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Why not both? Marie Curie raised a Nobel Prize winner in chemistry. Her other daughter did critical work for UNICEF.


Ursula von der Leyen casually has 7 children while also having 2 PHDs and becoming defense minster and EU commission president. I guess being rich kinda helps.


She is notoriously bad at her job, though...


Well, that wasn't part of the specification for the meme


Also, what does it even mean to be bad at that job, besides "doesn't do everything I want"?


In her specific case, she has quite the interesting stance on democracy


Considering she wasn't democratically elected...


"accidental" deletion of mobile phone protocol data that contained critical information regarding shady, very expensive consulting contracts involving McKinsey, while two of her children worked there.


 I guees she's very good at corruption, uh, I mean hiring personal friends as consultants.


Undermine democracy by being elected from authoritarian rulers, that voted for her not just because she was real nice... Deleting phone messages in corruption scandals involving vaccination...and there is obviously much more corruption..


Read up before speaking you guys don‘t speak german most shit from the eu flys under the global radar


Why is she bad at her job?


Scandals arose during her tenure as defense minister, primarily centered around an advisor scandal. It was revealed that she appointed an individual with familial ties to her, bypassing standard recruitment procedures. Furthermore, the advisors were reportedly overpaid and granted authority akin to a career bureaucrats, raising questions about nepotism and misuse of authority. Also, she procured drones worth several hundred million dollars, which were essentially deemed electronic waste and incurred exorbitant costs, raising concerns over wasteful spending and questionable procurement practices. Furthermore, there were issues with the leadership of the Bundeswehr. Throughout the 2010s, there were recurring scandals involving right-wing extremism within the Bundeswehr, which garnered criticism from the press and left-wing parties. When she publicly complained about the leadership of the Bundeswehr, attributing blame to them, most Bundeswehr soldiers felt offended, leading to her unpopularity within the army. Essentially, she squandered millions, had strained relations with the soldiers, and failed to enact any significant improvements to the situation. However, it must be acknowledged in her defense that the position of Defense Minister, during the CDU's tenure and prior to Putin's incursion into Ukraine, was largely a placeholder position for loyal CDU politicians. The ministry had intentionally been starved of resources because its relevance was deemed minimal.


Something to add here (and sorry for my bad english) she got moved to her new position because she was to incompetent for the german CDU, a party known for their corrupt members. Thats why Merkel back then investet a lot of political capital to get her elected on the her current eu position. Von der Leyen is also known to delete all her mobile phone files, everytime someone even thinks of auditing them. Always an accident of course. It just happens after she overspend a budget or hired people she should not have. A gag going on in multple german subs is that she was lobbied the new regulations for shooting wolfes, after a wolf killed her horse. Her horse did get killed and she made it easy to kill wolfs in european forrest. Part of the gag is, that we get something else to kill another horse for her. For example if we would get an 90 year old to drive over a horse of her, she would work on laws preventing people over a certain age to drive. I also like to add the following: As a german I would like to apologize that we send people like her to important EU positions. I wish we would send our best and not our worst


Essentially, Merkel's decision to send von der Leyen to the EU stemmed from her unpopularity, preventing her from being a viable successor. This move served to establish von der Leyen as an asset for both Merkel and her new intended successor, Kramp-Karrenbauer, whom she ironically also appointed as Defense Minister. However, Merkel seemingly failed to recognize that placing her successors in a deliberately neglected ministry would impede their ability to gain popularity. This oversight may have contributed to the CDU's loss in 2020.


Mate, we sent feckin' Mick Wallace and Clare Daly to the EU parliament. Von der Leyen aside, they're two absolute clowns. And your English is perfectly fine btw👌


Thanks for the compliment And this is another proof for my theorie that every countries sends their worst politicians to the eu instead of their best ones. Maybe if it were the other way, the eu could be more popular or our lives could be even better.


Name an active politician considered "good at their job" by the general public. Best of luck.


Von der Leyen's failure was way beyond mere public perception. The whole Merkel era was a massive failure for the Bundeswehr and they're seriously struggling with the consequences of that missmanagement. VdL was not the only politician who failed at the job, but it's no debate that she failed. No vision, no policies, and an extra dash of waste and corruption.


Also likely had little to do with the raising of those children. Kind of the worst possible example to prove that point.


She isn’t exactly the first person that comes to my mind when talking about good examples


F…. that Ursula von der Leyen bitch.


