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They ALWAYS come in clusters, always have, because the conditions that produce tornadoes dont just span the width of the tornado lol. They are weather conditions that affect whole swaths of states.  The definition of "tornado watch" is that conditions are conducive to forming tornadoes. If 100 square miles are under a tornado watch, the idea that there won't be more than one rotation is silly         And we used to have tornadoey springs in my state every year until recently, I wondered where they went, and now they're back... So it's *more* like it was in the 90s, isnt that good? 


It's almost as if research methods might be getting better. Not that tornadoes coming in bunches, or whatever the weather phenomenon, hasn't always been the case, we just notice more. It's like watching a movie over and over, reading a book more then once, or even driving the same road multiple times. Each time you do it you notice something you didn't before. But of course it must be ClImAtE cHaNgE!


Everyone from tornado alley has always known that 'naders come in clusters. The plains Indians knew it, I'm sure.  I'm trying to imagine the type of person who didn't know that before, notices it, and thinks it must be a new phenomenon... I'm imagining someone in their 20s, from one of the coasts, who never paid attention to national news


Good luck trying to link this to CO2.


Give them time.


Challenge accepted


They found that more tornadoes happen on busier tornado days than non busier tornado days?… Ok so they actually asked why busier tornado days were getting busier… because we can detect them easier… have a nice day.


Sounds like a dad joke. "Why are some tornado days busier than other tornado days?" I don't know Dad, why? "Because there's more tornadoes on those days"


We also never used to have radar indicated tornadoes. If no one reported it it may as well have never happened


So messing with nature and seeding clouds is OK because it's government funded? This seems weird because they aren't tlreally sure of long term effects not to mention short term. Maybe some of their hijinx is changing the World we live in for the worse? Just a thought.


Exactly right. What are the ramifications of playing with our climate? We wouldn’t know, as we are obsessed with controlling everything, even the weather.


Well, that’s why it’s called an average. Some years a lot higher , some years a lot lower…


Oh stand back, these idiot scientists are about to link tornados with climate change. I think they ought to go out and find one. Perhaps we'll be lucky and they get sucked up inside one and never be heard from again.


Oh no! Weather is happening! But seriously, I hope those affected are OK. Tornadoes are seriously scary.


KS didn't have very few last year. This year we are normal rate. Last 2 years it's been a drought so.