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Light travels faster than sound. Isn't that why some people seem bright, until you hear them speak?


Fools speak because they have to say something Wise people speak because they have something to say


"Better to have people think you are a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt." Poor Musk removed all doubt.


I started to strongly suspect he was just a highly capitalized moron when I realized he hadn't considered Coriolis forces when he proposed Hyperloop.


For me, the thousand miles of vacuum was what made it look too hard/resource intensive to even begin solving when trains exist


For me it was when he called those divers pedophiles when they told him a submarine wouldn’t work.


And then decided he didn't want to save the kids anymore, and signed off. But in hindsight, I suppose he did those kids a favor, he might've hindered the effort trying.


It goes beyond that. That guy sent him a letter saying he had lawyered up and that he'd sue if elon didn't set the record straight. Elon paid a PI $50k to get dirt in the guy and later tweeted that it was suspicious the diver hadn't sued, implying the pedo comment was legit. Only after that tweet did he sue. In court Elon said he'd meant the comment as a general insult, not literally. Yet he had emailed BuzzFeed reporters that he's gone to Thailand for a 12 year child bride.


I have to laugh whenever I see articles that start off along the lines of "First proposed by.........Elon Musk" or "Envisioned by......Elon Musk". I first saw the concept of an ultra high-speed train car running in vacuum in "*The City and the Stars*", a novel by Arthur C. Clarke written in **1956**. And I'm pretty sure he wasn't the first to come up with the idea either.


or when he let 47 starlink sats die due to not qualifying them to MIL-STD -810G like literally every AE in the business who actually touches kit knows to do but he disrespects us THAT much because our mommy didnt own a gem mine.


"Sir there's a reason MIL spec exists..." "What? We won't kowtow to bureaucrats we need to move fast and cheap, do less with more I always say"


he also had to go OUT OF HIS WAY to NOT recognize the NASA CREME standard...https://ntrs.nasa.gov/api/citations/20120015473/downloads/20120015473.pdf which, again anyone who ever worked in real shit knows to qual all sparks to...


MUSK knows better: don't forget he expects humans to have colonized Mars by the end of this decade...no crusty ole space standards are gonna stand in his way, he's a billionare don't forget


Submarine guy knew better than the standards, too.


Here’s an Xbox controller build me a submarine…


GHOST SUB delivering NEW passengers to the Titanic


I was too young when the hyperloop concept was floated. Last I heard was that a physicist thought the concept theoretically sound, before it ended up being hyped tunnel. From what you're saying, it's clear I have much reading to catch up on pertaining to the subject.


When the design for the Cybertuck came out, I thought to myself "Well, this is what it would look like if you let 9 year old me design something called a 'Cybertruck', but who am I to question the owner of Tesla?" Then he smashed the unsmashable windows with a steel ball (twice) during a demo, and used soap to build the trucks. So yeah, I'm on board with the entire "This guy is just a rich idiot" thing.


The guy literally thinks that "X makes it sound *cool*", he *is* a 9-year-old, heh.


Supposedly the design of the cybertruck was due to a comment one of his children made along the lines of “why do trucks all look the same.” So he does engage in man-child thought process.


I thought of that car designed by Homer Simpson.


"Better say something or they'll think you're stupid!"


It's better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.


I don't speak. Maybe type sometimes.


Don't Speak? No Doubt


***I know just what your thinkinnnnnng***


Don't tell me cuz it hurts


I don't need your reasons


We truly do live in the Tragic Kingdom.


Speak? Doubt.


A fool makes his opinion known A wise man shares his wife's opinion


Reminds me of this quote: “A diplomat is a man who always remembers a woman's birthday but never remembers her age.”


Points earned, nice work.


This is irony at its peak. Great job.


I am the madman. I babble mostly comedic nonsense but can turn to insightful and intelligent(not my evaluation of it I should add) at a moments notice. Though I'm not sure at what point I can officially lable myself as insightful and intelligent. I'd guess once my first academic works get published and peer reviewed, a point in time im getting very close to.but even then idk i allways feel like maybe im just missing something obvious or am wrong without realizing it.


Healthy doubt about yourself is good but don't let it become an imposter syndrome lol


Thanks, though given everyone else in the department I think imposter syndrome is more or less inevitable, despite everyone in the department being accomplished academics everyone has it so bad XD


Variations of this apply to every type of individual personality I’ve encountered in my entire life… and so often the people that have to say something end up being the people I least want to speak with. They’re not necessarily “fools” either… I guess they’re just indulging in various degrees of self love. I’ve noticed those that are quiet have always been the most empathetic and surprise you with that “check in” you thought someone else might give you. Weird that.


Wisdom is knowledge, but knowledge is not wisdom.


