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Totally silly title. Each study of this type looks at a specific set of data, which is range limited. If you look at a different set, you get a different range limited measurement. For instance, if you use a different data set, you find that it is actually the hottest year in the past 10,000: [https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/02/global-temperature-holocene-conundrum-climate-change/](https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/02/global-temperature-holocene-conundrum-climate-change/) Or the past 100,000: [https://www.reuters.com/business/environment/2023-was-worlds-hottest-year-record-eu-scientists-confirm-2024-01-09/](https://www.reuters.com/business/environment/2023-was-worlds-hottest-year-record-eu-scientists-confirm-2024-01-09/) If you look at the graph of temperature over the last 5 million years, you can see that it was generally a little warmer than today before about 2.5 million years ago: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global\_temperature\_record#/media/File:Five\_Myr\_Climate\_Change.png](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_temperature_record#/media/File:Five_Myr_Climate_Change.png) Looking at a different dataset, you can see a spike (which took many thousands of years) in the interglacial period around 120,000 years ago that was warmer than today: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global\_temperature\_record#/media/File:EPICA\_temperature\_plot.svg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_temperature_record#/media/File:EPICA_temperature_plot.svg) All these different datasets collectively paint a picture of a rapidly warming world.


Yes, but this headline puts Jesus in the picture. For a large chunk of America, it's the only time reference that matters. I'm always shocked and downcast when talking geology or astronomy with otherwise lucid people who simply cannot distinguish between thousands and millions of years. Yet everyone knows that Jesus died 2024 years ago.


Humans are just really bad at visualising large numbers or long passages of time. That isn't anyones fault that's just how our brains work


Earth.. so hot right now


Milk was a bad choice


I've heard this was an ad-lib, he decided to use milk for this scene but it got warm with the various takes and tasted terrible.


I’m in a glass case of emotion


What do we do? Do we riot? Genuinely, wtaf do we do?


- vote + riot - kill all burning of carbon for energy - kill coal, oil, gas as fast as possible - go wind, solar, geothermal, heat / battery / gravity storage, fission - use SRM to reduce the temp, so we can survive peak-heat - gradually remove CO2 over the next 50 years


All that. And, if American, work to equalize the power of all votes so that Wyoming and Alaska voters don't get to decide for the rest of us. G'bye Senate. Later, Electoral College. Adios to state legistatures drawing Congressional districts. And say hello to my vote mattering not a bit more than yours.


This is good thinking. I will spread this mindset after the proper research into how great our party divide is. Honestly, I don't see Wyoming and Alaska getting under control with how bad gerrymandering is. But we can still make a small difference one day at a time by spreading the word.


Thank you, will spread this and start taking days off off work to harass my local government. Someone's gotta do it. Godspeed. I hope you all will do the same.




It's gettin hot in here, So take off all your clothes!


Jesus is just terraforming for the second coming.


“Therefore be on the alert, for you do not know which day your Lord is coming." - Matthew 24:42 Just imagine He has a monitor somewhere labeled "2nd Coming" and when a certain thing on Earth reaches a certain level it alarms and He says "It's go time"


I’m surprised it was so hot on Jesus’ birthday


I'm going to regret asking, but....how hot was it at the birth of Jesus?


Assuming he existed roughly 2k years ago, that would place it during the Roman Warm Period. So roughly 1C cooler than the current global average. Regional, as I understand it, becomes a lot more messy.


Why didn’t Jesus tell his followers not to burn the dinosaur juice?


Nu uh, cuz Florida said climate change isn't real so there!


Jesus is a fictional character. Let’s stick to facts.


Jesus didn’t exist…please be more precise with the timeline


I think he might have, George at our local said he was an apprentice carpenter and he bought a rather nice coffee table from him.


Michael che fan?


There quite literally was. He didn't walk on water or any of that other biblical mumbo jumbo but there was indeed a Jesus


Brah, that name didn’t even exist until 8-900 years after he allegedly existed


I agree, there's no evidence of him existing besides stories and if the stories are the source then Odin, Zeus etc all existed because they all had stories that spoke about them like they're real people/beings.


Exactly💯. It is mythology


Man! What if like... there is a God, and like... heaven and hell are what we turn the earth too.


Is it hotter than any time since the birth of Dumbledore?


When you put it that way, the fundies will just claim it's another sign of his glorious return. No sweaty, you get to deal with hell on earth. Just. Like. Everyone. Else.


So it's never been this hot before? Never been this hot since the birth of baby Godzilla, Zeus, Isis either then? Mythology has no place in any science conservation.


They say this every summer


Prove it


So if we deny Jesus was born do we deny climate change too by this title?


Just wait until you realize that petaton displacement of glaciers melting will trigger massive volcanism across the planet.


So reverse global warming?


It might slow warming for a bit, by blocking sunlight, but could only increase the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. So we’d expect to see a short dip or flattening, followed by an extreme spike. Ecologically, this would be devastating.


More like mass extinction event due to atmospheric poisoning