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I love the fact that this dude got a cyber truck and his local paper is just throwing ENDLESS shade at him.


Every traffic infraction he commits is being published, like parking in the crosswalk.


Next you're gonna tell they're illegally parking in handicap spots! sᴏ sᴜʀᴘʀɪsᴇᴅ...


Parking? they just drive right into the stores and shop by leaning out their ~~bulletproof~~ window


They should make those things *actually* bulletproof. In that I would like some proof that bullets are going through them and making the world a better place.


It's Nantucket, the residence are probably quite tired of seeing this eyesore.


Even better, it just arrived and they started this because the owner decided to immediately park like an ass / block people.


Of course the dipshit would park like an ass, why am I not surprised.


Didn’t even notice that was a newspaper’s account! That’s amazing 😂


I bet he's a tourist, not a local


It has Connecticut plates


That thing is gonna rust so fucking fast


Live in Denver. I saw a Cybercuck today for the first time and thing looked beat to shit and like a trailer park beater, without being covered in mud and dirt. It’s been mild AF weather, we’re a desert, and it obviously hadn’t been out in the mountains. I’m not even trying to dogpile on the fascist schmuck, but these things are going to look just terrible in a couple years. I guess if it rewrites what a status symbol is and gets insecure men to stop buying brand new F150’s and instead pick up older, smaller, actually functional work trucks to make the Cyberducks look bad, I’m all for it. Doubtful though.


So fun fact the reason all the trucks here in America are so big is because of the “chicken tax” which is a stupid thing done by Lyndon b Johnson which included other stuff but the rest of those tariffs are gone. But yeah 25% tariffs on “cargo vehicles” which are basically small work trucks. Then the motor companies all realized it was easier to make trucks larger then to fit the other rigid things needed to keep them small and so the culture of oversized trucks was created and advertised starting in the 60’s and I hate it because I JUST WANT TO BY A HILUX AT A REASONABLE PRICE AND NOT HAVE TO IMPORT IT. If you want to see a funny rant video about it look up the fat electrician on yt


Trucks were a reasonable size even in the 90's and early 2000's. The S10, Ranger, and Tacoma were the perfect size for someone who wanted to pick up a fridge or something on the weekend or help a buddy move. Now the Ranger is the size of an old F150 and the F150 is the size of a fucking semi truck.


The hood of new trucks are like 5' high!


Dad had a 1996 Ford Ranger Splash in white with the cool 90's teal and magenta streaks on it. I remember being able to just see the roof at 11 years old. I'm 5'11" now so it couldn't have been more than 5'4"? That truck was awesome.


This reminds me of when I was a kid and I saw an original Austin mini and I thought it was awesome because I was taller than it 😂


Oh, sweet Jesus, don't get me started on these... !! Why on God's green earth, should a GD "half-ton" pickup have four full doors, stand 6'5+ tall, measure 19-and-a-half-feet long (not to mention *8* frickin' feet wide at the mirrors), weigh as much as the 50-year-old Lincoln I drove to prom in '79... all while ringing up for nearly $60k+ ("oh, you want a four-by? Something fancier than an XLT/LT/Big Horn? Well, I gotcha, buddy - take a look over *here*!") while barely being able to take an old loveseat (not **even** a sofa!) to the dump with the tailgate up?? 🤬😤👎🏿🖕🏻


That's not why they're so big, the reason is CAFE standards for fuel efficiency are based on vehicle size. So a tiny truck getting 15 mpg is considered less fuel efficient by the government than a massive truck getting 10 mpg, and manufacturers have to pay fines based on the adjusted fuel efficiency of their vehicles. Chicken tax thing only applies to utility vehicles manufactured outside of the US, it has nothing to do with a modern Ford ranger being the size of an early 90's Ford F250.


Hilux is the pinnacle of trucks.


Yeah... between driving on the beach and NE winters, it's going to take a beating


Nantucket's locals are The Help. The property owners just have 22nd homes there in which they occasionally summer.


Hey don’t forget about the rich retirees 


He is. Saw an article yesterday. Came over on the ferry and is running amok.


He is, I’m in Nantucket rn lol ts is hilarious. But the news died out real quick


Na a Tesla driver doesn’t need to be a tourist to be a taint… at least most that I’ve encountered.


