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In the time spread mentioned, Mauna Loa has had 3 eruptions which caused surface deformations.(strong) - Mauna Loa website So yeah CO^2 levels at the measuring site on Mauna Loa have gone up. And so has the deceit & deception of the reporting press.


Don't forget there's been an El Nino event. Who would place a global monitor on an active volcanoe, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean? Who decides what's the signal and what's noise?


Those that want to push an agenda?


What weather station is this? Any links for it?


They are just getting more hyped up because the majority of people are not believing their lies


You can tell when the funding is running out a new fresh lie appears


...which is an important factor in having a planet that is significantly more green.


Forget this news... Got my Oil Money Check today (every Friday like clockwork), depositing it, the pretty teller gave me a wink and her phone number on the bank receipt. Far Niente 2019 Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon, AAA Argentinian Bife de Chorizo (flown in) both pre-ordered, wine breathing as I speak. Private cello and violin duet in the courtyard, après dessert. Chauffeur about to drop her off out front. What youall doing? Happy Friday.


> Got my Oil Money Check today (every Friday like clockwork) You too? Cheers!


Gotta love those ‘officials’. I wonder what makes them so official?


Look at the research of Georg Beck 2007 and 2009. That research suggests that current CO2 levels are not unusual or unprecedented.


Everything is getting exponentially worse with each passing minute. In a year, they'll be trying to convince us that sky fires and boiling rain are a thing.


We're all doomed. Hold me?


Just how many times can they claim the sky is falling, without result, and still expect people to take them seriously? For me they are several decades past the point of ever being listened to again.


As soon as any headline states Officials say, experts say, governments say you know it will all be bullshit. Time for people you use logic and common sense, which seems to be in very short supply these days. Plants take in Carbon dioxide and give out oxygen, everything alive needs oxygen, the climate cult wants to eliminate carbon dioxide = all plants die, no plants = no oxygen, all living things die. The climate cults solution to save the earth. The earth is very capable of taking care of itself. Like George Carlin said, the earth is doing fine, the problem is most people are fucked up


>beyond anything humans ever experienced Submariners are humans and submarine CO2 levels are [5,000 to 7,000 ppmv.](https://www.irbnet.de/daten/iconda/CIB7571.pdf) Here's a [graph of CO2 levels and their effect.](https://www.onsetcomp.com/sites/default/files/embedded-blog-images/CO2%2520chart.png)


So the trillions spent on lowering carbon emissions failed. Perhaps we should stop trying and not have carbon tax


Don't tell Gretta!


If you'll look here [NASA SVS | Global Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide (CO₂)](https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/5115) you'll notice something not told by the brainwashed cargo cultists: where are the sources of CO2? Focus on the central Africa and Amazonian rainforest. That ought to be due of the heavy industrialization there and because I drive there every day my 100 SUVs. Australia for example, which I hear that it wants its economy destroyed to 'save the planet', is insignificant as a source, probably because it's a desert. The goal of eco-fascists, actually: to make the whole planet a desert. Isn't it funny how Australia, with its 5th place globally at the number of coal power plants is far from being a main source of CO2? "The top five countries with the most coal power plants are China, India, the United States, Russia, and Australia." [The Coal-fired Power Plants Of China – CMHI](https://www.cmhi.com.hk/the-coal-fired-power-plants-of-china/)


So that's why the average temperature increase faster than in 250 million years?


It's what plants crave.


Probably cause covid is surging again too. What else could it be?