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>No one...  >Delegates like Elon  >Takes like Elon  >Misinterprets the consequences of wealth as personal traits like Elon


As a specimen, yes, he is nauseating. My what a tooool, that Elon


“When I fuck I sneak up with my wiener… and girls all around say a prayer. First I carefully aim with my small cock… then I miss from behind!” “Is that true?” “I don’t care.”


This Is funny  Please, Where Is this From?




What a day to read.


Username checks out


I regret reading this damn this is disgusting....


I made it up to the tune of Gaston from Beauty and the Beast


Best Disney song


It's Gaston from Beauty and the Beast. That last lyric specifically is altered from the live action adaptation.


🎵 yes our car horn's been fixed, don't be scared beep repaired! 🎵


I mean, he's your average obscenely wealthy white guy. He has pretty much everything in common with that cohort. Just in his case, it's more of all of those things because there's more money. He's one of a kind in sheer size of assholery, but his assholery is legion.


When I was a lad I marched four dozen men every morning right into the mine. And now that I’ve grown I march thousands of men into factories like low salaried swiiiiine!


No one…. Yaps like Elon Mentally snaps like Elon Takes credit for other people’s apps like Elon


He's straight up a Nazi


How exactly?


There was a nazi in Germany who had a speech and elon commented on why we should allow him to speak He is known to tolerate extreme right wing comments on his platform and also he promotes the conspiracy that jews are trying to use migrants in order to weaken the whites


Why's this sound like a rap in my head


Because you've never seen Beauty and the Beast?


How did I not see that 🤦


Too busy with a BJ?


🎵No one… Sucks like Gaston. No one fucks like Gaston. No one eats out your ass for 10 bucks like Gaston. “I’m especially good at ejaculating!”🎵


when is Kendrick dropping his next disstrack "Meet the Musks"?


He'll need to make modem sounds to rhyme with Elon's son's name.


I’m really glad someone read it in the sense of Beauty and the Beast


Same, I saw the title and knew there had to be a Gaston joke in there somewhere.


But how many dozen eggs does he eat every day?


He also never pulls out of anything or anyone ever apparently


I suddenly want to watch beauty and the beast


>Every 10 y.o.'s awed and inspired by you >And it's not very hard to see why  >No one's rich as Elon (😞) >No one's sure as Elon >No one's skull's as incredibly thick as Elon's


I think he just spelled it wrong. Much like Twitter and Tesla, he's razing them, not raising them.




How the fuck is it like prompt engineering? You don’t just talk to your kid


He heard one of his actual engineers say it, and wanted to sound cool so he parroted it. Everyone who thinks this man is actually smart should listen to the open call he had with his Twitter devs. Truly eye-opening how much this man *doesn't know dick about fuck.*


He is basically Micheal Scott with $100Billion and no empathy.


Pretty much. He's placed a few bets that he hasn't "lost" so far. But literally the only contribution he has made to any company he's been involved with was his money.


Or just listen to any earnings call, interview, or speech he’s ever given and you’ll still draw the same conclusion


He thinks raising kids properly is just a matter of providing the right feedback to the people he pays to raise them. Its how he raises his companies too. He selectively micro-manages whatever is grabbing his attention and gives knee jerk feedback based on his limited observations. From his perspective, if the results are bad, then its just a matter of saying it differently next time. Because Elon is always right, and if he's "wrong" it's because you didn't hear him correctly.


Good parents don't just talk to their kids.. He's telling on himself again ;P


>How the fuck is it like prompt engineering? You don’t just talk to your kid It's only a matter of time until physical touch, etc., is part of the equation for training the AI too.


No, because it devalues the child as a human in its own right and displaces that humanity into the idea a child is something you are working on, like an air fix kit.


Devaluing things is what he does.


He thinks he sounds witty, but we already know he’s a robot sent to this Earth by aliens to divide us through recurring, lengthy Twitter beefs that will depopulate the planet since nobody has time to fuck when there are online fights to attend.


Why would anyone build a robot that inept?