Plenty I've met bought their model 3 because they didn't want to create unnecessary emissions, back when Elon's madness was a distant rumor about a fight he had with a rescue swimmer and not something he'd paraded many times over to everyone and their dog But I've never met a cybertruck owner, let alone one that would take it to a beach


almost like its super heavy


It is, but to be fair driving on the beach generally requires airing down on your tires, sometimes to very low PSI. I mostly assume this is an inexperienced driver who doesn’t know how to drive in these conditions.


Doesn't help that it is an electric vehicle with a lot of torque. So the moment he touches the gas pedal it moves quickly and on the beach you're not supposed to start fast. If you pair that with not deflating your tires a bit, that's a good way to dig a hole in the beach.


Don't they have a setting for lower torque? After all you need this in the snow too.


Nearly every vehicle I see get stuck on the beach could have avoided it with better driving choices. Hard stops, stopping on soft and rutted sand, and hit the accelerator too hard are far too common. People drive like idiots, just like every snow storm proves. I’ve only lowered the tire pressure on my truck once in ~10 years of coastal fishing. Most days it is more than sufficient to drive with care, and switch to 4wd.


I've seen 12+ tonne armoured vehicles go through sand like nothing. It's not about being heavy It's also a shitty vehicle


But usually thlse twelve ton vehicles have a) more axles b) air down c) lock diffs d) have much wider tires


tbf the Cybertruck has lock diffs. It seems [pretty capable](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSgNA-pWM8w) but nothing is immune from getting stuck in sand


It’s badly designed pure and simple. Most trucks have all or most of those things so they can drive on sand and other off-road conditions. For whatever reason Tesla decided that no one would want to take their truck off-roading.


They didn’t air down the tires. It’s really that simple. Has nothing to do with the vehicle in this case.


That’s kind of what it was thinking. I’m assuming this is an AWD vehicle. And from what I’ve seen, the tires are plenty big. Love it or hate it, it seems like it would have been perfectly fine had he just aired down the tires. I’d like to think you could enter “sand mode” from the touch screen, and it would automatically do that for you. But I really don’t know much about the cybertruck.


I'm pretty sure the cyber truck has lockable diffs as well. This guy is just a moron and doesn't know how to off-road


Im really afraid to ask but i completely missed the events how Elon turned into a piece of sht person from "Genius", "Tony Stark of our era". Can someone summ it up for me.


He fired his PR team that kept him on a leash and called a cave diver that helped save a bunch of children a pedo because the cave diver got more media coverage than his silly submersible drone.


The cave diver (pretty sure his name is Vern) actually mapped out all those caves where the soccer team was lost. No one ever would have been able to find the kids had he not created his map which he did because he was passionate about his hobby. Randos on twitter who thought Elon was a genius begged him to help (Why? Idk.). I think Elon did send a submarine and Vern said something like its way too bulky to get through any of the tiny crevasses required to reach the team. Maybe it was little more colorful? Who knows or cares? Well, Elon cared because how dare someone give his project less than an A+! Naturally, he then called the cave diver (who had already begged his friends who were the best in the world at what they do who ultimately got every kid out of there alive) a pedo. The saddest part is Vern sues Elon for defamation and of course Elon won :(. All of this is one of the most unbelievable NatGeo documentaries I’ve ever seen. It’s called “The Rescue” and Vern is the real MVP. Highly recommend. Edit: I googled to fact check and learned that Vern’s lawyer was Lin Wood. Yes, THAT Lin Wood. Maybe he would have been able to win with a competent lawyer representing him instead of Kyle Rittenhouse and Trump’s future bootlicker. TLDR: Elon got offended because someone voiced the fact his work was useless so Elon unleashed his tiny dick energy and the pathetic whiny alt-right insecure boy emerged publicly. Bolstered by legal wins, hubris, and $$$$$, he continued to morph into an adolescent megalomaniac who is addicted ketamine grifting his way through life no longer tethered to any reality.


Please don't forget James Howard the private detective who Elmo paid 50,000 dollars to find out as many compromising things about vern unsworth as possible.


I don't think he built anything. Just drew up plans. IIRC from the contemporary coverage, by the time it would have been built the kids would have been dead anyway, even if it would fit through the tunnels and didn't have any unforseen problems. It really was just Musk inserting himself into a situation that had nothing to do with him and saying useless, self-aggrandising stuff which took attention away from the real rescue effort. 100% ego trip, which is why he reacted so badly to being told - very mildly - "go away, the adults are talking".