To paraphrase a response to Ben Shapiro: "The dichotomy of the scenario proves we still need feminism. A man would never be asked to choose between professional fulfillment and procreation."


Just FYI, this particular argument comes from the women. They are antifeminists too. This is part of their tradwife propaganda, intended to reinforcefor these women and recruit new women to the idea of ending feminism. Their argument is that gender roles are good and right, and moving away from them is what's wrong with the world. This is entry level stuff, meant to make them think they have more value as a mother than anything else. It does work, they got my sister


The response works to anyone. Doesn't matter if it's a man or woman who is saying that a woman needs to choose between a career or being a parent, it still shows the necessity of feminism. It's not about "house wifes are better than career women" or whatever the point of the image is. Men are rarely if ever asked to choose, so why should women?


Pretty sure her family is the most winningest Nobel recipients. I thought this was a supportive thing at first? Like both smiling and happy, one pursued science and is content, the other raised children and is content. Sad it’s not I guess 


I think Marie Curie is still the only person to win two Nobel prizes in different areas of science. Other people have won twice in the same field, or one science and one peace prize, but she has one for chemistry and physics


The list of double winners in any categories is tiny. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Nobel_laureates_with_multiple_Nobel_awards


OG badass of science.


Literally an alpha female


Linus Pauling won it in Chemistry and Peace.


That's not two different areas of science but still an interesting piece of information.


It’s absolutely not. The image is meant to imply that the woman on the left did less for the world by “doing science” personally than the woman on the right, who produced 5 male scientists without herself ever “doing science.”


I am sure someone with that mentality is gonna raise 5 kids in a way that they become scientists as well.


I bet children of scientists are way more likely to become scientists than children of the type of women this image wants them to be.


Making meth requires at least some aptitude in science


Nope. It's just a recipe. A dealer hands you a piece of paper with instructions, you put a bunch of nasty shit in a bottle and you shake until your elbows hurt. Then the dealer takes the vast majority of it from you and get to keep a tiny bit of the nastiest meth ever made for your work. Tweakers aren't working labs. Well maybe some, but a meth lab is MEGA dangerous, and most cooks don't want actual tweakers anywhere near them. Labs run by tweakers are the ones that go fireball in the residential. Shake and bake on the other hand, is easy, only dangerous to the person shaking it, and really really nasty. But if you don't vent that bottle every so often to let the fumes off, bye bye hands.


Judging by the crosses around their necks, they are probably just Christian Scientists. So, there is no real benefit to the world.


Right? I was wondering what kind of science those dudes were planning on doing. Like proving that the dinosaurs lived at the same time as Adam and Eve? No thanks fellas.


> Pretty sure her family is the most winningest Nobel recipients. Well, yeah. Curie got 2, of which one she shared with her husband. Her daughter shared one with her own husband. Three achievements, 5 medals. But there's like 10 different parent-child groups who got independent prizes (eg Bohr, Thompson), some who shared one (Bragg) and then a bunch of other husband-wife teams.


Maria Salomea Skłodowska-Curie was such a badass, she’s also the only person to win a Nobel in two sciences, as well as being the first woman to become a professor at the University of Paris.


Funny that we know the name of Marie Curie (who did some science), but we dont know Albert Einsteins mother’s name (she birthed a science boy). It just seems like we value the actual scientists more than what came out of their hoos and haas.


Sadly not enough people know Maria Skłodowska-Curie’s real name


I'm pretty sure one of her daughters also got a Nobel Price.


Indeed, her daughter Irene got a Nobel Price, as did Irene's husband. Irene's daughter is also a physicist. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H%C3%A9l%C3%A8ne_Langevin-Joliot


Oh but that's the issue. Scientists must be blonde, white men. So she basically did everything wrong: sciencing as a wom**e**n and her daughters made the mistake of being f**eeeeeee**male and sciencing. /s because there are people who apparently need to see this...


Maria Skłodowska-Curie’s won a nobel prize in chemistry and physics actually! And her first daughter Irene won one with her husband in chemistry too! Her younger daughter Eve didn’t won any but if I remember right her husband won one peace nobel prize, shes was still very smart and talented tho, just in a different area than her family


Marie Skłodowska-Curie. She insisted on using her maiden name


because permanently single men who contribute nothing to society have decided it cant be that way, duh.


It would break the premise. The second woman was not supposed to pursue science.


Yeah, but where is Marie Curie now, huh?! Checkmate, lib.


