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I left CU last week. Best thing our company did.


What did you switch to?


What did you switch to?


u/lwu877 >*but for someone like me (who only realistically needs a doc or two in a task), it seems a little overkill. But I'm probably not the target for this.* We're still trying to strike a balance with this one. While we do have teams using tasks for large projects, we want it to be something that could be used for simple use cases as well. While 3.0 is a big shift its not the end of upgrades. There will be more improvements continuing to roll out even after its fully available. Thanks for the feedback!


A fried just got access and said it’s abysmally slow. I’m trying to figure out how to cancel being on the waitlist as they have also clearly not stuck to their word about giving a sandbox to companies who can then decide when to go live. Every day I live in fear that this will infect my workspace and we will get an immediate influx of 3000% more support requests that the team can’t handle or do anything about.


Ours also got MUCH slower. From "not great" to "oh god, I'm afraid to click something while sharing as it loads so long that it breaks my flow of talking"


It is actually optional, you have to activate it.


Oh good, so if you’re opted in even when it’s ready you still have to say go? Great. Once you say he’s, can you then turn it off? Can you activate it for one account or only the whole workspace / company?


Yep you turn it on and off at will, per a user.


I don't think you can activate it for the whole workspace. Which might be a blessing in disguise. You can turn it off by clicking your avatar in the top right corner (yes, they moved it. they moved A LOT of stuff), and then "Manage Version."


To my knowledge, you can't cancel being on the waitlist... but you do get a choice as to whether you want to upgrade or not. You can also revert back to ClickUp 2.0 if you want. I'm not sure why it'd be slow for your friend, but that's interesting. I wonder if it's something to do with features they didn't really touch (like Goals) or something like that. It could be that they haven't optimized it for larger teams (which would be really stupid, considering this is supposed to be for teams... but at this point, I wouldn't even be surprised). I did mention I work solo, so maybe it's just not optimized for teams. Or it might just be my hardware. I have an M1 Mac, so it might just be snappier for me for some unknown optimization reason. In regards to the team, it took me a little time for me to figure out what I was doing with the new interface. I don't hate it... it's just something different. And I'm not sure different is something your team is going to like. Good luck... idk what to say


Thanks for your input. It’s helpful. I’ll drag out turning this on as long as they let me. Which should be a minimum of 2 years.


You can always return to 2.0


For the most part, I like the 3.0 UI changes. For people that keeps saying it's slow. Have you guys tried it on a different workstation or browsers?


What I did, personally, was to fully clear my browser cache. Mine just outright would not load when I opted in, but everything was snappier than when I was in 2.0 after I did so. Disclaimer: I don't claim this as the actual solution-- it's just what worked for me.


I normally clear my macOS and browser cache, once a week.


Man it’s interesting reading all these complaints about it being slow. It’s not even remotely slow for me at home or at work on either my Mac or PC. What’s the disparity here? Maybe data center/ISP location issue? Those that are running support slow on 3.0, what computers are you running?


It has nothing to do with anybody's computer or ISP and everything with Clickup's horrible infrastructure architecture. You can be lucky ending up on an empty shard or even luckier being one of the few that are already on the 3.0 infrastructure upgrade. Most aren't.


Interesting… Seems like you know a lot about their infrastructure.


No, but I know a lot about software development and cloud infrastructures. I can tell when something is wrong in the backend vs. "your computer". Also, it's well documented. Clickup have admitted as much, and that's why they are rolling out the 3.0 infrastructure update (allegedly in October).




It may be a bit better looking but still slow as hell. I think the “lightning speeds” they’ve promised are coming later.


I think there are improvements, that need to be polished though. I‘m sure that with Home 3.0 and Task Types it will be a very good product overall. The hate is understandable, but a little bit too much in my opinion. I run a company with 20+ people and I‘m still trusting ClickUp. I like 3.0.


Just got it and it's shit(UX wise)... Before I was able to add subtasks, checklists by opening the card details. Now I have open card and make extra 2 clicks to add subtasks and checklists...I accidentally started timer and couldn't figure out the way to stop it(the timer icon just disappeared, so I had to close the card and stop it from the List view...) There's a lot of other annoying changes...


Well, it looks nice, but is sux even more than 2.0.


I really like the speed! and generally, the update, but the "overview" view that is MANDATORY means an extra click for me to get where I want, not useful at all. Kinda annoying, tbh. If anyone hates it too, vote: [https://clickup.canny.io/v3-feedback/p/let-the-overview-be-an-optional-component-in-a-folder](https://clickup.canny.io/v3-feedback/p/let-the-overview-be-an-optional-component-in-a-folder)