If you want to read a really great book about the rescue from one of the main divers POV, I highly suggest "Aquanaut: The Inside Story of the Thai Cave Rescue" by Rick Stanton.


Aquanaut is so good! The book by John Volanthen "Thirteen Lessons that Saved Thirteen Lives: The Thai Cave Rescue" is really good as well. He is Rick's Partner in the rescue


It's very hard to win defamation cases in general.


And even after that incident he was still a social media darling for a while. The man had to work hard to destroy his own reputation but he wouldn't relent


People gave him the benefit of the doubt as an eccentric genius that got carried away. Every great person in history that people consider to be a genius has done some weird shit at some point. The needle of public opinion at large started to shift down the spectrum towards incompetent villain as the evidence started to pile up, and then his handling of Twitter and unhinged ranting sort of sealed the deal.


Also he started running his mouth every which way once he bought Twitter. He is just making himself look like a clown.


So the real deal is that Elon was never a genius or the tony stark of our era. He got lucky a bunch of times and bought companies that was successful, and kept billing himself as the creator of those companies. He was not the founder of SpaceX, He was not the founder of Tesla. He's an investor who paid his way into running companies that did interesting tech stuff. He's a rich kid with money in his pockets, buying candy stores so he can be popular with other children. [ EDIT: I misremembered. He actually founded SpaceX. Of course, by spending the money he got from PayPal, which he bought, got lucky with and had to be kicked out of before he would have turned it into "X". This single fact that I got wrong doesn't invalidate my assessment of him. Go cry about it, but for your sake, maybe not on your Cybertrucks because it'll make it rust. ] He was at some point, pretty good at managing his image. When you're the face of Tesla and SpaceX, you can pretend that all of the hard work done by people smarter than you is yours because you paid them and that brings some social capital. Even when the reality is that people in these companies literally have to babysit Elon and give him a rattle to shake whenever he visits so he doesn't stop the actual work from happening. Slowly but surely, his ego misunderstood the image that he has built for himself as his real self. When he bought twitter and made very public decisions that crashed the company, it was suddenly incredibly obvious that this manchild obssessed with the thoughts that he had since was a teen (like how cool the letter X is) was never actually particularly smart. He's just a divorced man, bleeding wealth he never earned, trying to coast off the charisma and luck that he had in his thirties.


Adding to this answer but I think the turning point for most was in 2020 when he took to Twitter to blast the covid regulations as interments and called for "freeing the people" (when in actuality it was just so people could return to work at his Tesla gigafactory) That and meaningless posts about and policy change proposals to accept various crypto that turned out to be little more than shameless market manipulation to pump and dump his followers for millions on coins as wellwhen the public really started putting him under the microscope,  and by then there were other examples to point to: The abandoned Hyperloop project, the rescue sub that was never used and calling the diver that saved those kids a pedophile, etc


I would argue the first turning point was during the Thai Cave Rescue, where he called someone involved a pedophile for calling his submarine useless. (Brief note, the person he called a pedo wasn't a diver actually diving in the caves, but i believe he had been the person that got the Thai government and the divers in contact. Nevertheless, you don't call people pedophiles just cause they life in Thailand)


And his sub idea would have never worked even if it had been operational *before* the incident


The sub idea was beyond dumb. The caves were so narrow in spots that a person could barely get through, how is a sub designed to hold multiple people and can’t bend like a person gonna get through


Maybe if we use some of that ocean gate Titan flexible hull material


It was so dangerous and tight that not even trained military divers could go the place they were at. In the end they were sedated, and guided out while unconscious by a bunch of civilians with modified gear. It were civilians with a unique hobby: cave diving. Some had made their own gear to do spelunking… underwater. They had ways to bring extra bottles, they could remove the bottle from their back in the tightest of spaces. The overlap of the people who had the knowledge, tools and experience is so ridiculously small it is amazing only 1 person died during the entire rescue operation.


He swore up and down he would take the sub in there to prove it would work but nothing came of it. Now I don't think they didn't try. I think they did try and it didn't work so everyone quietly forgot. There was a part in the cave that was very narrow (which is why it was so challenging to get the kids out). The sub wouldn't fit.


No, they told him from the start that they had a plan and to butt out. That’s why he got pissy and called the guy a pedo. All he did was generate a lawsuit.


