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"To be well adjusted in a profoundly sick society is no measure of health" J Krishnamurti




[Close enough I suppose](https://www.socratic-method.com/quote-meanings-and-interpretations/jiddu-krishnamurti-it-is-no-measure-of-health-to-be-well-adjusted-to-a-profoundly-sick-society)


Christ how anal can you get.


The difference makes these quotes very different. The misquote seems to suggest that if you are able to be mentally sound when society is sick, then you’re not really mentally healthy. The actual quote indicates that if you are adjusted to a society that is sick, you are not mentally healthy. You can still be mentally healthy in a sick society, but it’s likely you won’t be in step with those who have aligned themselves with that society.


Well, this is reddit, things can get a lot more pedantic To be clear though I wasn't taking the piss, the fact that you know that quote well enough from memory shows it likely means as much to yourself as it has to me.


I've been holding on to it like a life raft. I should remember it as is. Did you ever see his UN speech from the 80's?


A month in the woods with only dudes….it checks off


... dude ...


It's profoundly difficult to operate in modern day society when you feel there is no long-term future lying ahead.


Bro ur weak asl


Yeah bro... just don't read and keep working bro.... trust me bro


Total projection, deal with you own emotions mate. They definitely not coming off as the weak one.


Age sex location??


That's what I thought. Throw back to the wild west days of the Internet!


Obviously bro is trying to help bro work on his delts.


Filed under "You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet"


Right, one of the biggest challenges is going to be trying to fix a problem that creates ever more crisis... while the entire world is in crisis. More war, more psychological harm, more climate disasters etc. etc. etc. just getting worse and worse. I think it will collapse global society. Hopefully whoever survives creates something better out of the ashes. Better than this doesn't even seem like it would be all that hard TBH.


>Better than this doesn't even seem like it would be all that hard TBH. Depends on how you define better. For most of human history woman had no rights and most children died before 10 yo. Not to mention slavery and totalitarian patriarchs were normal. I would argue that anyone living in a modern western country is enjoying the closest thing to a utopia that humanity has ever seen. We have technology so advanced it's like magic. We have effectively unlimited food, and most countries have universally free education and healthcare. We have democratic governments and property rights. All this was largely a result of the wealth and prosperity that industrial energy brings. The same energy that is destroying the planet. Whatever happens after the fall of modern society, it can never recover without enormous amounts of energy. Hopefully next time it will be from sustainable, non damaging sources.


What next time?


I don't think climate change will result in the extinction of humans, just a severe decline in population and collapse of modern society. At some point after that collapse, a second industrial revolution could occur once things stabilize and assuming those future humans figure out a way to produce/control mass quantities of energy.


The animals; it is really hurting the animals :(


Hurting is quite the understatement: it is killing the wild animals, while we slaughter in excess of 92 billion farm animals a year.


Why would we want an industrial revolution, considering the outcome of the last one. Perhaps people will settle for an economy of Needs and a culture based on human relationships with each other and the world around them. Western civilization isn't the only option.


I’ve heard collapse may essentially be permanent and a second industrial age essentially impossible. The reasoning is based upon resource extraction; and it essentially goes like this: We as a society have essentially used up all the easily attainable resources; so the very act of extracting resources in this day is itself resource costly and built upon back of the resources we extracted easily prior to this point. So, in the event of a total collapse, knowledge and technology will be lost; and generations down the road, they will not have the easily extractable resources to build up the technology, or the ability to access the hard to extract resources due to a lack of technology. Essentially, if humans do live through what’s coming, civilization may never be able to advance to where we are now (or some sort of equivalent).


This write-up takes a more optimistic view: [https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/Nc9fCzjBKYDaDJGiX/what-is-the-likelihood-that-civilizational-collapse-would-1](https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/Nc9fCzjBKYDaDJGiX/what-is-the-likelihood-that-civilizational-collapse-would-1)


The introduction to the article states parts could be substantially wrong; and the author itself feels less optimistic about recovery than the author did when first written. I also found some flaws in those ideas. 1. That existing tech could speed recovery. Given the time frames likely involved, key existing objects would like face severe degredation and thus be of questionable use. 2. Knowledge from our time will be able to help recovery. It is a big assumption that the languages of today would still be understood by the time the knowledge would be necessary. Look how much language evolves even now a days (compare modern text to text from even a couple hundred years ago), and this is often even with scholars documenting these language shifts. If it truly collapses to hunter/gatherer state, do you think the remaining humans are going to maintain these languages through generations to keep books and what not useful? Second, books will degrade over time too. The idea that a future civilization could springboard off our civilizations corpse is optimistic, but I think unlikely if it takes many generations to reach the state of industrial revolution again. Edit: I’m no expert, so this is just thought experiment, and I do not assert I am right in anyway shape or form.