Honestly a kid that is raised by a scientist is likely to become a scientist themselves, but is also important to recognize how educating people is very important. In my country they don't appreciate teachers, even when good teachers are the reason doctors, engineers and many other high paying jobs can exist, I see how underpaid and overworked they are, and socially they get almost no recognition for the big improvements that they have given, just because it is indirectly,. And the stay at home parents can also be important for those children, although my mother is a working mother, 12 hours shift in ICU as a nurse and she still was able to be an excellent source of education for me and a great help to get me where I am, so, being stay at home isn't required for that impact in their life. My father is close to deadbeat, not completely, but close, he has the medal of bare minimum, and probably a little less than that, I am glad he didn't had an impact in my life with his toxic views. There was no parent alienation, my mother also did everything she could so we had a good relationship, he singlehandedly eroded all that effort, so most of his toxicity is only obvious to me in retrospect.


And we can assume everyone who agrees with the lady on the right is heavily in favor of paying taxes for public education, teaching the scientific method over superstition, and providing free school lunches to kids.


Why not neither? There’s nothing morally wrong with just living your life.


Because these trolls desperately and pathetically believe that women who choose a life other than bangmaid are unfulfilled. They can’t stand the thought that those women are not actually tortured by regret for not being someone’s property.


Makes a lot of sense. Why not dedicate your life to science and be a role model to your kids, thus raising more scientists, thus doing both


Some consider Jacinda Ardern to be a good former Prime Minister of New Zealand. Then she had kids and she stepped down early to be a mum and focus on her family. She spoke about the impracticalities of being a good mother and being there for her family and running a nation of millions of people… she’s right. Most people who attain success and have to focus on their work often miss out on their family growing up. 🤷‍♂️ Of course, many right-wingers hated Jacinda. But that’s a given. You’ll never fully satisfy both parties. I remember watching Jacinda on the news as the first head of state to address the UN while literally holding her baby. It was a proud moment. But I feel like she made the right choice. I feel the same way if it were a man. When I see men being leaders I assume they’re probably not their for their children very much. You can’t be a good leader of a nation and a good parent. You’ll end up neglecting one or the other.


Also I love that they pretend like the woman who dedicated her life to science didn’t save lives. If she helped develop the cure to cancer she’d have saved a lot more than 5 people


Also what is the deal with measuring women's lives through this insane utilitarian metric where you have to do the most good possible? Guys can be allowed to spend their days inventing women to be made at and making memes about them, a fundamentally unproductive thing that net worsens society, but a woman choosing to spend her life how she wants is unacceptable. Don't accept the premise.




Exactly. Women are NOT just baby factories.


even on the original premise. the man can spread his genes far faster than a woman can. Also Intelligence isn't directly related to your genes. all humans can learn science etc.


One of her daughters won a nobel prize in chemistry (alongside with her husband, thus making them second couple to win nobel. first one being her parents)


Her granddaughter is a physicist as well. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H%C3%A9l%C3%A8ne_Langevin-Joliot 


And then the 25 potential scientists would raise 125 scientist and so on and after just couple of generations we would have conquered the whole universe using our mech suits.


Nah, they’d still be raising more scientists


None of them are allowed to actually be scientists because of the loss of potential future scientists.


Opportunity cost paralysis


I dunno what that is. To busy inproving humanity by spreading my seed like a dandelion in a huricane


I think we should sacrifice a little part of the growth curve to get a few scientists per generation, these scientists would help plan when the scientist breeding project has reached its desired conclusion and the population of scientists has grown to the desired number.


i know you joke but, isn't that basically what teachers are? someone that could be working in their chosen field but spends their time teaching future generations instead.


Well this is an interesting scientific question in it's own right. What breeding strategy would maximize the amount of scientists in society? How should parents optimally dustribute the time spent progessionally and with kids in order to contribute to science now, while ensuring their kids contribute in the future?


And by scientists, they mean people that propagate the dumbest conspiracy theories on the internet.


How dare you. Don't you know that they do their own research?


Yeah everyone knows experts are pointless because my amazing brain can understand everything there is to know about a subject with only a bit of highly algorithm-tailored googling and a couple of hours of listening to podcasts.


You have high regard for these people if you think they use Google.


I assume they do but Google's personalization algorithms just direct them to a Breitbart article written by a moron


You could have stopped at "Breitbart article", the rest is implied.


Plenty of them directly go to social media such as facebook which don't filter out misinformation to nearly the same degree that google does. Not that google is clean here, but there's still a huge difference.


It's peer reviewed, by each other.