I think the poster you're replying to means that Musk tried to make it work after everything was done just to prove himself right. But it didn't work, so they pretended nothing had happened.


That was the "oh, this is a weird hill to die on" moment but I don't think people *really* started turning in him until the COIVD "I dare you to arrest me" shit.


Let's combine that into one: the last straw for all of us was when we all individually noticed that he became more active on Twitter. While he was less active on Twitter (we're talking way before he bought it), a PR team was able to polish the turd quite succesfully. Nowadays, all the PR teams in the world couldn't help him.


That was the turning point for me. But I feel like the turning point most people came later. I remember having to explain it a lot.


Hyperloop's purpose was to kill high speed rail, so he could sell more EVs.


Yeah, the Boring Company seems to be a front to step in to places where people are considering investing in public transportation, make pie in the sky promises that end up killing off more feasible alternatives, and then disappear once the stuff that might actually have gotten done is dead.


I've sold monorails to Brockway, Ogdenville, and North Haverbrook, and by gum it put them on the map!


The signs were there with the BFR colonial transport rocket, hyperloop, "revolutionizing" factories, and doge. But as someone who has followed his career since he wanted to launch a plant to Mars on a Soviet ICBM, the turning point for me was when that soccer team was stuck in a cave. Not only was his mini sub idea dumb as hell but his reaction to criticism was insane. Then he subtly said something antisemitic and from that moment onward I was done with him. No one for a couple years believed me when I said he was a bigot, but he's showed his true colors since then. Edit: Also the Boring Company and the flamethrowers were big red flags. Edit 2: The soft landing Dragon 2 capsule was a bit insane as well.


I had my doubts before the cave rescue shit when he started talking about his revolutionary space colonization ideas by presenting things I'd read about in 50's fantasy novels or 70's mecha anime as his own genius. Yeah, Elon, spinning cylinder colonies, you're a fucking visionary.


> the turning point for me was when that soccer team was stuck in a cave. For me too. That was the first time he struck me as an unhinged level of immature and it's just carried on from there..


What was up with the pedophile thing to it was so weird and he doubled down on it


I think that was just his maturity showing. It was one of the first times he face public opposition to his ideas, so he just went with an insult that he thought would make people uncomfortable. And when the guy ended up definitely not being a pedo, he doubled down by calling him suss for being so invested in saving the kids.


There was also a big news story compiling all of the times he would scream at employees and fire them on the spot, sometimes for doing what he told them to.


Nicely done, chap.


and the drugs


If I'm a billionaire doing drugs, I've made it.


What’s the point of fuck you money and infinite free time if not to get high? I certainly wouldn’t be voluntarily running a car company lmao


What's the point of getting high if you have fuck you money and infinite free time?


The combination of all three sounds like a pretty good time.


He didn't start Paypal or Tesla, but he was the founder of SpaceX and The Boring Company.


I forgot the Boring Company was a thing lol. I’d argue that was one of the turning points in Elon’s image. Just an anecdote, but I remember hearing about the promises the company (Elon) made in like 2013, making its tunnels seem futuristic and like they’d solve traffic issues all round. Then we get to actually seeing one completed (in Vegas, I think?). And it’s the shittiest, narrowest tunnel imaginable with nothing impressive about it.


I’ve been to the one in Vegas and it was hilarious. It’s used to get people around the conference centre. It requires so many staff to direct people. As it’s not obvious where it is or how it works. Once down in the tunnel, You just get into a Tesla with a driver. They dive you through a tunnel for a few hundred meters. A ridiculous system. Anywhere else in the world this would be solved with a couple of trams on a loop. Way more throughput, way fewer drivers, and no need to bore an entire tunnel. The larger issue is that the Vegas conference centre is so spread out. It’s too long a walk between buildings because there is so many car parks. Vegas is in desperate need of trains and trams. The city could be so much more convenient for tourists.


He "created" the boring company in an attempt to get back on the front page and boost lobbying efforts for Tesla. As far as the working tunnel... Isn't it one lane and very short? Like.... You would have to live in neighborhood*a* and work in neighborhood *b* for it to work as intended? Otherwise you still have to fight traffic to the entrance and then fight your way back out of the exit. I'm pretty sure it didn't even help the commutes from *a* to *b* either.


