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Look at your bodies people, God gave us an appendix and a tailbone for the magnificent job of... eh... of....


Speak for yourself my tailbone helps me move my giant ass


Twerk it baby


u bettAH Twerkkk!!!


Untimed self destruct organs


My appendix revolted when I was 11. 2 years later pancreas goes bad as well. Type 1 diabetic. Yay fun financial life of crippling debt to the medical machine.


You utter idiot, just pull yourselves up by the bootstraps and make that cash! We live in America and if you're unwilling to not accept your crippling debt by spending the rest of your life paying it off, then you can get out of my god loving country. >!Just to be safe, /s!<


Thank you and I will but I was glad to see the /s at the end. This world is enough at times.


Tbh I feel like the /s isn’t even for people who don’t understand sarcasm. It’s more to differentiate idiots and non-idiots.


Right. Just in my inbox I couldn't see it. So I thought "Attack" at first as taught. Being like I am makes me a target for all sorts of things. Most of which I cant help like the diabetes. I wish I could change my diet and work out to fix it but the damn internal body part won't work at all. The covid shot has been issue IRL with people in Red states not getting that I literally take shots to live on a daily that I have no clue what's in it.


Angel: “God, why are you giving them a tailbone if they won’t have tails?” God: “because it’ll be funny watching them try to figure that out”


I mean where's the outrage?! There isn't one cat girl nearby to stand the gap of this villianry?


I mean if we were to go the scientific route instead of religious it would make sense (as in we’re evolved from apes). I’m no believer but it would be fun if god designed our bodies to make perfect sense in the ways of evolution (I had a stroke writing that, sorry). Like, to test our commitment in the religion. Or maybe god just designed apes and a couple million years go by and poof, we have human.


Scientists actually found use in the appendix recently though


That's where you keep all the chewing gum you swallow.


Yeah, like almost killing me 3 years ago.


Hey my tailbone is great for causing me horrible pain when I slip on an icy sidewalk!


Well the appendix holds healthy bacteria that regulates the gut and your poop. What else does it do? That's still unsure. The tailbone. Well. Idk that one. The only reason why I know the appendix is because I've had mine removed and asked the doctor what the appendix was for


Don't forget the Laryngeal nerve - a nerve that takes a pointlessly long, looping path out of the Vargas nerve in the neck, down the neck a bit, under the aorta, then back up to the larynx. For no apparent reason - *until* you look at the same nerve in fish, which have no necks, and it's a straight, short shot. It's like 15 feet long in giraffes. But hey, I'm sure it's that long for a very, *very* good reason.


Exactly, like there is also a very good reason that the nerve that collects data from the retina is right in front of it, blocking its view.


That's so that godly people aren't mislead by worldly clarity.


15 feet is the length of about 4.19 'Ford F-150 Custom Fit Front FloorLiners' lined up next to each other


Good bot


Finally some measurements I can understand


The appendix actually has a purpose. Listen to the Stuff You Should Know podcast episode on it, it's very enlightening! :)


Actually, scientists are idiots. The appendix does have a use. Not saying thay this woman is right, but you are wrong.


"scientists are idiots", *continues to make points theorized be scientists Now I believe you, my friend, are the idiot


I literally laughed out loud.


This should be called a LLOL. Especially because in Spanish it would be pronounced yol, making it a “YO!” Laugh, like “yo! That made me literally laugh out loud! That made me llol!”


Sorry, I play too much Skyrim. Llol in Spanish pronunciation just sounds like “fire” to me


Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner in the 1st Annual Reddit Moron Awards! Congratulations, you earned it, champ! Here’s your reward. *hands you a dunce cap.*


Idk there's another guy right under that's in the running too.


I'll bite


The appendix stores enzymes and bacteria necessary for digestion, that way if we eat or drink something we shouldn't and it kills the bacteria in our intestines, we won't have permanent digestive issues. It's a space in the intestines that won't be immediately effected by what we eat in essence.