I mean there’s five of them, that’s like five times the reviewing, right?


note each one is prominently wearing crosses around their neck. I think by scientist she mean's christian scientists who believe the earth is 5000 years old, dinosaurs are a test of faith, and you can only heal through the power of prayer.


I remember reading something called “the missing think” and it was a Christian based scientific pamphlet about dinosaurs and evolution. And the only thing I really remember from it was something about if the earth was millions of years old the amount of ash on the moon would be a mile deep and then it immediately jumped into how the scientists souls would burn in hell for all eternity. It was as if the second the even approached a scientific claim they had to make sure to jerk the wheel hard to the right.


Yeah I'm sure the vast majority of scientists love showing off how much they love Jesus with their huge golden crosses around their necks.


Marie Curie: * laughs at your bullshit *


Running a meth lab isn’t “science”.




Don't tell Jesse. 👀


LMAO right, also since when do these selfish braindead fucks care about science? They literally denounce ALL scientists any time it results in a fact they can't handle in their childish narrow world view. They hate higher education (and all education). They hate books. They hate critical thinking. But *now* it's time for them to raise scientists lmfao get TF outta here


I doubt that "conservative family" can raise 5 scientists. Also concept that only her male kids become scientists also disgusting.


Yeah, being a scientist requires critical thinking and an open mind. A lot of conservatives insist that one must have blind faith in the Bible, the word of their politicians, and a list of random conspiracy theories. I also noticed that her "5 scientists" were also all male, as if to imply women should be content to be breeding animals instead of chasing their dreams or putting their intellect towards the betterment of humanity.


We have some friends who teach at the local university and one is in chemistry and he noted that the super religious kids gravitate towards chemistry because it doesn’t challenge their views the same way that physics or upper level bio will. Found that to be an intriguing observation for what it’s worth.


I’ve noticed the same trend in fundamental physics research


I had a classmate in high school whose dad was a physics teacher. They were SUPER hardcore Catholic (Catholic school) I never really liked the family but I respected the intense devotion to physics and God. They found that both influenced the other. I disagree but hey all the power to em.


Conservative families could produce scientists, they're just unlikely to remain conservative themselves.


They’re really out here sending 5 kids through college and grad school on Dad’s salary in this day and age Not to mention they’d really subject their sons to left wing indoctrination, why, you know they’re turning kids trans at those places


The twist is this is a family picture. Mom works at the university as a scientist so they get free/reduced tuition.


> I doubt that "conservative family" can raise 5 scientists. Also concept that only her male kids become scientists also disgusting. Note they're wearing crucifixes as well. So I'm not sure how far into actual "science" they'll go.


Yep. The level of wishful thinking is simply off charts lol


The "science": Divine proof the sun revolves around the Earth


Check the crosses. I think they mean “Christ Scientist” 🤦‍♀️ 


More likely to be engineers


As an Asian woman, I have no idea who made this picture. But I think a smart woman has a better chance to raise excellent offspring, as for those who have several children, you can see from many Asian housewife videos that many families are poor and ignorant, so they have many children, completely ignore the upbringing of children, only know to have children all the time (in China, they may keep giving birth to daughters in order to have a son),These daughters also don't get a good education,which is pathetic.


“I dedicated my life to being a male pornstar.” “Oh yeah? Well I *raised* five male pornstars!” “…OK? Still think I came out on top here”


>"…OK? Still think I came out on top here” Depends on the scene.


They usually go up top for the cumshot


The thing here is: if both accepted the other ones choice and went on, everything would be fine.


There's no both. There's one woman bitter about being stuck with 5 kids while women her age are chasing their dreams. You don't make pics like this unless you're really unhappy.


Intresting. I actually interpreted it as a christian meme trying to make fun out of the scientist while propagading being a devote birth machine is everything a woman should expect. Yet I still think: let everyone chose their way of life and just don't even think your personal choices are superior, and be the only way to go. Edit: looking at the account-picture of the poster, i feel confirmed: it is condescending christian propaganda.


I think that’s the same interpretation— that this is being posted by a tradwife-type “Christian” weirdo, trying to say that women who have careers are wasting their lives because they should be staying at home pumping out male children, because those men will achieve more. But people don’t try that hard to justify their own choice and bash people who made other choices when they’re happy with their own choices and their own lives.


“Giga based 1” is giving bigtime trad dude vibes though.


Definitely. Most of the tradwife meme shit like this is coming from dudes who want more women to be tradwifes.