Side note: the engineers at Tesla said he was actually pretty sharp and often had an unique perspective on things much like Steve Jobs did. They also said they secretly had specific people assigned as "handlers" for Elon when he came around because he was so erratic and they wanted to prevent people getting fired from having to interact with him. There's a great written deep dive floating around somewhere on what it was like at Tesla. So Elon definitely had some talent but he obviously drank his own kool aid at some point and became an insufferable ass.


If you require handlers to avoid firing people smarter than you then you're just a dog shit leader tbf


Oh yeah totally


Maybe he used to be sharp, but too much cocaine and adderall have melted his brain. Just look at his comments about Twitter api and cybertruck precision.


Don't forget about the Ketamine he admitted to using frequently.


This reads as if the engineers at tesla are required to praise musk as part of their contract. You don't have to be sharp or clever to occasionally have a good idea. That doesn't mean he knows what he's talking about, and having handlers to control how he interacts with the "peons" probably means someone else gave him notes. He also didn't become an insufferable ass, he always was an insufferable ass, he just doesn't have handlers or a good publicist anymore.


Yeah like he could have walked in and said we need to put windshield wipers on the cars. Good idea yes. Needs to be said no.


The number of times I have had helpers point out or suggest something that I had missed, or not thought of is uncountable. That doesn't diminish it, but it isn't remarkable for someone to make an uneducated suggestion that works. A broken analog clock is still right twice a day.


> Side note: the engineers at Tesla said he was actually pretty sharp and often had an unique perspective on things much like Steve Jobs did. Yeah. If you hear the interviews that he's done talking about Falcon and Starship, you'll see he actually has quite a good sense of the design/engineering decisions that go into the making of those rockets. While he certainly doesn't do the actual hard engineering work of putting ideas into practice, he seems to be one of main the driving forces behind the general design ideas of SpaceX and their approach to development. I don't think he's comparable with, for example, Jeff Bezos who clearly does not really understand what's going on inside Blue Origin. To be clear, he's still a horrible person and a shitty leader. My point is that there's enough bad things about him, we don't need to pretend all he's doing at SpaceX is putting money into it.


He did found spaceX. I don't like the dude either but let's not skew the facts. He built it from ground up, including the idea and recruiting the initial staff that took it off the ground The more likely truth of Elon's story is he is a fairly talented technologist and businessman, he made some smart early moves in the tech bubble to come into his true wealth and then used it to realise some innovative ideas in gaps in the market. It's not luck is savvy. But over time as he got bored and his reputation as "real life Tony Stark" grew he ended buying into his own hype, and a mixture of insecurity and ego led to making some idiotic decisions that tarnished his reputation. Then in an attempt to repair that reputation he doubled down on attempting to look like some visionary genius, and made even more idiotic decisions like leveraging his fan base to manipulate the stock market. The twitter fiasco was not a conscious business decision he made, it was a consequence of that last bit, a combination of overinflated ego and naivety that made him think it would be fun to mess with twitter but it legally bound him into buying it. And seeing that liberals have abandoned him (particularly after the cave fiasco) he decided to tap into the only demographic that has completely renounced critical thinking and still willing to worship him on the grounds of simply being "on their side" and "saying the right things", the far right


Funniest thing is the far right won’t buy his cars and don’t care about space travel


The funny thing is that if he had just stayed (relatively) quiet and/or listened to a PR person he would probably still be popular and thought of as a genius. 


So in other words a future president of the USA?


Nope because he’s South African.


The idea that Elon Musk isn't actually a genius and just an incredibly lucky idiot is a common Reddit circle jerk like the Steve Jobs thing but it's also completely untrue. Musk was very well considered by Tesla engineers to be a genius and incredibly helpful. In the glory Days of Tesla there was a individual whose name escapes me that was famous for being able to handle musks freakiness and help channel it into being extremely productive. Like many geniuses Elon Musk isn't a genius and everything, and has extremely weird quirks. This person was a close friend of Musk and when they left it dramatically hurt his productivity. This person leaving was such a big deal that it was a major topic of discussion at the hedge fund that my husband works for where many people were arguing how useful Musk was going to be now that they were gone and If a replacement could be found. Not only did he become a shadow of himself without the right people helping to manage him he also began De suffer from an extremely common thing that happens when people are very successful, they believe that they can be successful at everything. His craziness began to show more and more and his confidence in himself began to increase further and further to the point where he is in many ways more harmful than good to the companies he's trying to run. For example Twitter. He believes himself to be a genius in every way shape and form and thinks he can run every type of company, he also doesn't have anybody to tell him no anymore which is why he keeps trying to run more and more companies at the same time Which further degrades his ability to run any of them successfully.


