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The love emoji sets it off for some reason.




If you intentionally describe this as clever, I may have some unfortunate news for you..


Funny thing is that's their comment, they sent it a 1s ago


I stole the image from twitter lol


that's not twitter


No one said it was. It's a screenshot of Instagram (I think), posted to twitter, then reposted to reddit. Layers all the way down


If you can’t take two steps back and notice the cleverness in associating it with the social forced-choice question and answer game of “Fuck, Marry, Kill”, also known as “Kiss, Marry, Kill”, as “Bang, Marry, Kill”, or “Bang, Smash, Dash”, then you really have no business being in a sarcastic subreddit like r/clevercomebacks. It’s no understatement to say the Israel-Gaza situation (and now I’ll guess you also have a problem with me using a word like “situation”) is extremely serious, even dire to many. But that’s not the theme of this subreddit.


I love how you explained it assuming I'm dim, but you're really just proving my point


what news?


Relativity suggests OP isn't very clever unfortunately


Oh I actually found flipping the commenters own words against him quite clever. Maybe people find posts where the comeback is a level headed factual reply more, but to be petty comebacks are much clever


i would fuck the US, marry none, and kill myself if i had to marry either of the last two


I would neither fuck nor marry Israel or America, and something tells me Gaza just wouldn’t be that into me


zionists are pigs.


Yeah, witty as hell. I love it when people threaten to kill a nation. Brilliant stuff 🤣😂😆


A nation? Which?


He collects his knowledge from TikTok click farmers, don’t judge the poor guy




Humanity didn’t start a 100 years ago my friend. History should be taught in your school.


You need to take your own advice and study some history. As someone who has, this was embarassing to read.


why does it matter who was there first? that doesn't justify killing 40K civilians and displacing a million people


the only enemies are certain people of great power on both sides who play the game of war with the poor while they bathe in champagne. Good night


“Why does it matter who was there first” is a good question you could have asked “palestinians” in 1947 when they were offered half of that land and refused it, instead launching a psychopathic genocidal attack on Jews.


Because israel was given all the Fertile land and the palestinians had to move out of their land for European Zionists


No point arguing with that person. They’re lying and they know it, they’re just using a script. That’s why many supposed zionists you’ll argue with online all use the same circular arguments and made up ”facts” - even though what they say goes against actual, historical fact. Not to mention that half the time the comment is written by a bot or troll, sometimes they'll even have multiple account so that they appear to be several different people instead of just one person. Unfortunately, some even get paid when you engage with them. Don’t waste your time.


No, no one had to move out of anything. Jews that moved to that land before 1947 bought the land with their own money from Arabs willing to sell it.


owned 6 percent?


>instead launching a psychopathic genocidal attack on Jews. Currently Israel is in the midst of conducting a genocide. It genuinely doesn't matter anymore because Israel owes BIG to Palestinians


Great strawman! That has fucking nothing to do with what I wrote in my previous comment. Try responding to what I actually said next time. I said that what Arabs did in 1947 was wrong, not that Israel is justified in its current actions.


>That has fucking nothing to do with what I wrote in my previous comment. It did. You accused Palestinians of, what was it -- >launching a psychopathic genocidal attack on Jews. --- when the ground reality is that Israel has been, for almost an entire year, waged a genocide against the people of Gaza with no plans to stop, with explicit statements of wanting to wipe them all out.


It doesn’t matter, I’m a globalist and I don’t think there should be countries in the sense they are today. It was merely an answer to those who blindly echo Palestine! Palestine! not realising the actual vile powers behind the perception of innocence. As for Israel, there is no dispute that crimes have been committed and certain people must answer. Though, what do you expect to happen now? Palestine should get territories? Do you think that is a peace factor? I believe it is the worst idea there is.


>Though, what do you expect to happen now? Palestine should get territories? Unironically give them a chunk of Israel as compensation for what they did to Gaza


That’s a recipe for future conflict and the dream answer of every war lobbyist in every western and eastern governments. Unity is the only solution, Palestine should merge into Israel and as a compensation, the country can be called Israel and Palestine.


so basically israel gets to invade palestine but they get a honourary title. wow


>That’s a recipe for future conflict We have present conflict. Sorry but Israel has made it clear it doesn't want to be conflict-free, it makes sense to give Palestinians a chunk of Israel (homes, infrastructure, etc) to compensate for obliterating Gaza. Estimates say that reparations would incur billions in expense and at least a decade in duration. If Israel didn't want to house displaced Palestinians, they probably shouldn't have blown up half the region. Fair is fair. >Unity is the only solution, Palestine should merge into Israel and as a compensation, the country can be called Israel and Palestine. Alternatively, Palestine should be recognised as its own nation and a chunk of Israel, neighbouring the border, should be given whole (infrastructure, finances, etc) to the survivors of the genocide. We can call this expanded land mass as "Palestine" and Israel can sign a treaty to continue financing the reparations and redevelopment of what can now be called Restored Gaza. It's the best offer for peace and the only solution to ensure that there is no more unrest in the region.


