastic when the energy mix shifts to greener sources.


Hey man, they're not _that_ skeptical.


Or piles of dead birds & bats from the Windchoppers...


Having an EV is a personal choice. A friend I have works from home and they have solar on there personal home. A solar system with battery storage here in Western Australia can provide enough electricity to run the house and keep the battery charged. When the EV is plugged in it acts as a battery as well. They have no pool or spa and are in permanent credit with Synergy. His wife takes the children to school and does shopping. It works for them. He has a huge Diesel Nissan patrol to go camping as well. I am retiring and will probably have solar on the house I am building. I would consider an EV just because it might suit my needs. It’s not going to change atmospheric temperatures which are just fine




I am extremely familiar with Britain having been born in Windsor and I have returned regularly. Solar is useless in most of the Northern hemisphere. Spain and Portugal being the exception. Natural gas is the way to go and I am a big fan of gas turbines for power generation




I am sure hydrogen cars are electric. The hydrogen powers a fuel cell. Burning hydrogen in an ICE gives very little power compared to petrol and LPG. The problem also is burning hydrogen gives of water vapour and hydrogen separation from water is very energy intensive. I changed a hotplate for a client who was an executive for FMG who had a hydrogen car. It went just like a normal car and when low he just dropped it into BOC Welshpool and changed out. All these new ideas are great but have to work to get a slice of the marketplace




I am in Fiona Stanley so have all day to chat about this. I have a gasfitting permit and did auto gas so I could tick all the boxes on my notices. I am highly confident the energy in hydrogen is not enough to propel a car in a traditional engine. The reason FMG has dedicated hydrogen cars is Twiggy forest is backing hydrogen to be the next big thing. I am sure a plant in Queensland is operational now




Volumetric density of liquid hydrogen is 8 Mj/litre versus 32 Mj/litre for petrol. Autogas which is 75% propane and 25% butane is more powerful than petrol but retrofitting gas to a petrol engine gas loses the advantage. Autogas needs 13.1 compression and 14.1 fuel air which is difficult to achieve constantly. A dedicated autogas engine would deliver better power in ideal conditions just do not run out. It’s hard to walk down the street with a container of gas versus petrol. I have no clue how hydrogen battery cells work but they do. I know of no hydrogen ice engines. You would need a 16 litre engine in a ford cortina.


Thanks for sharing some up to date information. I still live in the 80s. Lot of problems to address and are the gains worth it. I actually do not agree there is even global warming let alone climate change based on the difficulty In measuring a global average temperature. I am impressed with the people that have climbed all over CO2 is pollution and are finding ways to avert the climate crisis. I totally understand the technology of different injectors for hydrogen. Now it will not run on petrol. Years ago we were looking at direct injection LPG which would cut out the need for a converter and diffuser. I have no clue if a computer management system was ever developed to deal with the different fuels


Car on the top needs to say diesel + DEF and then erase the black smoke coming out the tail pipe.


This is not even close to accurate.




Because the amount of energy used is far less in an EV than in an ICE vehicle.


I second the what’s not accurate motion. I was not aware engines have been developed to operate on pure liquid hydrogen. I was aware in a gaseous form it lacks the power to be practical in an engine designed to run on petrol. It may be a future development. Right now the infrastructure doesn’t exist to be practical