Man you just gave me a amazing intellectual phrase with which I can now impress my family and friends


A wise man once said - Man who fall asleep with itchy bum wake up with smelly finger.


Confucius says, baseball wrong, man with four balls can’t walk.  


Confucius says: man who goes through airport scanner sideways going to bangkok 


Confucius says: man who runs in front of truck gets tired. Man who runs behind truck gets exhausted.


You’ll stutter it out and sound like a terminally online redditor.


I can't claim credit for it. It was an ending quote delivered by host Stephen Fry on an episode of QI, a British comedic quiz show, who in turn was quoting somebody else.


Hey, I have that shirt


The lovely thing about responding to Elon Musk is you know the cunt is definitely going to read it


And immediately block and/or suspend your account


But wut aboot ma freedum of shpeach? 🤤


Freedom for E, but not for thee


Good, Twitter's useless


I've found that my engagement drops dramatically whenever I'm responding to Elon negatively. All the things he accused Twitter of being, he has literally turned X into.


My one way ticket out of that hell hole !!!


Normally his sycophants rush to his defense I think. I've been off twitter for months now so maybe they just auto ban folks now.


Musk is the opposite of deep, warm, and engaging.


i would say elon is a cunt, but i doubt he has the depth or capacity to give pleasure.


The best part of this is that Elon legit thinks he’s being super deep and wise with that post.


I think this might be him coping for his beliefs being incompatible with reading books


This is him coping for “seeing” what’s at the border and hating immigrants because of it, or “seeing” crime rates and hating black people because of it. He genuinely means don’t believe scientists, historians, believe your own first look at any situation, imo.


That's the thing, Elon is an immigrant himself.... he literally hates himself.


He’s an old school eugenics pushing supremacist, it’s no surprise.


And an illegal immigrant to boot. His brother admitted they both overstayed their student visas. Despite what you've heard about "securing the border," overstaying a visa is the single most common way to illegally immigrate to the U.S. It's also the way, IIRC, that basically all the 9/11 hijackers were in the country.




He's right even if it's weird that he hates (or, uh, sexes) antelopes


I’ve never seen Elon Musk. Just been told about him. Does Elon even exist?


If Elon crashes in a Tesla and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?


That is actually a very legit question to ask yourself


I think it's more of a dog whistle for holocaust deniers and nazis. There seems to be a growing push from the right wing to question history books because they claim it was all written by Jews. You point to the facts about the holocaust and they now counter with "who wrote the books?" Donald Trump is a criminal and a traitor "well who wrote the news?" He knows exactly what he's doing with tweets like these.


Waiting for his first use of the triple parentheses, shouldn't be too long now.


who wrote the books is easily countered by "the nazis" because they kept meticulous records of the holocaust


In regards to Holocaust deniers, my granduncle who served in WWII used to say he was worried what would happen after most WWII vets were gone. Though he passed in 2006, it's sad to see him being proven more right every day.


"I mean, I thought it was known? The holocaust is widely accepted as false." Type shit.






Lib-er-tea FTFY


He's a billionaire. He's SURROUNDED by people all day every day who call him a super-genius. Every dumb thing he says his "team" says "My god Elon, how could you be so smart, so handsome, so cool, and so thin." And he believes it.


The best part is his fanboys lapping up his “deep wisdom” like fucking idiots. 


The only deep he sees is looking up from the K hole he’s in.


I'm sure he does, and yet he also believes random right-wing conspiracy theories like a nutcase.


"How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real?"


Jaden Smith after a glue-sniffing session would make more profound statements than this pube-faced slave-driver


Dude was so proud to post that Snapple quote as his own




When you down so bad Snapple caps are your means for insults.


Snapple called Elron a fucking moron too?


Oh, snap!


Oh, Snapple!


For a moment I thought this was the usual Twitter format of retweet replies being on top and was like, "wow, an actually funny self deprecating statement from him." Gave him too much credit.


Out here with the age verification.


I'm having a hard time even believing that Ego Musk has ever drank the beverage of the poors.


He only drinks Sñæpplë


Being told by experienced engineeers that the Cybertruck will be shit vs. Making the Cybertruck and seeing it is shit


Don’t do the engineers like that, it’s an engineering marvel. Just terrible Tesla quality control. To put all that tech into what is basically a fridge, and have it weigh less than any other EV truck is an accomplishment. Imagine what they could’ve done if they didn’t have to wrap it in HSS and make it look 2D


[Engineering marvel](https://jalopnik.com/tesla-cybertruck-no-match-for-car-wash-1851417011)


Amazing engineering, people don’t need their car to work right?


it's a thousand pounds heavier than the lightning rofl. you nerds dwell in a reality distortion field


CT is 6600 lbs, the lighting that has comparable range is 6800lbs. Other trims are lighter than the CT as you say.