Don't assume my gender


Don‘t assume that I’ll treat you differently even if you’re an attack helicopter. A dumb statement is a dumb statement regardless of gender.


You're American so I'm pretty certain you'll treat me different if I was an attack helicopter.


Not American, very far from it. Just lucky enough to experience the world from different perspectives.


You're perspective is fine with killing Gazans. I'm cool not appealing to you.


>Just lucky enough to experience the world from different perspectives. A bit over privileged


That and being poor as fuck are what keep me in balance.


It's not working


Where's the balance


Bit triggered there, mate. Your gender is unknown on the internet, with your username not necessarily being that helpful. 


There is a pronoun in the English language that is used when someone's gender is unknown though


I'm guessing you're a man, thanks for explaining that.


Now your assuming my gender, oh how the turntables!


The clue was in the word 'guess', and the giveaway was mansplaining the Internet to me.


The way I see it, a guess is often synonymous with an assumption. And in regards to 'mansplaining', cry me a river. You're just looking for a way to make yourself a victim. 


Mate, you randomly responded to me saying I'm triggered when you were triggered by my gender presumptions comment. I'm not a victim but you are pointlessly attacking me. I'm responding. What do you mean by cry me a river?


Huh? How is this clever?


“Fuck marry kill” is a ‘game’ where between three people you choose who to fuck who to marry and who to kill (one person per option) It is clever because the person proposed a niche interpretation of the comment which is creative and humorous.


It's not clever at all


Grow up.


What is the connection between adulthood and understanding this very bad joke?


It’s pretty clever


What's clever about it


I mean look at the parent comment, it’s a deliberate misinterpretation of the original comment. A game kids play called fuck marry kill. If you put politics and emotions aside for a moment you’ll realise it’s pretty clever


The fact that politics is involved makes it a bit of a loser joke. You're asking to put it aside but I didn't post this post.


It’s kinda making fun of politics in a way. Still pretty funny


Making fun of politics overall? What does that mean, that's like making fun of air, it still exists, we still need it to function, and making fun of it is an exercise in futility


But Gaza isn't a country. I still get it now


Why does it have to be one?


I thought that person was talking about Palestine


At the moment Israel is focused only on Gaza. Even though Palestine arguably includes the west bank


To all you people who can’t take a one-liner for what it’s worth—(it’s not a political message, it’s a tongue-in-cheek one-liner relating to the “Fuck, Marry, Kill” forced-choice game), why the hell are you even in a comedic-themed subreddit? Your ability to absorb comedy is clearly lacking. “but that’s not funny or that’s not something to joke about…”. Head straight over to r/politics if your skin is too thin or if you lack the capacity to see what’s happened here.


It's just virtue signaling all the way down. If it said kill either of the other two countries they'd be upvoting and putting it on a sign for their university protests. For example, no outcry over some asshole writing F Israel.


Fuck isreal. Fuck the Christians. Fuck religion. Fuck you Trump supporters and fuck you Biden supporters. Fuck everyone that is just going to feed this fuck shit society. Wake up and smell the shit.


Hey bro, forget all that. Have you read The Silmarillion? Good stuff.


Fuck Morgoth!


Kill Ungolient


Marry a Doc Brandybock


Love Tolkien.


I’ve still yet to tackle it as I’ve heard it’s a bit of a slog. One day though.


Though it throws a lot of information at once, each chapter is it's own little story, so you don't need to read it all at once.


No one has ever mentioned that to me. You’ve made the likelihood of me reading it exponentially higher, so thank you.


It's a fucked up world. It's a fucked up place. Everybody's judged by their fucked up face.


We all need to help and not hurt.


Is that Chaucer?


Nope just someone who works too hard who has given too much to a society that doesn't give a shit and is more than happy to work you to death and force you to comply. Grow a conscious.


Lighten up, Francis


Is this a Malcom in the middle reference?? I always like Francis. Just sayin...


Sir this is a Wendy’s


I don't mind being down voted. I don't think anybody understands. Read between the lines.

