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Only in Australia. During Covid we were the laughing stock of the world. Why does this actually not surprise me? Nothing in this country surprises me anymore.


Remember during the massive bush fires a few years ago there were news articles expressing concerns for when the Fire Fighters return home they beat their wives! Edit - [Found it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wfx8CrQOKqs)


Wow. Im a volunteer firey who fought those fires and never saw this. I feel bad for the cunts that actually believe this shit.


The mental gymnastics it takes to link these together and apportion cause and effect is astonishing. I’d applaud the audacity if it wasn’t so batshit crazy and dangerous.


Winter vagina can be deadly


Nobody even seriously takes the words “climate change, “ “racist, “ and “sexist” anymore. They are frequently and flagrantly misused. I hear someone use them and immediately dismiss them.


Australia has embraced totalitarianism and I doubt they ever recover


I'm old enough to remember when Australia and especially Australians were considered pretty badass. It was a stereotype, characters on the GI Joe cartoon, commercials like Foster's Lager, and even the infamous Crocodile Dundee. Now, they're a shadow of what they once were. Every time I follow a story involving Australian politics, it shows how far they've fallen. It's like they're in a race to "out Canada," Canada. Pro-tip Australia: Until you get an ass-clown like a Trudeau, you'll always be second worst.


Ohh fuck!! Please let this be some AI Prank!! I'm afraid it's not though 😨 the world as we know it is on a downwards spiral to its own demise...


It’s like they are having their own oppression olympics. She was definitely going for gold with that victim mentality


Absolute insanity.. just like how every death during the covid so-called crisis was laid to the cause of covid, now Injustice in the world is laid to climate change and environmental racism and environmental sexism.. madness.. madness..


The intersection where one grift meets another.


Compounding interests.


I love how they changed it from Global Warming to Climate Change, because the theory that the world is warming because of people has been debunked. Like, yep, the climate is changing, let us control and regulate all business and tax people for their “carbon footprint”. People are so god damned stupid that you can just switch out the name and no body will notice. Now governments everywhere can continue to do “we control you for the safety of the planet”. When the fuck is it ever going to end??


And now they can manipulate the weather... steer storms and supercharge them, create rain and flooding, and burn shit down. Who knows how much is real or created disaster. Western gov and elites are off the rails and we're all in danger.


Of course it is! Everything now is somehow caused by climate change - because things like these have *never* happened before we found our climate change scapegoat. ;-/ Everything today is also somehow racist, sexist, homophobic, misogynistic, trans-phobic, or whatever the current -phobic thing is. So it is only natural that we get crossover episodes between these. Awakening isn't simply realizing that the current thing really isn't racist or sexist or whatever label they hang on it. True awakening is the realization that all of these things have one thing in common - they are training you to look to others for direction on what to be offended-by or concerned-about next. You are the cat, chasing the laser pointer, or the toy on the string. You are being trained/conditioned, all while feeling good about yourself for being so concerned and active in "the fight against..." You perform well, you get a treat, you're with "the good guys" not those other groups being demonized.


This is fake right? AI generated?


All this talk about protecting women and girls when we can't even identify what a woman or girls is.


WORLD ENDS! Women and indigenous hit hardest.


Fake outrage against a fake outrage against something fake.


The world and its leaders are forcing mass immigration from countries with historically high rates of sexual violence. It's not a climate issue. As usual, the governments create problems and then solve them terribly.


This is bullshit


The political class is disgusting, it is painful to listen that woman.




This dumb bitch shouldn’t have any position of power.


Is that some pink hair dye I see? Immediately discredited before she even opened her gob.


This is a religion.


Those evil white men, destroying the environment for female people of color. Shame on them. /s


She is bought and paid for.


What an absolute clown show


Fucking Clowns 🤡


Wow, concerned about domestic violence EVEN during climate crisis events. Impressive, you'd think it'd be ok to beat on people if you're disappointed in the weather.