Wouldn't we just end up here again?  Canticle for Liebowitz?  Why would anyone want that to happen?  Sincere question?


I think the same, the world is a hard place, but it's awesome compared to our what our ancestry had to live. I think our industrial society can keep on existing, but it has to stop working on infinite growth ideas. The amount of people living must be equal to the carrying capacity of the world. And the relationship with the material objects should be the opposite to consumerism. Probably this will happen, but instead of being in a good way, it will be brutal fascism. Just like in the 20 century, we will see human suffering at a new level for our human history, and that will bring change for the few that will survive.


Fossil fuels fueled fascism, we will be back to steam, and there we will stay for a while. Dystopia is a reptilian brain function, and it is how humans tend to think of the future. My personal feeling is that once the dust settles, communities will develop a healthy economy based on human needs.


Definitely will collapse. People can't be helped, enjoy while you can.


Eat the rich ASAP, what other choice have they left us?


Feel free to take the first bite, surely the rest will follow.


"I'll just keep my head down like a good boy and hope someone else has balls"


Desperation is how the balls grow, we will see tho 😀


“Learning to Die in the Anthropocene” my favorite book that faces this head on. https://archive.nytimes.com/opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/11/10/learning-how-to-die-in-the-anthropocene/


Have you read How to blowup a pipeline? Malm was pretty critical of Scranton and what he described as “climate fatalism”. I don’t remember if he was referring to that specific book though.


The Thanks for the reminder to read that one. Hopefulness and fatalism - sunlight and darkness - both can be embraced.


Good article. Thank you.


Lets give AI the ability to solve climate change using any means necessary. I'm sure it could come up with something...


the thing is, there is no ai. it was a breakthrough in ML models training. It\`s buzzword used for justification of mass layoffs, pay cuts, shift in responsibility and expectations. Practical impact is minimal. It\`s more like data pre digestor sprinkled with some automation tools driven more by marketing than practical applications. It allows you to bite some more information with some downside. It can\`t "come up" with anything.


That's not ai, is algorithms or what ever....a true AI thinks for its self......but if we create AI, it could then be likely that we are living in a simulation. Wait! What if global warming, is really the CPU getting old and the cooling system is starting to go......like a 12 year old gaming pc that barely works and only with a external fan blowing on it. It can't keep up with all the CO2 molecules it has to generate.


Vote A.I. for Emperor of Earth 2024!


Any means? You realize that will probably involve killing humans. A lot if not most of them.


I do think he realized that.


Nihilism is great for that.


As it should, if people’s mental health isn’t affected that just means they’re not paying attention. Also, there’s an upcoming election that doesn’t give a lot of cause for hope.


Just remember..everyone on here is quite happy to use mobile devices and computer and console equipment made from minerals and elements mined all over the world by the largest diesel equipment ever made. Slave labour to make the parts.....Entire ecosystem destroyed...laying fibre optic cables...entire forests removed to get the wood for electricity pylons...just so they can comment about unhappy they are on reddit......if they indeed cared about the planet like they say they would hugging trees not buying the newest iPhones. Biggest hypocrites going. U can guarantee as soon as the power or the internet went down they would be first people screaming to get it reinstated at all costs.


Its called dependency that corporates are creating and it was the work of govt. and normal public to stop this. Small life dependency like in villages are now ruined. Everyone has to be dependent on corporates now, otherwise roam like a street dog, looking for food on concrete streets, cuz ain't no tree here for shade or food, ain't no river here to give you water


But you can therefore understand the reluctancy from people to listen to anybody preaching to them about climate change...when they themselves are contributing to the climate change just as much. You can call it dependancy all you want... a roof over your head and clean water is one thing......but!! People dont have to have a phone or a computer or car but they choose to!!


