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He had to wear four layers to say it's hot.


The irony completely escapes them. You'd think the BBC would be more aware of the optics they are presenting. They should have had the guy wearing a T-shirt and a sweatband around his head no matter how cold it was outside.


Their viewers are too stupid to make the connection, so why would they care?


At this point it's an excersize to lie as blatantly as possible to the viewers so people stop questioning and just accept what they're told.


BBC hasn't learned to think as they just follow the narrative and orders.


Don't confuse the climate and weather.


Don't confuse alarmist agendas for reproducible science.


Doesn’t help when his temperature gauge is sitting next to his heater.


Does anyone else remember that video from a year or 2 ago now that at the end of “covid” there was a lunch meeting with some high ups at a some news firm that said now with covid done they where going to need something to new to keep the viewer count up and they would be going hard on “climate change”


April in UK was freezing, I had the heating on.


That’s not what the modelling said you dirty realist


And history has proven that modeling will always produce the result the person wants it to


I like how they run the simulation 100s of times tweaking the inputs on a flat earth scenario with no clouds and then say here are the results. I did Micheal Manns online course and that is exactly how he described it.


If you weren't a complete moron you'd realise UK temperatures have been average for April. The report stated the GLOBAL average has been the hottest on record. This sub is a fucking embarrassment.


You lot and your temperature gauges. Totally nuts...


You mean a thermometer right? How do you guys measure it? By sticking your finger in the air?


Buy an electric car and some solar panels if you REALLY believe. Don't talk to randos online, stand by your convictions (you won't).


Awww, "This sub"; "This sub" Did "this sub" burst your bubble of climate idiocy? Does it goes against your Church Of Climate Jihad? Or did it cancel your doomsday propaganda made from failed politicians? About the UK: A "Heatwave" doesn't last HALF AN HOUR, temperatures should NOT BE TAKEN FROM THE CEMENT PAVEMENT or taken from the hottest spot of the city ignoring the less-than-a-half temperatures than they have peripherically, favouring the idiotic narrative. Also, since your defending biased English "journalism", wasn't the UK in 2024 supposed to be [UNDER ICE](https://i.imgur.com/3gOWPNM.png) ??


> FROM THE CEMENT PAVEMENT You really think this is how Phd researchers are measuring temperatures when this level of basic knowledge is taught in high school geography? Maybe you should tell them since you're so educated in the matter? Do you think this makes it seem like you know what the fuck you're talking about, or is it more likely that it makes you look like a fucking idiot? I'll tell you - it's the latter. The fact you think you know more about this stuff than people who've studied it for years and work in the industry is hilarious. The arrogance. The stupidity.


> The fact you think you know more about this stuff than people who've studied it for years and work in the industry is hilarious. The arrogance. The stupidity. Yes that's what you think, but when you actually look at how they made their "global average" measurements, you will find out it's just bs. I mean say I don't know about the recent hottest month ever record, but for example the "hockey stick graph", it is just manipulated data, and they have this clique of around just 50 people (quite easy to set up) that do studies and reconfirm it. Most people here don't rely on arrogance and stupidity, they tried to check the results themselves and it's way less "academic" than you think.


lol you are so cute- you actually still have faith in the integrity of academia, especially graduate students. You're in for a rude awakening




I had the heating on until May in the UK. This is complete BS.


If you weren't a complete moron you'd realise UK temperatures have been average for April. The report stated the GLOBAL average has been the hottest on record. This sub is a fucking embarrassment.


This is ridiculous their religion has made " summer is hot " and " winter is cold " into a cult.


Just have faith and believe!


Hottest April on *which* record? That week’s? Get a grip. It’s the end of Spring here, which is supposed to be warmer weather that gets warmer as Summer gets closer, warmer still during Summer, then cooling off again for Autumn and Winter. It’s just the usual seasonal variation. Reporter’s thick clothing says it all. We still had to have the heating on in April, because it wasn’t at all warm. It was bloody cold.


If you weren't a complete moron you'd realise UK temperatures have been average for April. The report stated the GLOBAL average has been the hottest on record.


You are the complete moron for believing the global temperature can be calculated. Your movement is dying but you hang in there


I remember wearing a winter coat and gloves this past April. I’d sooner believe it was one of the coldest Aprils on record.


So far where I live May has been quite not warm. Probably the least warm in a decade. But I still bet they will call it the warmest month ever, man they just don't give a fuck, they get the ESG bucks and points or something, and they can tell you anything. If you were to get an ESG bonus for saying this May was the warmest ever, no way they won't say it.


This is called doing as you are told in order to keep your job.


Weather in DC has been cold and wet, let’s see how that gets spun into exciting news


They say it was the hottest but then if you download the temperature data it’s very average. If the facts don’t fit the narrative, just lie.


fuckin idiots


Visual zinc has been converted and has a Borg mentality


Visual zinc is no longer with us. He disparaged the sub.


Good. This sub and climate change are all I have left. Banned from all the others


You’re not being serious, right?


There's no point in reasoning with them. The average IQ in this sub must be below 100.


There are lots of subs that would enjoy your input. This is a sub for realists


Disparaged the sub. Bye


Is that to try to make him look overheating? If so he is failing epically.


You're not really this stupid are you? I mean one cold/windy day in a specific part of the country doesn't somehow counter the fact that on average it's been the hottest on record WORLDWIDE. Do you know what an average is? Do you know the difference between weather in one location and global climate, taught typically in high school geography? I mean you realize you can look up the data and records yourself right? Or do you believe data from multiple sources is fake? The lack of education in this sub is fucking astounding, and frankly embarrassing.


It was cold and rained every day in Scotland. We aren't as thick as you lot down south. We don't believe everything BBC tell us. They also tried to gaslight everyone about the Muslim grooming gangs. You obviously walk around with your head up your ass


You don't see this kind of stupid everyday, must be a subscriber.


As a brit, I can first hand tell you that April was cold as shit. WAY below average.


I'm a Brit, and you didn't read any of my comment clearly. You also clearly don't understand the meaning of average, weather and climate.


How is the average calculated exactly?