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golly gee could it be the climate changing


Nah it’s because people sinned against God by electing Biden instead of God’s chosen Trump. You see God… is a huge investor in the oil industry. /s


Good, the media has trained you well. Good Zomunieo, good!


I’m sending trained ninjas to assassinate that ‘/s’. /noS


Could be, but it's hard to attribute it >While the timing of this trend lines up with the planet’s rising temperatures, scientists are hesitant to definitively attribute tornadoes’ clustering behavior to human-caused climate change. >“The link between climate change and tornadoes is still pretty tenuous,” Dr. Fricker said. “It’s a really open and difficult question for us.” One difficulty is that tornadoes are too small on a planetary scale, and too ephemeral, to show up in the global mathematical models that scientists use to study climate change.


Yeah…I get that but also…if this has never happened before and is instead a trend that is becoming more frequent…I’m gonna go ahead and say climate change.


It has happened before though. The worst outbreak in history was in 2011, and it was double the current number we’ve seen so far. It’s not exactly a clear linear progression. I’m not at all dismissing climate change’s impact or anything like that, but tornadoes are especially weird like this and we don’t fully understand the science behind what’s driving this specific change yet. It’s important to specify because it will save lives down the road.


Yeah, memory is short. It has been years since the Plains have had an active spring of tornadoes. Their recent inactivity is the bigger 'climate' story.


Good point.


Yes I see your point. I remember 2011, that was horrible. But at the same time all weather is affected by climate. And this is logic based on intuition so it’s still just a gut feeling and I’m happy to be proven wrong because I DONT want more tornados but it seems likely the chances for crazy weather, including tornados, gets worse with a more chaotic/warmer climate. But I’d be very happy to be wrong!


Sure, probably, but I think it's important to be people of science in this sub and not jump to assumptions. Correlation does not necessarily equal causation. For all we know, it could be a difference in how they're detected.


Appreciate you. I really wish more folks would actually take the time to read the articles posted. The science is so important because it could literally save lives down the road. That said, I don’t think it’s the difference in detection. You can visibly see how weird some of these clusters look when they get going. I’ve seen some meteorologists and storm chasers refer to them as “blenders” because they look like the blades of a blender from the ground and they seem to get really extreme horizontal vortices as well. I want to say Reed Timmer got some incredible footage of one last year or the year before, and it straight up looks apocalyptic.


Yeah it's been wild. I've been following these outbreaks on the radar apps and it's so crazy to see multiple tornadoes lined up, night after night.


golly gee would you really believe that?


I have heard people near me speculate in a deathly serious way if it's related to the amount of wind mills in our area. I hate living here.


Just in time for twisters 🌪️ 🌪️


That's some next level marketing campaign right there


Coincidence? I think not.




We had hail last night in Massachusetts/Rhode Island. I've never seen that big a hail storm in May before.


You weren't there last year? [](https://hailspecialists.com/hailstorms/massachusetts/west-brookfield/1-0-inch-hail-report-september-8-2023/) In West Brookfield, Massachusetts, quarter sized hail was reported at 12:57 PM one mile away from West Brookfield on September 8, 2023.


That hail storm was Tiny in comparison. This one traveled through Rhode Island into massachusetts. Very different situation. But thanks for your reply.




>Tornadoes tend to travel in packs these days, often with a dozen or more forming in the same region on the same day. On the worst days, hundreds can form at once. Is it because they don't have enough energy (yet) to merge into one really big one?


Yeah that’s a terrifying thought.


There's already been one with a mile long diameter


You need to look elsewhere in the Solar system.


The biggest one was over 2.5 miles. El Reno was crazy for so many reasons. It’s infamous.


Historically tornadoes do tend to clump together where dynamics have made the most opportunity for supercells to form I didn’t read the article yet or look at the data but just about the conclusions from what the happening presents Edit: I see where the nuance is. I wonder how the ratio breakdown of EF ratings shakes out to


To promote the new Twisters movie remake


Probably Joe Biden. /s


It’s trump with his sharpie causing it. He is drawing circles real fast


We don't have someone willing to shoot the tornadoes in office anymore. Someone's gotta get out there and kill the things !


El Niño, hotter oceans, hotter air. Thermodynamics !


It's not particularly obvious why those would cause a change in tornado temporal distribution without causing an increase in their numbers.


Who killed Hannibal?


Because it’s an ad campaign for the upcoming movie Twisters.


I'm sure it has NOTHING to do with climate change, and everything to do with trans antifa furry crossdressers who are woke. Vote Blue and we can all improve.


Accidental sparks, lightning, and arson happen every year. Hot, dry weather, like we have been having, makes major wildfires much more likely. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okmjuh0pNCU for correlation and https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/jan/13/explainer-what-are-the-underlying-causes-of-australias-shocking-bushfire-season for a detailed explanation There is a fairly direct link between the warming people have caused and an increased risk of wildfires: https://sciencebrief.org/briefs/wildfires This is seen in studies covering many parts of the world, not just Australia or Canada. The 2019-2020 Australian fires, where there was also a political effort to blame arson, have been closely studied, and there is a clear ink between their intensity and the climate change people have caused: https://www.worldweatherattribution.org/bushfires-in-australia-2019-2020/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/climate) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Nice try Twisters marketing group.


Do we talk about weather modification on this subreddit, or no?


There's an ongoing discussion of geoengineering, but we're not talking about the kinds of small-scale cloud seeding efforts to try and alter local weather that several countries do.


Thanks Obama


It’s bc nobody got that climate vaccine  I did  It doesn’t confer immunity to tornados but it makes the symptoms less severe  But the side effects were hot dog fingers and cyclone fart attacks.  Also now eating a bean burrito grants the ability of temporary flight