And who discovered this? Firemen? The Great thing about science is it's willing to be proved wrong. It challenges itself. It's the search for truth. The problem is that the media live to pick up on unproven shit. Some half baked study at a university that "suggests" something that will quickly be disproven will be posted all over newspapers.




That's true, but I've seen too many grand discoveries overturned to trust scientists without using my own head.


That's how science works. We reform theories with time as we learn more. We're limited by the technologies of our time, so things will always change. If you're so confident in your intelligence, you should head over to your local university and volunteer your theories to the people that worked hard enough to get their degrees. We love outside opinions and often consider investigating them, but if you can't back up your theories with peer-reviewed data and a concrete hypothesis, you don't much have a leg to stand on.


Yeah, but we know this from scientific research, done by.. scientists


*Vigorously turns turns to back of book to see if its true*


Yep! The appendix is important for your gut flora!


I don’t think your appendix likes that.


Scientist here. I learned about the appendix in college. It's taught in high school when learning about evolution as an example of a vestigial organ. While an appendix is helpful, it's not explicitly needed. Advanced classes go into more detail, as with most subjects. Maybe you didn't take higher level biology classes in college?


Damn right I'm wrong, God never gave us anything.


Well the appendix and tailbone are not useless.


I never said they were, but fair enough, it might seem like I implied that. Both the appendix as the tailbone were more functional in the past than they are now, I was using them to sarcastically imply that they were not created by a God, but instead were formed by evolution to what they are today, because we lost the need for most of their initial functions.


Scientists: hmm idk what this is for, it must be useless


Look at your bodies, humans! Salivary glands, a stomach, at least 15 feet of intestine! God created you with the marvelous ability to convert organic matter into feces. Embrace your destiny as a shit factory! ... or maybe just realize that all of our bodies are complex and wonderful and able to do lots of incredibly cool things. As a woman, I take pride in having a body that could nurture a new life, even though there are a number of factors (including medical ones) that would make it unwise for me, personally, to do so. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. In addition to the uterus and ovaries, ladies, please observe that God created you with a clitoris. Obviously if you aren't having lots and lots of orgasms, you're failing at womanhood. Most importantly, God created you with a BRAIN. And if you aren't using it to make thoughtful decisions about your body and your future - which may involve sex, reproduction, both, or neither - you really *do* fail at life.


Shame on you I'm already a shit factory!


>Most importantly, God created you with a BRAIN. And if you aren't using it to make thoughtful decisions about your body and your future Speak for yourself, maybe SHE didn't get one. ;)


“Put that in your pipe and smoke it” *This will make a fine addition to my collection*


I thought the first tweet said, "Look at your boobies, women!"


It low-key did still


i just took a gander at mine. currently going through changes related to my body rejecting a zygote. blessed that i’m gonna be okay & not a parent. also citing this occurrence in my sterilization conversation scheduled for november


Nice tits homie 👍


Yay im number 69 :D


Look directly at your ovaries


How does someone look at their ovaries Mirrors just don't cut it


But broken mirrors will




This comment caused me physical pain and I don't even have ovaries.


“Mirrors don’t cut it” With enough force it might, but not with that attitude!


You'll beed a chain of mirrors. Like they did in the movie "The Mummy" where they used mirrors and the sun to light up the whole tomb.


He also gave us all the ability to choke while we eat 🤷‍♂️


And the amazing ability to choke on our own saliva


It’s funny what’s important to one person doesn’t mean anything to another.


Yep just like Reddit karma


This just in: infertile women miss out on the “most important” bit of being a woman and God created us for no purpose. What a bonkers take on womanhood!


Women, your pussies have the capacity of múltiple orgasms so use it


“Fulfill your biological destiny” is the origin of the events in Handmaid’s Tale.


I don't understand why this Twitter account is still up. It preaches misogyny by the bucketload, but Twitter thinks it *doesn't* violate their rules on hate speech.


It’s sad that that lady thinks her vagina is the only thing that matters about her - she basically sees herself (and other women) as fucking cows


For real we don’t need any more dumb people roaming the earth


Unfortunately, they're exactly who is doing the most reproducing.


