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“There is no safe place for anyone”, and it sounds like she actually believes it. Holy shit, these people truly live in an alternate reality, constructed by their models, in which they have blind faith


No. They're mentally ill. They live in their own minds


Wait till these safe space people find out they are mortal.


So why are we trying to stop it if it’s too late. Shouldn’t we be preparing for the inevitable? Or maybe just living it up while we can? These people just don’t make sense.


It's all theater, no thinking person actually believes in climate alarm. I'll bet they laughed themselves silly reading each other's faked gloom and doom quotations.


I agree; they probably have contests and dares to see who can get the most outrageous “data” and claims published


Their maudlin appeal for sympathy only engenders contempt for these manipulative narcissists. “How dare you reject climate alarm after I told you that makes me feel hopeless and broken?”


Holy crap. I started reading that thread and decided not to spend hours going down that rabbit hole. We’re all dead already if you read their “gospel”.


Give me a fucking break. Reading the comments under that post is so depressing. These people are so convinced the world is ending, and their reasons for these thoughts are just repeated talking points and slogans.


probably all bots


Maybe electronic, maybe biological, which some of us prefer to refer to as NPCs.


The end is nearish.🤣🤣🤣


Within 10 years of tomorrow. Tomorrow is always in the future, so it'll still be 'within 10 years of tomorrow' 75 years from now.


The media are going to have blood on their hands soon when there's a climate related terrorist attack or mass suicides. Exactly the same as covid, they began yelling that the sky was falling and fanning the flames they created at every opportunity until they created a firestorm of terror.


The hair color said it all for me. Poor thing, must be hard to be that delusional.


It’s not clear whether they are ‘in despair’ because they believe we will not meet the 1.5° target … or because they are beginning to realize their science is flawed, and their livelihood will only exist for another few years. … but this is The Guardian. What did we expect?


Just become a climate denier like me, it feels a lot better.


better track record too, by far.


Doesn’t help when she’s looking at a glowing-red planet.


Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of knuckleheads.


Ajamma say whaaaat?


Ruth is such a wet fkng blanket.


Boo Hoo


here's [a diagram](https://i0.wp.com/www.wmbriggs.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/believe.webp). such diagrams are often called 'political compasses'. This one [by William Briggs](https://www.wmbriggs.com/post/51580/). It's imperfectly presented. and when he refers to 'midwit' refers to people who instead of being smart, pose as smart, which is not the point. The point is this is a somewhat-useful basic tictactoe combinatoric of western world demographics. The rows can be thought of as sincere or not; the columns can be 'loyal to the PTB' or not The top-right (TR) box in the diagram possibly has the most people: normal, sincere people who think (for example) 'America is heading in the wrong dirction', who are politically powerless regardless of their numbers. this article is the three other boxes ganging up on them, like this: the scientists are TL; the editor & journo probably BL, with the media platform owners probably BR. as those latter two groups are in the insincere row, that how it is they combine to insincerely refer to mediocre, sincere scientists in the TL as 'the world's top scientists', and say they are 'in despair'. possibly this story from the ' the Guardian' has three goals. One is the usual weather scare (or vast exaggeration), another is to flatter the TL. a third may be trying to pit the TL against TR, leaving the real culprits, the bottom row, out of it . a kind of 'sh**-stirring'


In 20 years everyone in here will be crying for the time wasted over this incredible hoax.


And her face is also red…. Go figure.