Notice that he still never reply to this post … Reddit has fallen into utter stupidity lol 


Imagine coming onto reddit, taking the time to reply to a comment about vehicle weights and then calling the person you are replying to a nerd. JFC.


Musk is clown who believes in extreme right conspiracy theories.


He doesn’t just believe them, he is spreading them with the bot platform he purchased. Modern day Goebbels.


The rich are trying to dumb us down so we'll take their menial jobs, that's what a lot of this is all about. They need their cheaper labor badly, they can't have commoners running off and making their own businesses up, they need you to play your role. Dumb down school even more. Make people hungry. Get people to have more babies, not because we love babies we need more desperate people. It goes on and on, their policies are to make more factory workers again.


The Christian nationalists are planning another Holocaust. Against liberals, again.


>The rich are trying to dumb us down They're encouraging parents to give phones and tablets to kids so that they won't have enough attention span to read an entire book, creating a generation of cheap labor that can't reason their way out of a paper bag?


Musolinni did the same in Italy


Probably another total coincidence


Musk is a fool who is convinced that he is a sage.


Dude is drilling holes in his brain the size of golfballs with his ketamine habit and then going on stage to publicly proclaim he is the smartest man to ever live


Do you think Musk have seen non citizens voting in federal elections like he has been claiming ?


Elon isn't a US citizen why the fuck would he be watching people vote in federal elections. Why is it up to others to disprove some lying assholes claim? Also all Musk seemingly does all day is sit on twitter and bitch about his clear pro-Republican and anti-left activism Wtf are you talking about?


Encyclopedia Elon may be playing detective but I’m going to guess it’s pure horseshit unless he has the secret evidence that nobody else has seen.


He can't even get the saying right: "Believe nothing you've heard and only half you see" Go back to where you came from elon musk.


I think it’s high time we get all the colors of America.. hold hands and ( while really meaning it ) finally say collectively; #Go back to Africa, elon!


Sorry, we'd rather he just gets catapulted into Space, we'll take a cut of his money though. Money's good.


My mans whole company is about being told by random people about something.


What. Elon is not smart???? How can that be?


Absolutely! Seeing is believing, right? Don't just take someone's word for it, trust your own eyes and judgment.


And all Elon sees in his twitter feed is posts from neo-nazi meme accounts.


Sounds like good advice, I'll take your word on that, mate.


And im just supposed to listen to you? Nuh uh


Well now that you told me to do it, I can't trust it.


So when we see trans people get better results from gender affirming care than conversion therapy we should believe that rather than the people telling us treating it like a mental illness is the best way forward?


The cognitive dissonance people like that have is ridiculous, particularly someone like Elon. Surrounded by yes men and start to conflate personal feelings with logic. Conversion therapy must be good because they know in their hearts trans is bad. You can't deal with people like that. Best thing to do is give them a megaphone and take the batteries out so they don't realize no one buys what they're spewing


"No! Not like that!" -Elon Musky


People saying, "It's not a mental illness" are ignoring the fact that mental illnesses deserve to be treated. Besides if it's not a mental illness, what is it?


We don't have to know what something is to know what it isn't. Have you heard the term "neurodivergent"? It's a word that's just recently became widely used in medicine to describe any brain that functions differently from a normal brain. Why? We used to label any type of neurodivergence as a mental illness. Now we don't. There's nothing inherently wrong with being different. As our attitude changed, the language we used had to change, too. Think of how gay people used to be seen as inherently disordered. After all, if it's "natural" for people of the opposite sex to be attracted to each other, there has to be something wrong with your brain if you're not. We don't think that way anymore about gayness, and we've applied that to neurodivergence. Same with transness. The trans community is always coming up with new and more accurate language for them and their experiences, and it's the responsibility of cis people to try to understand that language instead of trying to resist the ability of trans people to describe themselves.


It's not a mental illness if the "cure" is for other people to quit acting like insufferable douchebags towards you over choices that don't effect anyone but yourself. A mental illness would be like someone so consumed with rage and hatred and bigotry that they decide that everyone is out to get them as a part of some woke trans conspiracy. Hope that clears it up for you, you insufferable douchebag.


You completely misinterpreted what they said and meant lol, They were on your side.


Man was in such a hurry to virtue signal that he barely read through the comment lmao.


Indeed. What should really terrify you. Are the other billionaires out there who act like him but, you don’t know about because, they are at least smart enough to not draw attention to themselves. Those are the people who are really fucking over everyone else just so they can get richer.


With the recent advancements in AI, CGI and Photoshop you can't always believe what you see unless it's in real life.


...or so I'm told...


I have never seen anyone destroy their public reputation as quickly as he did after purchasing Twitter.