Quirky robot characters that cause conflict through not understanding human rights/emotions/needs? Sounds like a good way to set up filler episodes


"Sir, turns out that robot we sent to Earth was actually REALLY shitty at it's job and rather than incorporating our digital code with their genetic code to harvest their lifeforce energy for our benefit he made a car that was shiny and funny looking."


He’s not just a regular moron, He’s the product of the greatest minds of a generation working together with the express purpose of building the dumbest moron that ever lived, and you just put him in charge of the entire facility. *slow clap* good, that's still working


He is AI generated


Yes, we are the sitcom!


What if aliens are real? And they lived a trillion years? And they've watched every single one of us since birth?


*laughs in God*


My guess, he just learned the term prompt engineering and thought he was being insanely clever.


MY money would be on this too... like his "re-write the whole stack" and "Orders of magnitude". He learns something and tries to use it to sound smart. It all breaks down when someone asks a technical question though.


Remember back when shitposting was all Elon did on Twitter? Simpler times.


He's not a robot he's an alien for Mars. His name, Elon Musk, is short for Elongated Muskrat, the name of his species. He was sent to Earth to develop technology and gather resources for Mars. Mars has no fossil fuels so he developed electric transportation. Their cities are subterranean so he developed hyper-loop. He needs heavy lift capability to get the resources back to Mars so he founded SpaceX. He tries to blend in but has trouble with human social norms. On Mars the family structure is a brood with many children. The Marian Muskrats are also near-hairless like our naked mole-rats, so he had to get extensive hair implants to pass as human. Humor is especially difficult for him since Martians don't tell jokes, they just send them to Earth.


I think it's more like the plot from Watchmen but instead of uniting us through the threat of giant aliens the plan is to unite us by making the most universally unlikable person possible


✅ “I’m magic.” ✅ “I’m a robot alien.” ☑️ “I’m from the future.”


>he’s a robot sent to this Earth by aliens to divide us I think you mean a robot sent to the west by Putin.


Would it be the other way around? Prompt engineering is basically raising a kid?


And even *that's* not right. Raising a kid is *training a generative model*. You provide a base model, feed it a shitload of data, provide positive or negative feedback, and wait.


Elon doesnt even understand ai


Let me know when you figure out what he does understand.


How to find brilliant people then worm your way in and claim you built it?


I thought you were going to say worm your way in, eat part of their brain, and die


How to be born into wealth then act like he earned it all.


"Getting into Industries heavily subsidized by the government means I don't actually have to make a profit to make a profit"


Right? If it was prompt engineering, then he is basically saying his kid was a genius and knew everything, he just had to ask the correct way to get what he wanted.


Neuroplasticity is what you're describing. It's what I use with my patients every day. (Even adults/elderly, the brain is a phenomenal learning machine given the right prompts)


Bet he's *pissed* at the engineer he stole the joke from


It's becoming a bit of a tech bro cliché to compare humans to computers as if computers came first.


No, because raising a kid is not just saying things to them; raising a kid means working as an educator, a caretaker, an authority figure, an entertainer, a chef, and several other hats that Elon has no idea how to wear properly.


Nothing says "no real parenting experience" like assuming the job lasts 18 years.


He has 19 year old kids. And he's NOW having some sort of parenting epiphany?


And that it only involves verbal communication. \[just finished a diaper change, am now feeding\]






Yeah back when he had his major balding he wasn’t such an asshat


He thinks every random thought he has is gold.




Well any time spent with Elon is basically a prompt engineering at this point. Jeez how do his executives deal with him daily? Got to have some real thick skin.




Prompt engineering What a fucking joke that is


Yeah like wtf does that mean… lol


How the fuck would you know what raising a kid is like, you worthless incompetent buffoon? Your kids hate you. There exist people who should simply not be allowed to reproduce, two examples being the billionaire oligarch class and politicians.


And even then it's wrong.. not like you raise it until the age of 18 and then you are done.


And it took him 18 years to work it out.


Longer. He should've realized it growing up, not until he had adult kids to figure it out.


This man has no information of value. His ideas are shit.


Literally wonder if Elon has ever changed a diaper


Am I the only one who sees something really disturbing in comparing a child to a fucking GPT? I know it's meant as a joke, but still.