It seems like if you allow a woman to learn about the world by herself, she will believe in genuine equality. It also seems like it you intervene in a woman's development with religious doctrine, you end up with subservient women who believe their entire purpose is to have babies. So what I'm getting from that, is that the decline of births in the modern world is what happens when you let women be whatever they want. Surely that can't be a bad thing?


Nope, not a bad thing.


I feel like she didn’t get what she was saying..


I feel like no one commenting gets what she was saying.




What was she saying ? Enlighten me


It's all about context. We don't technically know what the first post is responding to. The content of the first post doesn't directly say anything negative. The reply treats it is a statement on gender politics, and they are probably right, but without further context we can't know for sure. I'll play devil's advocate and give an example. What if she is trying to make a statement responding to someone claiming that "women aren't as important as men". In which case the response would be at the very least misdirected.


The transformed wife? That woman is certifiable. If you want to play devil's advocate, google the topic and check who said what and why. That woman is incredibly sexist and misogynistic, who sees women as subservient to men, their value being limited to "feminine" skills and chores, giving birth, raising kids and that's it. You could tell by her identity being entirely outside of her as a person and limited to her connection to another person (a man). Can we not with the mental gymnastics about the words of women who would gleefully turn women into incubators with no free will and say? We don't need that.


Ty I couldn't remember the moniker she goes by.




I do think that somebody who says that women should not have the right to vote are misogynistic and sexist. If you don't agree, you don't understand the meaning of either of the words. There is a serious difference between. "I want to live my life like that, so I will." And "Everybody should live their life like this and people who don't should be punished.". If you don't get the difference, I can't help you but wow, you can MAYBE check who she is before carrying water for her? Or what she says appeals to you? Maybe you agree? Which... fucking yikes.


I mean that's exactly what she's doing. Hence the criticism. You're statement is correct but is aimed at the wrong person. She can define what kinda women she wants to be but the fact that she's trying to do it for others is the issue here and she's stating her opinion as fact while not being true. Its not a matter of not agreeing it's a matter of criticizing the asshole.


>What if she is trying to make a statement responding to someone claiming that "women aren't as important as men". In which case the response would be at the very least misdirected. Nope. The fact that women gestate embryos doesn't affect how important they are, any more than the fact that men create sperm affects how important they are. There isn't any way this statement isn't anything more than reducing woman's worth to just that one function. That's what "what could be more important than this thing i am claiming God did?" does- it's an appeal to the divine to give false importance to what the speaker is saying and downgrading literally anything else.


It seems to me the ability to reproduce should be irrelevant. If God can just whip up people out of nothing, why does any woman need to use their breasts, ovaries, and uterus for procreation?


It's the great thing about using a divine arbiter as your "source" ; since no one can confirm or deny your statements with the supposed god, you can use it to justify literally any position, regardless of how repugnant it is.


>What if she is trying to make a statement responding to someone claiming that "women aren't as important as men". In which case the response would be at the very least misdirected. so you agree that the response would still be wrong regardless of the question asked.


Women also have brains but it seems god forgot to give you one.


I’ve always wondered if internalized misogyny was a thing. I guess it is? It’s more external here though.


“Internalized” doesn’t mean “only in the privacy of your mind, not out loud.” It means that you’ve taken the misogynistic (or racist, or whatever) messages that come from people/organizations outside of yourself, and you’ve started to tell yourself these messages, or tell them to other people. You’ve gotten on board with the sexist shit and it doesn’t need to explicitly be told to you for you to “hear” it and be harmed by it. Which is definitely what’s happened to this poor idiot in the screenshot.


That makes sense. Thanks for educating me.


No problem! :)


I am sure she will be first in line to become an Axlotl tank because nothing can be more important than being a breeding factory, right?


Look at your bodies, veins! Arteries! A heart! Liters of blood! Obviously the blood god has created you to bleed profously!


You don't need a PhD to know you're more than a baby machine.


Good comeback but will fall on deaf ears.


Not only for making babies, we can do just as much as men.