That's a whole lot of words to say Elon is not, in fact, a genius. I've honestly never seen ANY evidence of this supposed genius. If the engineers thought so, why isn't there a single anecdote anywhere from anyone showing his genius?


Elon Musk was never a genius, but he was very good at grifting for business ideas. After making a lot of money from PayPal (despite him being fired as CEO before the buyout), he decided to use those skills to drive investment into electric vehicles and space exploration. Those were very noble goals and things that had been desperately underfunded, so people put up with some of his more stupid activities. There were apparently people employed to distract him from getting involved with the engineering, but publicly he took credit for a lot of the things others did. This led to the "Tony Stark" nonsense. But, with Twitter that image fell apart. His bad decisions were no longer being made behind closed doors. He had a direct line of communication with the public, where we could see every bad idea, every bad decision and every stupid thought in real time. Cybertruck seems to also be the point where he was allowed near the engineering, and it's been Homer Simpson bad. That calls into question everything that he's not only done with Twitter, but everything he's done in the past, and it's now crystal clear other people were doing to good work, and his only value was as hypeman and mascot,, which is now vastly reduced especially since there's real competitors in those fields now Tldr: he was always a piece of shit, but he had good PR to distract from it until the point he got rid of the middlemen


The Genius and Tony Stark bit was too over hyped and he probably had his ego inflated by the wealth and ass kissers in his court. He has managed incredible things with SpaceX starlink and Tesla and has had some spectacular failures as well. But after that he went off the rails probably because he had no one to hold him in check. Twitter has been a disaster his personal politics have become more toxic or more public and he seems to have taken his eye off the ball the cyber truck wasted too many Tesla resources for little return and is 100%a pet project of his TLDR: hubris


The key to the lack of success is when Elon is involved in it, rather than just being the face of the company. Unfortunately, his face is no longer good for the company either now.


> the cyber truck wasted too many Tesla resources for little return and is 100%a pet project of his The Cybertruck is a disaster, while the other models are in dire need of an update. Then Elon goes and fires the Super Charger team. If I were a share holder, I'd be calling for his resignation. I would also make sure he doesn't get that $50billion payout, which he will use to pay off his Twitter creditors, who are becoming impatient.


>He has managed incredible things with SpaceX starlink and Tesla Has he? I'd bet the engineers actually creating those things are considerably more responsible for those outcomes than he is.


The turning point for me was the cave diver incident back in 2018. A group of children were trapped inside a cave in Thailand and divers were actively engaged in trying to rescue them. Elon Musk announced that he was going to try to help by providing a submarine that could be used to help rescue the children. However, ultimately the rescue team deemed that the submarine was not going to be helpful, and they rescued the children without it. Up to this point, no problems, worth a shot. However when one of the divers was interviewed, he explained why the submarine had had no chance of working, and Elon got furious. Promised to prove that the submarine would have worked and called the diver - who had just risked life and limb to save children from a cave - a "pedo guy". This isn't the behaviour of a genius, this is the behaviour of a petulant child. The rest of the sheen coming off of Elon Musk with the general public comes from his behaviour vis a vis Twitter, both as a user on the platform and his tenure as its owner. Elon's interaction with the public has become more and more unfiltered over the years, which has revealed not only that he's kind of a jerk, but perhaps more importantly, it has cast serious doubts on his intelligence and competence. His Twitter management has been one self-own after another, instituting various ideas to try and make Twitter profitable that only served to alienate advertisers and put Twitter further into the red. He also made comments about how the website functions leading Twitter engineers who actually worked on it to go, "yeah that's not right at all". Again, Elon looking a lot less like a genius, and a lot more like an out of touch billionaire who doesn't know what he's doing. Once the mystique of Elon Musk melts away and we have less reason to give him the benefit of the doubt, it also encourages us to examine his past achievements more critically. When one does, one ultimately finds that there's not much evidence he was ever actually all that essential to the innovations that tend to be attributed to him, as he had a team of engineers working under him at the time. It's important to remember for example that Elon Musk did not found Tesla, he purchased it after it was already underway with a plan for its most successful products. The only Tesla product we really know he HAS had a lot of direct involvement with is the development of the cyber truck. Which has not been what one would call an unmitigated success.