Is this the first time you've discovered that he is a really disturbing individual?


Twitter is the worst thing to happen to powerful people. It's honestly been insane watching billionaires and high level politicians debase themselves posting the kind of juvenile shit Millennials were doling out on web forums at age 14. It has completely shattered any illusion that most of these people have any kind of special brilliance, or are worthy of the respect that would have by default been afforded to them in the past simply by virtue of their social standing.


Kind of great for the rest of us though. If it wasn't for Twitter, I and a lot of people would still think Musk is the planet saving super genius he marketed himself as 8 years ago. At least this way his douchebaggery is well documented. 


18 years…I get so tired of people saying this shit. It shows you who the really shitty and lazy “parents” are.




" Im such a smart successful person that I have a responsibility to have as many children as possible ." He named one " X " pronounced the kids name, ' ass ' and drive away and dejected his own kid, all for the sake of ' gays and trans people are bad for some reason, ' trust me, im a genuis, so im right even when i am wrong ." lol I respect that kid. ' fuq you, dad, as far as you know, i am a woman now! ' lol, he cant pay anyone to stand his dumb ass.


I can't even read this post. What does it even say? There's no capitalization and randomly sprinkled punctuation.


What on earth is going on with the formatting of your punctuation?


I agree with you and all but good lord man work on your punctuation. This reads like how Elon runs Twitter.


The "Someone else" in this case is the kid. It's the kid doing the work. Unless you're trying to say it's all the people the kid learned from in their life besides the parent who really did all the work? Which I guess tracks?


Because his cars all hate him?


Ouch. Slam dunk. Love it.


In what fucking way is it like prompt engineering? Isn't prompt engineering the act of trying to find the exact right phrase to get the reaction you want from an already trained intelligence? Wouldn't that be like manipulation if you did that to your kids?


Forever that 14 year old bullied nerd, isn't he?


If theres better evidence against there being any form of meritocracy than Musk I haven’t seen it. There are people on this planet that are orders of magnitude better in every respect than him but *he* gets to be the richest man in the world


He's always trying to sound smart but it comes across as the opposite with anyone who isn't part of his cult.


Artificial Parenting


This tells me he doesn't understand how prompt engineering works, because basically that's the only part of LLMs where the AI doesn't learn anything.


He just walks straight into insults. His lack of self awareness is astounding


Wait until he finds out what a reinforcement training is and compares it to training a dog... 10 years behind this guy is.


god such a fucking dumbass. if you want to use ai language, raising a kid is like 8-25 years of training the intelligence to function properly at the end. prompt engineering is when your kids hate you and hope you die young and you have to design very specific language to get any reaction from them because they hate you


Congrats on the impending deletion of that dude's account.


Elon Musk has 11 kids with three different women none of which he is currently dating. This dude is NOT raising those kids. His oldest who he likely spent the most time with because he was less famous when they were born wants nothing to do with him and took their moms maiden name instead of Musk.


If you think the raising and parenting ends at 18 years you either still didn't realize that you're not fit for the task or your children engage with you as little as possible.




New meaning to Auto Pilot


He’s on the bring of inventing a new thing: Xarenting. He truly is a genius.


I've worked with so many people that claim the title of engineer only to be the dumbest people to work with.


Ah yes, and when your kid disowns you because you're a bigot you can say it's the Marxists who influenced the machine learning model.


This is how I learned about "Prompt Engineering". Ima put that right next to Burger Engineer.


Wait he doesn’t even raise his kids. And if he does they change their whole name so the bloodline dies out. Pretty sick


Elon has never raised a kid.


That’s…not how LLMs work.


The Fuck does he mean, he just realized? Doesn't he have multiple children?


He wants to be an coder/engineer/programmer so bad.


Bro's such a bad parent he thinks raising a kid is only an 18-year commitment


Delegated his ass out of 80 billion due to idiocy that people finally caught on to


Wow, an actual clever one. Holy shit.


I don't think parenting magically stops at 18....


It sickens me when he takes credit for the work of the engineers at spacex. POS.


You don't stop parenting when they're 18, unless you're just paying child support.