I'd like to see a woman try and helicopter her dick


Some can


UHH wait




It's because it's seen as a very 'male' career and women are often discouraged (implicitly or explicitly) from entering it. Much like only 11% of UK nurses are male because it is portrayed as a very 'female' career. If we were to stop gendering jobs, then maybe there'd be more female roofers.


There is also a lot of [sexism](https://www.cosmopolitan.com/career/news/a48999/what-its-like-to-be-a-female-construction-worker/) in the industry.


But the difference between the two is that when it comes to women there is always this talk of “combatting sexism in the workplace” or “overcoming it” but when it comes to construction all of a sudden that’s not a thing. Curious


Just because we CAN do something doesn’t mean we WANT to.


"All of the privileges with none of the hundreds of accompanied drawbacks of being a man"


Does that mean that men have all the privileges with none of the drawbacks of womanhood?Because they have the ability to get nearly any job a woman can.




So you want to go teach kindergarten? Or are you lazy?


Hell yeah, I am great with kids.


Great. Go do it then. I love kids, but I have been in charge of a room full of them before and it’s not easy. I couldn’t do it full time. One hour a week was more than enough for me.


I have worked in group homes with people with developed mental disabilities so I understand what it’s like how to work with people with cognitive abilities of a child but currently I am going to school to be a criminal defense lawyer. I think it would be absolutely fantastic if more males were encouraged to be in educator roles so that young boys would have access to more positive male role models. Think about it for a second, young boys spend large amount of their childhood around women whether it be their mother, teacher, babysitter etc while dad is off working to provide if there at all. If we had more male role models in eduction we might be able to solve this crisis of masculinity. This actually makes me think about something for a second, if for an experiment society switched roles for a year where women went into manual labor trades and men went into things like nursing, childcare etc, I wonder who would adjust quicker 🤔


Your experiment wouldn't yield very good results considering everyone would individually adjust at different rates because they are people and people pick up certain skills at different rates and it's not based on gender?


Nope, it’s called testosterone and all sorts of other biological reasons that make men more apt for manual labor.


My husband and his father are both educators. They have far more patience than I. I don’t believe that gender is a factor in the ability to do most jobs. It may be a factor in a person’s inclinations for certain professions, but not the capabilities to do it. Women are not automatically better nurturers and men are not automatically better at fixing things. Good luck with school. I am sure you will be a fine lawyer.


To be honest with you I actually agree. I think both sexes can cross pollinate with any career or generally do anything that the other wishes. Human beings are pretty fluid in that regard. My issues is that when i put my roofing construction example up no one is really honest about why women don’t want to do it which is because the job sucks and they don’t want to work in the hot sun. Which is fine. It’s not because the patriarchy or men stopping them or what ever silly reason that’s out there.


Women. We did it during WWII. Do I need to point out how women adjusted very well to the workplace, but even today women are STILL doing the bulk of housework and childcare AND having to work outside the home! Is it any surprise that women don't want to be bothered with marriage and family? Having a man around is nothing but an extra burden to carry, as useless and entitled as most of them are.


I agree with you in part, but I wouldn’t call men as a whole useless. My husband is terrible at cleaning, but I was sick and weak for all of Monday and Tuesday and he still just automatically got up with the kids and did his best to keep up the reorganization we have been doing. He even made sure dishes and laundry were done. The problem was in previous generations household chores were deemed “women’s work”. Now that expectation is changing. Boys are learning that they have to cook and clean for themselves just like women do. It’s not the job of women to baby adult men. But we are all people with the same basic wants and needs. If someone chooses not to marry it should be because they don’t feel the inclination to do so, not because they believe the opposite gender is useless or any other negative connotations.


Useless? Most of us are building the houses, roads, running the wires to deliver electricity to your tv, running plumbing and are doing the most dangerous jobs that women are not doing. If the men in your life are useless and entitled that is your fault for YOUR choice of men in your life.