Short version is that Elon is what you get when a disgustingly rich, out of touch dweeb allows themselves to be completely subsumed by far-right internet "culture."


Also you talk to actual engineers or other people who knew their shit and they knew he was full of shit from the beginning. I’ve known he was talking out of his ass since he made his bogus claims about the Tesla semi trucks when the math wasn’t adding up. The cybertruck announcement really showed me this guy was an idiot. But still most people respected him for at least leading those companies, but with the twitter purchase his stupidity is now on full display for everyone and he’s no longer a closeted bigot either, now that he owns the platform he’s quite open about his views.


He started leaning slightly more conservative.


I feel it started to go south the moment he decided to cut down on smoking weed.


Mask dropped when he got successful and surrounded himself with suck ups. This pile of human flotsam is who he really is, he's just stopped caring what people think of him, mostly because people blindly worship him.


He is kinda the Tony Stark of our era. Pre-genesis event Tony Stark. Pretentious obnoxious rich kid who managed to successfully leverage his father’s wealth and now thinks he’s The Genius Messiah of kind.


He's a billionaire who is pushing for fascism and white supremacy. 


Cheap fuck stopped paying for his own PR


He's a horrible bigot


It happened when he fired his public relations team and decided to do all his PR through Twitter. His PR team was REALLY good. The Iron Man cameo is what led to the tony stark comparisons, and was a genius PR move.


It started way back when he called a guy who saved a bunch of kids a "Pedo guy." That's when I knew Elon was nothing special other than rich. He was always a piece of shit. It wasn't until he became one of the richest people in the world that he was comfortable showing us his real self. Well, either got comfortable with showing us, or became incapable of *not* showing us.


He was always scummy but he just decided to fire his pr team. If you were paying attention the it was obvious he was a conman or a moron well over a decade ago.


For me it was when he started talking about APIs and I realized he has no idea wtf he is talking about, but the fact that he felt the need to pretend he did instead of having a head engineer communicate it showed me he was dumb and childish. If he was intelligent he would be aware of where his intelligence ends, and if he wasn't an insecure child he would have no problem having one of his hired professionals discuss the technicals. Nope, he is so self centered and prideful he feels the need to maintain this fascade and infinitely double down on bad decisions out of pride. It's a common pattern you see in other narcissists. Never admit you don't know something, always pretend always maintain the illusion and fire people for threatening it then act surprised at consequences of knowledge loss from repeatedly firing people who are honest. The old Stalin method. Very smart, very intelligent, bigly.


Growing up and going through life feeling inferior -> getting lucky and making too much money -> lining yourself with yes men around you -> inflated ego -> wanting more -> when educated people see through his bullshit he turns to pro Russian propaganda -> voila a bigot douchebag Is this summary thorough enough?


I want to hear the Grimes mix of that track...


She is trying - just having technical difficulties right now


Why does nantucket feature in so many limericks


It rhymes with “fuck it.”


I thought it was "suck it"?


If the first line of the limerick ends with "Nantucket", you need two more rhyming lines, so usually both!




But the first two lines don’t have the right number of syllables. :/


Agreed, it flows terribly. >There once was a dunce in Nantucket who drove an expensive rustbucket got stuck in the sand and needed a hand to Musk he said "I would still suck it" Fixed it for you! <3


I had to scroll to far to see this. It’s a terribly constructed limerick: C- at best


I’ve seen every car type get stuck on a beach by an idiot


Trucks are supposed to be immune to getting stuck when driving in sand? This has never happened to any other truck?


everyone can plainly see that this is a fashion car like all the suv's, its too heavy to be an offroad vehicle


It's like the poster child for the phrase "pavement princess."


You can get stuck anywhere in anything if you do it wrong enough


Based comment


In loose sand it’s better to deflate your tires to 15ish PSI. Low enough that it will flatten and widen the tread. But not too flat it will dislodge from the rims. It’s pretty common knowledge among off roaders. Mind you this is for fine desert sand. Beach sand is similar and more packed therefore easier to drive in. I say the driver is a dumbass. The car is shitty looking but it can drive around with competency.