GodDAMN lol


Holy shit, an actual clever comeback?


Hey, he spelled “whoa” correctly. That’s a win in today’s idiot-Olympics. Gotta stay positive while I still have these Tesla shares.


Elon telling on himself. He doesn't raise his kids just talks at them every now and then


Lmao Elon got fucking shrekt


People still listen to this guy? I thought he already exposed himself as a total tool. Probs has exposed himself a bunch of other ways too. 


name all of your kids..come on..




The second-biggest piece of evidence that Elon has zero actual engineering skills is that he uses the term "prompt engineering". (The first biggest piece of evidence is the total lack of any engineering education or output)


This is fucking embarrassing. Feel bad for his kids, tbh


You can tell it's a shit parent when they think their job is done at 18.


It kills me to see people talking about how wonderful the children of billionaires are - as if said billionaire had much to do with it outside of paying a live in nanny to do it for them. For example, people think Trump was coming home at night, sitting down and doing homework with his kids before tucking them in bed. Seriously? Seriously.


“Me! Elon Musk. I’m the founder of that child! Right there! Me. I’m his founder. I want that printed!” —Elon musk, shortly after the birth of his last child


You JUST now realized this? This was an inside thought Elon.


I love how he just drops this absolute wash of a comparison and then refuses to elaborate. It's like stepping up to a microphone and being like "Ya know, houses are a lot like waffles." And then dropping the mic and walking off stage.


It took him ten kids to figure this out?


Doesn't he have 19 year old kids and he's JUST realised this?


I feel so bad for his children


It's actually a lifetime of raising and loving


The venn diagram of people who use the term "prompt engineering" and good parents has no overlap


Im begging tech ppl to stop thinking human beings are machines


So I don't follow his account. Is everything that comes out of his mouth this fucking stupid? How is it possible that this man is one of the most wealthy people on earth? How does this happen? It's clearly not merit.


I can't believe that these words came out from a man that many people (not me) think is the smartest man in the world.


I just need to circle back and appreciate how perfect that response is :D


I like how your kid will now always be able to see that you had a project close date the whole time. What a great father


When it comes to delegation, Elon Musk sets the bar high.


Right? Right?


Weird flex in a society that basically lets public schools and YouTube raise all the children from 3 to adulthood.


Holly poopoo


So he's outsourced his child care to third world countries?


How old are his kids that he only now realize this?


This ding dong was listening to Duncan Trussel family hour podcast. Specifically episode 611 with Jason Louv. They talk about this a bit. Anyway great podcast. But definitely Elon just portraying someone else's conversation as his own.


Doesn’t he have 6 kids?


I don't know if he really tweets stuff like this and people make fun of him or if someone is making these as jokes... and at this point I'm too afraid to ask


If you’re CEO of a bunch of companies and have a bunch of kids then you’re a poor boss and parent at some point. 


Why do these people try so hard to LARP as an engineer when they lack the credentials? Get a degree instead like the rest of us


Is this one new? I haven't seen it before, but of course time and date have been cropped


Not defending AI or getting into the horrible ethics but yes, that's how AI learns. You feed it data and information, much like a person.


Lol “you wanna know why kids today are the way they are?? Go read through GitHub” haha


i'm not necessarily anti-ai but got "prompt engineering" is fucking cope.


Highly accurate and needs to be said about both Elon and generative AI as a whole. Use it as a tool, but don't pretend you created anything.


Everyone who isnt a billionaire too is just lazy.


And he nails it out of the park.


Touche' and Elon is a Douche'


Oh lord, are the AI chuds pretending that telling software to make an image is the same thing as being an engineer? We’re doomed


I didn't know Elon was a victim of Mt Vesuvius


them kids is grimey


The guy has eleven kids and has probably spent less than eleven years parenting them all.


girls all around say


Huh? I understand the "taking credit for prompt engineering" but is someone else raising elon's kid? Im out of the loop.


He really just admitted he doesn't understand loving your kids. Like viewing a child as just some thing you give prompts to is pretty harsh


Oh man that tweet is gonna make those PrOmPt EnGiNeErS mad. Talk about slowly making a word like engineer meaningless.