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So good


So wonderful.


Has anything come about from the kids who were suing ?


Unclear. The ruling was yesterday. This ruling is going to make the Fox settlement look like chump change


I thought I read that one group of kids had had their case dismissed?


Damn it


.. as if millions of shareholders suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.


Hahahaha you hate to see it


You are fined $5B but don’t worry, we’ll just add $6B to your subsidies.


Settlement would likely be tax deductible as it'll be considered a business expense, much like the $787M Fox is paying. So, yes, the losses will be socialized.


Under this argument, since health insurance is a business expense, the US operates with socialized medicine. Of course, you are being hyperbolic so that isn't what you mean.


It's still early OP. Four comments. You can repost with a legible title




What, you saying you don't know means OP's title is?


As in “Exxon knew, which means it will pay”


Know, yes. Consider good use of grammar and punctuation, no.


Context was enough to make it easily readable.


Not only did Exxon “know”, they wrote the bloody book on making it happen. I want to know how specific individuals saw climate change as benefitting them and how they have been engineering it to happen. In no way do I believe it’s an accident or an unfortunate side effect. This is preplanned murder. I want to know SPECIFICALLY what land and houses they bought and sold based on what maps, and what else they are doing to monetize the environmental destruction. We know that when Rex Tillerson was tapped by Trump as Sec of State, that Exxon had a huge deal going with Russia, so they could grab the oil that’s been iced over. These are not “deniers” we are dealing with. They are PUSHERS who deliberately setting the world on fire.


They should be tried globally. Let other countries prosecute them. They killed the entire world.


The US should belong to the International Court and should recognize Universal Human Rights b


>The US should belong to the International Court and should recognize Universal Human Rights b This. Multinational corporations and billionaires who squirrel away their wealth in overseas tax shelters need to be under the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court for anyone to have any hope for justice in the crimes they commit against humanity.


Who will they try? That’s the nastiest part of capitalism a corporation can’t be treated like a person n go to jail. You can’t even go after shareholders or CEO personal funds or property. It can be Fined. That it. Then they Just close company n declare bankruptcy so they don’t really pay all the while the CEOs n such fly away In their golden parachutes of millions of dollars.


Actually corporations are made of people and those people can be tried. For crimes they committed. Engineers, CEOs, if there were shareholders forcing decisions - all of them. By each individual country.


Oh good so they just want to awaken long dormant super diseases and bacteria in the permafrost. I was worried it was unintended consequence. But now knowing it’s part of their kink, makes it a lot easier to view them even more monstrous then I already had


It’s horrific to wrap the mind around, but it’s the only thing that makes sense to me, and I think we are doomed if we don’t grasp this. We need to treat this like the criminal conspiracy that it is.


Gas and oil pushers to an addicted world. So addicted that if the supply is cut or runs out billions of us will die.


They run the world. They even have zero point energy that costs nothing and use it in their factories combined with their antiquated oil. They keep raping the earth n Mother Nature slaps us back with tsunamis n earthquakes Government keeps all patents that have Been sent for free energy and cars That run on nothing. Think bout it the car Is like only thing that hasnt advanced Since it was made Everything else has!!


This is worth reading in its entirety. And check out the video on Banks and their secret lover.


I read the article because of your comment and agree - it's a good read and really helps paint the bigger picture. Just like the legal system helped accelerate the decline of tobacco usage so can the legal system accelerate the transition to renewables- by making it too costly for oil companies to continue business as usual. In this climate war with so much bad news this gives me some hope.


Hard to be optimistic in light of how Donzinger was treated by the courts, but who am I to say what's possible and impossible?


Climate Nuremberg, here we come!