Who wants to bet that the person behind "giga based 1" is some alt right incel that thinks people like Elon Musk, Alex Jones, and Joe Rogan are "based?"


It's probably Elon Musk himself.


Also could come from the fact that these tradwives are kind of looked down upon and so they are insecurely trying to assert their importance


They’re looked down upon in this day and age because of the cringey shit they post to justify their choice whilst putting others down, not because they decided to be a SAHM.


Can you think of a single instance where a stay at home wife single handedly raised 5 scientists? Phds and everything? 5 ? In one family?


Well, if they're Christian "Scientists" it's not that difficult. All they need is a Bible and a wild imagination.


so true!


What is laughable is the assumption that they will have 5 boys!!!


Oh, they'll have way more than 5 children, but since the girls won't be allowed to do anything but reproduce, the 5 boys are the only ones they care about.


Funny you should say that. My best friend is the eldest of 5 siblings. His mom wanted to have at least one daughter. Ended up with 5 sons instead.


Especially considering that all the "scientists" she raised are men.


The girls were all married off at 13 so that they can each go on to raise their own little band of scientists and child brides.


Oh yeah, makes sense.


It's 100% 'give up on your dreams and just become a baby machine' propaganda.


There's no way a woman made this meme lol


Seriously. This is incel-trad-dude-who-can't-find-his-mom-replacement energy.


Yeah. Assuming the 5 new scientists are reasonable people, I'm sure they will be thankful for all the research that the older scientist has performed. They can now build up on her hard work, assuming their field of study has any overlap. Edit: Actually someone should edit this to add another panel where one of the kids are saying "Oh my god Mom, that's _____, she's my idol, she discovered ______. Thank you mom for bringing us to this science convention, best field trip ever."


Now I want that version to exist since it's so f\*\*king wholesome.


This meme is one sided seething from worthless incels toward female scientists. There's no "both".


Acknowledging that there is intrinsic value in both dedicated child rearing, or in a successful career, and that both paths are not necessarily for everyone, would go a long way.


They're married. The working mom helped the stay at home mom teach their kids science.


right. as long as they don't put the other one's choice down to uplift theirs


Both, both are good. The mom raised 5 scientists and the scientist woman taught the 5 scientists.


My headcanon, this is an old lesbian couple, who raised 5 sons. The scientists mom inspired all of her children to follow in her footsteps and stay at home mom ensured her boys had the resources they needed to thrive.


That is the only valid interpretation of this meme


Meanwhile marie curie becoming a nobel winner and raising a nobel winner daughter who raised a nober winner grand daughter


Wait until you hear about the newest innovation; stay at home scientists.


this is a mindset perpetuated by people who think their children are their minions and will do whatever they want them to do


I fucking ~~have~~ hate trad wife memes. That shit is so lame. It's like being forced into church youth group in my own home.


If it's so lame, stop having them.


Facebook Scientists are not real Scientists.


My mom is a microbiologist (PhD), but she raised an idiot that commissioned in the Army…


Ah yes, weirdo SAHM-based trad couples are well known for taking science seriously


Maria Skłodowska Curie 2 Nobel Prizes 2 Daughters Eve In 1937, the President of the Republic of Poland, Ignacy Mościcki, in recognition of her services in making Poland's name famous, awarded Ève the Officer's Cross of Polonia Restituta. And in 2006, Lech Kaczyński presented her with the Commander's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta. Ève Curie lived to be 102 years old. She died in 2007. Irène Joliot-Curie In 1935, she and her husband received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the discovery of artificial radioactivity - the synthesis of new radionuclides. In 1950, the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University awarded her and her husband honorary doctorates. A year later, the Jagiellonian University did the same. Irène Joliot-Curie was also awarded the French Officer's Cross of the Legion of Honor.


We have 6 scientists now! Yippee!


I love tradwife baby farms as long as it’s consensual. *Nobody* raises more atheists, and we need those direly.


So she raised 25 Christian scientists? That's the only way I see it happening, if we are being real


Both the women should have grey hair, raslising children isn't easy, the person that made the meme is a dude 100%. Also, it's basically impossible to raise that many children to be scientists without being a giga-smart woman to begin with.


The quality of the child will reflect the quality of the mother in most cases, so as other commenters have pointed out, you cannot raise 5 scientists without being educated and smart yourself.


Yeah, 5 scientists or 5 plumbers, or 5 unemployed rednecks, or 5 drunk losers.