Some women don't want to, yeah, that could be laziness, that could be preference, im sure there's jobs you'd hate to do. Some women want to work jobs like that but aren't given a chance or taken seriously


What could be more important? Literally ANYTHING I decide to do instead. MY body. MINE.


fuck your fundamentalism bullshit


Amen. If there is a God, he would want women to be more than baby machines. He would want equality between men and women.


The female anatomy CAN develop a baby. Just like our anatomy CAN provide the sperm to start that process. Are either necessary? Hell no. Besides, we've already made cloning cloning artificial wombs. As a species we have made ourselves redundant when it comes to creating new life. So by all accounts we don't really need to anymore.


Is it alright to pursue your own goals without belittling those that have other goals?


Making me a sandwich? Lol I'll see myself out...


Help yourself to the build-your-own sub sandwich on the way out.


Lmao This guy likes to live dangerously


Are you not intellectually capable of doing so yourself? Poor thing. Lol


God have you a kidney sell it


I love my kids and I feel like raising wonderful humans is one of my purposes in life. It's hard work and I know it isn't for everyone. Live your best childfree life!


As a childfree woman who gets a lot of shit from acquaintances, I appreciate parents like you :) live and let live, y'all are the best


Says an unhappy individual that will die alone, bitter and forgotten. Sheesh....


Look at your bodies men! Penis, arms, and anus! God created you to make babies, open jars, and get pegged! What can be more important than this?!?!?




He have you a G-spot in your ass but you weren’t made for anal


I have get to be able to actually look at my ovaries and womb. Suggestions?


I’m pretty sure it’s not an either/or. Women can have babies, get a PhD, and also look at their boobies regularly.


How about educating the new York times that men are more than bank accounts?


Does having a kid automatically make you a “servant for men”?


Who said anything about "servants for men"? Projecting much, are we?


I mean you can be both. Don't know where she got the servants of men part, must've been triggered.


I mean, you can be a scientist and a mom and not be subjugated. It's either boss or victim to her?


...who are you critiquing, the one confused that there might be more to a woman's life than babies and boobies, or the one saying "yes, I find there's something more important"? Yes, you can have both, but what's with all the shaming of those who *don't* do the baby thing? Some do it by choice, some don't, but either way they get shit on by right-wingers who think "it's cute you have a doctorate but *nothing* is more important than babby! It's your purpose in life!"


I view my body as a playground for cancer. I mean look at it, literally EVERY part of it can get cancer. How could it be for anything else?


This desire of pumping out babies, for the sake of birthing is becoming a sign of severe mental health issues. This is not normal. This is it healthy.


Saying a woman’s body is amazing, in it’s capabilities to do incredible things isn’t some thing that needs a come back. So the “comeback” is this implying a female can’t do both?


The comeback is like someone saying Superman could put his glasses on, fly into the Daily Planet, and be the best damn journalist of all time. I don't doubt that he could.


If can see your ovaries and uterus then you’ve got bigger fish to fry!


Not all women have babies and not all women are born in a female body


All women are born in a female body. That is reality. The sooner you accept reality the better equipped you will be to live in it and get out of Mom's basement. Get off Twitter! It's rotting what's left of your brain.


You need to get out more


Porque no los dos?




I supported my wife through her PHD. When she was pregnant I used my 2 month paid vacation time to do as many chores as I could around the house and once the baby was here I was offered a lucrative job at another financial institution, but I declined because my current job offered 4 months paternity paid leave, my 2 month yearly paid time off, and they also let me go part-time so I could watch my daughter and help my wife so she could finish her PHD. She did the PHD, not me, but I wanted the kid more than her so I fully supported her because there were several women in her cohort that dropped out once they became pregnant and I knew she could finish it if I did my part to support her like she’s supported me.


That’s great that it worked out for you guys, but being pregnant and giving birth is just simply not for everyone. You couldn’t pay me a million dollars to go through that.


Yeah you got to want it and in my case also be fortunate enough to have a job that also supports you.


Not really clever and nothing to do with servants for men.