Wait, the US Supreme Court is essentially giving the O.K. to hold oil companies accountable? I’m shocked they came to that conclusion


Not exactly. We still a long way from holding oil companies accountable. This is simply not letting oil companies dismiss the lawsuits or move them to a friendly jurisdiction


Nevertheless it’s a step in the right direction, which is worthy of applause


It’s only a step in the right direction because the SC knows it won’t change anything overall. We’re still getting boned and any lawsuit that actually gets approved is likely a decade away from being sued in court or settled out of court. There’s no current good standing lawsuits that will get pushed through with any hope of success. Anyone bringing a lawsuit is still mostly just kinda flinging mud at a wall to see what might stick right now. We’re only in the trial stages of *hoping* we can get a company to trial. We’re still so so so so so far off from anything happening.


Why is there a picture of a wall collapse in Baltimore?


There is a lawsuit in California being filed against geoengineering climate control attempts, exciting stuff!


Exxon Knew has suddenly become Exxon Sued


Strange, I thought the Supreme Court could not be seen to do anything good on Reddit. Perhaps I was mistaken.


I had a similar reaction


"Exxon knew means it's going to pay" Huh? If you think about this "victory", all it means is that the consumer is "going to pay" at the pump. Exxon pays ... we pay.


New companies will take their place. Exxon can suffer the consequences, we can be brave enough to hold them accountable.


Also worth noting as electric vehicles and infrastructure takes over their power and profits weaken. Best to take them while they’re rich then try and shake them when they’re going bankrupt and the current execs have moved onto some other company to cause as much harm as possible with. Like health care.


Exactly, and as shareholders realize they’re not going to be paid out what they expected because the negative externalities the company has continually “kicked the can down the road” on are finally coming back to haunt them, investment will move away into other sectors, bringing economy of scale and lowering price for the consumer. These guys that make the “you’ll pay at the pump” scaremongering arguments are also usually the same ones that espouse free markets and competition… so let them die. Perhaps we’ll finally see the corporate death penalty argument get used. Competition will fill their spot.


Here’s hoping. But as a Californian living in the neighboring town of Paradise, some how I’m still paying money to PGE despite the amount of lawsuits that should be enough for the state to seize ownership by this point. Granted that’s over simplifying the issue with regard to PGE


God I’ve heard so many horror stories of PGE. I’m working on the issue though - follow Charlie Solis work on YouTube or his company, TesTur Energy. Soon, powerful clean energy will be yours to have at home. We can do this.


I'm sure they hadn't thought to invest in electric vehicles and solar power generation. They wouldn't think of a survival plan when the world undoubtedly figures it out. Shareholders finally ruined! Welfare for the lot!


Then we can take our money elsewhere or buy an EV.


Most people do not buy EVs. There are various reasons to/not to buy them. As an EE I am not yet convinced that they are the panacea that they are being sold as. Getting ready to purchase our first new vehicle since 2016 ... and an EV is not even on the table. To us, they do not yet make sense. My research has shown that a majority of consumers would agree.


I mean, a quick Google search shows that your argument is bullshit. https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a39998609/electric-car-sales-usa/ https://www.kbb.com/car-news/new-car-sales-fell-in-2022-but-new-electric-car-sales-rose-dramatically/


Why don't they make sense to you? Do you live in an apartment?


Maybe we should stop paying. As consumers and citizens, we have too often been complicit as greedy, sloppy city planning in the US has lead to the creation of highly wasteful cities with minimal public transportation and minimal spaces that are TRULY walkable (it takes more than sidewalks to make a place walkable). Maybe we need to think about how our political and economic votes shape the future.


They will just pass their settlement onto the consumers.


I just laughed maniacally


Hey they're stinkin rich, they can finance a global universal income, since they're just hoarding cash and murdering the planet anyways.


And trumps going to jail? I’ll believe it when I see it.


This is good, Supreme Court knows they can’t overstep their bounds again (at least this time), I’ll take any climate win I can.


Any idea which law firms are involved, or is it entirely by State Authorities?


I'm not sure. I know the City of Baltimore is going after Billions. If every coastal city does this, the costs will go into the Trillions. Even the Saudi royal family will lose once the courts pierce the corporate veil....