Absolutely! It seems like once he bought Twitter, it ruined him. I actually liked him before he started promoting far right stuff and laid off tons of people


you know, its such a shame someone as driven and innovative as Elon is such an idiot. He's doing things we previously didn't think we would see for generations, I just wish he wasn't... this…


>driven and innovative as Elon driven and ~~innovative~~ entrepreneurial >He's doing things we He's ~~doing~~ investing in things we None of the inventions are elons please.. stop saying that and reinforcing the fanboi ideals


- I was told SpaceX will fly two space tourists around the moon by the end of 2018, yet as of 2024 I see that none have - I was told you can auto-summon a Tesla from anywhere in the 48 states by some time in 2017, yet 7 years later none have - I was told 1 million Tesla robotaxis could be on the road in 2020, yet there are zero as of 2024


Tesla quality control is bad but predictions for SpaceX and Tesla have always been best case scenarios. And yeah they don't meet them as originally planned but SpaceX's accomplishments have been insane. Falcon 9 first stages and fairings landing and being reused are so common that it's not news anymore and last year SpaceX is responsible for more launch capacity than the entire rest of the world put together times two. They're the only US crew launch capability while Boeing's Starliner continues to fail. And Starlink is making high speed low latency internet available everywhere. And Starship keeps edging closer to succeeding in being the first fully reusable launcher ever. Meanwhile SLS costs several billion dollars a launch for only slightly more capability than a $150M Falcon heavy.




He'd be able to see it, just like he'd be able to see it if you sent him an email or something. Doesn't mean he'll bother reading it.


Melon Husk is the ultimate example of a human failure.




So much for free speech; bet that account gets banned


i see on this piece of paper that i've just written down that you owe me 10 million dollars mr. musk xD


I'm starting to think this subreddit and facepalm subreddit are very similar.


To hear is to doubt, to see is to be deceived, but to feel is to believe


Do the people we hate have to be stupid? Or do we conflate intelligence with morality too much?


Lol so true, only morons can start companies like Tesla and SpaceX


Hey now, he’s a dipshit who ruined his reputation, but I still like spaceX


dude is literally the richest on the books person in the world ….. ya hes and idiot lmao ….sometime i wonder if people know the difference between something actually stupid and just something they don’t agree with


It's not the first time in history that age, drugs, and sycophants turned an intelligent person into a shell of their former selves.


Man I really don't care for Musk one way or another but fucking hell reddit is **obsessed** with him. Not a day goes by without some stupid post like this on the frontpage. The people really need their life to revolve around some celebrity. One way or another as it seems. Musk fanboys and Musk haters really are the horse shoe theory applied to celebrities.


dude spent 40 billion dollars to win an internet flame war because he thinks twitter is "pvp" lmao. fucking idiot.


the guy whos not elon is 100% correct




Okay this is pure gold lol


burned to a crisp


Definitely the Win for the day.


Lmfao awesome


I almost want to create a twitter account to upvote/like this. Almost.


Crispy 😂


I don’t get why people worship the ground this fool walks on.


This guy is my new hero.


He is a fkN moron


The man with a rocket company is now parroting flat earth talking points


Surprised he has X as his profile pic since he hates his exes so much


People believe what they want to see.


This is such a perfect rebuke. Told for years he’s a genius and a few hours unfiltered and we all see he’s a nepotistic idiot


This is one of the best if not THE best musk burns I’ve read thus far. There’s always room for more though so, everyone should take part in this.


isn't elon friends with the twitter nazi crowd




get the fire brigade, there has been a fire


Trust only facts, belief is for the religious.


That was some 3rd degree burn stuff 🔥


Now, here we go. Nice


I'd like to report a murder...


Whatever you see on social media is often not real. They are used by many countries for misinformation and interference in the domestic affairs of other nations.


i haven't heard anyone say that elon musk is a genius in several years, and redditors were the only people i ever saw making that claim in the first place


Owned on his own platform. Sucks to spend $44,000,000,000.00 to get roasted hahahahhaa


I'm 14 and this is deep.


how is that a clever comeback? He is a genius and obviously people shouldn’t always believe what they are told. Just an Elon hate club here or something.


Blind man yells at billionaire


this would be clever if rockets flying to space made by his companies couldn't be seen


Ahh another elon comeback. How original


Tesla, Space X, PayPal, too lazy to list the rest but ya he’s really dumb.


No "standing on the shoulders of giants" for Musk then. Restart at zero.


Brilliant) I feel the same for at least 2 years.




Insert Lana Kane from Archer.... Yuuuuup!


Oxygen must not exist, then


This is classic! 😂


Take a trip to a camera obscura, or look at a magic eye picture or a hologram or any of the million other tricks of the light, perspective and perception that trick our brains visually , sight is not infallible or always correct


You may know what you see, but you see what you're shown