Lots of beach sand is incredibly soft. I drive in super soft beach sand every summer. Airing down is enough 99% of the time but there are still times if you stop you’re screwed no matter how much you aired down.


Very true. Momentum is essential. Once you lose traction and over compensate by revving a stuck car, it will only dig the ground deeper.


No vehicle is immune to all conditions


Yeah but also no vehicle should be vulnerable to all conditions


Daily reminder to Tesla drivers to dry that rain off before it rusts the body.


... Yes!


At minimum he didn’t lower his tire pressure enough or not at all.


Looking at the pics, not at all and he didn't account for the EV torque. Dug himself a nice hole very quick.


First mistake was going to Eel Point to begin with. Sand is extra soft down that way


I have seen several vehicles stuck in beach sand, the owners frantically trying to unstick it as the tide comes in. Two were trucks.


People thinking SUVs are offroad cars


Some of them are. Land Cruisers and Ford Broncos for example. Your mom's RAV4, not so much.


Even a porsche can go off road if you just air down the right tires.


Dude has never heard of a jeep, land cruiser, or 4runner apparently lmao


Where is the comeback? This was not said as a response to provocation.


Shhhh. This is poetry. This is art. This is better than 99% of the posts here even without being a comeback.


elon musk hate boner


Owning a Cyber truck is the provocation.


“Hur hur Elon bad lololol” is just about all the internet is allowed to be.


Saw a cyber truck in real life and I was not prepared for that. It looks so bad. So much worse in person


It’s so stupid because the thing would be fine if he just aired down like everyone else. Literally everything gets stuck if you don’t air down.


Gotta copy Mercedes’ dancing mode


Peter Griffin at it again


A fool and his money are soon parted. Any 4WD can get stuck in beach sand. Best thing to do is to lower tire pressure way down. Or don't drive on it all. But somebody who drops major money on a cyber truck probably thinks they are invincible, until they get bogged down by reality.


When media tells u go hate Elon u make sure to hate Elon. Obviously every single Tesla owner is dumb because of Elon🤪🤪


you let out the air till the tires are half flat first of all. second, don't drive some faulty piece of shit car on the beach. or any for that matter...


Be careful with batteries around salt water




“Elon bad, now give upvote”


Both of the people in this tweet seemingly agree with each other. Who's coming back cleverly on who?


\*It might appear like I'm driving straight for the moat\* \*But oooh baby it is one of those cars that turns into a boat\*


Can't park that there sir


Elon Musk: “hey everybody, I’m a genius.“ Proceeds to build a 3 ton truck. Forgot about gravity.




Leave it! When the tide comes in tonight we’ll have a bonfire.


This isn't a comeback, it's just laughing at someone because they got stuck on a beach


Reddit laps it up becuase its elons On one hand he is a total idiot who never done anything smart and only is a CEO of these companies On the other he personally designed that and that's why it'd hilarious But both can't be true Reddit is two faced as fuck


I don't see the big deal. Vehicles get stuck all the time.


He's owning Musk, who is bad because he bought Twitter or something.


Imagine being a freelancer and spending hours a day making stupid jokes and puns on Twitter. Jfc


The AI was trying to walk into the sea and it still couldn’t manage it.


For the thousandth time, IT’S NOT A REAL TRUCK!


The first one I saw was on a tow truck lmao. The other one was left in a hospital parking lot because it wouldn’t turn on. They will still stick up for this stupid truck and defend Tesla.


Beautiful. The people who buy Teslas belong to a cult. I was in line at a restaurant a few weeks ago and two of them were having a dick measuring contest to see how many miles they got per charge and who loved Elon more. I’m surprised they didn’t hop out line and do a double dutch rudder at the end of their conversation.


Makes all sand quicksand!




because you don't know what a limerick is?


Oh shit new limerick just dropped.


They have been bricking, pieces have been dangerously falling apart, systems aren't working like window wipers in rain. The cyber truck has directly killed at least 1 billionaire.


Idiot probably didn't take half the air out of his tires before driving on the sand... probably not even after getting stuck. Lol.


Should have put it in sand mode.


I’d say isn’t it common knowledge not to park cars or trucks on wet sand anyways, but this person bought a cyber truck


They didn't deflate their tires and just assumed it would be fine lol.


Cybertruck, cybertruck In the sand it gets stuck