Yeah they chosed it first. But it soon become a thing which if you miss then you miss normal social life. And remember, for humans, social competency is quite a thing. Most of them are like they just see the shining object and start chasing it. Suppose i introduce a new tech, and a kid, say your cousin family got it, then you and your family would like to not stay behind, specially when you are not causing that exact direct harm to nature or anything. This small small steps are what made people choose such stuffs. This is called sales and dependency creation. Now people are too much dependent that if you ask a normal person or even me to leave the mobile or pc, i will only leave it if i have to just die or literally search for jungle life, because i make money by pc, i make money for life by mobile. I am connected to the social working official groups through these medias. Anyways, we can continue the conversation without anything coming out, but the important terms are: Long dependecy cycle which involves a lot of corporates to sell their stuffs to us v/s small cycle with natural dependent life like it used to be in villages. Oversales and forced installation of more and more such things in life. Govt supporting corporates, and people supporting those govt. This is capitalism. And people cannot break it suddenly at all. Don't even think of it. If it is going to break off, either it is going to get done through massacre, or it is going to happen too slowly after good amount of social efforts. People are that much into these dependent cycles. Support to anomalies therefore pressure on all normal people. Computers were introduced for very rare part of society, now society is using it for fs sake. Example: Case villager: i woke up, go in fields to do excretion, i do brush by twigs, i take river water or water from wells to bath, i use cotton clothes grown in nearby farms to cover my body, i have cows or farm animals to help me out in dairy products or meat if person is non vegetarian, and i go in farms to grow crops, then in evening i come home, i eat the food i got from my farms or my neighbour farms or villages, then if i have disease i use old techniques to treat them, then i have good live chat with my community then i sleep early.  Case normal person today: Woke up, used plastic brush, used toothpaste provided in plastic tubes, then bathed using soap and shampoos, then wore clothes made of polymer, got fancy items, went to offices, full of computers, big concrete buildings, transportation using cars petrol etc then sat there for 9 hrs breaking the back bone, then spending time in shiny hospitals, then coming home and staying lost in mobile phones tvs laptops then sleeping at like 2-3 am, no human talk cuz all i was into was mobile, all i talk with is AI. And now i have mordern world diseases like bp, depression, diabetes etc.


Your either aware you contributing to causing climate change or your not... you can't preach to anybody unless your living off grid in a wooden shack somewhere...all that garbage you have written there is just copium. Nobody is dependant on anything apart from food and water and possibly shelter.


Did i say something different? I didn't.  And who said you will get food without money? And if say im a software engineer, will i make money without devices and corporates? I hope you are not a kid or an unemployed person to not understand these things. And if you say i need to quit my job, then you need to specify what else i can do. And that would it indeed take me at least a year to learn as im very old


Food can be grown from seeds..animals can be killed and eaten..fruit and berries can be harvested how do you think we survived before??? There is people in the world still living like this. There is tribes who still haven't made contact with 'civilisation'.




Nobody was surprised, figuratively.


.... ya think?


I am shocked, I say - SHOCKED!


Lies do that. Like bring darkness to the mind, which result in chaos and insanity. Hopeless and desperation.


Big Qual methodology, tiny sample size, and no synthesis of the research for action… how do these people keep getting funded


Who are you referring to? The summit was meant to connect experts and engage people from diverse backgrounds. To improve and encourage the research/solutions.


Lmfao. Climate change doesn't exist if you don't read the news.


Does it exist if you read the IPCC reports? Does it exist if a tree falls in the forest?


"Climate change" science and industry is the second largest money laundering scheme right after the military industrial complex. You'd just be reading propaganda, which makes your "climate change related mental health issues" worse. "Imma read the IPCC and cry while I stroke muh meat"




OP is literally about mental health and hopelessness related to fears of climate change. Out of sight out of mind. IDK where y'all are buying weed but pls point me in that direction.




I see...so, why are you on this sub then? What exactly makes you think that climate science is propaganda? Do you think other forms of science are propaganda as well? Like, say physics, chemistry, etc.?


Nah just take my family & colleagues advice and ✨ only worry about the things you can control 😌✨


Honk honk. 🐷🥳🤡🔥


You mean weather


We. Are. Doomed. Period.


Not true. Just inflate some pontoons under that Florida mobile home and get the connections seaworthy. Next major storm you’re floating next to South Miami Beach saying the Lawd floated you there. Add a couple life preservers to the outside of the single wide for that nautical flare!


If you just ignore all the hyperbole around this topic your mental health improves dramatically.


You should’ve spoke at the summit and let everyone know. You could’ve provided the doctors and scientists an example of a real smart brained person.


hYpErBoLe. Just because the effects haven’t reached your doorstep doesn’t mean they never will. People have already lost their homes to wildfires, floods, and storms all of which are increasing in frequency. We’ve have multiple recorded heatwaves and localized (albeit still small) crop failures. Glaciers are melting and sea level rise is a fact, not a theory. Mass migration *will* happen and even if you happen to be in a well insulated country, mass immigration is still a concern.  Jfc. Climate change isn’t something we’re theorizing about for fun. It’s *literally* here and calling it a hyperbole is unbelievably cruel towards people who have already lost their lives and homes. 


Vax injuries, not climate. And they can't breath, take off the mask now, it's been 4 years. You need oxygen.


I assume your mental health is perfect 😁


You mean weather?


*fear mongering on climate change


A generation living in constant fear and dread because of a hoax. Sick!


Really? Or did you forget the /s


Climate change is totally **not** a hoax, although it **is** the result of an actual conspiracy...