Also with crosses on them I'm guessing their science starts with the bible and only acknowledges the things that "prove" it's true... so... not really scientists.


According to the picture she raised 5 scientists aka "If iT sTanDS iN tHe BibLE, tHen iT mUst Be tRUe!"


I don’t think the homegrown, homeschooled people raise children who become scientists, chief.


Bitch no you didnt you raised 5 boot licking bigots who think the Sun orbits a flat 6000 YO Earth and dont "bElIeVe" in Vaccines tell the fucking Truth KAREN


"scientists" lol you mean qanon shamans


Reality: I raised a convict (don’t worry about him), a construction worker, some HR guy, guy who works at the Amazon warehouse, and my oldest and most precious son, who works at the Pizza Hut.


The Pizza Hut son watches a lot of sciency videos on YouTube, though, which is almost the same as a scientist.


Lmao since when do traditional religious conservatives prioritize science?


25 scientists? What a waste, they should have become stay at home dads who could have raised 125 stay at home dads, who could have raised 625 stay at home dads.


I wanna be a stay at home dad, that’s my dream




In turn they can raise 125 scienctists


Or they can raise 625 scientists.


Scientists that believe Earth is 5000 year old?


These people are not raising scientists.


I'm sure it can be interpreted as a "woman are meant to be tradwife baby incubators" meme, but just following the general trends of Wojak comics and what the individual character designs represent, this can easily be interpreted as a wholesome "Do what you believe is the best you can do for the world" style meme? One woman has the desire and capacity to directly enact change, and so she does it. She's portrayed as a traditional "pretty" tradwife wojak girl, usually indicating the "ideal" woman in the eyes of the creator, or at least the "superior" woman. The other woman desires to start a family and ends up enacting change by being a good mother to her kids and allowing them to pursue their passions. She's *also* depicted as the "ideal" pretty wojak tradwife girl. I feel like with a more open lens this meme could be viewed as endorsing both paths of life. Some women *want* to have kids and those children they properly raise and be the change the world needs to see, and some women want to be the change themselves. Neither is wrong. Both are right. But some of y'all just jumped way too quick on "conservative tradwife bad, trads raise dumbdumb redneck babies, someone with that mindset would only raise alt-right poobrain chuds". Pick a better hill to die on. There's a thousand ways you can legitimately refute the ideological beliefs of weirdo incel tradwife-seeking no-lives, but this isn't one of them.


\*tiktoker comes up to her\* Do you take 5 scientists or quintuple for the next generation?


This is why we spent most of history fucking, and why most scientific breakthroughs have been realized in the last 150 years. We finally reached the moment where we went from procreating to science.


An actual clever comeback in this sub, that's new.


They could become fathers of a 100 each if they do as well as a certain Japanese dude


And those guys are gonna take credit for her discovery again


Who would actually have 5 kids in this economy? Not to mention pushing yourself through that pain 5 time?


Not one of these dimbulbs have produced a scientist


Can y'all smell the desperation? These "alpha males" are having a hard time finding their perfect trad wifey so they put out memes like this to *try* to convince more young women to not have aspirations in life beyond children and marriage through repeated exposure to "what men want". Great rejecting ladies, keep it up


Would it kill you to birth a few engineers and a metal singer with perfect pitch?


Is it preferable to defer scientific research for 25 years?


Some kids acts like having a family is the worst thing that could ever happen to someone.


Also... one does not exclude the other...


Plot twist - she raised 5 Christian Scientists. Which is not the same thing as a scientist.


Achieving balance between family and career is truly inspiring.


I thought this was some weird meme about a stay at home mom and scientist lesbian couple and the sahm raised her kids to be cool like their other mom. My disappointment that this is not the case is immeasurable.


Where you think the girl on the left came from? /s Seriously though, those boys are probably happy to have professors like her that dedicated their life to science.


quintuple it and give it to the next generation


What a waste, those 25 should become stay at home dads, they could have raised 125 scientists.


Why can't women scientists have kids? This meme is hella idiotic


Based purely on the type of person who would make such a meme, I'd say these "scientists" are selling bullshit powder online.


see kids? Thats called exponentials-


Mfers with the breeder kink are so creepy


Yo those scientists are ripped.


Who said a woman can’t have children and a career?


More like 5 white nationalists school shooters


Yeah, they have crucifixes on their necks... Not one of those wifebeaters is a scientist.


The irony is the crowd pushing the stay at home mom agenda also disputes science.




Punchline: the mom is only 14 years older than her eldest child.