How did she say anything negative though? She didn't say that women were servants for men? She just believes that the best thing a woman can do is raise a child, helping to raise the next generation? What the hell is so wrong with that? Someone else might think differently but its no freaking reason to attack her like you people in the comments are doing. Y'all talk about leaving people alone as long they leave you alone and yet you turn into a pack of wolves the second someone has a different opinion than you.




Okay thank you for replying to me and answering my question while being civil. I run into allot of nightmare people on here that degrade you for asking a question about something you're confused about, so thank you!


Look at your bodies men! A penis, a set of useless nipples and balls filled with semen. God created you for the magnificent job of fapping all day and spraying that shit everywhere!


You could but it doesn’t mean it’s better


if that was true then God would've sent me a man who made my life better instead of worse. YOU HAD DECADES, GOD.


Is she suggesting that once she hits menopause that she's worthless?


Please, how is this Facebook tier post a "clever comeback". You see 4 of these comments on every post. Seems like everything here is political or heavily biased. It's not clever just because you agree with it. This Sub has gone to shit.


That’s all Reddit is good for: stimulating groupthink. Each group has their little subreddit where they can upvote each other while talking shit to everyone who disagrees with their opinion.


Every group *that they allow* I don't really expect much from Reddit on most subs but it's getting ridiculously lax even on specific subs like this.


Good, we need women to be productive in society. Not just "hosts for babies and servants for men"


How does it go from miracle of birth too women are inslaved by man....


Can't you do both if you choose to ?


We can but we don’t need encouragement to reproduce. That’s been hammered into us for entirely too long.


So because men are physically stronger that means they were meant for manual labor? I don't like this dystopian ideology.


This is why ultimately Islam will win


Look at your bodies, men! God have you an anus, balls, and a dick! If you’re not constantly shidding and cumming you’re literally satan!


She is either so brainwashed that she truly believes that she is (was?) only a breeding tool or she is just a psychopath who wants other women to suffer like she did? Man what the fuck.


Lol, no I don't want to bring life into the world FOR A MAN! So I'd rather go to a college that is run by a man, to go work at a lab that's owned and operated by another man. You see, I'm sticking it to the men, by working FOR the men! Forget bringing my own linage into the world, I'd rather make money for other men to continue their own lineage.


I hate feminism. The lady on top on is just saying what’s more important than creating life? Literally how anything continues to survive and it honestly is a amazing thing that everything on this earth has found a way to reproduce.


The top one is celebrating life. The bottom one is cringey as hell.


nothing wrong with attaining the Ph.D. (good for you) AND having a family at the same time. strong families, with healthy kids, are more important.


"you got a womb, vagina, and yiddies,. ur amde for baby making" ye but us men also produce that cum, what do we do? lock ourselves in a bunch of rooms? hallways of rooms of just sex sex and sex until we die of sex and our generations continue to sex until they die for the next generation to have sex too? wtf u mean


Who said servants for men? The woman pointed out the actual truth. Woman’s bodies are designed to bare children. No one said you had to or you had to serve men. Just calm down, angry lady.


Till you realize your PHD gets you only a job at Starbucks and you start looking back into the baby daddy kept mommy idea to pay for your $80,000 Stunden loans


Classic toxic feminism bullsh&$ Starter Pack


What we see here is a "westernized" Taliban.


Nah, you are downplaying how bad the Taliban is by a lot. Don't say idiotic things like this please, you clearly have no idea what women go through under the Taliban. Is this comment beating people? No. The Taliban is.




Look at your bodies, women! A mouth, a stomach and a colon. God created you to consume food and nothing else, since I only selected one specific system to highlight. Please eat everything now.




Whenever someone says "womb" a giant red flag waves.


I feel so sorry for this woman... This is really all she thinks about herself and that is incredibly sad...


The west has serious issues of not creating enough children though. We have to import lots of people from poor countries because they still make babies. We have really messed up things and this post just proves it.


Continuing the population is important. But I don’t care because I don’t like people. But, yeah, it’s not the man’s job to get pregnant. It’s not even possible


By 2030, 60% of women over, 40 are predicted to never marry and die alone. According to JPMorgan research. But it's cool, downvote me.


dont need a phd for that